Comparison of teachers’ awareness and utilization of innovative teaching strategies in private and public sector secondary schools
Present research was carried out to examine the extent of teachers’ awareness and utilization of innovative teaching strategies in private and public sector secondary schools, it further aimed to identify differences in the responses to teachers across teaching experience and professional background. A random sample of 100 secondary schools teachers were collected from various private and public sector schools of Islamabad. In this study 16 selected teaching strategies used to analyze teachers awareness and its utilization in classroom settings. For the measurement of research objective a questionnaire comprised of two section was develop, section 1 was based on awareness of innovative teaching strategies (32 items) and part 2 based on the utilization of innovative teaching strategies (16, items). Result reveled that level of teachers’ awareness and utilization of innovative strategies was high in the private sector schools as compared to the public sector schools, moreover teachers with more work experience and professional qualifications are aware with innovative teaching methodologies.
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Considering the Consistency for the Information Criterion AIC
Akaike information criterion, AIC is widely used for model selection. The AIC as the estimator of asymptotically unbias for the second term Kullbake-Leibler risk considers the divergency between true model and offered models. The AIC, is an inconsistent estimator. In this article the proposed approach the problem the inconsistency of AIC, it is the use of consistent offered information criterion, called M1IC (Masumeh information criterion). At the end of these two information criteria of model selection of classic and linear models have been considered by the simulation of Monte-Carlo.
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Creating a Room of Epsilon for Analyzing Variations of Melatonin
The problem of generating epsilon of room is drawing the attention of the reliability analyst. Amongst those approaches, the characterization approach and the modelling approach are very appealing. In fact characterization approach is of interest to both theoreticians and applied workers. Here we have created an epsilon of room for application through characterization approach. In our application we have considered days of Menstrual Cycle with Melatonin hormone as variable compared with both control group and experimental group as women stress effects. Here we have used epsilon room (soft analysis) in the pineal gland. We have further discussed the main important point for saving energy to fight with the stress effects. The Hormones like Melatonin in the night time will be regulated as Melatonin is the night hormone which secretes in the pineal gland. If it secretes uniformly all other hormones like serotonin will be regulated in the day time.
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Curriculum adaptation in education for sustainability
National curriculum framework(2005) focuses on 21st century learning, ensuring learners are equipped to participate in and contribute to their own society and the wider world. An important aspect of this is encouraging students to consider significant future-focused issues such as sustainability.The future-focus theme of sustainability should be evident throughout the curriculum in school education. Structuring learning around a unifying theme such as sustainability provides opportunities for students to make connections between learning areas, competencies, and values. It requires teaching and learning approaches that draw on all elements of effective pedagogy and focuses on empowering students to take action for a sustainable future.Sustainability connects to the principle environmental health is personal health. The curriculum should endorse a place for the school, the family, the community to focus on the place of the student in their own world. Therefore, the school-based curriculum should supports holistic teaching programmes and learning pathways which enable the learner to engage purposefully with the environment.Education for sustainability is about learning to think and act in ways that will safeguard the future wellbeing of people and our planet. Many contexts, topics, or issues that students could explore have a connection to education for sustainability. There are opportunities in most learning areas for students to examine how the resources we use and what gets left over affects the earth.Teachers can introduce students to attitudes and values towards the environment, and create opportunities to explore their own. Students will also have opportunities to take action on issues that are meaningful to them, explore why an issue is important and develop the skills they need to create change.
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Design of Hybrid Mini Grid for Off-Grid Telecommunication Equipment in Bangladesh
Photovoltaic (PV) Smart Grid systems can make a positive contribution to the sustainability of rural communities in developing countries that do not have access to electricity grid. Integration of solar photovoltaic system with diesel generator for remote and rural areas would assist in expanding the electricity access in the tropical region. The Smart Grid approach performance in terms of technical and economic aspects and their prospects has been presented in this paper.
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Desulphurization of Ultrafine Egyptian Coal by semi-coking & Wet High Magnetic Separation
A combination of semi-coking followed by wet high intensity magnetic separation has been used for the upgrading of El-Magara ultrafine Coal. The samples were semicoking at 550°C and then upgraded by the wet high intensity magnetic separator. Semi-coking of ultrafine coal decreases energy costs for its crushing and significantly increases magnetic properties of its mineral constituent. The factors effects on the processes were studied feeding rate, solid/liquid ratio and magnetic field intensity. The semi-coking coal in the size range of ?25?m with pyrite feed contains 2.1% was used for this study. At the end of this study the Sulphur decreased from 2.1 % to 0.45%.
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Determination of heavy metals and potential health risk assessment of honey harvested from the Tamale Metropolis of Ghana using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)
Honey has been used as a bio monitor to determine environmental quality in the environments which are polluted by heavy metals, radioactivity and pesticides. The study sought to determine the levels of some heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb, As, and Mn) in honey and assess their potential health risk to consumers. Samples of honey were harvested from within 5km of the Tamale Metropolis of Ghana. A known weight (5g) of honey samples were digested using an oxi-acidic mixture of HNO3/H2O2 and filtered into a 50ml volumetric flask. The contents of the minerals in the digests were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). The analysis revealed that the concentrations of lead (79.815 ± 16.796 mg/Kg), nickel (15.785 ± 10.968 mg/Kg), copper (13.855 ± 10.213 mg/Kg) and manganese (8.215 ± 4.452 mg/Kg) in the samples exceeded the FAO/WHO maximum permissible limits. The elevated levels of these metals may be evidence of possible pollution agents (vehicular and industrial emissions, pollution of farm soils and pockets of water) in the study area. The Health Risk assessment (THQ< 1) showed no significant public health risk to consumers. However, we recommend regular monitoring of heavy metals from the natural environment of Tamale to mitigate possible future threats to public health.
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Development of school education in India: a look at statistics for upper primary school education
Education is one of very important component of development. Progress of any country principally reflects with literacy level of the population. The Government of India has assigned high priority to the education sector not only to achieve the Univerlisation of Elementary Education by 2010 but also to improve the quality of education at all levels. Some of the initiatives such as District Primary Education Programme (1994), the Mid Day Meal Scheme (1995) and the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (2001) have led some positive impact in elementary education, specifically in rural areas. But most of the work or research carried out for primary school education and educationist or researchers concentrated on primary education only. Therefore it is an attempt a look out to the development of upper primary school education in India.
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Dielectric properties and dispersion parameters of Magnesium oxide nanoparticles with temperature
Magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles were synthesized through chemical coprecipitation followed by thermal treatment. Structural, optical and luminescence properties along with dielectric properties were studied and relaxation mechanisms were explored. The structural characterization studies confirmed the formation of nano sized MgO particles with hierarchical structures and high purity. The dielectric properties were studied in different frequency range at different temperatures. In addition, the Cole –Cole plot are used to explore the relaxation mechanism prevalent in nanostructured MgO. In dielectric materials there are multiple dipole relaxation mechanisms which give rises to spreading of relaxation time on the average relaxation time.
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E-governance applications in public healthcare for rural areas of Uttarakhand
Current scenario in healthcare sector in Uttarakhand is disappointing. Public health service run by Government is overburdened and collapsing. Hilly geographical size, increase population density, lack of transport, inaccessibility, illiteracy, poverty, poor nutritional status, diversity in food habit and life style are various impediments. Government priorities for providing health service to rural areas is yet to be fulfilled. At this stage low budget from state for health, lack of funds and coordination have triggered down trend in health services in rural and hilly areas. As medical science is fast developing and information resource is pouring in, there is urgent need for dissemination knowledge by interlinking primary, secondary and tertiary level health centers using the ICT and e-Governance applications. This will help health personal to deliver high quality services. IT giants are experimenting for e-Governance application in health sector both in Government and private hospitals, This paper reviews use of e-Governance through ICT applications at National Level and also in Uttarakhand province. It presents facts on tele-medicine, tele-referal services and health information dissemination by Video conferencing, Some suggested services using ICT in healthcare are explained in this paper also. Use of Mobile phone to communicate health related alerts using SMS services in rural areas suggested here in this paper.
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