A study of the internal heat transfer by natural convection through a cubic enclosure
In this study, we consider natural convection in a cubic enclosure with the heater and window placed on opposite ends of adjacent vertical walls. For analysis a complete set of non-dimensional equations governing a Newtonian fluid and boundary conditions are recast into velocity or vector potential to eliminate the need for solving the continuity equation. The governing equation with the boundary equations are then descritized using three point central and forward difference approximation for non-uniform mesh. The resulting finite difference equations are then solved using Matlab computer software. The solutions shall be presented at the Reynolds number 2,000 with Prandtl number 0.71. The results are discussed and presented in graphical forms. The room is divided into two regions with those near the heater having high temperatures as those near the window have low temperatures. Mixing of hot and cold fluid and turbulence makes the other areas warm.
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A study of the relationship between the thinking styles of the vocational schools’ students and their academic performance
This study aimed at investigating the relationship between the legislative, executive and judicial thinking styles of the vocational schools’ students and their academic performance. This is an applied research and both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. A sample of 250 students, 125 girls and 125 boys, were selected through simple random sampling from among the sophomore students of the vocational schools in Ilam province, Iran , in the academic year 2009-2010.To analyze the data, descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multivariable regression were used. The findings revealed that the students who possessed executive thinking style obeyed and performed the orders in terms of practical thought .However; these students got lower grades compared to other students in specified courses such as mathematics, fundamentals of IT and computer programming. The students who possessed judicial thinking style got better grades compared to other students in terms of practical thought and academic progression in the specified courses. These thinking styles(legislative, executive, and judicial thinking styles) had the potential to predict the standard variable and this potentiality was 0/05 for the executive thinking style and 0/01 for judicial and legislative thinking styles. As for the students who possessed legislative thinking style there was a significant relation between their academic performance and their thinking style. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient of girls and boys was not significant in terms of gender. Analysis of different thinking styles showed that there was a linear relationship between the standard variable (the students' performance) and predicting variables (legislative, executive and judicial thinking style).
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A study on the supervision system of elementary school teachers in Kermanshah Province in order to develop a conceptual framework
This research is an attempt to study the supervision system of elementary school teachers in Kermanshah Province in order to develop a conceptual framework applying a descriptive-method. To do these first 176 factors were derived through studying the literature of models and theories in Iran which resulted in 93 factors after surgery. The suggested framework includes five main categories: philosophy and objectives, theoretical principals, supervision functions, operation stages and the model's evaluation system. The statistical community of this survey includes all teachers of Kermanshah elementary schools of which 384 teachers have been selected based on multi stage grape sampling. The content of the questionnaires developed based on educators suggestions about the content and analysis of factors and necessary modifications applied. The stability of the questionnaires has been estimated by Krenbach's Alpha method in a desirable value of 0.901. For evaluating the validity of the model 30 scholars have been selected. For data analysis descriptive statistics were applied. The main findings are: 1. in studying the current situation of the teachers' supervision system, the factors of class management and the school regulations had better results than other factors. In the factor of evaluation from the students learning the performance was average but in sustainable development of educational quality, teacher professional development and commitment, motivating students, determining educational and curricular objectives, teacher performance evaluation less work has been carried out. And in analysis of the factors, the factors classification has changed from seven to 13 factors. 2. Developing a suggested framework in order to study the teacher supervision including five categories of philosophy and objectives, theoretical principals, supervision functions in 13 branches, operation stages, and evaluation system. 3. The findings from validity of questionnaires from scholars indicate a 91.78% suitability ranking by the scholars which shows a high validity of the model in the eyes of the scholars.
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A study on “Pesticide Endosulfan” problem using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs)
In this paper we use a tool called Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs) defined by W.B.Vasantha Kandaswamy and Florentine Smarandache in the year 2003.In this paper we study to identify the cause of using Endosulfan in agriculture using NCMs which leads to most dangerous side effects in human beings faced by the peoples of South Indian state of Kerala (Kasargod and Palakkad Dt.). A detailed report on the harmful effects faced by the people with the usage of pesticide in India was telecasted in Star T.V. dated June 24, 2012 “SatyamevaJayathe” anchered by filim star Amir Khan.
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Aggressive behavior and the influencing factors at five schools in Johor bahru
The objective of the study is to identify the perception of the students on aggressive attitude in five secondary schools in Johor Bahru town. This study also attempts to identify the factor of aggressive and types of aggressive attitude in the school. About 260 questionnaires were distributed at random stage to aggressive student from form one, two and four. The instrument used was the Mooney Problem Check List which was later analysis by the SPSS11.5 (Statistical Package For Sosial Science). It contained 64 likert skill items. The reliability value (alpha croanbach) of the instrument was 0.81. Descriptive statistic in the form of mean, standard deviation and percentage was used in data analysis. As a whole, the result of the study shows the level students aggressiveness in secondary schools in Johor Bahru area were quite high. The hypothesis shows that there is no significant difference between aggressive factor and student rate. There is significant relationship between types of aggressive and family income. Students’ perception between aggressive attitude in secondary school show that environment of school is dominant (mean 4.1), less attention from family background (mean 3.8), students’ attitude (mean 3.88), psychology (mean 3.65) and their friends (mean 3.68). The most aggressiveness among student was shown that physical attitude (mean 3.57), verbal (mean 3.53) and anti social (mean 3.34). Thus this research shows that the aggressive attitude among students in Johor Bahru town is quite high. The study suggested that the school should identify aggressiveness culture among the students and should implement the peer program therefore the problems will be decrease.
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An electromagnetic micro power generator for low frequency environmental vibrations based on the frequency up conversion technique
Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) controlled electromagnetic micro power generator was designed with basic cantilever structure using comsol software. This paper presents a micromechanical-system-based electromagnetic vibration-to-electrical power generator that can harvest energy from low-frequency external vibrations. The efficiency of vibration-based harvesters is proportional to excitation frequency, so the proposed generator is designed to convert low- frequency environmental vibrations to a higher frequency by employing the frequency upconversion (FupC) technique. It has been shown that the generator can effectively harvest energy from environmental vibrations of 70-150 Hz and generates 0.57-mV voltage with 0.25-nW power from a single cantilever by up converting the input vibration frequency of 95 Hz-2 kHz. The fabricated generator size is 8.5*7*2.5 mm^3,and a total of 20 serially connected cantilevers have been used to multiply the generated voltage and power. The generator demonstrated in this paper is designed for the proof of concept, and the power and voltage levels can further be increased by increasing the number of cantilevers or coil turns.
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An Empirical Study on Day of the Week Effect among Stocks of selected banks in India
Seasonal or calendar anomalies in equity markets (over specific days, weeks, months, and even years) have attracted a widespread attention and considerable interests among practitioners and academics alike. The day of the week effect refers to the existence of a pattern on the part of stock returns, whereby these returns are linked to the particular day of the week The primary objective of the study is to investigate the existence of seasonality in stock price behavior in Indian stock market, more specifically to investigate the existence of the day of the week effect in banking sector. The rationale behind the selection of banking sector is stocks in this sector always experience high volatility in the market, linked to the movement of broad market index and banking in India is critical to economic development of the nation. Thus this sector hence needs special attention by investors. The period of the study is from 3rd November 1994 to 31st December 2013. For the purpose analysis, the study has employed daily price series that have been obtained from the official website of National Stock Exchange (NSE). The daily price series of selected nine banks were selected for this study, and used multiple regression technique to examine the significance of the regression coefficient for investigating day of week effects. It is found that all the nine selected banks evidenced day of the week effect and mostly either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Only IDBI, OBC and PNB evidenced significant Thursday effect. The existence of seasonality in stock returns violates the weak form of market efficiency because equity prices are no longer random and can be predicted based on past pattern. This facilitates market participants to devise trading strategy which could fetch abnormal profits on the basis of past pattern. These findings have important implications for the financial managers, financial analysts and investors. The understanding of seasonality would help them to develop appropriate investment strategies.
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An integrated model in customer loyalty context: relationship quality and relationship marketing view
The concept of customer loyalty has received much consideration and attention from both academics and practitioners in different industries. In increasingly competitive markets, being able to build consumer loyalty is seen as the key factor in winning market share and developing a sustainable competitive advantage. Banking industry is no exception as it has high interaction with the customers, so managers must understand the factors which influence the loyalty of the customers towards their respective banks. The purpose of this research is twofold: 1.examine the impact of competency, ability to establish communication, commitment, ability to solve customers’ problems, trust and quality of relationship on customer loyalty. 2. Presenting an integrated model for bank customers. Data obtained from 178 survey questionnaire were analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed that competency has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Ability to establish communication has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Commitment has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Ability to solve customers’ problems has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Trust has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty and quality of relationship has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. In addition results show that Ability to solve customers’ problems was the best predictor of their loyalty.
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An investigation of costs of financial distress in case of ongoing manufacturing firms of Pakistan
The core objective of cureent study is to investigat the costs of financial distress of ongoing manufacturing sector of Pakistan. A panel of 146 manufacturing firms Pakitan are selected for this study for the period of 2001-2011. Two most applicable panel data teachniques (fixed effects and random effects models) are utilized to investigate the costs of financial distress and Hausman’s specification test recommended that fixed effects model is most appropriated model in this study. The results of fixed effects model suggest that financial distress of onging firms of Pakistan has significant direct impact on opportunity losses in case of Pakistan after control average collection period, total assests growth, fised to total assets ratio, tangibility of aessts and sector distresssed. The upcoming studies msut explore direct costs of financial distress and bankruptcy in case of manufacturing as well as service sector of Pakistan.
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Analysis of Women Farmers' Attitude towards Sustainable Farm land Management Practices in Ekiti State, Nigeria
The knowledge of the women farmers on renewability potential of natural resources are critical determinants of the attitude and farmland conservation measures adopted to achieve a sustainable use. This study was carried out in Ekiti state, Nigeria to reveal the socio-economic characteristics of women farmers and their attitude towards sustainable farmland management practices in food crop production. Multistage sampling technique was adopted in selecting a total of 345 women farmers drawn from eight (8) Local Government Area of the state. Data were collected on socio-economic characteristics and attitude towards farm land management practices. The data were t analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that majority (92.8%) of women farmers fell between the age categories of 31 -55 years and most of the farmers (69.5%) were married. Majority of the farmers inherited their farmland and majorly practiced crop rotation system. The correlation analysis revealed that there was a strong positive correlation (r=0.67, P< 0.05) between the attitude score and farmland management practices adopted by the women farmers, there is neutral attitude towards sustainable farm land management practices among women farmers in the study area. This study therefore recommend increase in awareness campaigns on farmland fertility conservation through appropriate management practices and women farmers should be given opportunity to have access to land resources like male counterpart which could be possible through adequate policy formulation on agriculture.
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