The aspects effecting individual behavior on investing decisions: Empirical evidence from Pakistan’s equity markets
This research study is an attempt to examine the impact of Neutral Information, Classic, Accounting Information, Firm-Image Coincidence, Advocate Recommendation and Personal Financial Needs on individual investors’ decision making through the empirical research from Pakistan equity market. The objective of this study is that how an investor makes his decisions and what are the main factors that influence on the investor’s decision making. Quantitative research was conducted to determine the relationship between desired explanatory and response variables and also to check the reliability of questionnaire by Cronbach's alpha. Regression analysis is used to check the intensity between variables. For this purpose, SPSS 20 is used. Result shows that there is a strong positive correlation between variables as (r=0.858) and also value of R-Square (0.81) indicates that 81% independent variables effecting the investors decision. At the end it is recommended to the investors that they should invest freely in the stock market but the investment they make should not be made by making a proper feasibility plan and they should gain all the information about the factors that can influence their investment decisions.
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The effect of family challenges on juvenile delinquency (library research in some cities in Iran)
The most important factors in juvenile delinquency are rooted in the family. Hence while doing a library research, this article seeks to examine family factors implicating abnormality and deviancy among them in some cities in Iran, including Arak and Kerman and has reached some findings. Some of these factors are pertinent to the challenges in the family structure including the way the family is created, raised, and organized. On the other hand, some are pertinent to the current social and economic challenges in the society negatively affecting the family and rising juvenile delinquency. Finally in order to have a healthy generation and to control delinquency for the time being and in the future, the article emphasizes that one must pay close attention to the factors influencing juvenile delinquency which are stated in the study. Although this research was statistic but we couldn’t add schedules and schemes to observe compression.
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The effect of industrial exports on environmental quality in selected countries
During the last two decades, Relation between trade liberalization & increasing exports with the achievement measure to environmental standards has attracted the attention of researchers. In economy area, this subject has been considered with a specific approach. For this purpose, in this article we are tried with the using of dates ways panel, the exports impact of industrial goods, besides the other effective variables on the environment as income, population & Value Added of industry sector for two groups of The organization of economic & development member countries(OECD) and selected developing countries, like Iran in the period of (1991-2007) has been studied on emission measure of carbon dioxide’s greenhouse gas .Also, the effective of variable model on emission measure of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide as the dependent variable, in OECD member countries has been tested in the period of (1991-2002).The relations between variables with the using of estimation to the ways of fixed impacts , random effects & the way of Generalized method of moments is estimated .The results of model estimation is indicated that the economic development, population growth & the add value of industry sector have positive & significant effect on the emission measure of Pollution in both groups of selected countries. Exports of industrial goods in OECD member countries have positive & significant effect on the emission measure of Pollution & in developing countries have the positive & significant effect too.
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The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Training Techniques on Couples on the Verge of Divorce
Now a days divorce is the most important threat to the family institution and understanding its influencing factors is one of the priorities of mental health. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of training the cognitive –behavioral techniques of the marriage performance of couple son the verge of divorce. This study used aquasi-experimental design with pretest, post-test, and control group. The subjects of this study consisted of 15 clients as the experimental group and 15 patients as the control group which were selected with multi-stage random sampling from the counseling center of Social Welfare Organizaion and Family Court center of Neyshaboor. The experimental group was trained for 8 sessions about the cognitive - behavioral techniques. The results showed training cognitive-behavioral techniques improves the marriage performance using analysis of covariance and independent t-test. Furthermore, in terms of the effectiveness of cognitive - behavioral techniques there was a significant difference between the two sexes.
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The idea of the unity of existence in Mullah Hassan Hafy heravi lyrics
Unity of thought, one of the important issues in Islamic mysticism, and yet most complex topics have been discussed by scholars. Thinking unity in plurality, along with important topics such as the Holy God manifested in the form of mystical schools, including Islamic Sufism, has had a major role. Mohyodin Ibn Arabic, although it clearly and comprehensively, as fundamental for granted, has been introduced, but the Greek philosophical schools of thought and wisdom of the Alexandria and neo- Platonists existed. In Islamic mysticism, Bayazid Bastami, the first of its adherents, and Sufi poet of Persian literature, especially Hafez, Moulavi, Jami, etc, have been prominent idea. Qotb Alaghtab, Mullah Hassan Hafy Heravi, the Sufi poets of Persian literature that lived in the 12th century AD, with passion and love, a passion, a description of the idea of oneness, the lyrics are pure poetry. He was all over the Book of Poetry poetry, the manuscript, the author corrected and ready to print - able, directly, and sometimes stating the other content, but also the belief disposition mystical poems sing, and the explanation of the work, the non- the idea of spiritual, social motivation Apologize to the 72 nations, and to deal with matters that are discussed in this article.
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The investigation of the relation between earnings management and long run stock performance
In this paper, we exam firm’s incentive to manage earnings raising external capital varies with investor beliefs. Under the spline specification regression: a firm is more likely to management earnings when investors are more optimistic about the industry prospects, but more reluctant when investor belief is low. We evaluate monitory cost to explore the reasons and find that using venture capitalists as specialized investors with lower monitoring costs than other institutional investors, earnings management is less likely for low investor beliefs but more likely for high investor beliefs for VC-backed firms relative to non-VC-backed firms. We can also obtain the same results as former study that auditor’s quality negatively related with earnings management. Considering above consequence, we documents IPOs firms engaged in managing earnings with high investor beliefs have an influence on the long-run abnormal stock return performance. These findings have implications for investors, firms, and accounting standard setters. More prudential monitory is important during market booming periods.
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The investigation of the relation between Entrepreneurship and globalization, government, market structure, and market resources (Case study in the tourism industry of Iran)
Nowadays, the entrepreneurship area comprehends a broad range of theories and approaches and has been studied in many ways and with different purposes.Authors from all fields of social sciences – economics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, politics and several other areas of business sciences – have given contributions to this area. Thus, the entrepreneurship field of research that is still in notorious development, is considered interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary (Davidsson, 1989).Despite the popularity and relevance that the subject has demonstrated, there is no acceptable universal theory that defines with precision the field of intervention on entrepreneurship, establishing its origin on the crosswise of a set of approaches proceeding from other areas of knowledge (Virtanen, 1997).This study uses the data from tourism to explain how the process generates entrepreneurship in Iran. The process contains data taken from external and internal factors related to globalization, government, market structure, and market resources. This study will describe in detail the influence and relationship of each factor. Furthermore, tourism has become a very common topic of discussion in Iran promoting it is a core policy practiced in recent years by the government. The process of entrepreneurship has encouragingly promoted the development of tourism, as well created an entrepreneurial society in Iran.
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The Role of Internet in the Youth’s National Identity
This article tried to identify the role of internet in shaping the youth’s national identity and determine factors affecting the identity of the youth who use the Internet. The population included all the youth users of Internet. In this research, quantitative survey method was applied and the research tool is questionnaire which is prepared by the researcher. It can be concluded that using Internet affects the youth’s identity in terms of their cognitive, feeling and value identity, and in general, the research showed that using internet has a great and undeniable role on shaping or even changing the youth’s national identity.
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To study the difference in academic achievement of higher secondary school students on the basis of emotional intelligence
Present study is an attempt to study the difference in academic achievement of higher secondary school students on the basis of Emotional Intelligence and its four components namely Interpersonal Skill, Intrapersonal Skill, Interpersonal Management, Intrapersonal Management. Study was conducted on one hundred sixty higher secondary school students, selected by adopting random sampling technique. Data was collected by using Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory constructed and standardized by Mangal and Mangal (1971). Statistical analysis was done by computing t-test, Findings indicates no significant difference in the academic achievement of higher secondary school students on the basis of Emotional Intelligence, intrapersonal skill, interpersonal management and intrapersonal management but significant difference exist in academic achievement on the basis of interpersonal skill which is found to be significant at 0.05 level of significance.
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25-hydroxy cholecalciferol in newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients
The present study was conducted to evaluate 25 hydroxy cholecalciferol levels in newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Comparative case control study. Department of Medicine, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Hospital Jamshoro/Hyderabad, from February 2014- October 2015. 100 diagnosed cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and 100 age and gender matched controls were selected according to criteria. 5 ml of venous blood sample was collected and centrifuged at 4000rpm for 10 minutes. The serum obtained was frozen at -20oC and used for estimation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferolon ARCHITECT I 1000 system. The data was analyzed on SPSS version 22.0 at 95% confidence interval (p ? 0.05). Total mean± S.D of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol was noted as 26.1±9.76 and 38.8±7.14 (ng/dl) in cases and controls respectively (p=0.0001). 25-hydroxycholecalciferol <5.4 ng/dl was noted in the tuberculosis cases. Normal, insufficiency and deficiency of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol was noted in 17%, 19% and 64% & 56%, 18% and 26% of cases and controls respectively (p< 0.01). The present study reports significantly low 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in pulmonary tuberculosis cases. However further studies are warranted. Pulmonary tuberculosis patients may be supplemented with vitamin D.
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