Investigation of corrosion behaviour of mild steel using natural product as corrosion inhibitor in citric acidic medium
An aqueous extract of Piper Nigrum. L (PNL) has been prepared as a corrosion inhibitor to control the rate of corrosion. This compound has been investigated as corrosion inhibitor at room temperature for preventing mild steel corrosion in Citric acid medium at different molar concentration by weight loss method and by adsorption isotherm. The result showed that the corrosion inhibition efficiency of this aqueous extract of PNL was found to vary with different molar acid concentration. Also, it was found that the corrosion inhibition behavior of PNL is greater in 1M Citric acid than 2M Citric acid due to aggressive nature of acid. So PNL can be used as a good inhibitor for preventing mild steel material. The surface analysis study confirms the corrosion of the mild steel and its inhibition by the inhibitor Piper Nigrum.L.
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Issues on Blind Peer Review
This study discussed issues relevant to the peer review in the science social system. A background discussion was used to identify the significant clamor of biases in peer review. This was identified as the basis of most author and reviewers conflicts during peer review, however, exposition on the purpose of blinding during peer review was provided. This is to avoid decisions based on sentiment as result of connections between reviewer(s) and author(s).
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Joint Conformity Resulting from Quadriceps Muscle and Ground Reaction Forces Influence Anterior Cruciate Ligament Response
Instrumented cadaveric knees were used to address the interaction between unopposed quadriceps muscle forces (QMF), ground reaction force (GRF), and strain in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) through in-vitro simulation of a vertical jump-landing process. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of unopposed QMF, low knee flexion angle, joint conformity and constant GRF on the ACL strain. Fourteen cadaveric knees were mounted in a custom made dynamic loading simulator. The strain on the anteromedial bundle of the ACL was measured using a Differential Variable Reluctance Transducers (DVRT) sensor. Also, an I-Scan pressure transducer was used to measure the contact pressure and area in the tibiofemoral joint. During landing phase, the peak pressure on the lateral compartment is very high compared with the medial compartment. During landing phase, both the contact area and pressure increases in the tibiofemoral joint. The induced joint conformity caused by contact pressure has been justified. The results show that unopposed quadriceps muscle forces coupled with ground reaction force at low knee flexion angle cannot cause ACL injury. Joint compressive loads induced by large muscle forces and GRF introduces the joint conformity, and it produces the primary restraint against anterior tibial translation at low flexion angles.
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Levels and Trends of Wanted and Unwanted Fertility in Uttar Pradesh
The present paper examines levels and trends of fertility decline in Uttar Pradesh, which has occurred over time. The two major factors viz. wanted fertility and unwanted fertility have been the theme of several discussions over decades, among other aspects of population policy. Wanted births are those which are planned by couples and accepted socially, whereas unwanted births are those which do not adhere to certain social norms and may be categorized as illegitimate births, births after achieving a desired family size, births after marriage of own children etc. The study of unwanted pregnancy has been essential to demographers and public health practitioners to understand the levels of fertility and prevent unwanted childbearing. However, still a large number of the Indian women are forced to give unwanted births and this can be observed from the reports of NFHS-1, 2 & 3. Rural women in Uttar Pradesh are still having more children than their urban counterparts and the unwanted fertility rate is also higher. The fertility differentials exist by residence, education, religion, and caste/tribe in Uttar Pradesh. Research on wanted and unwanted components of fertility can lead to frame important policies which in turn may bring considerable decline in fertility and enhance the well-being of mothers and children. This paper measures the unwanted fertility by comparing total wanted fertility rate with the total fertility rate in Uttar Pradesh, which will ultimately help policymakers in designing proper action plan so that replacement level fertility can be achieved. Keywords: Fertility, TFR, TWFR, TUFR, NFHS, WFS, DHS
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Malaria and HIV co-infection in patients attending a tertiary health facility in rivers state
Malaria and HIV infections are co-endemic throughout most of the topical and sub-saharan Africa and both present major threat to public health. A study on the prevalence of HIV Co-infection, Malaria interaction and CD4+ count was carried out on 1000 patients attending a tertiary health facility in Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers State using Cyflow cytometer and Microscopy for parasite detection. Five Hundred HIV positive individual were examined for the presence of malaria Parasite and CD4+ count level, Two Hundred and Fifty individuals were used to determine malaria intensity in relation to CD4+ count level in HIV negative patients. The results showed higher malaria prevalence of 38.5% and prevalence according to age showed a higher prevalence of 45.8% among age group 31-40 and a lower prevalence of 31.5% among age group 41-50 at p =0.029. females had higher rate of infection with 20.1% prevalence than males with 18.4% in relation to sex at P=0.333 (P>0.05). malaria intensity had highest prevalence of 50.8% and a lowest intensity level of 16.7% at P=0.033. Hence the study suggest that malaria and HIV co-infection requires special medical attention. Further studies to elucidate the interaction between Malaria and HIV for better management are recommended.
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Mandibular brown tumor revealing a parathyroid adenoma: Case report and literature review
Brown tumor or fibrocystic osteitis is a rare benign bone lesion secondary to exposure to excessive parathyroid hormone secretion in hyperparathyroidism. It can affect the entire skeleton; mandibular localization remains exceptional. We report a case of a 28-year-old female patient, who presented a swelling of the chin evolving for 1 year. Radiological examination revealed the presence of two mandibular lytic lesions. Histological examination after biopsy revealed a giant cell tumor, on which the diagnosis of brown tumor was evoked and confirmed by the discovery of primary hyperparathyroidism profile on parathyroid adenoma whose surgical treatment allowed a spectacular regression of the mandibular tumor. Our patient's case illustrates how the Brown tumors should be considered in the differential diagnosis of osteolytic lesions to avoid unnecessary and harmful interventions.
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Measurement, Modeling and Analysis of Received Signal Strength at 800MHz and 1900MHz in Antenna Beam Tilt Cellular Mobile Environment
In Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile environment, transmitter and receiver signals are heavily influenced by the effect of clutter surrounding both the transmitter and the receiver. Therefore the ability to optimize a CDMA system is dependent on the initial system configuration at the deployment stage. This includes the site location, antenna type, orientation, beam-tilt and the choice of propagation model which contributes greedily to a better optimization of the network. The proposed study provides an insight to two live CDMA2000 operators, on the sensitivity of received signals at the mobile terminal to adjustment of antenna beam-tilt angle to maintain good coverage. The operators transmit at 1900MHz and 800MHz frequency band respectively. The investigation was conducted in a series of field-tests. The result obtained from RSS coverage rate analysis, shows that the adjustment of beam-tilt angle to optimum value has great improvement on the coverage of the two CDMA operator networks.
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Microchip drug delivery new Era of drug delivery system
Microchip drug delivery system is the most wonderful system of delivering the drug for a great span of time without the intervention of the patient to whom it is fixed. it consists of varied number of sockets containing drug (generally ranging from 50-300) which release the drug at the fixed intervals each at a time. Microchips has developed its core technology for drug delivery by hermetically sealing small quantities of drug in the microreservoirs, and releasing that drug on schedule or demand. In drug delivery, there are several fundamental challenges: Long-term storage and protection of the compound, Appropriate delivery (i.e., timing and pharmacokinetics), Release of precise amounts of a compound at desired interval Compliance to prescribed therapy. A microchip system has the ability to store a large number of drugs or chemicals, control the time at which release begins, and control the rate at which the chemicals are released. Drug delivery device is capable of controlled, pulsatile or continuous release of a wide variety of drugs that can be safely implanted inside the body. The microchip could be integrated with a tiny power supply and controlled by a microprocessor, remote control , or biosensors.
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Microscopic Quantification Analysis of Candida in the Oral Cavity of Type II Diabetic Patients compare with Non-Diabetic Human Population
Since candida inhabits both diseased and normal healthy human population its carriage rate signifies while interpreting the microbiological results associated with candida. In this study oral swabs were collected from the type II diabetic and non-diabetic individuals and the collected specimens were subjected to direct microscopic examination and culture on sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA). The microscopic and culture results had shown difference in these two different study subjects. Compared to non diabetic individuals the oral swab of type II diabetic individuals had shown increased carriage rate of candida. It revealed the facts of the candida colonization among type II diabetic individuals. From this study results it came to understand that the hyper glycemic condition of the type II diabetic patients could be the major reason for the colonization of candida. Candida is a yeast which can attack both immuno compromised and immuno competent humans. Further it needs health care professionals attention to take care of these population.
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