Investigation of the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Secondary School Teachers in Robat Karim City
The present study was conducted to examine the relationship between psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among Secondary school teachers in the city of Rabat Karim through descriptive survey. Statistical population were 1753 people among Secondary school teachers in the city of Rabat Karim which 156 subjects (90 females and 66 males) with sampling alternating to the volume were selected based on Cochran's formula. Tools used in this study consisted of Aspirytzer's psychological empowerment questionnaire, Smith's job satisfaction questionnaire, Kendall and Holin as well as organizational commitment questionnaire of Alan and Meyer. The reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. Correlation test and stepwise Regression was used for data analysis. Pearson correlation test results indicate that psychological empowerment and its subscales (significance), self-determination has a positive and significant relationship with job satisfaction at the level of p <./.1. Results also indicated that there was no significant relationship between feelings of competence and job satisfaction (r = 0/044, p = 0/624). In order to more closely examine the relationship between psychological empowerment and job satisfaction among components of psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, the results indicated that job satisfaction has a positive and significant relationship with self-determination (r = 0/55, p = 0/000), feeling of efficacy (r = 0/42, p = 0/000) and significance level (r = 0/207, p = 0/02). well as the results of the Pearson correlation test showed that there not exists a significant relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment of teachers r = 0/12, p = 0/181)), the result is that in the development of psychological empowerment and job satisfaction of teachers is increased and it will be certainly followed with the enhanced quality of education.
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The Role of Involvement and Employment in Perception of Stress and Coping Abilities of Women
The primary purpose of the present investigation is to examine the role of involvement and employment in the perception of stress and coping abilities of married women. The study involves 2 (working versus non-working) x 2 (involved versus less-involved) factorial design. Non-working women are categorized into involved and less-involved subgroups on the basis of the median split of their scores on family involvement. Working women are categorized into similar subgroups on the basis of the median split of their combined scores on family involvement and work involvement. The participants of all the four groups are compared with respect to their perception of stress and coping abilities . The result indicated that involved women perceived less stress and indicated more coping abilities in personal, family and finance related matters and also in overall stressful encounters. The finding also revealed that working women perceived more stress in personal and family related events where as non-working women perceived more stress in finance related events. The overall level of stress experienced by working women is also higher than that of the non-working women.
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The relationship of job demands and job control in job design on job stress and subjective well–being of Isfahan Petrochemical Company personnel in Iran
The main purpose of this research is to determine the effect of job demand and job control in job design on job stress and subjective well-being. The population of the research was all the personnel of Isfahan Petrochemical Company in Iran from which 151 persons were randomly selected via simple random technique. The research method was correlational. To gather the required data, the following three instruments were used: Job Design Questionnaire of Wall, Jackson and Mullarkey (1995), Subjective Well-being Questionnaire of Mollavi (1386), and Job Stress of Eliot (1994). The obtained data were analyzed via one group MANOVA and multiple regressions. The findings were as follow: The relationships between job demand with job stress (P < 0.05) and positive affect (P < 0.01) were significant. Also, the relationships between job control with job stress (P < 0.01), subjective well-being (P < 0.01), positive affect (P < 0.01) and negative affect (P < 0.01) were significant. In the current research, employees were categorized as the Technical, Support and General staff. The results of subgroup analysis via one- way ANOVA showed that the job stress and subjective well-being of three groups have a significant difference.
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The music - means of achieving the psycho diagnostic and therapeutic objectives for alexithymic patients
The problems of adaptation and of reduced possibilities of expression and externalizing of the psychic or somatic suffering of alexithymic patients is a special attention among specialists, being outlined a set of measures taken to reduce these deficiencies. One of the methods with curative potential on the human psyche is the music therapy, which offers endless possibilities for improving somatic and mental suffering. The interest for this art grows, more so when the latest researches finds many advantages attributable to the music, this being achieved thanks to the action of sound vibrations on the cerebral cortex, which may serve as a means of stimulation and potentiation of some intellectual and affective processes. However, the music can accomplish the major goal in achieving a cathartic process, acting as a purifier to the accumulated negative emotions, present in alexithymic patients . To develop a deeper perspective into communicative sphere, invite you to the reflection on the influence of musicby designing an intervention process in the future and awareness of how this can be done. Keywords: alexithymia, music therapy, emotional catharsis, music diagnosis.
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Development of occupational stress scale for medical doctors working in the teaching hospitals
Present study was carried out to develop and validate a research instrument for the measurement of occupational stress among the medical doctors working in teaching hospitals. Review of literature was done and focus group discussions were held in order to generate items for the instrument. Initially item pool thus gathered, constituted of 80 items falling under the dimensions of psychological, physiological, social adjustment and personal life. After qualitative item analysis the items were reduced to 61 in order the establish reliability and validity of the statement empirically 61 statements were administered on 150 doctors working in teaching hospitals situated in Rawalpindi region namely Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Hospital, Holy Family Hospital and Fauji Foundation Hospital. The data was subjected to prinicipal factor analysis; as a result five factors were extracted called subscales. Psychometric properties and percentile norm were determined for the final occupational stress scale for the medial doctors. Finding demonstrates that 44 items OSSMD is a reliable and valid instrument to be used to the measurement of occupational stress of the medical doctors working in the hospitals.
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The moderating role of intrinsic motivation to know on the relationship between novelty seeking and video game playing
The present study investigated the moderating role of adolescent’s intrinsic motivation to know on the relationships between novelty seeking and video game playing among 400 Iranian adolescents. Results showed that novelty seeking was significantly related to video game for adolescents who have high level on intrinsic motivation to know. The Current findings highlight the importance the motivation of game on personality traits and video game.
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English language teaching and the inculcation of the associated personal and social trimmings in communication
There is a great number of attributes behind the verbal communication that make it proper, appropriate, sensible, necessary, formal, presentable and endurable. This paper presents the aspects that regulate the mind of a communicator and influence the efficiency level of the communication. It also studies the condition of the students with a clear relevance to the objectives of the language teaching programmes and the innate cognition characteristically developed in the art of verbal communication. In this way it will be assisting the language teacher to emulate an effective supplementation that would be appropriate for the same.
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Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking as Risk Factors for Adolescents Sexual Risk Taking Behavior in Kisumu, Kenya
The study examined the extent to which impulsivity and sensation seeking predispose adolescents to sexual risk taking in Kisumu, Kenya. The study was carried out in Kisumu Municipality being one of the leading regions in Kenya in HIV prevalence (15%), a likely indication of high sexual risk taking. A sample size of 384 was drawn from a population of 10,278 secondary school students, but only 357 completed the study questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics while the qualitative data was summarized thematically. The male respondents comprised of 156 (43.7%) while the female respondents were 201 (56.3%). The results indicated that about half the adolescents in the study were highly impulsive and sensational seekers predisposing them to take up risks. Sensation seeking was a better predictor of sexual risk taking than impulsivity especially among the male adolescents, while impulsivity was a better predictor among female respondents. The study recommended that behavioral and communication strategies being developed for adolescents should be gender differentiated since male and female adolescents respond differently to the different aspects of sexual risk taking behaviors.
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Stress level and its influencing factors among employees in a plastic manufacturing and the implication towards work performance
Stress has been viewed as an inevitable consequence of work life. A worker will fell stress when his or her does not match their job requirements. Work stress come from a variety of sources and it can affect people in different ways. In the report The Scale of Occupational Stress (Smith et al., 2000 in Jeremy, 2005) it was estimated that there were 5 million workers suffering the high level of stress at work. The study shows the important outcomes that approximately one in five workers reported stress arising from work. There were cause by excessive workloads or lack of managerial support, ill health and back pain, together with certain health related activities such as smoking and alcohol intake.
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The interplay of locus of control and Iranian EFL high school learner`s language achievement
Locus of control in social psychology refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationships between locus of control (LOC) orientation and high school student`s language achievement. The dichotomous categorization of Internals and Externals was taken into account. The participants of this study were 121 high school students in the second, third and pre university grades in a two high school of Iran. The instrument used in the study was the revised version of Julian Rotters` locus of control (2003) which identified internal and external orientations. The participants’ English scores were regarded as the measure of their achievement. A questionnaire consisting of 29 items was administered to all 121 students. Responses were analyzed through one way and two way ANOVA, the regression analysis, the independent t-test and chi-square and linear regression analysis to determine the means on two sets of scores. The findings of this study showed a significant relationship between locus control and achievement of high school students in Iran. The findings can be used by English as a Foreign Language, students, teachers, curriculum developers, syllabus designers and testing specialists.
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