A real time approach of cardiac profiling scheme for ECG beat classification using shared counters
The QRS complex is the most striking waveform within the electrocardiogram (ECG). QRS provides the fundamentals for almost all automated ECG analysis algorithms. We proposed a novel method for classification of ECG beats using shared counters. We first developed a real-time QRS detection technique using two-phase hashing to extract precise QRS points. Then we implement a novel ECG beat classifier to profile each patient’s normal cardiac behavior. Our technique relies more on the data stream corresponding to ECG beats than any particular feature. We use the concept of shared counters to minimize the memory requirement. The algorithm automatically adjusts parameters periodically to adapt to ECG changes as QRS morphology and heart rate. Having such profile is essential for various diagnosis (e.g., arrhythmia) purposes. One application of such profiling scheme is to automatically raise an early warning flag for the abnormal cardiac behavior of any individual.
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A review of zinc oxide photo anode films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on zinc oxide Nanostructures
ZnO is introduced as an alternative to TiO2 in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) due to its band gap similar to TiO2, higher electron mobility, and flexible procedures of preparations. Several samples of ZnO films are prepared with the hydrothermal synthesis method and the sol-gel technique, respectively. These ZnO films were assembled as photo anodes in DSSCs using N3 dye as the sensitizer. The performance of dye sensitized solar cells is mainly based on the dye as a sensitizer. Natural dyes have become a viable alternative to expensive and rare organic sensitizers because of its low cost, easy attainability, abundance in supply of raw materials and no environment threat. The nature of these pigments together with other parameters has resulted in varying performance. This review briefly discusses the emergence, operation and components of dye explained solar cells together with the work done on natural dye based dye sensitized solar cells over the years.
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A review on the recent development of using bamboo element as reinforcing material in plain concrete
Over the last few decades use of fiber to reinforce plain cement concrete (PCC) to improve its ductility, tensile strength and crack and shrinkage resistance has gained a lot of popularity. Bamboo (Bambusa) is a fast-growing grass and abundantly available in India. It possesses sufficient strength, flexibility, toughness and is also very light in weight. Bamboo can be processed to obtain bamboo fibers of required dimensions which could be used as a substitute of steel fibers in order to improve ductility, tensile strength which in turn improves crack and shrinkage resistance of plain cement concrete. Bamboo fibers are also environment friendly and much cheaper than almost all other types of fibers used in concrete construction. Many studies have been carried out on bamboo reinforced concrete (BRC) which mostly deals with bamboo strips as reinforcement in concrete similar to that of steel bars in concrete. However there are very few literatures available on using bamboo in the form of fibers to reinforce concrete. This paper reviews various studies carried out on bamboo as reinforcing material in concrete especially in the form of fibers. Based on previous studies two types of predominantly used bamboo fibers, i.e., i) long slender type and ii) flat chip type, have been identified. The authors intend to conduct experimental investigation using these two types of fibers and comparative analysis also to be made between the test results of concrete specimens reinforced with these two types of fibers to identify its technical viability. Further investigations will be conducted using the type of fiber resulting better concrete properties with various volume content and aspect ratio. In addition, experimental study will also be taken up on concrete specimen partially replacing cement by pozzolanic material and using the same type of fiber.
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A sociological study on the influence of social networking sites on the interpersonal relationships of college students in Bangalore and mysore cities
In India at present the usage of Social Networking Sites (SNS) amongst college going students has vastly increased and the usage of SNS has extensive influence on these students in numerous ways, particularly on their interpersonal relationships. The present study is placed in this context to examine the influence of SNS on interpersonal relationships of college students and also to construct a profile which can capture the college students’ usage pattern of SNS. Five hundred college students were selected from both Bangalore and Mysore cities for generating primary data; questionnaire and interview schedule methods were used for the said purpose. In the present study the concept of social network and social networking sites are explained in detail through sociological perspective. A greater section of this article is dedicated for discussing the growth of SNS in India, particularly among the college students. It was found that the usage of SNS has effect on interpersonal relationships of college students, particularly with their members of family, friends and teachers. It was also found that due to the availability of SNS the communication between college students and their members of family, between college students and their friends has increased. In this study college going students’ usage pattern of SNS, their purpose of usage of SNS, the amount of the time they spend, their preferred SNS, degree of their trustworthiness of online friends and much more interesting aspects have been dealt keeping the scientific research as base. It provides an outlook for investigating the technological implications on society in the domain of sociology.
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A study on effective lipid extraction methods from certain fresh water microalgae
Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., and Neochloris sp. were isolated from fresh water ponds in and around Gandhigram, Dindigul District, Tamilnadu, India and used for lipid extraction. Different methods, including autoclaving, bead-beating, microwaves, sonication and a 10% NaCl solution treatments were tested to identify the most effective cell disruption method. The total lipids from three microalgal species were extracted using a mixture of chloroform and methanol. Fatty acid composition was detected by GC. Finally the sonication method was found to be the most applicable and efficient method of lipid extraction from microalgae. Neochloris sp. showed higher oleic acid productivity of 18.09 mg g-1 dw but Chlorella sp. was linoleic acid productivity of 17.61 mg g-1 dw when the cells were disrupted using the sonication method.
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A survey analysis of responsible SCM and its impact on overall performance of company
The concept of paper begin with a review of the salient theory and available body of literature of SCM in terms of responsibility, manufacturing practices, competitive advantages, SCM practices and overall performance of company. As the study composed of surveys of 92 manufacturing companies nearby Bhopal and in-depth interviews is discussed and their findings shared. Various statistical tools are used for the analysis of collected data. Their reliability and content are checked using reliability analysis. The discussion of findings and their implications, and concluded with some suggestions for future research.
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An impact of consumer buying behavior in decision making process in purchase of electronic home appliances in Chennai (India): an empirical study
Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the decision-making process of buyers, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. This empirical study contributes to a vital comprehension of the impact of dissimilar factors on consumer buying behaviors. The numerous independent variables in electronic home appliances market in India are deeply analyzed. The factors that are affecting the consumer behavior in electronic home appliances markets in India have been taken as the empirical study of this research. The key findings of this study designates that, overall, the set of self determining variable are weakly associated with the self determining variable. The profound analysis institutes those social and physical factors along with marketing mix elements are sturdily associated with consumer buying behavior. The consumer decision making rules discovery is made possible through these analyses. The results shall support the manufacturers and electronic home appliances retailers in comprehending consumer behavior and enhancing the satisfaction of the consumers.
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Analysis of Export Potential and Promotional Measures for Indian Fertilizers
Foreign trade has been considered as an engine of economic growth. The progress of a country to a large extent depends on their ability to trade relatively freely with the rest of world. The rapid export growth not only contributes directly to economic growth but it permits more imports and rapid modernization of production. It is necessary to understand Indian Fertilizers Industry position in world trade and their promotional strategy for integrating India with the world trade. In terms of Indian Fertilizer Industry, Composition of Foreign Trade, Direction of Exports and Imports and Major Problems of Indian Fertilizer Export Sector will be analyzed. Overall the industry specific export-import scenario, avenues and prospects, India’s competitive advantages and disadvantages and suitable export strategies to boost the exports of carpet related products will be discussed.
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Analysis of phorate in vegetable samples by spectrophotometric method
A spectrophotometric method for the analysis of phorate (organophosphorus insecticide) is described. The analysis is based on the oxidation of organophosphorus pesticide with slight excess of N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) and the unconsumed NBS was determined with rhodamine B on a spectrophotometer (Genesis IOS V1.200) at ?max. 553nm. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of 0.10 to 1.00ppm. The method was successfully applied for the determination of phorate in vegetable samples. The validity of the proposed method was assessed by comparing it with the high performance liquid chromatographic method (HPLC) through statistical analysis. There was no significant difference between the two methods. In the absence of sophisticated equipment like high performance liquid chromatograph and gas liquid chromatograph, the proposed method could be used for pesticide residues analysis.
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Analysis of the Factors of Schematic Talent and its affect on organizational performance
Talented workforce in the era of competitiveness has attained great attention of the executives: consequently, business entities are in pursuit to engage knowledgeable employees, develop them in accordance with their strategic goal and strengthen their edge in the business. This paper is in attempt to analyze the scheming talents with its component of business Process Engineering and its relations with organizational performance. Methodology adopted in this paper is based on the research work conducted by the different scholar and results are proved accordingly. Results in this paper prove the relationship between talent schematic and organizational performance. It is recommended that organizations to conduct Business process Reengineering in their respective organization, engage talent pool and mange them in a befitting manner for enhancement of the organizational performance.
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