Effects of chemical reactions on free convection MHD flow past an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate through a porous medium with variable temperature and mass diffusion
The effects of chemical reactions on free convection MHD flow of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid past an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate through a porous medium with variable temperature and mass diffusion is discussed. The plate temperature and the concentration level near the plate increase linearly with time. The magnetic lines of force are assumed to be fixed relative to the plate. The Laplace transform method has been used to find the solutions for the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles. The effects of the various parameters such as Prandtl number, Schmidt number, time, magnetic parameter, permeability parameter, thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, accelerating parameter and chemical reaction parameter for velocity, temperature, and concentration and skin-friction profiles have been discussed in detail with the help of graphical representation. The numerical values of skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number have been tabulated.
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Effects of organic manures and soil preparation on growth and yield of yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam, 1792) in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo
The low soil fertility of the Kisangani region and the cost of chemical fertilisers on the market mean that farmers can only resort to palliative and sustainable fertilisation (organic manure). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil preparation and organic amendments on the growth and yield of yam (Dioscorea cayenensis). A split splot design was set up with two factors, soil preparation mode with three modalities and organic amendment as a second factor, also three modalities. The combination of these factors resulted in 9 treatments repeated three times. Vegetative parameters and yield components were measured. The results obtained showed that: ? Soil preparation and organic manures affected yam growth and yield; ? Pig dung was the best organic manure for most of the parameters studied.
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Emerging trends in Human Resource Management
Human resource is of vital importance in any organization. The success of the organization depends immensely on the appropriate utilization and the deployment of the Human resource. It is often felt that that though the utilization of natural resources, availability of physical and financial resources play prominent role in the growth of modern economies, none of these resources is more significant than the committed and efficient man power. Hence organizations have clearly understood that they could get the sustainable competitive advantage through the proper utilization of human resource.
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Energy input-output and economic analysis for soybean production in Mazandaran province of Iran
In this paper we examine the energy use patterns, energy input-output analysis and economic analysis of soybean production in Mazandaran province of Iran. The data were collected using a face-to-face questionnaire method from 95 farmers in Sari, Babolsar, Behshahr and Juibar counties. The results indicated that total energy input for soybean was about 38.7 GJha-1. Among all inputs involved, electricity (49.42%) and fertilizer (20.82%) had the highest energy values per hectare. The bene?t-cost ratio and energy ratio for cultivating for were found to be 1.56 and 2.06, respectively. Also, total cost of production was calculated 0.35 $kg-1 in the research area. The total mean expenditure for the production was 1145 $ha-1 that includes 969 $ha-1 for variable cost and 176 $ha-1 for fixed cost. Optimal consumptions of electricity and fertilizers as major inputs, minimum tillage and no tillage planting systems would be suggested.
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Evaluation of heavy metal pollution index of groundwater during dry season in Winneba-Ghana
Five (5) heavy metals: Cd, Co, Fe, Pb and Zn were monitored in groundwater at three (3) borehole and three (3) hand dug wells and used to evaluate the heavy metal pollution index (HPI) adopting two joined approaches. In the first instance heavy metals that were not detected by the instrument were assigned zero concentration. With the second instance, these heavy metals were assigned the limit of detection of the instrument as if they were present to that extent. These two joined approaches were used in the calculation of HPI for the groundwater based on the mean concentrations of the selected heavy metals and the limit of detection from the instrument. The two (2) approaches gave similar results. The two HPI joined approaches for zero concentration for metals not detected and for the limit of detection of the instrument for metals not detected for the dry season were 0.887 and 0.880 respectively. The near sameness of these values indicates that both approaches could be used to calculate the HPI. There was a significant correlation (P<0.01) between the two HPIs. The results indicates that the groundwater monitored is free from the selected heavy metal pollution.
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Evaluation of permanent deformation performance in the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt mixture
The major objective of this survey was to evaluate the influence of Rynite PET particles on the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt mixture by conducting several tests such as, indirect tensile resilient modulus, dynamic creep and wheel tracking test. As identified by the result of MR test, the stiffness of Rynite Polyethylene terephthalate mix was reasonable and guaranteed the proper permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt mixture at intensive loading situation, while result of dynamic creep has shown a better improvement to rutting, likewise wit wheel tracking test. The testing results of wheel tracking test proved that the applied of Rynite PET in the asphalt mixture improved significantly the resist to permanent deformation (rutting).
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Experimental Studies on Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Co2 Laser Cutting Machine
Laser machining operation is a thermal, separation process, well suitable for several engineering industrial applications. High cutting speed, superior cut quality and low machining costs made laser cutting to become competitive to existing methods of contour cutting. Austenitic stainless steel is a significant engineering metal and it is complex to cut by oxy–fuel formed oxides and high melting point. So, austenitic stainless steel is mostly appropriate to be cut by laser. The cutting process parameters are highly affects the laser cut quality. In this research 1.9 mm austenitic stainless steel is cut with co2 laser. Laser power, cutting speed, gas pressure and focal distance are to be varied. The goal of this research is to narrate these conditions to formations of burr and surface roughness of cut edge. These relationships are engendered and approved with a mathematical model, which is used to forecast and reduce burr height and minimizing the cut edge surface roughness.
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Exploring the Perspectives of Lawyers to Study the Criminal Justice System’s Support of Domestic Abuse Victims in Jamaica
Domestic violence in Jamaica can be contextually understood through the lens of radical feminism and social learning theory. The theoretical underpinnings used in this study served to explain the patriarchal social structures, intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence, and normalization of this behavior. This phenomenological study served to explore and examine the criminal justice system's support of victims of intimate partner violence and results indicated reforms to improve initiatives to eradicate this violent conduct. The data collection method was using semi-structured interviews of 12 lawyers in Jamaica, functioning in a legal capacity as prosecutors and family law practitioners, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicated that the criminal justice system reduces the incidences of domestic violence through punitive measures and support via counseling, mediation, and protective orders. Although prosecutors were quick to dismiss domestic violence cases, victims were reported to be disillusioned with unreasonably long court delays, and violations of protection orders were leniently penalized. The findings indicated that broadly, law enforcement often did not consider intimate partner violence a criminal act, victims lacked privacy when reporting cases, and security checks were not undertaken before allowing victims to return to their attackers. The recommendation is for mandatory and ongoing gender-based violence training for law enforcement, the judiciary, and prosecutors. This study will contribute to existing knowledge and provide the criminal justice system stakeholders with evidence-based findings to transform responses to domestic abuse resulting in positive social change.
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Expression, Purification and Characterization of CFTR C-Terminal region of Killifish
The transportation of specific molecules across lipid membranes is an essential function of all living organisms and a large number of specific transporters and channels have evolved to carry out this function. One of the largest transporter gene families is the ATP-binding cassette (ABC). CFTR, Cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator, is a member of this family and its mutation cause cystic fibrosis. In order to create more effective drugs to treat cystic fibrosis, understanding the mechanism of this disease and structure of CFTR will be needed. Therefore, obtaining the 3D structure will lead to a greater understanding of CFTR. Studying the structure of the C-terminal part of CFTR is the aim of this project. This study also allowed a comparison between killifish and human orthologs. By conducting the same conditions on human orthologs of the CFTR C-terminus, Killifish C-terminal was cloned into pET-28 a (cloning and expression vector), expressed in E.coli and purified using Talon immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The purified protein then characterized using MALDI-TOF analysis, and Circular Dichroism. Killifish gave a higher yield compared to human ortholog, which made it more suitable for further structural and functional studies.
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Fabrication and Evaluation of Mechanical Behaviour in Hybrid Polymer Matrix Composites
In this paper, the composite laminates were fabricated to different weight percentage of uni-directional and stitched cross mat E-glass fibers, glass and Kevlar fiber reinforced with epoxy resins and hardener. For laminates fabrication epoxy matrix is maintained is constant weight percentage (60%) and glass fibers with different stacking sequences is added with various weight percentage. Mechanical behaviour of composites such as tensile property, flexural property & impact resistance are study in this investigation. The various geometry of E-Glass/Kevlar fiber reinforced laminates manufactured by hand lay-up method and followed by compression moulding technique. Where epoxy is constant (60%) and change the fiber percentage, specimens prepared with difference stacking sequences material are tested. The results show tensile strength and impact resistance are high to the stitched cross glass(SCM) fiber mat(40% ) .The flexural strength and natural frequency is high in order to Chopped strand (CSM) mat(10%)/Kevlar(K) fiber(30%), CSM(30%)/K(10%).
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