Factors that Influence the Adoption of Online Banking Services in Hyderabad
The purpose of this research paper is to determine those factors that influence the adoption of online banking services in Hyderabad. A theoretical model is provided that conceptualizes and links different factors influencing the adoption of online banking in Hyderabad. A total of 302 respondents in Hyderabad were sampled for responding. Factor analyses and regression technique are employed to study the relationship. The results of the model tested clearly that use of online banking is influenced by channel convenience, perceived risk, security perception, prior internet knowledge and information on online banking. The results also determine that demographic factors also impact significantly on online banking. Finally, this paper suggests that an understanding the factors affecting intention to use internet banking is very important to the practitioners who plan and promote new forms of banking in the current competitive market.
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Flowering and maturation periods of Finger Millet as influenced by phosphorus and variety in different agro-ecologies in Kenya
Phosphorus is important for finger millet production in many tropical African soils with low phosphorus fertility. Knowledge of redirection of this limited resource for reproduction is fundamental in realization of potential yields. The effect of four phosphorus levels (0, 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5 kg ha-1 P2O5) and three varieties (U-15, P-224 and a local check) on the days to flowering and maturity of finger millet were evaluated in three agro-ecologies in Kenya during the raining seasons of 2014-2015. Phosphorus application significantly (P<0.05) increased early flowering and physiological maturity in Kakamega and Busia. The varieties elicited significantly different days to 50% flowering and maturation periods in all the study sites. The days to flowering and maturity were found to be lowly but negatively correlated with the grain yield of finger millet in all the sites.
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Forecasting the foreign exchange rates in India – an application of emaco model
Foreign exchange rate is considered as one of the key economic indicator influencing economy health of a country. The movement in FER affects the foreign direct investment, foreign institutional investment, gold price, export and import (balance of payment), forex reserve, commodity prices, corporate performance, stock market, financial institutions trading in currency market, etc. Movements in exchange rates thus have important implications on business cycle, capital flows and are therefore crucial to understanding financial developments and changes in economic policy. The deteriorating foreign exchange rate in India was responsible for increase in fiscal deficit, gold prices, petrol & diesel prices in India. Timely forecasts of foreign exchange rates can therefore provide valuable information to decision makers, investors, policy makers, corporate and traders. Little literature is available about the possibility of accurately predicting foreign exchange rates. This has encouraged the researchers to take up the present study. Exponential Moving Average Crossover Model (EMACO) to forecast the foreign exchange rate in India. Three currencies have been selected for the purpose of study and study period was from 1970 to 2012 (43 years). The study concluded that the EMACO Model helps in forecasting the foreign exchange rate more accurately than their corresponding techniques. The comparison of outcome of forecasting and real-time foreign exchange rate signifies that it is possible to predict the foreign exchange more accurately by adopting Exponential Moving Average Crossover Model.
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FT-IR and FT-Raman spectral analysis of 3-(trifluromethyl) phenyl isothiocyanate
The molecular geometry, vibrational frequencies of 3-(trifluromethyl) phenyl isothiocyanate in the ground state have been analyzed using density functional theory calculation (B3LYP) with 6-311++G (d,p) and 6-311++G (2d,2p) basis sets. The optimized geometrical parameters obtained by DFT calculations are in good agreement with experimental values. Comparison of the observed fundamental vibrational frequencies of the 3-(trifluromethyl) phenyl isothiocyanate and calculated result by DFT/B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)/6-311++G (2d,2p) is superior for molecular vibrational problems. A detailed interpretation of the FTIR and FT-Raman spectra of 3-(trifluromethyl) phenyl isothiocyanate are reported on the basis of the calculated potential energy distribution (PED).
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Fungal Diversity of Pokhar, Taluka-Purandar, District-Pune, India
Pokhar is a small village from Purandar Taluka. The survey of the locality has been done and found some interesting fungi and lichens. In all total 13 species of fungi and lichens were reported from which 07 are non-lichenised fungi and 06 are lichenised fungi. The height indicator species like Collema has also found at low heights.
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GC-mass analysis of Lippia citriodora L. stem
Plants are important source of drugs for majority of the world population. The chemical components in Lippia citriodora help in treating various diseases especially about nervous system illnesses. The present investigation was carried out to determine the chemical compounds present in the stem cuttings of L.citriodora with using GC-MS analysis. The analysis revealed the presence of 26 compounds in the stem cutting. The major compounds were citral (10.63%), Geraniol (10.01%), neral (9.21%), Geranial (7.94%), 4-Phenyl undecan 4-ol (6.78%), 1-octen-3-ol (6.54%). The major and minor constituents were also observed.
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Gender and teaching strategies on chemistry students’ achievement in organic compounds nomenclature
This study examined the effect of gender and teaching strategies on chemistry students’ achievement in organic compounds nomenclature in EMOLGA of Rivers State, Nigeria. Used in the study was pretest, post test non equivalent control group quasi- experimental design. One hundred and seventy-five (96 males and 79 females) SSS II Chemistry students were drawn from three secondary schools in EMOLGA of Rivers State. Six research questions were answered, while six hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument for data collection was a 50-item Organic Chemistry Nomenclature Achievement Test (OCNAT) developed by the researcher. Students were divided into two experimental groups and a control group. The experimental groups were subjected to treatment using thinking-aloud and self assessment metacognitive strategies, while the control group was taught using the discussion strategy. Mean and SD were used to answer the research questions while t-test statistics and ANCOVA were used to analyze the hypotheses. The findings showed that there is significant difference in the achievement of chemistry students in organic compounds nomenclature when taught with metacognitive teaching strategies. However, self assessment was the best strategy for teaching organic compounds nomenclature the study reveals. The findings also revealed that there is no interaction effect between gender and teaching strategies. The study concluded that metacognitive teaching strategies such as thinking-aloud and self assessment have been identified in this study as innovative teaching strategies that could be adopted in effective teaching of organic compounds nomenclature. In addition self assessment model of metacognitive teaching strategy was found to have superior impact on students’ achievement in organic compounds nomenclature and thus is advocated for use in our secondary schools.
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Genetic diversity in farm animals
Recent developments in the molecular biology have provided some specific molecular markers which are generally used to define a specific region of genome. In genetic analyses, three types of markers are used as morphological, protein and DNA markers. After the discovery of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), PCR-based markers have been begun to be more preferred. Studies of genetic characterization have inconsiderable importance in the studies such as determining the level of inter and intra- population genetic diversity, devel-oping protection programs, domestication, and deter-mination of migration routes. In genetic characteriza-tion studies, the different biochemical marker systems, alloenzymes, mitochondrial DNA, and Y chromosome specific molecules are used. DNA markers, particularly polymorphic microsatellite markers, constitute the most preferable system in PCR applications. New mo-lecular biology techniques enable analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism to be able to made faster and economically and be used together with microsatellites.
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Health-related Quality of Life among Children/Adolescent Living with HIV/AIDS in Lagos State Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Approach
Health- Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is a notion that is commonly used to examine the impact of health status on quality of life. HRQoL is measured by the physical and psychosocial health quality of life of children and adolescent in this study. These two measures were used to provide a better picture of overall HRQoL of children and adolescent as individual measure may not capture the HRQoL as expected. To tackle this problem, this study developed a method for combining these two measures into a summary score called absolute HRQoL of children for ease of investigating the impact of drugs (first and second line ART) on the HRQoL of children/adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in Lagos State. The HRQoL data were verified to know whether the assumptions of normally distributed data and equality of standard deviations in the two groups were reasonably satisfied. These assumptions were not met due to skewness, orthogonal array-based Latin hypercube designs [OA (121,3) LHD and OA (16, 8) LHD] were adopted and the data was scaled to normally distributed data using a universally accepted mathematical formula. The standard deviations also showed that the largest standard deviation (20.53) is not more than twice as large as the smallest (15.91) and thus the assumption of equality of variances has been satisfactorily met which allowed the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) approach on HRQoL among children and adolescent in Lagos State. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of the ART based on the first and second line drugs on the health related quality of life of children/adolescent living with HIV in Lagos State and determine the reliability of the result obtained in this respect. Y (Health Related Quality of Life) denotes the response variable and X represents the independent variable (first and second line drugs). The p-value obtained is greater than 0.05 indicating that there is sufficient evidence that the mean of the health related quality of life of children and adolescent on first line ART and those on second line ART do not differ significantly as shown in Table 6. Conclusively, children and adolescent in both groups are doing fine in terms of their health related quality of life. The rationale behind this may be attributed to their level of adherence to taking drugs at regular times and as prescribed.
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Human Resource Development Using an Individual Development Plan in Project-Oriented Organizations
Most of the research on human resource development has focused on education and health industries by employing the individual development plan. The aim of this study is to explain the process of human resource development in project-oriented organizations using individual development plan, for better understanding and identify factors affecting it. For this purpose, using data theorizing method, data from open and deep interviews with 12 employees of human resource division of Power Installation Company were collected and analyzed. The selection of these people was based on sampling. The results show that individual, team and organizational factors like expansionism, competition for progress, performance feedback and obligation to develop leads individuals and organizations to strive for the development of individual competencies. An individual development plan is an efficient tool in coordinating these efforts, which pursue desired outcomes, such as enhancing the capability of hiring and improving individual and organizational performance, or undesirable, such as the emergence of the conflicts of justice.
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