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       41. Effects of chemical reactions on free convection MHD flow past an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate through a porous medium with variable temperature and mass diffusion
U S Rajput and P K Sahu
Abstract | Pdf Category : Mathematical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Mathematics
       42. Effects of organic manures and soil preparation on growth and yield of yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam, 1792) in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo
Dieu merci Ambena, Hervé Ambakina, Jean Rostand Inoko, Jean Paul Mukandama and Jean Claude Monzenga
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       43. Emerging trends in Human Resource Management
B.N.Venugopala and R.C.Nagaraju
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Organizational Behaviour
       44. Energy input-output and economic analysis for soybean production in Mazandaran province of Iran
Peyman Qasemi Kordkheili, Navab Kazemi, Abolfazl Hemmati and Morteza Taki
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       45. Evaluation of heavy metal pollution index of groundwater during dry season in Winneba-Ghana
Quansah A.K., Sam A., Ohuapo-Agyemang L. and Nkansah P.A.T
Abstract | Pdf Category : Environmental Sciences    |   Sub Category : Pollution
       46. Evaluation of permanent deformation performance in the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt mixture
Allam Musbah Al Allam, Mohd Idrus Bin Mohd Masirin, Saleh Ahmed Buagela, Hamza Mohamed and Ashraf Abdalla
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Civil Engineering
       47. Experimental Studies on Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Co2 Laser Cutting Machine
U. Naga Raju, P. Rajesh, T. Vishnuvardhan and G. Harinath Gowd
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Mechanical Engineering
       48. Exploring the Perspectives of Lawyers to Study the Criminal Justice System’s Support of Domestic Abuse Victims in Jamaica
Sonia Burrell
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       49. Expression, Purification and Characterization of CFTR C-Terminal region of Killifish
Samyah Alanazi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Conferences and others    |   Sub Category : Thesis Publications
       50. Fabrication and Evaluation of Mechanical Behaviour in Hybrid Polymer Matrix Composites
Kaushic. G and Suresh. B
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Mechanical Engineering