Essentials of the right to Voluntary Return: The Case of Refugees
Voluntary return is the assisted or independent return to the country of origin, transit or another third country based on the free will of the returnee. Voluntary return is informed and unforced return of a refugee to his country of origin. Therefore, this paper is intended to deal the concept of voluntary return as a product of two main components: The right to return and the right not to be forced to return. The latter is concerned with voluntariness of repatriation. There are various pulling and pushing factors which instigate the return of refugees to their country of origin. The return of refugees and asylum seekers may be classified as voluntary repatriation, mandatory return of rejected asylum seekers who are required by law to leave, and forced return of rejected asylum seekers. It is dealt that voluntariness of returning to home country is an essential right of refugees.
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Evaluating the Performance of Water Treatment Plant (Case Study: Al-Rumaitha Treatment Plant, Al-Muthanna, Iraq)
The trend of urbanization in Iraq is exerting stress on civic authorities to provide basic requirement such as safe drinking water, sanitation and infrastructure. The rapid growth of population has exerted the portable water demand, which requires exploration of raw water sources, developing treatment and distribution systems. There is a need to study the water treatment plants for their operational status and to explore the best feasible mechanism to ensure proper drinking water production with least possible rejects and its management. A case study has been conducted to evaluate the process of treatment and to find out the problems of drinking water treatment process in Al-Rumaitha drinking water treatment plant(RWTP) lies in the city of Rumaitha in Muthanna province,Iraq. In general, conventional treatment is provided having a sequence of alum addition, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection by chlorination. Water treatment plants are playing an important role in purifying and supplying the pure water to the people. This plant consists of two projects, The design capacity of the old project (88000 m3 / day ) and for the new project ( 820 m3 / hr) while not know the actual capacity of the plant due to lack of flow gauges. In this study, the removal efficient of turbidity will be addressed as well as three factors are, total dissolved solids , pH and values of chlorine added at February,2015 of old and new project for raw and treated water, then compared within Iraqi limits to note the problems of the plant and how to avoid them in the easiest and cheapest methods. It was found that the average value of the removal efficiency of the turbidity were about 51.5% of old project and 53.8% of new project which is relatively low due to the absence of the permanent maintenance and the continuous clean out for the sedimentation basin. The average value of T.D.S concentration of treated water were 910.8 ppm of old project and 911.5 ppm of new project . The free chloride (CL2)of old project was 2.1 ppm and of new project was 2.6 ppm. While we don't note that the strong influence of the change in temperature on the factors which studied in this project. The pH value is almost constant values for the water of the Euphrates River. In addition to the study of these factors there are notes on the treatment plant should study and develop plans for processing and control. It is upon these observations lack of flocculation basin, limiting the efficiency of the sedimentation basins despite large size disrupt dissolve alum basins as alum is added to it manually, leading to differing concentrations of alum solution. From time to time and other problems presented piping at the station, as is since the establishment.
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Evaluation of interaction of carbonization temperatures and concentrations on the adsorption capacities and removal efficiencies of activated carbons using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Response Surface Methodology was used to evaluate the interactions of carbonization temperatures of adsorbents and concentrations of adsorbates on the adsorption capacities and removal efficiencies of activated carbons obtained from flamboyant (Delonix regia) pod bark (FB), milk bush (Thevetia peruviana) kernel shell (MB) and rice (Oryza sativa) husks (RH). The activated carbons produced at various temperatures (300 – 6000C) were used to adsorb concentrations (50 – 150 mg/L) of naphthalene and acenaphthene in a batch process at 150 rpm. The amount adsorbed was quantified with gas chromatography (GC-FID). Two factors interaction (2FI) model , showed that the interactions between increasing activation temperature of the adsorbents and increasing concentrations of the adsorbates increased the adsorption capacity of the MB while the adsorption capacities of FB and RH were reduced. The order of suitability of the adsorbents is MB > RH > FB and MB > FB > RH, respectively.
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Experimental determination and correlation of enthalpy of mixing of binary methanol + ethyl acetate system in the presence of dissolved inorganic salts at 303.15 K
This paper presents the effect of five dissolved inorganic salts (NaCl, CaCl2, ZnCl2, CdCl2 and NH4Cl) on the endothermic enthalpy of mixing of the binary methanol + ethyl acetate system has been investigated at 303.15 K, using an isothermal batch calorimeter with vapour space. The endothermic excess enthalpies of mixing values are significantly increases for the addition of ZnCl2, CdCl2 and CaCl2. For the addition of NaCl and NH4Cl salts are insignificantly decreases the endothermic excess enthalpy values. The experimental values of the enthalpy of mixing were fitted into a Redlich – Kister equation, the deviations and parameters were reported. The experimental and correlation results reveals that the importance of the solvent- solvent and solute-solvent interaction by the enhanced excess enthalpy of mixing (HE) values in the positive direction with increasing concentration of the salts.
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Exposure and Risk Assessment of Phthalates in Women
Phthalates are one of the more favoured plasticisers in polymer industries. The phthalic acid (benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid) diesters an artificial substance with a variety of industrial uses, generally known as phthalates. They are of two types: High molecular weight (HMW) phthalates, like DEHP[di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate], DnOP(di-n-octyl phthalate), and DiNP(di-isononyl phthalate), which are mainly employed in the manufacturing of flexible vinyl to make them more flexible and pliable, and then used to make goods, placemat and wall coverings, applications that come into contact with devices of medical and food. Low molecular weight (LMW) phthalates, those are use in varnishes and coatings, as well as some times releases medicinal preparations, fragrances, moisturizers, and cosmetics. DEP (diethyl phthalate) and DBP (dibutyl phthalate) are the examples of LMW type of phthalate. Exposure to phthalate esters has increased fear of the health and well-being of women. Several noxious exposures of phthalates have been shown to have an adverse impact on health. In the present scenario phthalates exposure has been recognized. However, among the overall human population women are one of the most vulnerable groups, which are often a victim of self-ignorance. Some of the major health issues frequently observed in women due to phthalate exposure are endometriosis, precocious puberty, hormonal disbalance, obesity etc. Although some studies are available concerning the effects of phthalate exposure on women yet major area remains unaddressed. The present review gives insight into the extent of work performed in the above area along with respective loopholes. Also, an attempt has been made to understand the proper mechanism given by simultaneous researchers throughout the globe. Moreover, the study will enable to help professionals in the field to regulate the extent of exposure along with highlighting the alarming situations as a result of phthalate usage and acquaintance.
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Extent to which principal’s communication influence students’ discipline in secondary schools in Nandi County
The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which principals’ forms of communication influence students’ discipline in secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study used systems theory by Ludngvan Bartalanffy. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The study sample consisted of 118 public and private schools’ principals, 108 teacher and 1534 student leaders. Each school provided 13 student leaders. Questionnaires for principals, interview guide for teachers and student leaders were used as instruments of data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data then, tabulate and present data. The results generated were reported in tables. The study establishes that communication clarity is a key component to adherence of instructions given. The information has highest clarity when given in student baraza. The principal is able to explain himself to the satisfaction of the students and issues raised are promptly answered. The students are able seek clarifications on issues they want sorted out. This enhances discipline. The national and county quality and standards officers should be designed by MOEST to bolstering their assessment capabilities to adequately report accurately on true causes of discipline cases in schools and particularly in Nandi County and give out specific remedies to work out on how to reduce the prevalence.
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Extraction and Purification from Local Horseradish Peroxidase
Horseradish peroxidase is a comprising enzyme which can be appropriate to oxidoreductases and is intricate in degradation of definite intractable organic complexes like phenol and substituted phenol via free radical polymerization. Peroxidase was extracted and purified from horseradish using ammonium sulphate for dialysis, gel filtration and precipitation chromatography. Spectrophotometer was used for assay of horseradish peroxidase in this present research. Horseradish peroxidase increased activity from 5.211 to 9.246 U/ml by purification. It gained 29.67 folds purification at this final step. In addition to its beneficial in characterization of glucose in blood; moreover it can destroy microbial strains.
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Factors influencing integration of Geographic Information System, community coping strategies, and local knowledge in flood management in Narok Town, Kenya
Kenya is vulnerable to natural disasters like floods, which are expected to become more common as a result of climate change. Flooding is one of the natural hazards that is catastrophic in nature and affects human settlements, infrastructure, and livelihoods. The objective of the study was to investigate the factors influencing the integration of GIS, community coping strategies, and local knowledge in flood management in Narok Town, Kenya. This study adopted an analytic cross-sectional study design and an exploratory approach. The study population comprised of households within Narok Town. The sampling unit was a single household while the household head was the unit of analysis. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 385 households from the different zones in the town. A structured flood coping mechanism questionnaire was used to collect data from the household head while Key informant interview guide and focus group discussion was used to gather qualitative information. Descriptive statistics included the mean, standard deviation, percentages, chi-square test were used to analyze data. Analysis was done using SPSS version 24.0 and Quantum Geographic information System to generate data and information on community coping mechanisms, geospatial patterns of floods, and perception about floods in Narok town. Qualitative analysis was analyzed through the use of secondary literature while quantitative data was analyzed through the inferential statistics Fisher’s exact test, Analysis of variance, correlation, and logistic regression. The study findings showed that there is low integration of household knowledge, coping strategies, and Geographic Information systems in flood management among residents of Narok Town. The study finding established that education, Income, and government policies influenced the integration of local knowledge, coping strategies, and GIS integration in flood management. The finding implied that households’ heads' education, income, and awareness of existing government policy on flood disaster management significantly strengthened integration of local knowledge, coping mechanism, GIS integration in flood management.
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Fenugreek uses, therapeutic applications, safety and toxicity : A Review
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is an annual leguminous crop, which is native to the Indian subcontinent and the Eastern Mediterranean region. Historically fenugreek leaves and seeds were used for many therapeutic purposes. Fenugreek has been used for treatment of mouth ulcers and chapped lips, cure of baldness, in alleviation of abdominal and abscesses pain, in alleviation of cardiovascular and hepatic disorders, treating arthritis, dropsy, heart disease, spleen and liver enlargement, kidney ailments. Various parts of fenugreek are used in different food products due to its diverse and rich constituents. Recent studies on animal models showed that fenugreek has a toxicity on acute large doses and on chronic low doses, despite this; fenugreek still stated as safe by food and drug administration (FDA).
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Flow and Heat Transfer in a Radiative Boundary Layer of Dusty Fluid with Internal Heat Generation/Absorption over a Flat Plate
The effect of viscous dissipation and internal heat generation on the Steady two-dimensional radiative boundary layer flow with suspended particulate matter (SPM) of an incompressible viscous fluid past over a semi-infinite flat plate has been investigated. The radiative heat flux is assumed to follow Rosseland approximation. The highly non-linear governing equations have been solved numerically by using finite difference technique with non-uniform grid. Results have been graphically displayed and discussed quantitatively to show the effect of radiation and internal heat generation on boundary layer flow characteristics as well as the numerical values of shear stress and rate of heat transfer are obtained for various values of physical parameter.
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