Readiness of Tertiary Level Studentsof Holy Angel University to Enroll in Online Learning
Schools continue to enforce reforms by adapting technology in the teaching and learning process such as the use of internet in offering courses online so that students can study anytime, anywhere. However, the question persists if online learning is indeed for anybody who wishes to take advantage of this learning modality. While studies have shown that the attrition rate in online learning is higher compared to those enrolled in the traditional face-to-face program, students with high online learning readiness on the other hand have higher satisfaction and higher completion rate. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the online learning readiness of tertiary level students at Holy Angel University (HAU) based on their age, course, year level as well as their intention to enroll in an online learning mode. Results showed that HAU tertiary level students generally have moderately high readiness for online learning. Those with higher online learning readiness were female, older students as well as students in the higher year levels. Majority of the respondents would consider enrolling in online courses; although the difference with those who do not wish to enroll is minimal. Common reasons to enroll include accessibility and ease of technology use while for those who are not enrolling cites the absence of the physical presence of the teacher and the perception that online learning is not “real” learning. This study highly recommends proactive measures to address the issues and concerns of all stakeholders to ensure successful outcome for all online learning initiatives.
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The effect of using mastery learning approach on academic achievement of senior secondary school II physics students
The method of teaching students is very important for the students’ academic achievement and general performance. This study investigated the effects of mastery learning approach on the academic achievement of Senior Secondary two students in Physics. The study was a pre-test, post-test quasi-experimental study on Physics Achievement in Ogidi Education zone of Anambra State, Nigeria. Physics Achievement Test (PAT) was used to collect data and data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Z-test. The result obtained revealed that the experimental group achieved significantly (P<0.05) better than the control group. The female students achieved slightly better than their male counterparts but the difference was not significant at P=0.05. Implication of the findings is that mastery learning is seen to enhance learning greatly and recommendation is that mastery learning should be encouraged for use by teachers in place of the lecture method.
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The magic of the students’ research houses: the effects of the students’ research houses on the students’ spirit and educational achievements
Extracurricular activities have a lot of influences on the growth of spirit and happiness in students; furthermore, they give essential training to them indirectly. Most students and their parents are not aware of the existence and function of such centers which are related to and controlled by education departments. This study attempted to investigate the influences of the classes of the students’ research houses on the spirit and the educational achievement of the students. Two parallel questionnaires each containing fifteen questions were distributed among 77 students who were attending the classes of these houses and 21 parents. Some interviews also were run. The data gathered were then analyzed. The results showed that the subjects and especially the students were satisfied with the efficiency of these houses.
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Digesting Vocabulary: Email vs. Context
From the first stages of learning a new language we were told the best way to learn and memorize vocabulary is through context. However, the way education is taking advantage of technology has made the conventional methods in question. This study is provided to investigate the effect of Email and Context on vocabulary learning in a comparative way. To this end, 16 first-year University students having French as their second language –divided into two groups of eight- were chosen. During 4 weeks of treatment one group was provided with two short stories, each containing 35 unfamiliar French vocabularies from the pre-test, and the same vocabularies were sent to the other group everyday by Email. The results were collected through post-test and a recall test, in addition with an interview for the Email receiving group to learn the participants’ opinions about their learning experience. The post test results did not show any significant difference between the two groups, however the recall test ten days after the experiment showed that the context receiving group was much better in recalling the studied vocabularies than the Email receiving group–although the Email participants were more interested in their learning method. It could be concluded that learning vocabulary through context is still a better help for language learners to store the learnt vocabularies in their memory.
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Impact of gender difference on performance failure appraisal among inter collegiate volleyball players
Besides studies on psychological characteristics are evidencing that sports are differed significantly in terms of level, gender, type of sports and living conditions. Within the presumption, the present study has been taken on examine the influence of performance failure appraisal on volleyball players. The Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) is a multidimensional measure of cognitive-motivational-relational appraisals associated with fear of failure (FF). To achieve this purpose, as subjects, male and female volleyball players were selected randomly from Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. Besides, as the main purpose of findings the influence of performance failure appraisal on volleyball players performance. In such a way as samples, for this study sixty volleyball players were selected. From the subjects (male = 30 and female = 30). The age of the subjects ranged from 18-25 years. They were hailed from various socio-economic conditions. Selected subjects were completed the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI). It consists of 25questions that has been divided into six subscales. The collected data were statistically analyzed by using independent ‘t’ test. From the results of this study showed significance difference between men and women volleyball players on Performance Failure Appraisal
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Challenges facing teachers in the teaching of life skills-based education in high schools in kakamega county, Kenya
Life Skills-Based Education (LSE) is a subject newly incepted into the new curriculum Kenyan High school curriculum. The subject is meant to enhance the learner’s holistic growth in aspects such as their relationships with others, understanding of self and critical thinking in decision making. This study was set to investigate the challenges faced by teacher counselors in the teaching of Life Skills-Based Education in Kakamega County. The objectives of the study were; to establish teachers’ personal capability in handling the teaching of Life Skills-Based Education, and to establish the challenges facing the teaching of Life Skills-Based Education. The study sampled 27 high schools from the county. The study design was a descriptive survey. Data collection was made possible by the use of questionnaires and document analysis. Data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and was presented by way of pie chart and tables. The findings of the study indicated that indeed teacher counsellors faced a number of challenges such as lack of adequate training, less time allocation for syllabus coverage, heavy workload in other teaching subjects and inadequate teaching and learning materials. The study recommended that the government organize to build capacity for the build Life Skills-Based Education teachers, employ more teachers to ease workload and put in evaluative measures for the subject so that it is taken seriously by both the teachers and the students.
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Analysis of globalization-driven reforms in education: Critical Theory Approach (CTA)
This paper analyzes the impacts of globalization-driven reforms on higher education focused on them with reference to policy context, process and content because education and globalization are essentially interrelated to each other. Globalization is a multidimensional concept that involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across border; transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; relation and discourse of power; it is a global process, a revolution, and an establishment of global market free from socio-political control. Globalization is a phenomenon that encompasses all of these, however; it is significant that this term bring with it several hidden agendas too. We have used Critical Theory Approach (CTA) which is based on the Critical Theory. This social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as whole, on the contrary to traditional theory which is oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Critical theory aims to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that help to discover and true facts about the real function of a system. A critical policy analysis is directed toward discovering links between policy context, process and content. This study is based on the hypothesis that Neoliberalism, globalization and higher Education are closely interlinked. The findings are based on the review of literature that reveals that the paradigm of the globalization is Neoliberalism. Therefore, the globalization-driven reforms (competitiveness-driven reforms, finance-driven reforms, and equity-driven reforms) all aim at achieving the goals of Neoliberalism. The governments need to keep their ideological, political and economic situation in view while formulating the educational policies because each government functions in different scenario.
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Development and validation of ecological inventories of a child with intellectual disabilities
This research paper concerned with the detail procedure for development of ecological inventories of a child with mild intellectual and developmental disabilities. The main purpose of this study is to develop the instrument which helps in need assessment of functional skills and development of functional curriculum for children intellectual disabilities. First stage three main environments were selected such as home, school, and community then each environment was divided into different sub-environments. The information about environment and sub environment were collected from different sources such siblings, parents, teachers and observation of the child through different instruments. Collected information were organized into catalog. The developed ecological inventories were finalized in the light of feedback received from experts. The experts reported as the best tool for assessment of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Perception of University Teachers about Initiation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) at University Level
The study was designed to investigate the perceptions of university teachers for feasibility of problem based learning at university level. Being a descriptive study a questionnaire was used as a tool to acquire perceptions of university teachers regarding feasibility of problem based learning at university level. A purposive sample of 23 university teachers from two departments i.e. Education & Mass communication at university was selected including some senior faculty members. Participants were with different qualifications which ranged from masters to MS/PhDs. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and by calculating a t-test to determine the difference of perceptions among university teachers in view of their gender. Results indicated a strong perception of university teachers about effectiveness of problem based learning on student. It was also found that university teachers were having strong perceptions about initiation of problem based learning at university level. There was no significant difference about perceptions of teachers in view of their gender. Necessary changes in curriculum, assessment procedures, training of staff, administrative needs and raising of financial resources were recommended for initiation of problem based learning at university campus.
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Pooled CFA for wellness perception, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and counseling self-efficacy and self development of counselor trainee
Pooled confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for wellness perception (PK) emotional intelligence (KE) spiritual intelligence (KS) counseling self-efficacy (EKK) and self-development (PD) of the public university’s counselor trainees were done using IBM_AMOS Version 21.0. A total of 208 respondents, who are trained counselors from Bachelor Degree in Counseling, was involved in the research which currently undergoing internship training. needs to validate all the latent construct measurement model for unidimensionality, validity and reliability.
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