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       9691. A Proposed method for designing an intelligent system for optical handwritten character recognition
Jyoti Mahajan and Rohini Mahajan
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Information Technology
       9692. A survey of the effect pharmacotherapy and to use pleasant events of depressed womans in Iran
Javad Tajar and Farhad Tajar
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Pharmacy
       9693. Application Functional equations on quasigroups
Ebrahim Nazari, Mariam Khaki, Faraj Allah Mohammadi, Leila Azizikhangahi, HussainQadri, Behrooz Karami and Ezatollah Aghaei
Abstract | Pdf Category : Mathematical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Mathematics
       9694. Comparative evaluation of nutritive values of seeds, kernels and defatted products of indigenous Jatropha Curcas cultivated in Ghana as possible feed source for livestock
Chikpah Solomon K and Bawa Demuyakor
Abstract | Pdf Category : Life Sciences    |   Sub Category : Food Science
       9695. Dr. A. Sasi Kumar joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 4th July 2016
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9696. Dr. Jagdish Labhubhai Kakadiya joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 28th September 2013
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9697. Dr. M.V. Raghavendra Rao joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 15th June 2016
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9698. Dr. Maulin Pramod Shah joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 26th February 2016
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9699. Dr. Murtaza Kamal joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 3rd October 2015
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9700. Dr. Praveen Agarwal joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 16th December 2015
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members