Advanced Traffic Monitoring and Congestion Control using Embedded System
Now-a-days traffic congestion has become the biggest problem in the developing cities. This could become even worse in future, if the conventional method of traffic system is followed. So, our project focuses on a smart traffic control system. The proposed system is more efficient than the conventional system in respect of less waiting time, preventing accidents due to over speed and efficient operation during emergency mode. The proposed system makes use of sensor network and microcontroller Arduino UNO. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. Portable Inductive Proximity sensors are used. There is no need to embed these sensors in the road. Instead these devices can be placed next to the roadway and measure traffic in the immediately adjacent lane. Using this sensor system, traffic signal are opened and closed depending upon the vehicle density in each lane. Vehicle counting, classification into heavy and light vehicles and detection of over speed vehicles can all be performed using this sensor system. A LCD display is used to display vehicle count. After over speed detection, an alert message can be sent to the nearby police station using GSM SIM900.All the emergency vehicles are equipped with RFID tag. We use RFID reader, NSK EDK-125–TTL and Arduino Uno to read the RFID tags attached to the emergency vehicle. So this enables the emergency vehicle to reach hospital on time without delay. A voice output is provided in the traffic signal which keeps intimating about the last few seconds left for the traffic light to turn green. This will help the impaired people in road crossing.
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An empirical analysis of Factors of Mechanism of Corporate Governance and Bank-Specific Factors affecting the performance of selected Indian Banks.
An organized Banking sector of any country act as a catalyst for the economic development of the country, Indian Banking sector is the most important component of Indian financial system which work on many dimensions for the economic development of the country including mobilization of savings to the Indian financial system through wide network of Branch Banking that leads to availability of funds to investment purposes and capital formation for the developing country like India, where as the performance of Indian banking sector is not up to the mark from more than five years, so the present study aim is to examined the effect of bank’s specific ratios and selected parameters of corporate governance mechanism on Earning per Share (EPS) of selected eight Indian banks. Earnings per share (EPS) has taken as dependent variables to know financial performance of eight selected Indian Banks. Whereas gross nonperforming assets (GNPA) and Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) were taken as bank specific independent variables, On the other hand board independency (BIND), Frequency of board meeting (FBM) and capital adequacy ratio (CAR) were considered as parameters of corporate governance. The present research using Panel multiple regression techniques to analyze the factors affecting the earning per share (EPS) during the period 2010 – 2019, On the basis of Hausman test the null hypothesis - random effect model is appropriate is rejected due to (p<0.05)and alt hypothesis-fixed effect model was accepted and found appropriate for the model applied for the study. The study revealed the following result¬- Board independency (BIND) is positively related with the earning per share but statistically insignificant but frequency of bard meetings (FBM) and dividend payout ratio (DPR) are positively related with the EPS as well as statistically significant, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and gross non-performing assets (GNPA) are negatively related with EPS but CAR is insignificant and GNPA is statistically significant.
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An empirical investigaion of the determinants of bank executives compensation in Nigeria
In this study we investigated the determinants of executive compensation in some selected quoted banks in Nigeria. The study used eight (8) banks which were drawn from the quoted banks in Nigeria that disclosed executive compensation from 2005 to 2010 in their annual financial report. In identifying the determinants of banks executive compensation in Nigeria using our sampled banks, we conducted pooled OLS and panel data fixed and random effect regression analysis. In all, our results based on the Hausman test shows that the panel regression model best explains bank executive compensation in the selected quoted banks in Nigeria and that bank size (total asset) and profitability are two key factors that determine positively, the compensation of banks executives in Nigeria. This study recommends that further studies be conducted in this area using SEC filling to increase the data on executive compensation.
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An outlook about evolution modeling of small world brain functional network simulating memory connection mechanism
In order to understand the character of the brain functional network, we propose a new evolution model to simulate the mechanism of the brain network. With the reference of the memory mechanism, the network was set up by the compression path algorithm and displayed good effect of its characteristic on degree distribution, average path length and clustering coefficient, especially on community.
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An overview of Blend of Casting Process and Powder Metallurgy Technique as an alternative for manufacturing
The combination of Casting and Powder Metallurgy can promote refined and more uniform microstructures which can result in improved properties and higher isotropy of material. The potential of such blending can be studied by using three important processes viz. Osprey Process, Ceracon Process and Slip Casting Process. These processes can be compared on the basis of microstructure, Austenitizing temperature, and Hardness with Scanning electron microscopy and can be related with conventional processes of manufacturing.
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Anti-seizure potential determination of parsonsia straminea stem bark ethanol extract in mice
Seizure have known to occur in various countries across the globe in different dimension as recorded according to the factors. Some of the countries mostly affected are the low income nations with little or no adequate medical treatment access. Such group of disadvantaged community depends more on natural medicine for health maintenance, treatment and cure. Methodology. The plant Parsonsia straminea was sourced from the Wilberforce Island rain forest, Nigeria and herbarium identification number, NDUP/21/001 was given in the Department called Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicine in Niger Delta University, Nigeria. The collected plant was processed with 70 % ethanol extraction. The study is designed as sub-acute, repetitive dose for 15 days (PTZ & STC) and 21 days for electroshock (kindling). The study was grouped as: control (VEH), 50, 100, 200, 400 & 800 mgkg-1 (P.O) of Parsonsia straminea stem bark ethanol extract. The most pharmacologically preferred dose was used for possible GABA-receptors targeted study. Result. The crude drug of the Parsonsia straminea stem bark ethanol extract suggests anti-seizure potential with no sedating effect. Conclusion. The result is a possible promise for anti-seizure management especially in the low income nations that have more access to traditional medicine with narcolepsy management advantage.
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Antioxidant potency of essential oil extract from Lantana camara growing in central region of Ghana.
Essential oils have been used in cuisine as spices or herbs as well as in fragrance, cosmetics, and medicine since ancient times. Although their primary usage in the nineteenth century was as additives for scent and flavor, their original application was in medicine. In this study, essential oil was extracted from fresh leaves of Lantana camara using hydro-distillation procedure. The yield of the oil obtained was 12.68g which represented a 2.54% yield. Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry Analysis of the oil revealed that the essential oil from Lantana camara contains total of 76 compounds representing 99.40% of the oil with (E)- Caryophyllene as the predominant compound in the oil extract constituting 20.6%. The total flavonoid was determined as well as the Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) of the essential oil extract of the Lantana camara was examined using UV-Vis spectrophotometer according to the phosphomolybdenum assay. Also, the free radical scavenging activity of the essential oil extract was then determined using the DPPH assay. A comparison of the total phenolic content (TPC) and the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of the oil extract indicated a slight difference in activity of the TAC than the TPC, meaning there are more phenolic contents present in the oil extract, with a lower antioxidant capacity. Its (Lantana camara) widespread usage as a medicinal plant with the curative effect against a variety of diseases and conditions is supported by the presence of antioxidant qualities in the essential oil.
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Assessment of sullage chemical properties treated with activated carbon from selected agrowaste
Sullage was treated using activated carbon from selected agrowastes (rice husk, corn cob and coconut husk). Agrowastes were carbonized at 600oC and chemically activated using phosphoric acid (H3PO4), and then used as adsorbents for the removal of chemical compounds: pH, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), nitrate (NO3-), phosphate (PO4-), chloride (Cl-) and sulphate (SO42-) using titration and spectrophotometer methods. Initial concentration of the chemical parameters of sullage samples showed COD to be 486.2±87 mg/l, BOD, 175.0±3.1 mg/l; pH, 7.33±0.1; Cl-, 31.0±5.5 mg/l; NO3-, 28.6±24 ppm; PO4-, 7.08±3.2 ppm and SO42-, 347.08±67.1 ppm. After treatments, COD ranged from 122.2±10 - 190.5±25 mg/l, BOD, 44.0±3.5 – 68.6.0±9.0 mg/l, pH, 7.08±0.1 - 7.18±0.1, Cl-, 17.28 - 21.13 mg/l, NO3-, 0.0 - 12.79 ppm and sulphate 117.7 - 251.7 ppm. There was significant difference (p?0.05) between the untreated and the treated sullage samples. The efficiency of the individual adsorbents in reducing the chemical parameters was of this order: ricehusk > corncob > coconut husk. In combination it was, rice husk+corncob+coconuthusk > ricehusk+corncob > corncob+coconuthusk > ricehusk+coconuthusk. High percentage reduction observed of chemical properties revealed that activated carbons from rice husk, corn cob and coconut husk can be used singly or combined for the purification of sullage.
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Bayesian Inference Approach for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Game Theory
In this paper, we propose a different approach for efficiently conserving energy in wireless sensor networks. Our approach towards energy consuming in sensor networks is fully distributed to consume very low energy for finding the path along with data transmission. We use two protocols LEACH and ELEACH-M to find the route for data transmission and make its performance by comparing the route discovery of those two protocols. Bayesian inference is used to inference the missing data from the nodes that were not active during each sensing. Game theory offers mode for distributed allocation of energy resources and thus provides a way of expecting the characteristics of wireless sensor networks. We make game approach to obtain the optimal probabilities of sleep and wake up states that were used for energy conservation.
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Biogas Generation via Anaerobic Digestion on the Influence of Different Parameters and used as Secondary Fuel for CI Engine
The aim of this study was to optimise the biogas generation from anaerobic digestion process and to investigate the biogas as secondary fuel for the CI engine. The parameters studied were total solid concentration (TS), initial pH and co digestion of slurry. The effectiveness of animal and industrial waste was investigated using 1 m3 bio digester working in a continuous process. Anaerobic digestion seemed feasible with loading rate of 8%,10% and 12% ( TS)and biogas yield reported as 82.3m3,110.9m3 and 74.4 m3 respectively. The data obtained establish the importance of pre-treatment and total solids for achieving higher cumulative biogas yield. The volume of generated biogas was effectively used as secondary fuel for an engine by modifying the engine inlet manifold to operate with dual fuel mode.
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