Modeling of Zero Injection Busses in PMU Placement for Power System Observability
In this paper, an improved model for complete observability of electrical power networks in optimal PMU placement is presented. Here a goal function is introduced based on the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) to find the optimal number and position for PMUs. Hitherto, modeling of zero injection busses constraints had been a challenge due to the intrinsic nonlinearity associated with it. We show that zero injection constraints can also be modeled as linear constraints. Also in this paper, a novel and topology based method is suggested when zero injection busses are considered in power grid. The ILP approach is implemented to solve the models. The models is tested in IEEE 14, 30, 57 and 118 busses systems. The simulation results are confirmed with the schemes concluded from authoritative publications.
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Neurophysiology of Neuro-Rehabilitation with Laser Therapy
Laser therapy as a kind of treatment and rehabilitation method has been used for many years. This method has great potential for reducing pain, inflammation and neuro-rehabilitation. Researchers showed that laser has an important role on cellular repair, reproduction and inhibition. Resent studies help us better comprehension of these mechanisms for neuro-rehabilitation. The results of these studies are needed to be accompanied with medicine studies which have measurable outcomes. The researches showed the improvement neural system and rehabilitations. Also Laser will help to other parts for improving condition. It can be an important method in treatment of both chronic and acute work related neural injuries. As a result, laser therapy is applicable in the treatment and rehabilitation of pain, inflammation, tissue healing and also neuro-rehabilitation programs after surgery, acute phase of injuries and chronic neural disorders.
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Organizational performance: the role of intellectual factors
By appearing information age and the promotion of interpersonal relationships and the manifest of strategic organizational, the intellectual capital hypothesis have had a remarkable growth and became one of the popular organizational major. Intellectual capital is a comprehensive expression including utilizing organizational knowledge in all activity. The influence of intellectual capital on physical education organization’s (PEO) performance has been assessed in current paper. Intellectual capital dimensions in this study are: human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The proposed hypotheses by applying Pearson’s correlation and regression tests have been assessed and the positive and meaningful influence on intellectual capital on organizational performance was approved that relational capital with the weight of 0.619 had the most effect on organizational performance and then structural capital variable (0.545) and human capital (0.507) were placed in next places.
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Pattern of growth among boys during adolescence: a Profile from an urban region in South India
This study aimed to assess the growth pattern of adolescent boys in Mysore city in south India. In this cross sectional study anthropometric profile of 1083 boys aged 10- 18years was measured and compared to 50th centiles of W.H.O standards for height and weight and the measurement of MUAC and SFT were compared to NHANES standard. Self-reporting questionnaire to obtain data related to family socioeconomic status and personal information was implemented. The increase in height exhibited linearity from 10 to 18 years of age, mean height was 141.8?1.56 cms in boys aged 10years while boys aged 18 year had a mean height of 172.2± 7.15 cms The mean weight at age 10 was 31.7± 3.10 kgs and at 18 years the mean body weight was 58.6± 9.04 kg. In this study population the mean BMI was15.63±2.21 at the age 10 and increased to 19.71 ± 2.42 at age 18th year The mean MUAC at the age 10 was 19.6±1.72 cm and skin fold at triceps was 11.07±3.5 mm. These participate boys were shorter and lighter in all the stages of adolescences as compared to reference, although the difference for height was smaller than that seen for weight. BMI, of boys in all age groups was lower as compare to the W.H.O references.
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Performance improvement of QoS in MANETs
This work proposes a methodology for QoS improvement in MANET based on Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol that takes the above requirements into consideration. This protocol is based on IEEE 802.11 standard, and thus can be easily integrated into existing systems without much difficulty. Here 802.11 and 802.11e with different TCP mechanisms are used to analyze the QoS parameters for MANETs. The proposed system is designed to evaluate the performance of QoS and interaction between Transport layer and the MAC layer protocol operating in a mobile ad hoc network. The system will makes use of IEEE 802.11e MAC mechanism, to improve quality of service in MAC layer, which will improve the quality of service in Transport layer and to suggest a suitable mechanism for improving the quality of service in MANETs.
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Phosphorus-zinc interaction for soybean production in soil developed on charnockite in ekiti state
The soils derived from charnockite in Ekiti State Nigeria were found to be low in zinc and phosphorus. This study was therefore conducted during the rainy seasons of 2006 and 2007 to evaluate growth and yield response of soybean TGX-1440LE from the direct effect and interaction of phosphorus and zinc. Treatments consisted of factorial combination of two levels of P(0,and 30kgPha-1), three levels of Zn(0,2,and 4kg Zns04ha-1) in a randomized complete block design in a soil developed in charnockite in Ekiti State The growth data were collected at 2 weekly intervals while yield components were taken at harvest. Stem girth, number of nodules and nodule weight significantly (P < 0.05) increased with 2kg Zn ha-1 application, which gave 111.2% yield advantage over the control treatment (0kgZn ha-1). Fertilizer rate above 2kgZn ha-1 significantly (p<0.05) decreased P uptake. The 30kgP ha-1 rate produced better growth, which was not significantly different from 0 kgP ha-1 while increase in P and Zn uptake was significant. The P x Zn interaction was significant for grain yield and Zn uptake. The treatment combination that gave the highest yield was 30kgP ha-1 and 2kgZn ha-1.
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Portrait of Basavanna in Harihara's Ragale
Harihara is a poet's unique and immense contribution to Kannada literature. He is a representative of the age by depicting all aspects of contemporary life in his works. From Vipra to Anthijana, from the laborer to the king, from the girl to the widow, everyone takes the place of heroes in his works. Basavanna's devotional spirit and Harihara's devotional ecstasy can be felt mutually. This concept of devotion is the embodiment of Basavanna's personality for Harihara. The most attractive and impressive aspect is that Harihara, who paints Basavanna down to the core, reveals the layers of his devotion as if full of poetry.
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Pressure induced interband emission energy in a nitride based wide band gap quantum dot
Effect of pressure on the ground state exciton binding energy and the interband emission energy in a wurtzite GaN quantum dot are investigated. The interband emission energy is computed as a function of pressure with a constant geometrical confinement. All the numerical calculations are performed using variational procedure within the single band effective mass approximation. The internal electric fields comprise the spontaneous polarization and piezo electric polarization are included in the Hamiltonian. Our results show that the effects of pressure and the geometrical confinement have great influence on the optical properties of this wide band gap nitride based group-III quantum dots.
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Production and Evaluation of Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals from Blends of Whole Maize and African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa)
Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal (RBC) containing underutilized legume was made to improve its nutrient and reduce cost. Blends of yellow maize (Zea mays) and African yam bean (AYB) (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) at 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30 were used to produce RBC using locally adaptable process. Products were analyzed for proximate, anti-nutritional and mineral contents, as well as sensory test. Highest protein content of 15.98% was obtained in 70:30 AYB supplemented sample. There was no significant (p<0.05) difference in gross energy of the samples which were liked by the panelists. Low technology for producing RBC could improve food security among the poor.
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Relations between metal levels in plant and soil from waste dumpsite within uyo metropolis
This study was aimed at determining the uptake of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Ni, Fe and Zn) by plant (Talinum triangulare) if cultivated at some waste dumpsites in Uyo metropolis. Soil samples were taken within 0-15cm and plant samples were collected in triplicate and analysed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Mean results obtained from the soil and plant samples indicated Fe to have the highest concentration (216.29±29.15mg/kg and 243.339±12.622mg/kg respectively) which is significantly higher than its control (124.00mg/kg and 78.375mg/kg respectively). Concentration of Pb in both dumpsite soil and plant samples were below detectable limit. These results when compared with the acceptable standard revealed that all the metal levels in both soil and plant samples were within the acceptable limits accept Cd in soil sample. Transfer factor for Fe was 1.13, while others were below 1. All the metals showed positive relationship except Cd (-0.60).
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