Perceptual Mapping using attribute based Discriminant Analysis
Identifying Points of Difference (POD) is a challenging task for any brand manager. Though Points of Parity (POP) can be easily identified, research needs to be undertaken to identify distinguishing points of difference. In order to get a view of how customers perceive different brands on various parameters perceptual mapping can be used. This paper studies the use of attribute based perceptual mapping for major mobile service provider brands. Three major attributes were identified namely; Service quickness, Service friendliness and Service fairness and these attributes were used to create a perceptual map and to identify which mobile service provider brand fares better in a multidimensional space.
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Nutritional information and restaurant operators responsiveness
An increasing of chronic diseases associated with the imbalance and substantive nutrition intake on the types’ food consumed away from home witnesses the awakening concerned and awareness among the restaurant customers toward nutritional information. Customers positively perceived the important of providing nutritional information in the full service restaurant menu. Nonetheless, the restaurant operators’ willingness, constraints and obstacles in providing such information have not been widely explored. This study empirically investigates the Malaysian full service restaurant operators’ responsiveness towards providing nutritional information in the menu. Result demonstrates that the serious concerned of the customers is not in line with operators’ responsiveness particularly on certain issues. Restaurant operators are still having inadequate knowledge, understanding and awareness about nutritional information in restaurant menu compared to the processed food. Operators not seemed ready as their willingness of providing such information is subjected to the implementation of mandatory policy or legislation by the government while the unreasonable burdens costs ranging from operational to the overall reduction business financial performance are recognized as their major constraints in making nutritional information available in restaurant menu.
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Performance evaluation of urban cooperative banks in India
The Urban Cooperative Banking (UCB) system has come a long way since 1904 when the first UCB was started at Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu. UCBs remain not-for-profit, owned and controlled by the members who use their services. With the tightening of prudential norms, the banking sector has been consistently conforming to and adopting international prudential norms and accounting practices. Such strengthening of prudential norms have resulted in increased levels of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) for the Urban Cooperative Banking Sector. This study is an attempt to analyze the asset quality of UCBs in India. This paper also traces the return on assets of UCBs in India along with pattern of financing to different sectors.
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A study on effects of globalization on higher education in India
Education system in India can be dated centuries back to the age of Buddha but, now there has in fact been substantial improvement in the higher education state of affairs of India in both quantitative and qualitative terms post globalization. The higher education system in India suffers from acute paucity of funds, lack of autonomy, burden of affiliation etc. It is characterized by extreme rigidity and lack of flexibility. The real weakness of the higher education is in the structure itself, and there is a need for introspection and reflection on what we have achieved and where do we go from here during the times of globalization on the other hand, the effects of globalization on education bring rapid developments in technology and communications are foreseeing changes within learning systems across the world as ideas, values and knowledge, changing the roles of students and teachers, and producing a shift in society from industrialization towards an information based society.
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Monitoring Ambient Air Quality [AAQ]
Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is now recognized as an important problem, both nationally and internationally. Air pollution is harming our health and that of our children and parents. The young and old are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. Air pollution causes many harmful effects, ranging from premature death, to headaches, coughing and asthma attacks. But it is easy to forget that we are contributing to the air pollution as we drive our vehicles, or potentially harmful pollutants spew out of the chimneys of huge factories, We think that pollutants simply blow away, but under some conditions they may be inhaled, minutes or hours later. That is we are careless about air pollution and its impact on health. The need of the hour is to ensure that our air is clean for us and for our future generations, we need to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air. Government bodies develop regional air plans and education programs aimed at reducing pollution, central government is developing vehicle emissions standards, national environmental standards and new fuel regulations to monitor and keep the air pollution under control and improve the quality of air.
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Structural equation modelling of an integrated information processing and decision making
Information processing model developed for management and psychological literature were from the basis of four general models, which provide a guiding framework for research. These models were term as rational, limited capacity, expert, and cybernetic models of information processing and behavior. Previous researcher argued that each model provides a different explanation of processing in several theoretical domains and has different methodological implications. However, the findings of the present study advanced and tested using structural equation modelling on the data collected from a sample of 118 Malaysian companies suggest that integrated information processing model is more appropriate in explaining extent of environmental scanning and information processing capacity and having a significant bearing on the quality of the decision made.
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A study on globalization of higher education through foreign direct investment: a phase to be engaged or not in India?
Higher education is assuming an upward significance for developing countries, especially countries including India which is experiencing service-led growth. Higher education is all about generating knowledge, encouraging critical thinking and imparting skills relevant to this society and determined by its needs. Education general and higher education in particular, is a highly nation-specific activity, determined by national culture and priorities. The growth of India's higher educational institutions has indeed been outstandingly rapid. The numbers of universities have doubled since 1990-91, and enrolment has become more than doubled. But this has been at the expense of quality, increased rigidity in course design, poor absorption of knowledge, and growing lack of access to laboratory facilities, journals and opportunities for field work, etc. The average Indian graduate compares poorly with her/his counterpart in most countries, including many developing ones. All this calls for reform, administrative changes, more funding, greater flexibility, quality improvement, etc.
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Approach to Economical Assessment of Municipal waste Recycling systems Approach to environmental Case Study: Fixed Stations of Collect dry waste in Zone-11 in Mashhad City-Iran
The present study was designed to evaluate the economical plan of recycling urban waste, dry waste by fixed stations in zone no. 11 municipalities Mashhad city deals. The used information this study, the data related to volume , revenue and expenses waste collection stations using waste bank in 2012, which is collected by the recycling organization of Mashhad municipality . In this Research in order to economical evaluation waste banks all income, expenses and savings, economic and environmental projects in the region, 11 have been calculated. The results proved the justifiability design collection stations I waste of economic and ecological points of view.
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Arising employees’ retentions due to organizational commitment & support in pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical industry is facing high rates of turnover among sales and marketing employees. Turnover intentions of the pharmaceutical employees are increasing gradually and the organizations have to take serious steps to control it. Even with the severe problem, we are ignorant of any scholastic investigation that has studied the factors of turnover among sales & marketing professionals. This research study analyzes the effect of organizational commitment and organizational support on employees’ retentions. In order to investigate employees’ retentions relationship with organizational commitment and organizational support, regression and correlation techniques were used. The result of the study suggests that there is a significant positive impact of predictors on the response variable.
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Building employee commitment: a case study of higher education institutes in Pakistan
This study empirically examines the commitment factors contributing to employee share in Higher Education Institutes of Khyber Pakhtonkhuwa (KPK) province of Pakistan. In total 200 questioners are distributed out of which 133 are returned in completed form with a percentage of 66.5%. A multiple regression analysis is performed; Employee Commitment is taken as the Dependent variable while Top Management Behavior, Compensation & Benefits, Career Development Opportunities and Working Conditions are the independent variables of this study. The results of this study confirm that employee’s commitment is significantly associated with their independent factors. The results of the study are valuable to both academics and policy makers.
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