Formulation an appropriate model of strategic human resources planning
This study alluded to the importance and necessity of strategic human resource planning with the purpose of submitting an appropriate and applied model of strategic human resource planning in a company and for recognition of effective factors has been used of different models of strategic human resource planning. To determine the effective factors in the company, 17 opinions of experts was received through interview and in order to ranking factors according to importance, 76 opinions of managers and experts were obtained through questionnaire. Also for recognition internal and external environment of company were used SWOT technique and interview, the results of QSPM matrix classified executive strategies. Results showed that among internal factors within the organization: employee satisfaction, human resource management objectives, qualitative characteristics of the staff and among organizational external factors: technological conditions, legal conditions, economic conditions, respectively, were ranked in terms of importance. In the end after recognition internal and external factors involved in supply and demand forecasting strategies, and supply and demand matching strategy was proposed appropriate pattern of strategic human resource planning.
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Formulation, acceptability and promotion of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) incorporated Indian sweets
Millet is one of the oldest foods known to humans and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is the most widely grown type of millet. To test the acceptability and cost effectiveness of pearl millet based Indian sweets, establish their nutritional superiority and to promote them among school-going adolescent girls. Pearl millet was selected, procured, cleaned, roasted and milled. The milled flour was sieved repeatedly to get a fine flour. The flour was stored at room temperature in airtight HDPE. The pearl millet flour was incorporated in Indian sweets such as appam, Sweet murukku, Sesame balls, Groundnut balls and Roasted bengal gram balls. Appam (PMA), sesame balls (PMSB), groundnut balls(PMGB) and roasted bengal gram balls (PMRB) contained 40 percent of pearl millet flour and sweet murukku (SPMM) contained 60 percent of pearl millet flour. Their acceptability was evaluated, nutrient content and the Cost Effective Ratio (CER) were calculated. An overall acceptability score percentage of 90 and above was obtained by all the prepared sweets namely, sesame balls, groundnut balls, roasted Bengal gram balls and sweet murukku. Pearl millet appam and control sweet murukku which obtained a score of 86.67 percent and 87.56 percent respectively. The cost of preparation of 100 g of pearl millet based sweets and their control is well below Rs. 10. Pearl millet based Indian sweets are low cost recipes and highly acceptable.
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GC-MS and Bioactivity Analysis of the Acetone: Methanol Extract of the Mesocarp of Cocoa Pod Husk and Potential Utilizations
Cocoa pod husk (CPH), is a rich source of minerals (particularly potassium), fiber (including lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin), and antioxidants (e.g. phenolic acids). It is composed of mesocarp, endocarp, and epicarp. The mesocarp consists of fiber (crude, NDF, and ADF-44-48%) and cellulose (53%). CPH’s potential application to human health includes antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, immunomodulatory, vasodilatory analgesic, and antimicrobial activities. Fresh ripe cocoa pod husks were collected, and the mesocarp was separated and air dried followed by size reduction and extraction with acetone: methanol (7:3) (v/v) using the maceration process. GC-MS analysis was carried out to identify the phytochemical compounds present in the extract. The compounds identified in the extract highlight the great potential of the extract to improve life. When tested, the extract showed activity against nine different human pathogens at varying concentrations. Free radical scavenging activity was also determined using ABTS and DPPH assays, and the extract was found to be potent.
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Gender and Family Wellbeing AMID Covid-19 Lockdown in Rivers State, Nigeria
The study examined the extent at which Covid-19 pandemic affected families in river state, Nigeria. The study aimed at determining the level of impact on gender and the role of government in ensuring livelihood sustenance in post pandemic era. Crisis affect women, girls, men, boys, and all gender differently, government orders and legislations have disproportionate impact on different gender groups, as well as persons and families. During crises periods such as pandemics, the risk of gender based violence escalates. It therefore becomes imperative to examine these impacts and related consequences of the lockdown so as to help government make social provisions where and when necessary. A total of 200 questionnaires were purposively sent to individuals online. 10 different WhatsApp groups created for group discussions. Abusers were identified and interviews conducted. Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSSS). Results indicate that due to the prolonged nature of lockdowns in the state with its psychological and emotional outcomes on families, abusers leveraged on the quarantine period as abuse became more frequent and violent, other issues were identified such as increased child abuse, hunger leading to malnutrition. Paper therefore recommends that help-lines be provided for reports of violence and cases of abuse. Government to adopt a systematic/data based palliative distribution for wider coverage. Equal access to COVID- 19 testing, treatment and vaccines as and when they become available.
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Head impact analysis validation of composites bonnet using Finite element modelling
The significant number of pedestrian injuries in the world and fatal deaths are resulting from road accidents and an event of a collision between the people and car, that due to the increased urban population and number of private vehicles. This paper deals with the development of a new finite element model to simulate the collision between the adult headform impactor and vehicle hood composite structure according to the EURO-NACP requirements. The pedestrian head impacted by three points over the outer structure of the hood with three different inclination angles. The effects of the inclination angles (6?, 8? and 10?) and impact points (A, B and C) over the surface of the composite hood structure to HIC value, displacement and absorbed energy have been investigated, and the results have been compared with each other.
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Hepatobiliary manifestations inducing by thiopurines during IBD
Thiopurines (TP) are frequently used in inflammatory bowel disease, especially in remission maintenance. One of the reasons for stopping these treatments is appearance of side effects. In this study, we focus on liver damage induced by thiopurines by specifying their types, their mechanisms, and practical behavior in order to diagnose them early and avoid their aggravation This is a retrospective and descriptive study on monocentric cohort of 115 patients followed for IBD under TP recorded over a period from January 2009 to January 2019. 11 patients had disorder of liver function test, a prevalence of 9.5%, which occurred in half of patients, three months from the start of treatment. 3 (2.6%) patients had abnormal liver test and 8 (7%) had hepatotoxicity. occurrence of hepatotoxicity has resulted in stopping treatment in 4 (36.3%) patients. There was no difference in toxicity between azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine (p=0,081). The incidence of hepatotoxicity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease receiving thiopurines is not negligible. In our clinical practice, it is advisable to start the treatment gradually, to carry out a well codified clinical and biological control, and to pay particular attention to drug interactions.
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Hydrogen Economy in Pakistan and China: A Meta-Analysis
We have conducted a meta-analysis, a detailed literature review has been studied on hydrogen economy and it’s important in both regions. We have also seen that how useful a hydrogen can be and how it can affect the overall economy of both regions (China and Pakistan). The reason for conducting meta-analysis is to compare the hydrogen economy performance in both countries. This analysis would also give a wider perspective that how hydrogen economy with its different functions, especially hydrogen in the energy sector can enhance the overall growth of the economy. In our analysis, we have compared the different statistics of hydrogen with different factors of economy and tried to assess the impact of hydrogen in those sectors. Our findings indicate that large-scale use of hydrogen is not a significant environmental hazard. If appropriate technical standards and safety standards are used, hydrogen is no longer hazardous to conventional fuels. The hydrogen economy has the potential to provide many benefits for the country, including reduced dependence on imported oil, environmental sustainability, and economic competitiveness. But without serious effort, there is no serious difficulty. Recommendations are made to guide Pakistan towards the path to the hydrogen economy. It must be a clear political support for the development of hydrogen. We need to establish a partnership with countries related to hydrogen technology. In order to overcome the technical obstacles, investment in the research and development of hydrogen and fuel cells is necessary. Current study is not only beneficial for policymakers but also for scholars.
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Hypertension and rate control in Oujda (Morroco): Place of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) : Which risk factors?
To evaluate the rate control of the hypertensive patients and to identify the risk factors of non-control in the eastern region of Morocco. Our study is an analytical cross-sectional study covering a period of 34 months, between January 2014 and September 2016. The study consisted of 301 hypertensive patients known and treated for at least 4 weeks, having profited from an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) with therapeutic aiming, collected from the non-invasive cardiology department of the Mohammed VI university hospital of Oujda. We used the BTL-08 ABPM, NBP-24 NG NORAV for the recording and the software SPSS for the data analysis. The threshold was fixed on the average of 24-hours was BP < 130/80 mmHg, and the patients were divided into two groups according to whether they were or not undercontroll There were 161 men (39%) and 185 women (61%), with an average age of 60 years (ranges: 23 to 91 years). Age was the most common cardiovascular risk factor 57%, followed by diabetes in 29%, obesity in 27%, dyslipidemia in 20%, then smoking in 16%. Note that all women in our population were menopausal. 42.5% of our subjects were under signle medication, 45.2% were under double medication and 12.3% were under triple medication. Non-therapeutic control was objectified in 49% of our patients. The prevalence of non-dipping was 45.8%. Advanced age and monotherapy were the risk factors of non-control. Half of hypertensive patients in our study were not adequately controlled under antihypertensive therapy. This work emphasizes the contribution of ABPM in the evaluation of blood pressure control. Factors of poor control were advanced age and monotherapy.
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Identifying the Suitability of Environmental Friendly Fe2O3 Nanomaterials for Supercapacitor Applications
Environmental friendly ? – Fe2O3nanoparticles were successfully synthesized via a facile and cost effective chemical precipitation method with the extraction of Nyctanthesarbortristis for the first time. Also it is undergone at room temperature for super capacitor applications and that was observed through electrochemical studies. The prepared samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission Scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and UV visible spectroscopic studies. The powder X-ray diffraction study revealed the formation of ? - Fe2O3 in the case of annealed sample. Microscopic images displays that the ? – Fe2O3 nanoparticles were highly agglomerated in nature with the dimension of the order of 2 - 3 ?m. Cyclic voltammetry and simultaneous galvanostatic charge/discharge studies were performed in order to find out the suitability of the material for Supercapacitor applications. The electrochemical results explores that the annealed sample (? – Fe2O3) had improved performance due to its structural with superiority nature. Moreover, the capacitance retention of the ? - Fe2O3 based electrode shows highly stable performance and also its suitability as a lasting electrode material for Super capacitor applications.
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Impact of different planting dates on the incidence of viral diseases caused by aphid and white fly on potato
Abstract: The present field study was conducted to find out the effect of different planting dates during rabi season from November to February in 2012-13 and 2013-14, respectively on the infection of various viral diseases caused by Aphids, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Aphis gossypii Glover and white fly, Bemisia tabaci Genn on potato at Adisaptagram Block Seed Farm, Hooghly, West Bengal. The four types of viral diseases, viz. mild mosaic, severe mosaic, leaf roll and apical leaf curl diseases were found to infect the potato crop in this locality. The incidence of viral diseases on potato crop was observed in between first and third week of January and then their infection was gradually increased up to full maturity of the crop. The percentage of viral disease infection was higher in late planted and harvested crop compared to those planted and harvested early. Per cent viral disease incidence was found maximum in P5 (26.25-35.50%), followed by P4 (28.00-30.75%), P3 (26.00-29.00%), P2 (24.00-25.50%) and P1 (17.75-18.00%) respectively. The per cent leaf roll disease incidence (9.00-20.75%) outnumbered the other viral diseases and maximum percentage of PLRV infection was found during later stage of the crop grown in all the five planting dates. The incidence of mild mosaic was slightly higher (4.00-8.00%) than the incidence of severe mosaic (2.50-5.50%) and it was mainly confined in early to middle phase of crop growth. The incidence of apical leaf curl disease was least and its infection was always higher in later planted crops. The maximum yield of potato tuber was found in P2, followed by P1, P3 and P5 respectively.
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