Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Honeybee from different regions in Sudan
Honey is a natural product, it is used for different purposes as nutritional, medicinal and industrial and it is an important commodity in the local and international markets. This study has been carried out for honey analysis from four different regions in Sudan to determine the physiochemical characterization. The ash content in range 0.173 % to 1.013 % within Codex standard 0.6 %. Moisture content range was 13.936 % to 15.863 % the standard value 20%. The protein content range was 0.875 % to 1.750 %. Insoluble solids content ranged from 0.066 % to 0.337 %, with standard value 0.1%. Diastase activity content not detected in one samples and maximum value 10.241 Schade. The pH and acidity determined where pH ranged 3.81 to 4.77. Free acidity determined, results ranged from 16.00 to 33.50 meq/Kg, obtained within international standards 50 meq/Kg. Lactone content ranged from 118.50 to 297.00 meq/Kg. The total acidity was ranged from 134.5 to 314.5 meq/Kg. Analyzed honey samples are of high quality and conform to international standards. The variation of some compounds which detected in honey sample due to botanical origin of honey and other the parameters influence in honey quality.
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Development and validation of scale for measurement of cognitive and behavioral development of the adult learners
Present study was conducted to develop and validate an indigenous inventory, for the measurement of cognitive and behavioral development in the adult learners, because at present no appropriate scale is available through which one can measures these learning domains in Pakistani cultural context, therefore scale was developed through standardized procedure. Such as, related literature was studied and various rationales were floated in the population of the study. Informal discussions were also held on the topic. On the basis of responses of students, the researcher generated about 90 items for the instrument. After item evaluation through experts’opinion the numbers of the items were reduced to 60and few changes and modifications were also made in proposed scale. A tool consisting of 60 items was administered on male (80), female (100) of higher secondary and degree level students for the empirical evaluation of each item. The researcher analyzed data with the help of SPSS 16.0 by using factor analysis, correlation, alpha coefficient and percentile analysis. After factor analysis 10 more items were deleted from the scale and only 50items were retained in finalized scale , furthermore, five basic dimensions emerged as the result of varimax rotation which were termed as subscales namely, Personal, social and academic factors (10 items), Cognitive maturity (14 items), Learning Distracters (11 Items), Proactive Behavior ( 8 Items) and Synergy (07 Items). For the establishment of norms percentile scores were calculated, the higher score on cognitive and behavioural development indicates higher level of cognitive and behavioural maturity. On the basis of its reliability and validity scale is considered reliable and valid tool for the measurement of cognitive development of the adult learners.
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Development of stability-indicating spectrophotometric methods for the analysis of zonisamide in bulk and dosage form
The objective of this research was to develop simple, sensitive and stability-indicating zero (0D), first (1D) and second (2D) order derivative spectrophotometric methods for the analysis of zonisamide (ZON) in bulk and dosage forms. The original UV spectrum (zero-order) of ZON aqueous solution was measured at 284 nm against its blank. This spectrum was differentiated instrumentally to generate the first and second derivative spectra which were measured at 271+ 295 nm and 302+ 284 nm, respectively. The developed methods were validated as per ICH guidelines. Also the absorbance ratio between ZON absornance at 239 nm and 284 nm was determined. ZON degradation behavior in both acidic and alkaline media was investigated using first and second derivative spectroscopic methods. ZON obeyed beers law over the concentration ranges (10 ? 60) ?g/ ml for 0D and 1D and (20-100) ?g/ ml for 2D. The correlation coefficient (r) was found to be (0.999 for 0D, 0.999 for 1D and 0.9989 for 2D). The detection and quantitation limits were found to be (LOD= 2.08 for 0D, 1.38 for 1D and 9.53 for 2D) ?g/ ml; LOQ=6.93 for 0D, 4.62 for 1D and 31.8 for 2D) ?g/ ml. The precision of the developed methods were generally very good as RSD% values were ? 5%. The zero-order derivative spectrum of ZON shows two sharp bands at 239 nm and 284 nm. The ratio between the absorbance at these wavelengths was found to be in the range (1.9–2.3) which can be used for qualitative analysis of ZON. Regarding ZON stability profile, it showed that the drug is unstable under acidic and alkaline conditions as it undergo degradation following the first order kinetics and it was found to be unstable in outdoor conditions also.The statistical validation at 95% confidence level proves the sensitivity, precision, accuracy and the stability-indicating properties of the developed methods.
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DFT Comparative Studies of Substituted Quinoxaline
Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) were treated according to Becke’s three Lee–Yang–Parr (B3LYP) correlation potential due to its less error value than other functionals. This molecule has biological studies are useful for fields, due to its thermal stability and less energy bang gap of probe has luminescence applications.
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Diversity, Morphological Characteristics and Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) in the Natural Ecosystem
Microbial diversity contributes to the sustainability in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and range of environment. The mycorrhizal symbiotic association appears to have evolved with plants since as a survival mechanism for fungi and higher plants. Arbuscular mycorrhizae are the most important microbial symbioses for the majority of plants thus allowing each to survive in the existing environment of low temperature, low soil fertility, periodic drought, diseases, extreme environments, P-limitation, plant community development, nutrient uptake, water relations and above-ground productivity. They also act as bioprotectants against pathogens and toxic stresses. This review gives a brief account on AMF which is necessary for the agricultural improvement and soil fertility.
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Dr. Einstein Wrong
A brief, simple, and solid disproof, by contradiction, of Dr. Einstein’s Special Relativity is presented.
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Dynamic Load Balancing Cluster and Fault-Tolerant In Cloud Environment
Cloud computing is emerging technology; it has Stored more amount of data. When accessing the technology, it has to face many problems like load balancing, task scheduling. The main problem is physical host in cloud data center are so overloaded. While it happens, the data center has imbalanced. In existing implementation approaches load balancing concepts. It has much complexity. For this problem, we have introduced Load balancing based Bayes theorem and clustering with some constraints.
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Eagle’s Syndrome; Unilateral Elongated Styloid Process: A rare case report
The styloid process is a sharp, slender, elongated pointed bone just below the ear. It extends downwards, forwards and medially. Normal length of styloid process is 2-3 cm. If it exceeds more than 3 cm it is called as elongated styloid process. Several variations in the length of styloid process have been reported. Sign and symptoms produce by elongated styloid process is known as Eagle’s syndrome which is characterized by severe pain in the throat, side of the face and ear. This may be classified as an entrapment syndrome which deserves the attention of the neurosurgeons, ENT surgeons, orofacial surgeons and physicians. The aim of this case report was to familiarize neurosurgeons, ENT surgeons with Eagle’s syndrome, its diagnosis, workup and management. In this case, we found an unusual case of long styloid process with ossification of stylohyoid ligament on the right side. Total length of the process from the base to the apex was 5.6 cm on the right side while on the left side it was normal in length i.e. 2.5 cm.
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Eating Habits, and Sleep Patterns Among Medical Students While Studying For USMLE
The research study investigates similar in eating habits and sleeps patterns among medical students studying for United State Examination Licensure Examination Step 1 and relationships between sleeping patterns, and eating habits on daily question banks performances. Eating Habits and Sleep Patterns Among Medical Students studying is quantitative research conducted at the Pass Program in Champaign, IL. Evaluation of eating habits and sleep patterns among medical students can be conducted by using a survey. The survey would consist of close-ended questions provided to the student for evaluations. The questionnaire would require the student to respond to eating habits such as if students are eating junk food, or eating at home by preparing their meal if students are all three meals. The second part of the survey requires an evaluation of sleep patterns such as how many hours of sleep students are getting. The third part of the questionnaire would consist of questions of on student’s performance. The surveys would require information on daily question banks based on eating and sleep habits such as if student performance increases or decreases with meals or if skipping meals have any effect on performance. The research study provided 210 students with questionnaires from which 196 Students responded, and 151 student responses were recorded. 45 Students got eliminated due to consumption of medication and fasting during the study. The results have shown 58.5% of students preferred to prepare home-cooked meals. 25.8% of students do not skip breakfast. 54.3% of students consumed pre-packaged meals on a weekly basis due to easier access and cost-effectiveness. 58% of students stated skipping meals could alter their USMLE question back performance. 67% of students indicated a lack of sleep could change their USMLE question back performance. Students are obtaining 6 hours of sleep daily but prefer 8 hours of sleep. The research study has identified risk factors such as stress, lack of sleep and time management as complications while studying for national boards. The research has shown a lack of sleep to be a significant factor that altering student’s daily performances on test bank rather than eating habits. Further evaluation of eating habits and sleep patterns are required to determine performances yearly as wells as other behavior patterns of students while studying for USMLE examinations.
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Effect of methanol and ethanol extracts of Raphia vinifera fruit mesocarp on the hematological parameters of wistar albino rats.
Hematology refers to the study of the numbers and morphology of the cellular elements of the blood; its studies are useful in the diagnosis of many diseases as well as investigation of the extent of damage to blood. Raphia vinifera have been employed in the management and treatment of various ailments. This study aimed at determining the effect of methanol and ethanol extracts of Raphia vinifera fruit mesocarp on the hematological parameters of wistar albino rats. Twenty one (21) healthy male wistar rats (166-274g) were randomly assigned into three groups (n=3) thus: control, methanol and ethanol groups with 50mg/kg, 100mg/kg and 1000mg/kg dosages. Both methanol and ethanol groups were treated with daily oral administration of 0.1ml of the extracts for 14 days. Blood samples were collected from each animal through cardiac puncture for hematological analysis. In red blood cell indices, the mean values of RBC, HGB, HCT, RDW-CV and RDW-SD of both methanol and ethanol extracts shows higher values than the control. Meanwhile, MCV, MCH and MCHC of the ethanol extract increased when compared to control. White blood cell indices result shows higher values of GRA in methanol and ethanol extracts compared to the control, and WBC, LYM and MON shows increase in 1000mg/kg of ethanol extracts compared to control. In platelet indices, there was an increase in methanol and ethanol extracts of the plant comparing with the control on PLT count, PCT, PDW. Also, MPV and P-LCR exhibited higher counts of 100mg/kg ethanol extract. In conclusion, methanol and ethanol extracts of Raphia vinifera fruit mesocarp shows increased in red blood cell and platelet indices counts while ethanol extract shows increased in white blood cell indices counts compared to the control. In methanol extracts 50mg/kg dose exhibited better count than other doses, while ethanol extracts, 50mg/kg exhibited better counts in RBC indices, 1000mg/kg in WBC and 100mg/kg in platelet indices. In comparison, ethanol extract exhibited better counts than methanol extract. We therefore recommend that R. vinifera fruit mesocarp should be consumed in moderate quantities for hematological benefits.
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