Increase in proteins and pigments using physical and chemical mutagenesis in faba bean.
Induced mutations through physical and chemical mutagens is one of the sophisticated and convenient approach to induce desirable variability in plants compared to the conventional methods. Induced mutagenesis has served an important source in producing high yielding mutants. The present experiment was conducted to induce, isolate and analyse the high yielding mutants of Vicia faba L. var. Vikrant and PRT-12 of M3 generation using single and combination treatments of gamma rays and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). The leaves of plants are known to carry out the most important processes of plants relating to yield and productivity. The pigments like chlorophyll and carotenoids play key roles in the process of photosynthesis. Biochemical analysis like estimation of chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and protein profiling of the leaves of high yielding mutants were carried out using different methods and approaches. High yielding mutant plants were selected from the lower doses/concentrations of both single and combined treatments of ?-rays and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). Increased levels of pigments and NR activity were observed in the variety Vikrant as compared to PRT-12, after treatment of the mutagens. Furthermore, SDS-PAGE analysis of leaf proteins of the mutants of the variety Vikrant showed higher polymorphism and number of protein bands as compared to variety PRT-12. Altogether, the increase in leaf protein content may enhance crop yield.
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Indianness in kiran desai’s novels: a critical approach
The present study deals with the novels selected for analysis at the thematic level of the works of Kiran Desai. This area has been discussed with a view to provide various cues to make use of Indianness. At the critical and thematic levels, Indian surroundings and the Indian social life emphasizing the Indian Scenario, village community, and hierarchical behaviour, customs, practices and beliefs are widely discussed to unleash various nuances happening in the novels vividly displayed by the author.
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Influence of Grandparent-Headed Families on Preschool Learners’ Class Participation: Case of Mwingi Zone, Kitui County- Kenya
This study was designed to investigate whether grandparent-headed families have influence on pre-school learners’ class participation. The study was carried out in Mwingi Zone of Kitui County Kenya. The zone had a total of 67 public pre-schools and the study targeted all the 67 public pre-schools, 1030 pre-school learners and 88 pre-school teachers. The researcher employed descriptive survey design so as to get information from the sampled respondents. The researcher obtained the sample size of the study by using both probability and non-probability sampling techniques. The sampling techniques included stratified random sampling and purposive sampling. The schools in the zone were grouped into five clusters namely: Musukini, Kanzanzu, Mwingi, Ithumbi and Kyethani. The researcher used a representative sample of 10% of the targeted pre-school learners and 20.5% of the targeted pre-school teachers. To collect data from the respondents, the researcher used questionnaires and observation checklists. The questionnaires were used to collect data from pre-school teachers, while observation checklists were used to collect data from pre-school learners. After collecting the data, the researcher processed it by editing, coding, classifying and tabulating it and then analyzed the processed data using descriptive analysis, frequency distribution tables and percentages and Pearson Correlation Tables. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data. The findings of the study indicated that there was a strong negative correlation (r= -0.833, P <0.05) between grandparent-headed families and the class participation of pre-school learners. The study recommended that the pre-schools should be encouraged to be conducting frequent guidance and counseling sessions for learners from grandparent-headed families. Pre-school class teachers should also identify the learners who are not active in class participation and encourage them to be active in class by offering gifts.
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Influence of joint design on metallurgical, corrosion and fatigue properties of submerged arc welded AISI 316l plates
Austenitic stainless steels (ASS) represent the largest group of stainless steels and have maximum usage in industry. AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel is widely used as a structural material in chemical, petrochemical, power engineering and aviation industries owing to its good combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and weldability. In view of industrial importance of this stainless steel, the proposed work would comprise of fabricating welded joints on 10mm thick AISI 316L using two different groove designs viz. Single-V groove and Narrow gap and submerged arc welding process. In view of the service applications that this alloy is subjected to, the joints will be subjected to thermal aging to high temperature of 750°C for 24 hours duration. The joints were thermally aged to study effects of precipitation at high temperature (750°C/24 hrs.) aging condition on different welds. For analyzing different aspects of these welds different specimens were extracted from the welded plates and were further subjected to metallurgical, corrosion and fatigue testing.The metallurgical testing were carried out via optical microscopy, ferrite content evaluation and microhardness measurements. Further, corrosion performance was evaluated using potentiodynamic scan for determining the pitting corrosion resistance of AISI 316L welds with different joint designs. The fatigue crack propagation behavior of different welds was determined through fatigue testing of above-mentioned welds. The results of corrosion and fatigue crack growth performance of AISI 316L welds with different joint designs and thermal aging were correlated with metallurgical observations. Mixed morphology of lacy and skeletal ferrite along with lower ferrite content and higher microhardness were observed for narrow gap butt weld as compared to single V-weld. Further, pitting corrosion resistance was also improved for joints prepared with narrow gap butt weld. The FCGR performance of narrow gap butt weld was also improved as compared to single V butt weld. Aging at high temperature reduced the pitting corrosion performance but increased the fatigue performance owing to accelerated precipitation in AISI 316L welds with different joint designs.
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Influence of principals’ involvement of students in decision making on their discipline in public secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya
The principal as the key implementer assumes the role of moderator of all aspects of participatory practices. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which involvement of students in decision making influence students discipline in secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study used systems theory by Ludngvan Bartalanffy. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The study sample consisted of 118 public and private schools’ principals, 108 teacher and 1534 student leaders. Each school provided 13 student leaders. Questionnaires for principals, interview guide for teachers and student leaders were used as instruments of data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data then, tabulate and present data. The results generated were reported in tables. The findings indicated that most of school students were involved in decision making. The incidences of student discipline in those schools were high a factor that could have been occasioned by students sense of ownership and feeling respected and recognised. The study concludes that involvement in decision making and highly correlate to student’s discipline. The study recommends a replication of the same in a number of counties involving teachers and Board members as respondents.
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Influence of silica sand as fine aggregate in fibre reinforced concrete
The usage of alternative fine aggregate like silica sand is a natural step in solving a part of depletion of river sand. The research on alternative material for concrete making commenced earlier than half a century. Concrete made from silica sand as fine aggregate was studied for workability, compressive strength. Silica sand is made from crushing of quartz stone. Similarly, observe of its durability will make sure more dependability in its utilization. So here on this assignment, silica sand were used as substitute of fine aggregate for making concrete of M-20, with w/c ratio 0.45. The proportion substitute could be 100% with natural fine aggregates. For making M20 concrete opc-53 grade cement is used. Cubes has been casted and tested compressive strength.
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Influence of strategic human resource management practice on sustainable growth of private hospitals in Kenya
The workforce is arguably the most important input to any health system since they have a strong impact on overall health system performance. The quality of patient care may be related in an important way to the quality of life experienced by staff at work. This is because the human factor is central to healthcare, yet its proper management has remained beyond the reach of healthcare organizations. Organizations must understand their strategic imperatives and implement HR practices that will result in employee behaviors that are supportive of those strategic objectives. SHRM practices are concerned with how people are employed and managed in organizations so as to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce. As complex systems, hospitals house an assortment of professionals, medical and administrative, with varying backgrounds and affiliations who exchange ideas, experiences and information, make decisions and enact them. With this background information, the study sought to examine the influence of strategic human resource management practices on sustainable growth of private hospitals in Kenya in this research Sustainable growth in the private hospitals is presumed to apply when the hospitals are able to deliver effective, safe, quality health services to those in need, with a minimum waste of resources while ensuring compliance to the government regulations. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population for this study was 712 staff from the 178 private hospitals licensed by Kenya Medical and Dentist Board. The study found that Strategic human resource management practices was statistically significant in explaining sustainable growth of private hospitals. Thus, hospitals managers should emphasize on implementation of Strategic human resource practices in order to foster hospital growth.HR managers and practitioners should understand the critical nature and utmost importance of strategic human resource practices in creating value for the organization so as to enhance organizational productivity and growth.
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Influence of the Aggressiveness of Weeds on the Production of Six Ecotypes of Brachiaria in Nioka, Ituri Province, DRC
A study on the influence of the weed effect on the biomass production of six Brachiaria ecotypes, namely Brachiaria decumbens cv Bazilisk; Brachiaria mulato; Brachiaria brizantha cv Xaraes; Brachiaria ruziziensis; Brachiaria brizantha cv Nioka and Brachiaria brizantha cv Piata at Nioka, was carried out to observe their productivity and identify those with an interesting resilience to the above-mentioned factor.The experimental set-up was that of randomized complete blocks comprising six treatments (six ecotypes mentioned above) and repeated three times. All six Brachiaria ecotypes were subjected to the weed factor. The following parameters were measured: recovery rate and speed, tillering, biomass.The results of the investigations showed that the highest biomass before and after weed invasion was obtained only by B. ruziziensis
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Instructional Scaffolding with Graphic Organizers to Improve EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
Instructional scaffolding techniques like graphic organizers aid L2 learners in the mastery of tasks. This study aimed at exploring the effects of graphic organizers on listening comprehension and incidental vocabulary acquisition. To this end, a total number of 157 Iranian intermediate EFL who met the homogeneity criterion of the Oxford Quick Placement Test were assigned to an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG), through a quasi-experimental design. The participants received a pretest, the instruction, and a posttest. The pedagogical sequences proposed by Vandergrift and Goh (2012) was the underlying roadmap for both CG and EG's instruction. However, the EG's participants were provided with four graphic organizers. In order to assess the efficacy of the graphic organizers, both descriptive analysis and ANCOVA were employed. The results of the study indicated that the EG's participants outperformed their peers regarding both listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Moreover, the data obtained from an interview revealed the learners' positive attitudes towards the treatment. This study could help practitioners in the field of SLA support the use of graphic organizers as instructional scaffolding strategies.
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Intermolecular interactions of chlorpheniramine with 1-methanol at 303K, 308K and 313K using Time Domain Reflectometry
Intermolecular interactions of chlorpheniramine with 1-methanol have been reported at various concentrations in the frequency range 10 MHz to 10 GHz at 303K,308K and 313K using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR). Excess inverse relaxation time and dielectric relaxationtime were computed by Higasi’s Method and interoperated in terms of the molecular interaction of the liquid mixture. The relaxation time and dielectric constant were decreased with increase in concentration of chlorpheniramine. Cole-Cole method was used to determine the non-linearity of the interactions with ideal values. Deviations in such parameters at all the temperatures implies that the existence of solute-solvent interaction due to rotation of dipoles present in the selected liquid system. Hence the experimental observations suggested hetero interaction which may be due to hydrogen bonding of the –OH group of alcohol with N-H of the chlorpheniramine. The intermolecular interaction was obtained in the order of 303K >308K >313K.
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