Investigating the job satisfaction and professional commitment
Aim: The main aim of this study is analysis of job satisfaction and professional commitment between staffs in Kermanshah. Materials and methods: This study is according to descriptive analysis and reaching branch and information gathering tools is question air and for assessing job satisfaction we use briefed and worth 18 question airs and for analysis of professional commitment and organizational commitment receive 83% static and 87% from job satisfaction question air, because crownbakh in both question air is more than 0/7 so both question air necessary static. Sample population volume 150subjects from privet banks in Kermanshah and according to sampling random way some of them had been chosen a stoical population and finally we collected 18 questions airs. Findings: For determining normality of data we use kolomogrove – sminoroph test and results of tests confirm normality of data so meaningful relationship between them had approved.
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Investigating the probability of receiving more replies to a posted letter rather than an email
Electronic mail is a powerful means of communication. It is fast become a primary means of communication. It is however different from other means of communication, for instance the dimensions differ in: speed, permanence of the message; cost of distribution, deliverance to individuals and groups; an ability to filter, channel, record, and control messages. There is also a lack of ‘intimacy’ inherent in email that many believe does exist in posted letters. This can be a problem when emailing unknown persons in the hope of generating a response to a matter which relies on their taking time to ponder the query and compose a reply. We set out to examine whether posted letter would elicit more replies than emails and the rest of this paper describes the results. We conclude that posting a letter does indeed induce more replies than email.
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Investigation Analysis of Information Literacy of Science and Engineering Undergraduates
Information literacy is an essential competence for the contemporary information society. An information literate person knows why and how to use information for achieving the purposes, and act ethically. In order to further understand the information literacy of undergraduates and establish the base for the practice strategy promoting undergraduates' information literacy, the self-made "Questionnaire of Undergraduates' Information Literacy" is used in the study. The quantitative responses were analyzed by SPSS. The Cronbach's reliability coefficient of the scale was 0.875. In light of the results of the analysis, the undergraduates’ level of information literacy is on the intermediate. The ability of undergraduates to find, seek, assess and use information effectively is fairly good. During the processing of learning, information literate undergraduates should improve the efficiency in the way handle information.
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Involvement of the hip in rheumatoid arthritis patients: sonographic assessment.
Aims: to determine the prevalence of different ultrasound lesions ( synovial hypertrophy, effusion synovial ,bone erosion, enthesopathy , tendinopathy, osteophytes ) of the hip among patients with rheumatoid arthritis ; to compare these ultrasound lesions of the hip with clinical and biological parameters . Materials and methods: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis were included according to the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria. The evaluation scores as (Disease Activity Score 28, Heath Assessment Questionnaire) were collected. Ultrasound explorations were performed bilaterally on the hip, according to recommended and appropriate techniques. Examination sought synovial hypertrophy, effusion synovial, bone erosion, enthesopathy, tendinopathy, bursitis, osteophytes. Results: The study included 37 patients, with the average age of 50.30 ± 11 years. A total of 73 hips were explored using ultrasound. During the inclusion of patients, we obtained the frequency of current spontaneous coxo-femoral joint pain, peri coxo-femoral joint pain , limitation of hip , respectively 7(10%) , 4(5%) and 5(7%). For ultrasound data ,the frequency of synovial hypertrophy , effusion joints , and bone erosions were respectively represented in 17(23%) , 12(16%) and 2(3%). Conclusion: Our study revealed 14% of ultrasound abnormalities despite how normal the clinical examinations were. This study suggests that ultrasound is a complement to the clinical examination and it would be desirable to conduct more researches for the evaluation of the Doppler activity in the hips.
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Kinetic Study of anodic corrosion of Copper in Phosphoric acid and Effects of Some Phenols Derivatives
Electropolishing of copper in phosphoric acid is considered as corrosion rate of copper and due to the economic importance of copper there are several researches deals with acceleration and inhibition of this process. From the previous studies this process may be controlled by the presence of some materials which may cause acceleration or inhibition of this process. In this paper the electropolishing process inhibited with different ratio by addition of some organic phenols derivatives by addition with concentration ( 10-5 - 10-2 mol. l -1 ).The results reveal that organic phenols have strongest inhibitive effect ranging from 4.92 to 40.98 % and the thermodynamic parameters and as well as adsorption isotherm were given.
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List of articles published in the month of November 2016
Table of contents for the month of November 2016
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Looking at the monitoring and control process through a religious approach
Trying to explain the principles of management, with the help of the different approaches is done by scholars in seminary and university. Approaches such as: fundamentalism, religious, legal, exegetical, historical, governmental method of the Prophet (pbuh) and Imam Ali (AS). Undoubtedly, each of these approaches is directly applicable at all or at least some managerial areas such as general manager duties, specific duties of directors, influence of principles and assumptions, managerial qualities and characteristics, management philosophy, management techniques, theory and management, etc. “Management control is the major component. Control and monitoring is the assessment of decisions and programs since its implementation and necessary proceedings to prevent the diversion of program operations and correct the possible caused deviations.” (Jasbi, 274:1991)In this paper, an approach to the study of organizational control principles based on the effective mechanisms in order to explain the control and surveillance sources and devices in Islam have been reviewed. In addition, competition and regulatory role of Raghib and ATid, prophets and saints, angels, testimonies of members and organs of the human soul, approximately, enjoined and prohibited from denying public and self-control, especially as the top element of organizational life, and discuss focus is placed. Furthermore, the role of prophets and saints, angels, testimonies of members and organs of the human soul, public enjoined and prohibited from denying and self-control, especially as the superior and effective element of organizational life, will be discussed and explored.
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Mawlana and the west: with special reference to translation
The present paper attempts to investigate the influence of Mawlana, the 13th century Persian poet, through translations done of his work in the West. Translation of Mawlana’s works started in Germany in 1809. In 1881 Redhouse started translation of Mawlana in English, later other translators like Winfield in1887, Wilson in 1910, and Nicholson in 1935, created their translations. Bark in 1995 created his version of the Masnavi according to Nicholson’s translation. Then, Helminski in 1994 and 1996 created his version. Helminski’s version like Bark’s was according to Nicholson’s translation. These translations caused Mawlana’s thoughts and works penetrate among the whole people of the world. Among them Americans have bigger portions.
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Measuring Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Pakistan with Data Envelopment Analysis
This study evaluates the individual and overall performance of commercial banking industry in Pakistan consists of 20 banks contains almost 90% of the share in terms of deposits, advances, total assets, profitability and labor force divided into four group large, medium, small conventional banks and a group of Islamic banks for the period which is characterized by slow economic growth and precarious macro economic indicators started from 2006 till 2010 by using non parametric technique Data Envelopment Analysis. Technical efficiency under CRS and VRS models and scale efficiency in respect of production and intermediation approaches are evaluated. This study earmarks and reason out the most efficient and inefficient banks, overall performance which is seen under slow growth in commensurate with the economic growth. Where as, Islamic banking group is less efficient but flourishing significantly among all groups. Performance of large conventional banks is less affected with economic upheavals.
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Modeling and simulation of Azeotropic distillation
Azeotropic distillation is a special case of multicomponent distillation used for separation of binary mixtures which are either difficult or impossible to separate by ordinary fractionation. The work is mainly focus on the separation of azeotropic mixtures. Selection of solvent plays an important role in industry to break the azeotropes in easy way. The solvent is selected in such a way that it should break the azeotropic mixture and also should form azeotropic mixture with one of the original component. Determining the existence of homogeneous azeotropes together with their composition, temperature and pressure is important from both theoretical and practical standpoints in the analysis of phase behavior and in the synthesis and design of separation system employing distillation. Different moles of solvent are added to the existence composition of azeotropic mixtures at constant temperature and pressure. Raoult’s law is taken in the modeling to get vapor mixture from given liquid mixture calculated after addition of the solvent to the original azeotropic mixture.
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