Scaled Quantum Chemical Studies of the Structure, Vibrational Spectra, Force Constants and First-Order Hyperpolarizability of 3,5-Dimethylpyridine
The molecular vibrations of 3,5-dimethylpyridine (35DMP) were investigated at room temperature by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and FT-Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of the above compounds have been recorded in the region 4000-400, 4000–100 cm-1, respectively. They were interpreted with the aid of normal coordinate analysis following full structure optimization and force field calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) using B3LYP /6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G** methods and basis set combinations. The results of the calculations were applied to simulated infrared and Raman spectra of the title compound, which showed excellent agreement with the observed spectra. The vibrational force constants were also performed by using DFT calculations. The difference between the observed and scaled wavenumber values of most of the fundamentals is very small. The values of the total dipole moment (µ) and the first-order hyperpolarizability (?) of the investigated compound were computed using DFT calculations. The calculated results also show that the 35DMP might have microscopic nonlinear optical (NLO) behavior with non-zero values. A detailed interpretation of the infrared and Raman spectra of 35DMP is also reported based on total energy distribution (TED). Electronic excitation energies, oscillator strength and nature of the respective excited states were calculated by the closed-shell singlet calculation method were also calculated for the molecule.
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Secure chaotic modulation schemes using henon map
Future communication should operate at higher data rates, be more reliable, and operate in increasingly crowded frequency allocations. New technologies are being tried in this direction and chaotic communication is one among them. Equivalently, chaotic signals decorrelate rapidly with themselves. The autocorrelation function of a chaotic signal has a large peak at zero and decays rapidly. Same random sequence can be obtained provided we know the exact initial condition for the process. The nonlinear, unstable and aperiodic characteristic of chaotic signals has numerous features that make it attractive for communication use. Chaotic communication is rather a new field in communication research. During the past 15 years, there has been a tremendous interest worldwide in possibility of exploiting chaos in wideband communication system. In this direction already 4 generations of chaotic communication is evolved. In this project we have implemented five different types of chaotic modulation. Demodulation is either coherent or non coherent, based on the type of modulation. For coherent demodulation we used correlator receiver and adaptive filter receiver. We have made a comparison among different types of modulation techniques.
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Semi smooth graceful graph and construction of new graceful trees
In this paper we paper we define smooth graceful labeling and semi smooth graceful labeling for a graph. We also prove that a grid graph PnXPm is smooth graceful graph and a star K1,n is semi smooth graceful graph. Using this we proved that star of a star, star of smooth graceful tree and path union of a smooth graceful tree are graceful trees. We also get graceful labeling for comb graph and simple lobster graph.
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Source degraded LNA Design in 0.13µm CMOS process for Personal Wireless Area Network
This paper presents the results of a RF receiver front-end design used in Personal Wireless Area Network (PWAN) and implemented in a 0.13µm CMOS process with source degenerated amplifier. Device models were used in MULTISIM and MATLAB Particle Swamp Optimization implementation to iteratively find a solution to optimal component values for user LNAtopology. To demonstrate the design methodology, a sub-mW fully integrated narrow-band sourcedegenerated cascode RF LNA is designed and simulated in a standard 0.13µm CMOSprocess to operate in the 2.4GHz band. The LNA achieves a voltage gain of 24 dB,noise figure (NF) of 1.4 dB, from a 4.4 mA supply current.
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Surveying the Impact of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction
This research intends to study on the impact which emotional intelligence may exert on job satisfaction in employees of Behnoush Company. After reviewing the literature pertaining to emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, we created two separate questionnaires in which emotional intelligence and job satisfaction were central. We aimed, by these questionnaires, at ranking job satisfaction elements. After verifying their reliability and validity they were distributed among members of statistical population. Results obtained from application of Pearson correlation as well as regression tests indicate that there is a positive, meaningful relation between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. It was also found that the relation of social skills and self-regulation with job satisfaction was more than other relations. Also, using one-way variance analysis test, the relation between demographic features of employees and their job satisfaction was considered. The results proved no relations between the said variables.
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Tazkiyatun Nafs (Purification of the Soul): A Psycho-Spiritual Approach in Strengthening Marriage Relationships
Marriage has been seen as an essential tool in creating an ideal society. Through marriage institution, a man and a woman could stay jointly and live through affection and happiness. However, due to the lack of spiritual knowledge and practice, some couples, specifically Muslims married couples, facing marital conflicts that lead to either marital distress or marital dissolution. Therefore, this paper discusses the importance of a psycho-spiritual approach based on Islamic perspective to help Muslims married couples to understand and strengthen their marriage relationships. Four elements of human nature; ruh (spirit), qalb (heart), aql (intellect), and nafs (soul), will be discussed to understand the nature of human beings. This paper will examine how these four elements influence Muslim married couples’ personality in order to be affective couples. In addition, the spiritual practices of tazkiyatun nafs (purification of the soul) will be presented to assist Muslim couples fulfill their responsibilities as the vicegerents of Allah SWT on earth.
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The disease activity score ultrasound mode b (DAS28US) and power doppler ( DAS28 DP ) in the assessment of the activity of arthritis rheumatoid
The objectives were to determine the DAS28 Us and DAS28 DP , to compare it with DAS28 standard and establish its influence in the assessment of the activity of the rheumatoid arthritis . Materiels and methods : The DAS28 US and DAS28DP were calculated from the four parameters (articular index, mode B or Doppler power synovial index detected in relation to the 28 joints intended for the DAS28 standard , Patient Global Visual Analogue Scale , ESR ). The examination evaluated the ultrasound synovitis and the Power Doppler activity according to the criteria OMERACT. Results: 37 patients of the average age of 50 years ±11 were enrolled. The duration of the evolution was 7,40±0,72 . There was an average correlation between DAS28 standard and the number of the synovitis modeB (r=0,43; p=0,01 )(table 3) . Conclusion: Our study revealed the subclinical synovitis in 41% of the cases. This study showed a strong correlation between the standard DAS28 and the US and DP ultrasounds DAS28. 35% of patients who were reported in clinical remission were reconsidered ill after ultrasound tests. Thus, this study suggests that the ultrasound scores as DAS28US and DAS28DP could be used in clinical practice to evaluate the rheumatoid arthritis activity.
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The Element and Thermal Profile in Laser welding process
In this paper, the laser beam welding is studied and Aluminum temperature field is gained in this process. The thermal effect of laser beam that specially depends on the laser type and temperature field of it in workpiece, is the main key of analysis and optimization of this process, from which the main goal of this paper has been defined. Utilizing laser as a method to join plastic components is growing in popularity. There are two laser welding mechanisms, keyhole mode and conduction mode. Keyhole welding is widely used because it produces welds with high aspect ratios and narrow heat affected zones. However keyhole welding can be unstable, as the keyhole oscillates and closes intermittently. This intermittent closure causes porosity due to gas entrapment. Conduction welding, on the other hand, is more stable since vaporisation is minimal and hence there is no further absorption below the surface of the material. Conduction welds are usually produced using low-power focused laser beams. This results in shallow welds with a low aspect ratio. In this work, high-power CO2 and YAG lasers have been used to produce laser conduction welds on 2mm and 3mm gauge AA5083 respectively by means of defocused beams. Full penetration butt-welds of and 3mm gauge AA508 using this process have been produced. It has been observed that in this regime the penetration depth increases initially up to a maximum and then decreases with increasing spot size.
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The inhibitory effect of phytate on the bioavailability of calcium, iron and zinc in raw commonly consumed sorghum and maize cultivars
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) has been used to determine the Ca, Fe and Zn content in eight sorghum and maize cultivars. The phytate content is also determined together with the phytate/mineral molar ratios in order to estimate the inhibitory effect of phytate on the bioavailability of these minerals. The results obtained indicated high phytate/mineral molar ratio and suggest thus that reduced and possible non-bioavailability of the minerals may be incited. Nonetheless the [CaxPh]:Zn ratios suggests that the cereal cultivars are a good source of the minerals and that processing of the cereals would improve bioavailability of the mineral.
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To enhance the quality of ultrasound images by reducing speckle noise and edge detection using hybrid Weiner-H Filtering technique
In this world of emerging technology ultrasound imaging is widely used in medical field for disease diagnosis and treatment. Ultrasound imaging is a safe medical technique, due to its non-invasive nature, low cost, portable ultrasound system and the capability for forming real-time imaging. However the main problem with the ultrasound imaging is the image quality of ultrasound image which degrades by the presence of noise called as speckle. The speckle noise depends on the structure of tissue and various imaging parameter. This paper proposed the filtering techniques to reduce the speckle noise from ultrasound image and edge detection in ultrasound image. In this paper we describe a hybrid wiener-H filtering technique to remove speckle noise. This gives a better resulting ultrasound image for disease diagnosis and treatment by clinician.
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