Buckling Analysis of Thin Laminated Composite Plates with Exact Displacement Functions
This work presents the buckling analysis of thin laminated composite plates using Euler-Bernoulli equilibrium equation. The project aims at obtaining the exact equation which will not depend on assumed shape function which charcterised the anlaysis of composite plate. The present equation is based classical plate theory which is widely used for analysis of thin plate. The governing equation for the thin laminated plate were obtain considering the total potential energy function which was in turn minimized to obtain equation for analysis of buckling. Numerical work examples were performed considering different aspect ratio and elastic modulus for SSSS laminated plates at orientation 0/90/90/0. The results were compared with the work of Reddy, Osman and Sulieman. The maximum percentage difference between the present work to the work of Reddy for SSSS laminated plate is 0.06 while the difference with Osman and Sulieman work has maximum of 1.81. Reddy presented also an exact method base on the SSSS shape function, recorded minimal difference may be as result of round off errors introduced along the computation line while the difference with that of Osman and Sulieman is because he used finite element method with assumed shape function which gives approximate result.
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Cascaded H-bridge inverter with reduced number of switches and a single dc source
This paper presents a new topology for a seven-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter. The proposed topology uses reduced number of switches and requires only one DC source. The new topology results in reduced cost and can be implemented for any number of levels. The proposed seven level inverter is simulated in MATLAB-Simulink. The switching angles are generated using a new technique of selective harmonic elimination technique. The simulated waveforms of output voltage have reduced total harmonic distortion.
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Challenges in the transition from China-Made to China-Innovation
The introduction and appearance of Chinese brands in the international market is an emerging issue for Chinese firms. This paper highlights the challenges encountered by Chinese firms while moving towards original brand manufacturing (OBMs from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The study identifies that branding dilemma, the performance of Chinese firms in domestic markets, lack of government support, need of global distribution channel and marketing, technology backwardness and need for strong R&D activities are some important factors that are impeding the successful switching of Chinese OEMs to OBMs. The OEMs can convert these challenges into opportunities by effectively coping with them. The study also presents some recommendations to deal with the problems.
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Coaching Games as Challenging Class of Behavioural Approaches
Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the here and now rather than on the distant past or future. It is based on the helping of a powerful player named the coach to other players named the coachees and the learning of these lasts using some tools to better their lives. In this framework I introduce and study the coaching games as class of behavioural games. I define the utilities of the players related to each the tool of the coaching process and I show that these tools arise the outcomes of the players.
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Codesing Partitioning Using Memetic Algorithm in VLSI:A Review
The complexity and size of circuits have been rapidly rising, placing a stressing demand on industry for faster and more competent for VLSI design. If partitioning is not done in valuable manner, ignoring the parameters like firmness, time delay and robustness it may corrupt the overall performance of a design. Optimization is used to make a design particularly efficient, finding the maximum of a function. In the partitioning main objective is to minimize the number of cuts. Investigating the application of the Memetic Algorithm (MA) for solving the codesign partitioning problem can be done.
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Computer simulation of the effect of compression ratio on four-stroke spark ignition engine using an alternative fuel
A four stroke spark ignition engine is a mechanical engine in which its operation completes by four strokes or movements of piston in the engine cylinder. This engine can also be called gasoline or petrol engine because its basic fuel is gasoline but nowadays, alternative fuels are being considered as the engine operating fuel. The alternative can be mixture of gasoline with other hydrocarbon products like ethanol or singly be another hydrocarbon product that can offer a better performance and lesser consumption when compared with gasoline. Though, the alternative fuels offer lesser consumption but it can also be intensified by considering the engine design specification for better performance which led to the birth of this work. Compression ratio of the engine determines the engine performance, the higher the compression ratio, the greater the efficiency of a spark ignition engine. In ordinary gasoline fuel, higher compression ratio can infer another engine problem like knocking and emission of toxic combustion product but the alternative fuels have been developed to lessen all these effects. The aim of this work was to simulate the influence of compression ratio on an alternative fueled four-stroke spark ignition engine using C# computer program. The simulation model was carried out under assumed varying compression ratio; 4.63, 5.10, 6.00, 6.88, 7.40, 8.28, 9.16, 9.94, 10.45, 10.98 and 11.44, from this, the volume relationship was determined. The mathematical engine simulation model was carried out using thermodynamics-based models. The result of the simulation showed that higher compression gives higher efficiency and the numerical values are in close agreement with experimental values. The percentage error is not more that 2% during combustion duration and efficiency as compared with experimental values. From the numerical results, it was observed that if the compression ratio is high, the crank angle will also be high and this will make the ignition delay period to be diminished. This also goes for the engine performance, power output or the efficiency, the higher the compression ratio the greater the efficiency. Therefore, an alternative fueled engine with compression ratio of 9.16 and above will have a greater efficiency.
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Corpora in Translator Training: A Perspective from Iran
Corpora first found their way into Translation Studies as a means to study the language of translation and its distinctive features (Baker, 1993). They were applied, however, by translation researchers in other areas such as translation evaluation and machine translation as well. Translator education is another area which has enjoyed the benefits of corpora in recent years. This paper elaborates on the applications of corpora in translator training and the kind of information they have to offer to student translators in this context. It further explores the benefits of corpus-based translation teaching for student translators in terms of their professional prospects. The paper finally reports the results of an experiment in which an undergraduate class of translation students from the Department of Translation Studies at Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran was introduced to disposable corpora. The problems students faced in building disposable corpora of Persian texts and, later on, in analyzing Persian corpora with corpus analysis tools and finally the solutions adopted to resolve the problems are all explained in detail.
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Corrosion Characteristics of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide for Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions
Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) is tested as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in different concentration of hydrochloric acid medium and at different temperature. Corrosion rate and Percentage Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency (PCIE) was measured by weight loss method, Electrochemical polarization and Impedance spectroscopy techniques. Surface study of corroded and blank specimens was carried out by SEM and Metallurgical Research Microscopy techniques. 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 ppm of Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide was tested in different concentration of HCl solution i.e. 2.0, 1.0 and 0.1 N. It was observed that percentage corrosion inhibition efficiency increases with increase in concentration of corrosion inhibitor. Effect of temperature on percentage corrosion inhibition efficiency was also investigated. As the temperature increases percentage corrosion inhibition efficiency decreases. It is observed that percentage corrosion inhibition efficiency decreases with dilution of HCl. CTAB acts as a very good inhibitor for Carbon Steel in different hydrochloric acid medium.
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Designing community based rehabilitation model using structural equation modeling Iran
CBR as a strategy within community development for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, and social inclusion of all people with disabilities. The purpose of the study was Designing Community Based Rehabilitation Model using SEM. This study is a comparative-descriptive research that has been performed by factor analysis method. In the qualitative stage the process owners were 45 experts and in factor analysis stage, there were 564 CBR experts of Iran, CBR departments and rehabilitation deputies of 31 provinces and the CBR specialists and rehabilitation deputies of the CBR executing counties. The data collection tool was researcher-made questionnaire the content validity of which was determined through expert panel and its construct validity was determined through exploratory factor analysis by principal component analysis method with varimax rotation using SPSS16 software. Its reliability was also confirmed by test-retest and internal consistency method using Cronbach's Alpha (96%) and the most important community-based rehabilitation factors were identified through path analysis and structural equation modeling using LISREL software 8.8. In exploratory component analysis, 7 main components were identified; using semi-professional people with 9 variables, 43.1% variance, and 23.28 eigenvalue as the most important factor and social integration of the disabled people with 2 variables and 2.19% variance as the less important factor clarified the community-based rehabilitation changes; however, in the fitted model which is the most complete saturated model, 7 factors of subsistence with ß= 0.20, using semi-professional people with ß= 0.19, medical procedures with ß= 0.19, socio-political supports with ß= 0.18, social integration of the disabled people with ß=0.18, educational measures with ß= 0.16, and health practices with ß= 0.14 had the highest predictive power in the order of importance. Considering the cultural, economic, political, and social context of Iran, usage of the obtained factors can promote the dignity of the disabled people and their family in the society as well as empowering and equalization of their opportunities.
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Determination of lightweight foamed concrete thermal properties integrating various additives
This paper reports the study carried out to examine the thermal properties of lightweight foamed concrete (LFC) integrating various additives. Various densities of LFC samples ranging from 600, 1000 and 1400 kg/m3 with constant cement-sand ratio of 1:1.5 and water-cement ratio of 0.45 were produced. Fly ash, lime and polypropylene fiber with different percentages were used as additives. The main purpose of this study is to explore the effect and divergence of reaction on each additive that influences the thermal properties of LFC. Detail experiments were setup to study the behavior and reaction of additives which is expected to give different results on thermal properties of LFC. Each additive has different properties and reaction which will impinge on the thermal properties of LFC. The reaction during the hydration process is significant to be examined seeing that it will create complex particle that results in different microstructure formation. Detail observation by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will provide better understanding on thermal properties that is influenced by microstructure formation, moisture content and porosity of LFC. Experimental results show that lower density LFC translates to lower thermal conductivity. The density of LFC is controlled by the porosity where lower density LFC indicates greater porosity thus thermal conductivity changes significantly with the porosity of LFC because air is the poorest conductor compared to solid and liquid due to its molecular structure.
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