Marketing and entrepreneurship: implications, perspectives, and opportunities for marketers
Entrepreneurship is a growing phenomenon in the competitive markets. In the past, marketing and entrepreneurship have been regarded as two distinct fields of study. A growing awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation to marketing, and of marketing to successful entrepreneurship, has recently led to attempts to combine the two disciplines as “entrepreneurial marketing”. The purpose of this paper is to address entrepreneurship perspectives, differences between small firms and entrepreneurial firms, entrepreneurial marketing processes, determinants of entrepreneurship and its implications for marketing, and finally, opportunities for marketers.
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Exploring the creativity of bumiputera’s furniture entrepreneurship
This research aims to examine the factors that influencing the Bumiputera Furniture Entrepreneurial Creativity in Kelantan, Malaysia. There are four (4) factors being studied, which is personality traits, environment, behavior and challenge. Based on some previous research, these four elements are very effective in assessing the level of creativity and innovation among entrepreneurs, especially those involving the manufacturing and production industries. Questionnaires were used as a method of data collection and were distributed to 57 furniture entrepreneurs. Then the data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 14.0 to test the reliability, the further analyzed using frequency analysis, descriptive-mean tests, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Regression Analysis. In general, the result of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between personality traits, environment and behavior with creativity of Bumiputera’s furniture entrepreneurship in Kelantan. This study is expected to produce a creative entrepreneur in the furniture production, thus will contribute to long-term success. In the academic world, researchers could then see how far the value of creativity among entrepreneurs furniture influenced by four factors referred to.
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Importance of emotional intelligence in the organisational context
The filed of Emotional Intelligence is attracting attention of researchers, journalists, academicians, and corporate trainers across the world. Emotional intelligence is quintessentially inseparable a component for success in career. Though considerable amount of research is done in the field of Emotional Intelligence all over the world, there is a paucity of research in this field in India owing to the fact that this field of study is still in the nascent stage in India. This article draws inputs from various scientific studies conducted in the field of emotional intelligence and its implication on career success of employees from Indian perspective. A conceptual model is proposed for measuring predictive ability of Emotional Intelligence for career success using simple regression.
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Need for enabling an environment for management students to take up entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is the professional application of knowledge, skills and competencies and/or of monetizing a new idea, by an individual or a set of people by launching an enterprise. Given the increasing significance and visible impact of Entrepreneurship in wealth-creation and employment-generation, entrepreneurship is considered as critical to India’s growth and development (NKC-2008). This study was undertaken to explore factors that have advanced Entrepreneurship in youth of India. The paper highlights the perception of youth towards entrepreneurship as a career. The paper also points out the realities of gap between students’ learning about entrepreneurship in B-schools and ending up being entrepreneurs.
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Conflict management strategies and perceived organizational commitment in some manufacturing companies in Nigeria
Conflict, in some forms and degrees, is part and parcel of virtually every facet of human life. Workplace conflict is varied, pervasive, and costly to the organization in many ways. Conflict management strategy has an important place in the study of organizational commitment. The commitment of the workers of an organization is a very important factor for an organization to be successful. This research examined the influence of conflict management strategies on perceived organizational commitment. Subjects for the study were 253 respondents which comprised 198 males and 55 females. Three hypotheses were tested and the findings of the study revealed that there was a joint effect of yielding and problem-solving on organizational commitment {F(2,250) = 7.857; R = .243, R2 = .059, Adj. R2 = 0.052; P < .05}. The result also showed that the joint effect of problem-solving, compromising, avoiding, forcing and yielding was significant {F(5,247) =7.514; R = .363, R2 = .132, Adj. R2 = 0.114; P < .05}. Lastly, the result also showed that there was no significant difference in the organizational commitment of male and female respondents {t(251) = 1.96; p > .05}. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that managers should develop diverse but appropriate strategies to resolve and manage conflicts as they arise before it escalates to unmanageable levels. Hence, organizations should take time to analyze the source, type and amount of conflict before making a decision on which strategy to adopt for the effective management of the conflict.
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Fresh graduates entrants to the working world
Way back in 1990s having a degree or a diploma is basically a ticket for a fresh graduate to enter the working world successfully. However the scenario has changed with the number of graduates who completes their degree has increased year after year. This research aims to study the significant of soft skill and confidence level which a graduate has in securing a job. The findings of the study will assist academicians and students to seek ways to improve soft skills and confidence abilities in students before they graduate. Questionnaires will be distributed to three hundred students who have graduated from UiTM Perlis,UiTM Kedah and UiTM P. Pinang. Samples will be controlled to eliminate inappropriate elements contained in the sampling frame.
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Hotel suggestion box and it’s influence on the upgrading of hotel services
Hotel industry is a people oriented service industry which rely on the abilities, behavior and the attitudes of the employees to stay and lead the game. However customers suggestion and feedback is one of the most key factor which would ensure the sustainability of the guest flow to the hotel itself remains. This study aims to examine the differences in consumer behavior among guest of hotels in Malaysians in terms of culture dimension, demographic factors and consumer feedback towards using suggestion box after and during their stay as a guest in the hotel. The findings of the study will provide evidence for hotel management to look into the importance of suggestion box and how it could upgrade the services rendered by the hotel to its guest. Survey method will be employed in this study. Questionnaires will be distributed to two hundred quest who stayed at three different hotels which is categotrized as a “four star hotel” located in Pulau Pinang, Kedah, and Perlis during the period of November 2010 till January 2011. Respondents will be randomly selected based on the interval of every five customers that check-in to the selected hotels. Samples will be controlled to eliminate inappropriate elements contained in the sampling frame.
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Socio economic characteristics and practices of fish farmers in western Kenya
This study examined the impact of fish farming on household food security and livelihoods for fish farming and non fish farming households in Siaya County. Currently fish farming remains under developed in Western Kenya where pond productivity is low and not rising, despite the effort of several players. Further, capture fish in Lake Victoria and rivers has subsequently declined. These scenarios called for the need to examine the production systems and their current performances. The objective of the study was to determine the socio-economic characteristics of fish farmers and their fish farming practices. A cross sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. Stratified random sampling was used to select fish farming and non fish farming households. Key informants were selected through purposive sampling method. Data gathering was through multiple methods; where primary and secondary data were collected. Data analysis made use of descriptive statistics, where numerical and non-numerical summary of data were used. Chi-Square was used to test the independence between variables. Findings were; fish farming in the study area is economically rewarding and profitable. It is capable of creating employment, increasing income and improving the livelihoods of the people. Fish farming in the area is male dominated, however, women are used to manage the ponds and there is less participation of youth in fish farming. Females and youths need to be encouraged to participate in fish farming in the area as a means of increasing their income and improve their standard of living. The main production level is semi-intensive where mixed sexed tilapia production system provides seed for subsequent restocking. Most of the fish farms are privately owned by individuals who have little access to finance. Therefore, government participation in fish farming should be encouraged to boost the quantity of fish available for consumption. Fish farmers should be organized into formidable groups such as self help and cooperative to realize economies of scale in the purchase of inputs and sale of their fish.
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Application of simulation of queue network for reengineering of business processes (case study: process of remittance and withdrawal from bank current account (ordinary and golden)
Systems simulation is growth rapidly as one of the most useful management tools today. This article tries to model and finally improve process of remittance and withdrawal from current account (ordinary and golden) of bank with use of discrete simulation methodology. For this purpose, the said process is identified and then a logical model is simulated with use of ED model (Enterprise Dynamic) for identification of the said model process and data relating to each entity is obtained with use of chronometry and then sample volume has been calculated. For validation and confirmation of the model, a comparison between results of simulation and real measurement has been made by statistical tests. In the next stage, two criteria which include output of the customers and average waiting time of the customers are selected and some suggestions were presented for improvement of remittance and withdrawal processes with regard to the obtained results.
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Devising a qualitative research methodology for conducting an implementation study in Pakistan
This paper describes a research methodology which was developed to study the implementation of Hospital Autonomy Reforms in Pakistan. The research attempted to answer two questions: what happened? And why did it happen? (with regards to the implementation process of hospital autonomy reforms). The environment for this study was very political and characterized by high power distance and low rule of law. Moreover it had an aura of formality and reservation. Few respondents were willing to share information due to their status and busyness. The researcher had to develop a strategy to be flexible and innocuous to be able to accumulate relevant information. Moreover, respondents would rarely honor any official request for information about the process, so the researcher had to use personal connections to gain entry into the environment and to extract data. Main stakeholders were donors, politicians, bureaucrats and doctors. Long unstructured interviews were conducted with them. For the second question, the technique of sense making was used to find out why reform adopted the specific strategy that it took. Use of contextual historical back ground data was made in this regards.
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