Analysis of Secure key management scheme for dynamic hierarchical access control based on ECC and diffie-hellman key exchange protocol
An access control mechanism in a user hierarchy is used to provide the management of sensitive information for authorized users. The users and their own information can be organized into a number of disjoint sets of security classes according to their responsibilities. Each security class in a user hierarchy is assigned an encryption key and can derive the encryption keys of all lower security classes according to predefined partially ordered relation. In 2006, Jeng and Wang proposed an efficient key management scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystems. This paper, however, pointed out that Jeng–Wang scheme is vulnerable to the so-called compromising attack that the secret keys of some security classes can be compromised by any adversary if some public information modified. We further proposed a secure key management scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystems to eliminate the pointed out the security leak and provide better security requirements. As compared with Jeng and Wang’s scheme (Jeng and Wang, 2006), the proposed scheme has the following properties. (i) It is simple to execute the key generation and key derivation phases. (ii) It is easily to address dynamic access control when a security class is added into or deleted from the hierarchy. (iii) It is secure against some potential attacks. (iv) The required storage of the public/secret parameters is constant.
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Analyzing Role of Subliminal Perception on Effectiveness of Non-Personal Advertising
Marketing and advertising experts seek for novel methods and intelligent means to attract consumers and customers. Subliminal messages can play crucial role in attracting consumers in the branding world. The important task in advertising is to find novel techniques for convincing the consumers to use the products and services. The first impression of the word “advertising” is the publicities on posters and via public media which are in fact audio and visual media. However, advertising industry affects the behaviors of consumers unconsciously with the aid of the tools they use via promoting the emotions followed by changes in their purchase decisions. Utilization of subliminal stimuli is among the new methods deployed by marketing specialists for sales of products aimed at persuading the customer and changing their minds in purchase process. The present study proposes role of subliminal perception in effectiveness of non-personal advertisements. The model is researcher-made and derived from literature review. Having reviewed historical background of the respective research and codifying the objective relationships between variables within a theoretical framework, subliminal perception was tested using three indexes namely, personal factors, stimulus-related factors, and attention to stimulus. Personal factors were analyzed using three components (perceptual consciousness, acceptance, and experience) and stimulus-related factors were taken into account using four components (color, freshness, size, and situation). The data were collected via codification of a structured questionnaire with 5-choice Likert scale consisting of 4 general and 33 specialized questions. The questionnaire was distributed among the sample members after checking its reliability and validity levels. Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to verify normality of data distribution. The results corroborated normality of data distribution. Statistical parametric test was also applied to analyze and test the research hypotheses. The data were analyzed using LISREL software. Based on the results of structural equations method and confirmatory factor analysis, personal factors influenced effectiveness of non-personal advertisements with a value of 0.52%. The respective values for stimulus-related factors and attention to stimulus were respectively equal to 0.45% and 0.67%. Furthermore, the independent variable of subliminal perception influenced effectiveness of non-personal advertising with a value of 0.33%.
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ANN assisted network reconfiguration for enhancement of voltage stability in power networks
Due to economic reasons arising out of deregulation and open market of electricity, modern day power systems are being operated closer to their stability limits. Maintaining voltage stability and specified voltage levels at all nodes in a large & heavily loaded Power network is a critical & challenging task for power engineers. A number of different approaches have been reported in papers for improvement of voltage stability. In this paper a method for improving voltage stability in a power network has been suggested based on Network Reconfiguration approach. Network Reconfiguration is intended to enhance the voltage stability by determination of switching options that maximizes voltage stability for a particular set of loads and is performed by altering the topological structure of the system. In this paper, reconfiguration of a power network is achieved by addition of new power lines to the existing network. The paper reports an application of ANNs in voltage stability enhancement. A generalized ANN model has been proposed for enhancement of voltage stability under varying load conditions. Training data sets for ANN training is generated by varying both real and reactive loads at the buses. An IEEE-14 Bus system considered to demonstrate the performance of the developed ANN model. The proposed ANN model is trained using conjugate Gradient Descent Back-propagation Algorithm and tested by applying arbitrary input data. The test results of the ANN model are found to be closely matching of the results obtained by off-line simulation.
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Applying Lean Line Design Concept to Integrate Assembly Lines
In today’s competitive business scenario manufacturing industries are under the pressure to reduce cost and cycle time. It is a lean manufacturing concept with a systematic approach to identify and eliminate waste through continuous and sustained improvements by manufacturing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection. This paper is to Design and Integrate Assembly Lines ‘A’ and ‘B’ based on ‘Lean Concept’ using MTM/UAS analysis for determine the time and to identify the improvement. The study was carried out in 2 assembly lines in a reputed manufacturing industry. The paper concentrates only on assembly line and where assembly line ‘B’ is to be accommodated into assembly line ‘A’. The main focus of the paper is to study the existing system and designing the new solution based on Lean Line Design concept which would follow the standards of the manufacturing industry.
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Benefits of IQACs in educational institutions of higher learning
The IQACs in the educational institutions of higher learning on the recommendation of NAAC can definitely contribute to the aspects such as increasing involvement of human resources, reduction of work pressure on management, human resource work in a smarter way than harder way, conversion of average into high achievers, enhancement in human resource efficiency, existence of better academic environment, collective administrative decision making, transparency in the financial transactions, better work culture, new dimension to education sector and raising the level of job satisfaction in various degrees. The sample has been taken from 44 institutions of higher education in Haryana. The coordinators of IQACs in each college were contacted to respond to the queries. These 44 institutions include 19 urban aided institutions (13 co-ed. And 6 women colleges), 8 urban government institutions (5 co-ed. and 3 women colleges), 11 rural aided institutions (3 co-ed. and 8 women colleges) and 6 rural government institutions (3 co-ed. and 3 women colleges).
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Computational identification of common enzymes and motifs in different metabolic pathways of Escherichia coli and Arabidopsis thaliana
Resources hub NCBI and EBI with databases like KEGG, METACYC etc. were used for computational comparative analysis of metabolic pathways in E.coli and A. thaliana to determine common enzymes and motifs according to same EC number. The extent of conservation in the metabolic pathways like glycolysis, citrate pathway, pyruvate pathway, nucleotide sugar pathway, riboflavin pathway, carboxylate pathway, galactose pathway, methane pathway, urea pathway and pentose phosphate pathway present in both E.coli and A. thaliana was analyzed. Among the ten metabolic pathways shared by both organisms, seven enzymes were identified in pentose phosphate pathway of both organisms according to their EC number. Nine motifs were present in methane pathway and nucleotide sugar pathway of E. coli. In A. thaliana maximum eight motifs in methane pathway and one in each pentose phosphate pathway, riboflavin pathway and urea pathway was identified. Comparison of E. coli and A. thaliana metabolic pathways shows that central set of pathway is largely conserved in terms of pathways, domain architect and motifs present. There was difference in the position of the motifs present in the enzymes that perform the same function so the variation in the stretch of amino acid conferring a specific structure needs to be distinguished.
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Conflict Management Proficiency and Stress of Managers in Instrumentation Industry
Conflicting and stressful situation at work place, disturbs the mental peace, weakens a person psychologically and create complexities in social and familial relationship. A better understanding of conflict and conflicting situations improve individual’s proficiency of managing conflict. The present study analyzed the relationship of Conflict Management Proficiency (CMP) and Stress of managers. Standardized scales for conflict management and stress assessment were used for estimating the CMP and stress of the subjects from private and public sectors, for establishing relationship between the correlation coefficient was computed. Results revealed that on an average the managers had ‘above average’ CMP and ‘low stress’. There was found a significant negative correlation between CMP and stress in subjects of all the categories. Therefore it was concluded that the CMP and stress were negatively correlated, the increase or decrease of either of the factor may be impact on quality, quantity and productivity of work.
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Design of Proportional Navigation Guidance for Air to Air Missiles
The primary weapon used in modern air combat is a guided air to air missile. Many air to air missiles use proportional navigation (PN) guidance during the terminal phase. The main advantage of PN guidance is it requires minimal information regarding target motion. It is reliable and robust guidance scheme. The main objectives of this project are three fold 1) working of a guided missile, 2) PN guidance scheme and its suitability for air to air missiles. 3) Advantages and limitations of PN guidance. The above goals are met by implementing PN guidance law with the help of simplified interceptor and target missile models in MATLAB (SIMULINK). The effectiveness of PN guidance is also studied for various target engagement scenarios. Further this implementation has also been carried out in Xenomai – 2.6 (a Linux based open source Real Time Operating system) in C language.
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Economic Development and Tourism Potential in Vailankanni
India is a country of immense diversity, the communion of several beliefs, universal truth seeker’s path and a land of deep spirituality. Being a country of devote, India is doted with innumerable pilgrimage sites. The Shrine Basilica of our Lady of Vailankanni in Nagapattinam District, popular pilgrimage destinations in the world. To this magnificent pilgrimage spot people flock throughout the year, from all over the world irrespective of caste, creed, colour and religion, to offer prayers and to obtain gracious blessings for their well being and to offer thanks with grateful hearts for the countless gifts they received through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Vailankanni. The topography, seashore, conducive climatic conditions and above all the deity namely, our Lady of Vailankanni, the miracles and the grand festivals are the main tourist attractions by which millions of domestic and foreign tourists are motivated to flock to this spot Vailankanni round the year. The Shrine of Vailankanni primarily seen as a place of pilgrimage. However, a closer look at the activities of the shrine reveals that, the Shrine has contributed to the economic and social development of the Vailankanni region and has contributed through its tourism and its related economic activities. Thus, tourism is a growing industry of promise and potential for economic development in Vailankanni. Tourism in Vailankanni is considered as a cultural and technological ambassador, as an industry without smoke, and economic multiplier, as an instrument of social progress, as a promoter of national integration and international understanding and peace. This article studies in detail and analyse how the pilgrimage Tourism of Vailankanni empowers the local people economically and socially. This paper also concentrates on how the pilgrimage Tourism of Vailankanni promotes National Integration and cultural fusion. This also examines the relationship between eco-tourism and economy with a view to understand how the benefits are utilized within the local community. Thus a combination of descriptive, interpretive and analytical approach has been adopted in this research work. This article explores the physical and cultural potential that can be harnessed for the development of pilgrimage tourism of Vailankanni.
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Efficient Biometric for Human Identification and Verification through Iris Recognition
A biometric system provides automatic identification of an individual based on a unique feature or characteristic possessed by the individual. Iris recognition is regarded as the most reliable and accurate biometric identification system available. Most commercial iris recognition systems use patented algorithms developed by Daugman, and these algorithms are able to produce perfect recognition rates. However, published results have usually been produced under favorable conditions. The work presented in this paper involved developing an iris recognition system in order to verify both the uniqueness of the human iris and also its performance as a biometric. For determining the recognition performance of the system one databases of digitized grayscale eye images were used. The iris recognition system consists of an automatic segmentation system that is based on the Hough transform, and is able to localize the circular iris and pupil region, occluding eyelids and eyelashes, and reflections. The extracted iris region was then normalized into a rectangular block with constant dimensions to account for imaging inconsistencies. The Hamming distance was employed for classification of iris templates, and two templates were found to match if a test of statistical independence was failed. The system performed with perfect recognition on a set of 450 eye images; however, tests on another set of 340 images resulted in false accept and false reject rates of 0.005% and 0.238% respectively. Therefore, iris recognition is shown to be a reliable and accurate biometric technology.
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