Mental health of secondary school female students Gvavr
The research paper is to examine the impact on the mental health trust in God has Gvavr area high school female students. According to the hypothesis proposed correlation method for data analysis and Pearson correlation method were used. Statistical Society: Gvavr area high school female students. Sample of about 100 students who were randomly selected. Data from two religious attitude questionnaire (24 questions) and general health (27 items) is obtained. The results indicate a significant relationship between trust in the Lord and mental health of high school girl students is Gvavr area. Whatever religious faith and reliance on God is greater than their mental health and self-reliance is the best means to procure mental.
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Modernize the logo of the brand loyalty of customers (Case study: Iran Khodro)
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the new logo of the brand loyalty of the customer (in the case of vehicles), respectively. Descriptive study - an analysis of the survey is. The study population consisted of all car owners who have bought a car from Iran Since the total population of over 100 thousand people are The 384 samples were selected according to Morgan. Since there is no standard questionnaire for this study Therefore, a number of questions from the Latin sources and questionnaires were developed with the guidance counselor. Then, using descriptive and inferential statistics and SPSS software to analyze the collected data. Analysis of the data shows That All research hypotheses are confirmed And Iran is the new logo of the car and there is a significant relationship between customer loyalty.
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Mr. Shrotri Amod Pandurang joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 27th February 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 27th February 2016, Mr. Shrotri Amod Pandurang has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Shrotri Amod Pandurang working as an Associate Professor, P.V.P.I.T. Budhgaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India. The appointment of Mr. Shrotri Amod Pandurang as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Need for autonomy as moderator of relationship between leadership behaviors of principals and their faculty outcomes: a path-goal approach
This study was designed to test the path-goal theory of leadership in an educational setting. It investigated the relationship among directive and participative leadership behavior of degree college principals, and faculty job satisfaction, acceptance of leader and job expectancies, moderated by teachers’ need for autonomy. The questionnaire comprised of a combination of instruments measuring directive and participative leadership styles, need for autonomy and all three subordinate outcomes along with two scales for measuring role ambiguity and stress of the principals for controlling their affects. MANCOVA was used to know the moderating affect of need for autonomy on the relationship of leadership style and subordinates’ outcomes controlling the effect of role ambiguity and stress of the principals. Findings indicated that the need for autonomy differentially affected subordinate outcomes relationships with directive and participative leader behaviors. Two out of six hypotheses were according to the predictions of theory. All the results of the study were discussed in relation to the path-goal theory.
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Principals’ and teachers’ use of conflict management strategies on secondary students’ conflict resolution in rivers state- Nigeria
The study was designed to identify the principals’ and teachers’ level of utilization of conflict management strategies: integrating, dominating, compromising and avoiding strategies on secondary students’ conflict resolution and their related implications in the internal school administration. Four research questions and four hypotheses addressed the study. The instrument used for the generation of data was the Secondary Students and Conflict Management Strategies Questionnaire (SECONSQ). A sample of 7 principals and 147 teachers were randomly selected from a target population of 14 principals and 294 teachers in Government Junior Secondary Schools in Port Harcourt Local Government Area of Rivers State. Tables were constructed, frequency counts, percentage and means computed to provide answers to the research questions. The results revealed that the principals uses the integrating and compromising strategies more frequently than the teachers;the teachers level in the use of avoiding strategies is higher than that of the principals, and teachers tends to overlook to a large extent the use of dominating strategies in the management of students’ conflict. Based on these findings the paper concluded that school managers are beginning to understand the legal implications associated in their administrative duties bordering on students’ management. It was thus recommended that, relevant institutional frameworks should be appropriately put in place to enable the principals and teachers further appreciate the emerging ideas and innovations concerning students’ conflicts management in schools. Key words: Principal, Teacher, Conflict, Conflict resolution, Conflict management, Conflict strategy.
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Social values of the novel on the extinction of Karanth
Yashvanta's ideas about love in a male-female relationship are enriched by a similar worldview, which is a one-person example of 'humanism'. The truth of the other must be the truth that instills faith in human humanity. Shivaram Karant has contributed many plays and works to Kannada literature. Shivaram Karantara's son-in-law is the main source here. Another facet of Karantara's expertise is the novel's time system, which moves from the present to the past, from the past to the present to the future. Though a serious work, Karantara's sense of humor is not lost here either. The narrator of the novel has given a lot of human value to the people in the society.
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Strategical Survey of Wireless Based Target Detection and Classification System Using seismic and PIR Sensors
Wireless based target detection can also be used to detect the vehicles and human or animals. These systems are usually lightweight devices that automatically monitor the local activities in-situ, and transfer target detection and classification reports to the processing center through wireless. It is necessary that the monitoring system at borders must prove to be more efficient. This system based on Seismic sensor and PIR sensor is designed to find the target which is moving on the ground.Ref[1,2,3,4] In the existing system the Unattended Ground Sensors are used in target detection. The efficiency of the existing system is limited by false alarm rates. Also power consumption becomes a consideration in the existing system. In the proposed system PIR and seismic sensors are used in target detection. The PIR Sensor is used to track down whether the moving object is living body or machine. If it is living body, the seismic sensor is used to track down whether it is human being or animal based on the absorbed signals. If it is vehicle, then seismic sensor is used to classify the type of vehicle moving on the ground. All these process are monitored and controlled using PIC16F877A microcontroller. The status is sent through GSM as a message to the Mobile Section.
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Study of the win – win approach in claims management related to construction contracts
The important issue concerning claims management is that the question of claims in contract agreements is an inevitable one and , hence, under present circumstances , where many faults are found in the process of signing contract agreements and in questions relating to the execution phase of contracts, the idea of their elimination does not appear to be a reasonable one. From among the problems faced in eliminating these claims, reference can be made to the present shortcomings in the general conditions of contracts and to the very noticeably slow progress made in the study and design phases of contracts. The purpose in writing this article was to offer strategies for selecting the win – win approach by parties to contracts for the whole duration of the projects from the start of the study phase to the end of the utilization period. It was necessary to conduct this research because many projects run into crises due to inappropriate management of claims laid and only result in wasting national resources.
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The role of self-conscious emotions (shame proneness and guilt proneness) and attributive styles in predicting general psychiatric symptoms
The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between self-conscious emotions (shame proneness and guilt proneness) with attributive styles and general psychiatric symptoms. The method of the study is correlational descriptive and participants were 165 subjects (90 male subjects and 75 female) among BA students at University of Allam-e Tabatabaei randomly selected by multistage cluster sampling. We used the test of self-conscious emotion (TOSCA),¬ attributive styles ¬questionnaire (ASQ) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) for collecting information. Data were analyzed by using one-sample T test, Pearson correlation and multiple regression method. Results showed that the female subjects were more prone to feel shame and guilt and they used general and stable attributive styles in unpleasant situations. Shame proneness was positively related to depressive attributive styles. Guilt proneness was merely related to general-specific attributive styles. General-specific attributive styles, shame-proneness and internal-external attributive styles were the significant predictors of general symptoms. This variable accounted 20% of the total variance of general symptoms. Conclusion: shame-proneness, general and internal attributive styles can predict general symptoms.
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Voice of the Oppressed: Dr. Siddhalingaiah
Holea Madigara Song" is the voice of rebellion against the plight, helplessness, pain of the oppressed buried in the depth of human cruelty. Dr. Siddalingaiah Chose poetry medium to express his anger and anger about the inequalities in the society, Siddalingaiah. "As a Dalit poet, he found pain, suffering and injustice in all walks of life and showed the reality in his poems. Most of his poems that tell the harsh truth stand at the turning point of life. His literary inspiration is the reason for the birth of Dalit literary rebel literature.
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