Poisonous Plant (Gloriosa superb L.): Its Pharmacological and Therapeutic Profile
Today most of the world population is moving towards herbal medicines. Traditional plant medicines might offer a natural treatment to treat various human ailments. Research work goes to be focused on finding successful results on the therapeutic values of medicinal plants and also exact molecular mechanism of their action at molecular levels. The article gives an overview of Therapeutic and current status of the pharmacological perspectives of Gloriosa superba L. a member of lililaceae family, with phytochemicals present in this species were found to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic, anti-coagulant, anti-tumor, “enzyme inhibitor, and anti-venom characteristics”. Further clinical studies are necessary to increase our understanding of the links between the documented traditional uses and toxicity of G. superba, this article is aimed at compiling an up-to-date medicinal uses and poisonous properties of G. Superba over its distributional.
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Seedling behaviour and growth status of endangered medicinal tree Amoora Rohituka Roxb. In Meerut, U.P. India
A. rohituka is highly valued tree species for the humans, environment and forestry. The tree is distributed some parts of India but now it is endangered species in many areas in the country. This tree belongs to Meliaceae family. Twin, triple, four and five shoot seedling is one of the abnormalities of seedling which produce single embryo in a seed. This could be due to some developmental errors that occur in the seed. A. rohituka have only one embryo per seed and it produced into one seedling. I had recorded 35 % seeds of A. rohituka produced twin, triple, four and five shoot seedlings. In this research paper studies, Germination, seedlings behaviour and four months growth status were recorded in A. rohituka. These are study parameters, germination percentage, abnormal seedlings percentage, seedling behaviour and growth status at 120 days after germination period. I had recorded two shoot seedlings survival at only early stages (within 60 days) of development but triple, four, five shoot seedlings not survive of A. rohituka. It was observed first time growth status of abnormal seedlings in A. rohituka. This research paper utility in various fields such as forestry, agriculture, environment, genetics, and embryology.
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Antioxidant activity in the basidiocarp few of selected mushrooms
In order to assess the antioxidant activity of the basidiocarp of mushrooms, viz., Boletus edulis, Ganodrema tsugae and Micoporus xanthopus., an invitro investigation was carried out. The result of the study revealed that the enzymatic antioxidants like catalase and peroxidase were recorded maximally in the basidiocarp of the fungus M. xanthopus (34.190 U mg-1 and 116.53 U mg-1 enzyme protein) and minimally in G. tsugae and B. edulis (9.602 U mg-1 and 66.59 U mg?1 enzyme protein). The non-enzymatic antioxidants like ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and tocopherol (vitamin E) were much pronounced in B. edulis basidiocarp (17.15 µg-1 and 56.13 µg g-1 ) compared to M. xanthopus and G. tsugae (17.15 µg-1 and 26.07 µg g-1 ) respectively.
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Enzyme profile in the basidiocarp of Pleurotus. Spp
An in vitro investigation was carried out to explore the production of cellulase and xylanase enzyme in the basidiocarp of Pleurotus spp .The result of the study revealed that exo ?-1,4 glucanase and ?-glucosidase activities were highly pronounced in Pleurotus ostreatus (0.87 and 1.29 Umg-1 enzyme protein) than Pleurotus cornucopiae (0.38 and 0.71 Umg-1enzyme protein). Endo ? 1,4, glucanase was expressed maximally (1.56 Umg-1 enzyme protein) in P.cornucopiae than in P.ostreatus (1.28 Umg-1 enzyme protein). Xylanase activity was registered at a higher level of 0.058 Umg-1 enzyme protein in P.ostreatus than in P.cornucopiae (0.037 I Umg-1 enzyme protein)
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Physiological, Phenological and Grain Yield responses in Wheat due to Delayed Sowing.
Time of sowing is one of the important factors that govern crop physiology, phenological development along with efficient partitioning of biomass production into economic yields. Due to prolonged duration of preceding crops like rice, cotton, sugarcane and on account of untimately rains, the sowing of succeeding wheat crop gets delayed and is exposed to sub-optimal temperature (High temperature) at establishment, resulting in reduction of not only crop duration but also crop yield. This low yield is due to growth acceleration reduction in duration of crop development stages and carbon starvation due to reduced net assimilation. Genetic progress in increasing the yield potential is closely associated with an increase photosynthetic activity (Rees et al.1993 and Fisher et al.1998).Therefore the present study was conducted to screen photo-synthetic efficient wheat genotypes under delayed sowing condition.
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Soluble proteins, a biochemical indicator for salinity screening in wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.)
Soluble protein concentration of seventeen wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) in NaCl salinity (16 dS m-1 and two weeks exposure) was assessed to evaluate the ability of these traits in salt screening. There was an increase in protein content in salinity stress compared to control condition in root and shoot. Even thought, there was a clear relation between salt tolerance or salt sensitivity and soluble protein in shoot plant; we didn’t find any relation between tolerance and protein concentration in root. It seems that the increase in concentration of soluble protein can be a criteria to distinct salt tolerance in the shoot of early wheat plant. Therefore soluble protein concentration measurement can be applied with other trait such as Na exclusion, yield and yield components to screen wheat cultivars in salinity condition.
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A case study on fungal leaf spot diseases of orange plants
The incidence, effect, and causal organism of fungal leaf spot diseases of orange tree (Citrus spp.) in Southeastern Nigeria were investigated. Healthy and diseased samples of orange leaves were obtained from Aba, Amagunze, Awka, Nkpor , and Onitsha all in Southeastern Nigeria. Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) was used for isolation of fungi. Ten trees with disease symptoms were sampled at each location using visual assessment method and their percentage frequency calculated. The occurrence of fungal leaf spot was least at Nkpor (30%) and highest at Aba (43%). The fungi identified were Aspergillus niger, Fusarium solani, F. oxysporium, Botryodiplodia theobromae, and Geotrichium spp. The F. solani occurred at highest percentage of 37.5% incidence while the lowest was B. theobromae at 6.25%. The pathogenicity test revealed that the major cause fungal leaf spot disease of orange was B. theobromae, Fusarium solani, and F. oxysporium. Although, leaf spot disease is a minor economic problem that reduces crop yield, a number of control measures need to be adopted.
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Fertility activities of female rats via male rats administered with crude extracts of seed, leaf and pulp of Carica Papaya (Linn)
The effect of administering ethanol extracts of seed, leaf and pulp of C. papaya on male rats and assessing its effects on the female rats was investigated. 0, 100, 200 and 300mg/kg of each extracts were orally administered to the male rats for 30 days after which they were mated with the female rats in the ratio of 1:1 for the first generation. Conception rate, induced lethal mutation index, litter size and weight at birth and weaning were estimated. The remaining male and female rats were mated again for the second and third generations. Results obtained showed that there were significant effects (P < 0.05) of mating treated male rats with the untreated female rats on all the parameters studied. Implicitly though, our results suggest that indiscriminate consumption of herbals by male rats could have devastating effects on the female rats during reproduction. It becomes necessary to carry out in-depth research similar to this works as to make concrete assertion.
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Screening of cocoa hybrids of Yangambi breeding for resistance to black rot disease of cocoa pods caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Black rot of cocoa pods, a disease caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maubl., causes significant production losses all over the world. To reduce the impact of this pest, genetic control using resistant varieties is favored.To do this, inoculations having shown the interest of the INERA Yangambi collection, consisting in the evaluation of the resistance of 14 “CRY” clones, vis-à-vis inoculations of a strain of L. theobromae were operated. This study, carried out in Yangambi in the DRC, using inoculation on detached pods with series of tests and a statistical test adapted to the ordinal nature of the data confirms that two clones representing 14.28% of the subjects tested do indeed constitute resistant materials. L. theobromae. In addition, 5 clones or 35.71% are considered moderately resistant. However, the other remaining materials could be integrated into many cocoa genetic improvement programs, especially those with other notable qualities. The Yangambi collection with 62 accessions,
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Hepatoprotective activity of selected medicinal plants: A Review
Liver damage is an epidemic disease, which effects essential biochemical activities in all age group. The liver abnormalities caused by synthetic drugs are found to be broad. Conventional drugs used for the treatment of liver disorders are inadequate. In view of the undesirable side effects of synthetic drugs, it is necessary to search for alternative drugs for the treatment of hepatic diseases and replacement of the currently used drugs. Herbal drugs have become very popular for their use in the treatment of liver diseases. Therefore, there is need to focus on systematic research methodology to evaluate scientific basis for the traditional herbal medicines that are claimed to possess hepatoprotective activities. The present review is aimed at providing an overview of the most prospective medicinal plants having pharmacologically reputable antihepatotoxic activities such as Andrographic paniculata, Boerhaavia diffusa, Ocimum sanctum, Tinospora cordifolia, Phyllanthus emblica, etc.
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