Effect of Hemodialysis on Blood Glucose Level
Purpose:- The study targeted the evaluation the effect of hemodialysis on blood glucose in renal failure patients at Shendi town in Sudan during(January–February) 2013. Objectives:- General Objective: To estimate blood glucose level pre and post hemodialysis. Specific Objective: 1. To identify the blood glucose level pre and post hemodialysis. 2. To identify the effect of duration of hemodialysis. 3. To identify the risk factors that cause hypoglycemia during hemodialysis. 4. To identify the people prone to hypoglycemia during hemodialysis.. Methods: Study design: Across sectional descriptive study, conducted at Shendi town during the period from March to May 2015 that aimed to estimate blood glucose in renal failure pre and post dialysis. Study area: The study was done at Shendi town which is located in the north of Sudan and north of the capital Khartoum located about 173km and covering area about 30km. Study population sampling: A total of 30 sample pre dialysis, and 30 sample post dialysis was collected from renal failure patients in hospital. Data collection tools: Information from dialysis patients were collected in performed questionnaire. collection technique: 2.5 ml of fresh venous blood was collected from each patient pre and post dialysis in fluoride oxalate container for determination of glucose level. method used: For the quantitative determination of glucose in serum and plasma Glucose oxidase method was used. Results: The statistical analysis of the results showed that the mean of glucose is lower in post hemodialysis (84.5)mg/dl. While the mean of glucose in pre hemodialysis (117.8)mg/dl .The P value is 0.000 which means that there is a highly significant variation between pre and post , where the values are high in post, and this agrees with Study done by Miho Senda et entitled(The strong relation between post –hemodialysis blood methylglyoxal levels and post-hemodialysis blood glucose concentration rise ,Clinical and Experimental Nephrology,20 Aug 2014 Conclusion: From this research we concluded that the level of blood glucose in renal failure patients is decrease post hemodialysis, which means there is a clear effect of hemodialysis on blood glucose level.
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“Congenital anomalies of the uterus”- Embryological basis and its clinical importance
Mullerian abnormalities are made of a group of different congenital anomalies of the female genital system. The aim of this article is to juxtapose the normal development of the uterus with the abnormal development so a clear understanding of the cause of congenital anomalies of the uterus can be generated and correlated with the clinical significance.
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“Double Aortic Arch” -embryological basis and its surgical implications
Double aortic arch is class of congenital anomalies caused by a chromosome band 22q11 deletion, which are often referred to CATCH-22 syndrome or chromosome band 22q11 deletion syndrome using the unified terms. it is responsible for formation of Double aortic arch ,both right and left aortic arch arise from the ascending aorta common form of complete vascular ring, encircling both the esophagus and trachea are compressed by the aortic arches and their derivatives, resulting in non-cardiac morbidity. This study aimed to through an insight on the embryological basis, its clinical and surgical implications on the double arch aorta.
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Management of Intradiverticular Urothelial Carcinoma of Bladder
The intradiverticular bladder carcinoma (IDUCB) is a rare and poorly known entity. To analyze diagnostic and therapeutic features of urothelial carcinoma within the bladder diverticulum. Twenty eight men with an average age of 65 years were included. The main reason for consultation was hematuria. The intradiverticular tumor was suspected by radiological assessment in 11 patients. All these patients underwent an endoscopic resection of the tumor. The histological study concluded to a pTa stage in 10 patients, pT1 stage in 11 patients and invasive tumors in 7 patients. A complementary endovesical BCG-therapy and cystoprostatectomy were performed in patients depending on the stage, grade, recurrence and multifocality. With an average follow-up of 31 months, seven recurrences were found in the group of superficial tumors, including 5 cases of progression to invasive stage and 2cases of nodes invasion. Intradiverticular bladder tumors are rare and more common in elderly. They are distinguished from conventional bladder tumors by a triple specificity: pathological specificity with high frequency of ?T3a tumor, diagnostic specificity with a risk of under-staging of the extent and tumor multifocality, therapeutic specificity linked to a worse prognosis than conventional tumors which encourages a strict limitation of the indication of conservative treatment.
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Neurodegenerative disease and herbs-research review
The incidence of neurodegenerative diseases are increasing in the present generation. Based on their diversified causes it is targeting almost all the age groups including young (juvenile) and old (senile) population without discrimination. There are some metabolic diseases which are targeting the brain functions in young. The juvenile diabetes is one among them, where the excess of unutilized glucose is following wide range of deranged paths resulting into encephalopathy. The early detection of such diseases needs to be identified and tackled at the earliest. The existing modern treatment is having much limitation; hence it is inviting the contribution from the field of alternate herbal medicine.
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Prostate Cancer Revealed by an Orbital Metastasis a Report of a Case and Review of the Literature
The invasion of the orbit with metastatic tumors is rare. In addition, some cases of unilateral metastatic disease have been reported but more often it is bilateral involvement. Moreover, it frequently attends locoregional invasion of the orbit by tumors adjacent structures including intraocular tumors in children. In adults, the orbital metastases are mostly of epithelial origin and they are considered a full metastatic site [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. In the literature, many cases of orbital metastases have been reported, such as esophageal cancer metastasis [7], breast [8], pancreatic [9] as well as lung [10]. Today, metastatic carcinoma of the orbit are 2.3 to 7% of orbital tumors [11, 12]. Cancer of the prostate is the most common cancer in humans outside of skin cancer, and it often leads to bone and visceral metastases. [13] However, the orbital metastases appear at an advanced stage of the disease [3, 4]. The purpose of this article is to report the case of a bet diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the prostate revealed a metastatic orbital tumor.
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“Abnormal origin of the Right Subclavian Artery from the Right Pulmonary Artery” - embryological basis and its clinical importance
Isolation of the right subclavian artery occurs when the right subclavian artery takes origin from the pulmonary artery through a ductus arteriosus. The right subclavian artery normally takes origin from the brachiocephalic trunk, specifically the brachiocephalic artery, however due to this anomaly it takes origin from the pulmonary trunk, specifically the right pulmonary artery. As a result of this aortic arch malformation, there is a continuous filling of blood of blood into the right pulmonary artery; this phenomenon is known as subclavian steal phenomenon. As blood continues to flow in the right pulmonary artery, it gives rise to other complication s such as pulmonary over circulation.
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“Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex”-Embryological basis and its clinical significance
The term exstrophy-epispadias is mainly coined due to the group of congenital abnormalities such as, bladder-exstrophy and cloacal-exstrophy. Because of the presence of abnormal opening into the cloaca, all embryos were considered by an abnormal widening of caudal trunk at the level of the leg buds which, in the youngest embryos, was associated with the abnormal presence of large aneurysmatic swellings of the dorsal aortae at this side.
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A giant lipoma of the thigh: a case report
Soft tissue tumors, benign or malignant, are often seen and diagnosed at a stage they become clinically gigantic or when traditionnal treatments undertaken prove their unefficiency. Authors wanted to illustrate this fact by relating the observation a giant lipoma of the thigh. The authors report in this study the observation of a 48 year old patient with a painless swelling of the left thigh evolving for 35 years and gradually increased in size, without repercussion on the function or the General state. Palpation founds a tumor in the anterolateral region of the left thigh. Radiography shows the shadow of the tumor with bone integrity. For reasons of lack of resources, MRI could not be done. Histology confirmed the diagnosis. A giant lipoma of 2900 grams measuring 27x18 cm.anatomopathology reconfirms the diagnosis.
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Extraction of fetal ECG signal from abdominal and thoracic ECG signal using periodic component analysis
In this paper, Periodic Component Analysis is used to extract the fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) from the abdominal and thoracic maternal electrocardiogram. The thoracic ECG (TECG) is assumed to be almost completely maternal while the abdominal ECG (AECG) is considered to be composite as it contains both the maternal and fetal ECG signals. Three channels of signal, from chest leads and five from abdominal leads from DaISy data set are used . Extracted signals consist of mixture of components including maternal ECG, fetal ECG and random noise. Periodic Component Analysis (?CA) is used to isolate the fetal ECG from maternal ECG signal. Generalized Eigen Value Decomposition is used to decompose the ECG record. It uses phase-wrapping of the R-R interval, for extracting the most periodic linear mixtures of a recorded dataset. Comparison with Independent Component Analysis (ICA) demonstrates the quality of this method. This method is therefore of special interest for the decomposition of ECG and the extraction fetal ECG from maternal ECG signal. The average sensitivity and accuracy of this method is 99.04% and 94.56% respectively. By using one thoracic signal and three abdominal signals this method is able to achieve 100% sensitivity and accuracy.
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