Assessment of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. G.H. B.-1under FLD in Panchmahal district of Western India
Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is an important solanaceous crop of tropics and sub tropics. An extensive survey of brinjal growers was carried to know the constraints in brinjal cultivation. The lack of suitable HYVs, technical knowhow, quality irrigation water and plant protection was the four most important factors which were found to be responsible for low productivity. To fulfil this gap a FLD (front line demonstrations) was designed during 2012-2013 on Brinjal cv. Gujarat Hybrid Brinjal-1 at ten selected farmer’s field. The main objective of FLD was to popularize good agriculture practices (GAP) among the farmers. The yield of Brinjal cv. GHB-1 was recorded 270.80q/ha from demonstration plots as compared to local check (195.50qt/ha). The percentage increase in yield over local check was demonstrated in variety GHB-1 (38.51). The highest gross return, net return and cost benefit ratio were recorded Rs. 1, 02,300 /ha, Rs. 60,100/ha and 2.42 as compared to local check respectively. The “mean knowledge score” of farmers was increased significantly by 32.42% after implementation of frontline demonstrations.
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Backend design of LMS adaptive filter using cadence tools
We have dealt with the Backend design of LMS algorithm in Cadence tools. The LMS algorithm is used for the purposes of Polyharmonic Power Calibrator, Active phase cancellation of Hostile radars, and Noise cancellation. We have implemented the algorithm into VLSI technology using Verilog HDL, designed, simulated, and synthesized it using Xilinx Spartan3 3s400pq208 and the backend design is done using Cadence tools. The backend design for the LMS adaptive filter is done using RTL-GDSII So C encounter system and the So C design of the LMS algorithm had a power consumption of 32mW, timing slack of about 14ps and the design frequency is about 4.2Mhz also it uses an area of about 9753microns with a core size of about Ratio (H/W) 0.9204437. It is found that the backend implementation to be more efficient than the other methods of implementation.
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Butlerian Theory of Subjectivity in Annie Proulx’s Fine Just the Way It Is
The present article is an attempt to study Annie Proulx’s short story collection: Fine Just the Way It Is in the light of Judith Butler’s concepts of vulnerability and gender performativity. According to Butler, all bodies are manipulated by regulatory norms and existing cultural power to perform a predefined gender role as well as vulnerable from the start to the world of others. By exploring the stories through Butlerian concepts of gender performativity and vulnerability, this article presents that Proulx’s characters not only gain their recognition in a political project through following their gender performativity, but also experience the collective condition of vulnerability to the socioeconomic structures as well as conditioned by power. Therefore, this analysis inevitably seeks to particularize the way Proulx’s characters portray the norms of performativity which have to be performed in order to be recognized in social realm through ‘desire’ and ‘enactment’. Furthermore, by paralyzing Butler’s concept of vulnerability to the literary pieces, the present study delineates the situations in which characters experience ‘violence’, ‘insecurity’, and ‘lack of autonomy’ instigated by interdependency and imposed conventions of social structures.
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Cannabis in Morocco before and during the French protectorate: A medical history
The history of cannabis in Morocco goes back several centuries. Its consumption was subject to social norms limiting its market as well as its impact on society. The advent of the protectorate (1912-1956) made cannabis an economic product of great value through a monopoly of its cultivation and marketing despite the undeniable impact on public health. This article traces the history of cannabis in Morocco from its earliest origins, passing through multiple historical events that marked the place of this product in Moroccan society and finally pausing on the great change that will experience the cultivation and consumption of cannabis under the protectorate.
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Carotid web: a case report and literature review
A carotid web (CW), an atypical fibromuscular dysplasia, is rare and may cause ischemic stroke. It is challenging to recognize a carotid web promptly and treat it accordingly. We report a case of young man who has no history of stroke, and initially consulted for vertigo and cervical plusatility sensation.
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Cassava production and technical efficiency in ayedaade local government area of osun state, Nigeria
This study analysed the efficiency of resource use in cassava production in Ayedaade Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. It focused on the socio-economic characteristics of cassava farmers, input-output relationship and the efficiency of resource use in cassava production. Data were collected from a random sampling of 120 cassava farmers using pre-tested questionnaire. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, regression technique and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). Result showed that the average age of the respondents was 49 years;average year of schooling was 7 and average households’ size consistsof 7 members. The result further revealed that the average farm size of the respondents was 4.59 hectares. The double-Log function of the multiple regression analysis gave best fit with R2 of 92.3% and it indicated that farm size, hired labour used, quantity of herbicides and fertilizer used significantly influenced cassava output. For the efficiency analysis, farm size (ha), cost of factor input and chemicals (fertilizers and herbicides) used per hectares were the major determinants of farm level efficiency among the cassava farm households in the study area.
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Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images
This paper presents change detection approach for synthetic aperture radar images based on log and mean ratio operators, image fusion and a novel fuzzy local information c means Clustering algorithm. The two multi-temporal SAR images are subjected to ratio operators. The log ratio operator is used to produce the difference image with enhanced low intensity pixels. The mean ratio operator suppresses the unchanged region and improves the homogeneity of the changed region. The difference image is then subjected to image fusion. To improve the intensity of the background pixels Wavelet based image fusion technique is used. The fused image is then subjected to a novel fuzzy algorithm which is Reformulated Fuzzy Local Information C Means Clustering Algorithm. Finally the total number of pixels varied from the difference image is calculated. The kappa and Percentage of correct classification values are more than other algorithms.
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Characterization of plantain banana cropping systems in peasant farms in the Alibuku region around Kisangani, DR Congo
The purpose of this study was to characterize plantain banana cropping systems on peasant farms near Kisangani, DR Congo. In order to achieve the expected results, a survey based on a semi-structured questionnaire was done among 60 farmers and banana fields. In addition to the interview with the farmers, a direct observation was also made in the fields of plantain banana in order to complete the information obtained from the farmers. The results obtained indicate that agriculture is the main survival activity and plantain banana rest the priority crop that takes place mainly in primary or secondary forests. For majority of plantain banana farmers, the fields are burned and occupy from 2 to 3 ha. In terms of types of cropping, polyculture is largely used by the majority of plantain banana producers and the plantain-maize, plantain-cassava and plantain-rice are the most frequent intercropping in the area. Compared to the field duration of plantain banana, the maximum time is 5 years and the techniques adopted by the farmers to maintain the plantain are regular maintenance of the field and destruction of diseased or attacked plants, maintenance of certain standing trees and accumulation of plant debris around the tuft.
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Chemical Reaction Effect on MHD Flow in Porous Media Past an Impulsively Started Oscillating Vertical Plate with Variable Mass Diffusion and Constant Wall Temperature in the Presence of Hall Current.
In the present paper, chemical reaction effect on MHD flow in porous media past an impulsively started oscillating vertical plate with variable mass diffusion and constant wall temperature in the presence of Hall current is studied here. The fluid considered is an electrically conducting. The Laplace transform technique has been used to find the solutions for the velocity, Sherwood number and skin friction. The velocity profile, heat transfer and mass diffusion have been studied for different parameters like Schmidt number, Hall parameter, magnetic parameter, chemical reaction parameter, mass Grashof number, thermal Grashof number, Prandtl number, and time. The effect of various parameters are shown graphically and the value of the skin-friction and Sherwood number for different parameters has been tabulated.
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Children's Psychology Development
The child is a gift given to each couple. Their growth process from children to adults plays an important role in shaping their personal qualities and behaviors. This reading is carried out in order to determine how the nature of the child is formed from a baby. This study emphasizes the child's development from the angle of cognitive and personality.
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