Role of Private and public sector university students’ demographic variation on study skills and academic achievement
Present study was designed to investigate the role of demographic variables in determining the study skills and academic achievement among the university students. Study was descriptive correlational in nature in which scientific method was used to achieve the research objectives. The first objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of effective study skills and academic achievement, second objective was to investigate the role of demographic variation such as gender, discipline, family income, birth order, parents’ qualification and profession in determining the levels and dimensions of effective study skills and academic achievement. In this study a stratified random sample of 250 male (104) and female (146) university students were collected from 4 selected private and public sector universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Family income of Students ranged from 50,000 to 150,000. The study was delimited to Master level students studying in the fourth semester only. In this research for the measurement of effective study skills an inventory named as,” Study Skills” based on 51 items developed by Congos was used. The students’ academic achievement was measured through their results of first three semesters (students result was taken as measure their academic achievement). After data collection it was analyzed with the help of SPSS 16 by applying various statistical tests such as, Percentile Analysis, Mean, SD, Linear Regression, and Pearson Correlation. On the basis of findings, it was found that there is positive relationship between study skills and academic achievement in the context of Master level university students. The students of private sector universities possessed more effective study skills and higher score on the academic achievement as compared to the students of public sector universities. Present research is significant due to its uniqueness it can bring new avenues in the teaching learning process. University management can provide creative competitive environment to exercise study skill in their course of studies.
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Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement Using Quadrated Discrete Wavelet Transform
Satellite images are being widely used in many fields. One of the major issues of these types of images is their resolution. The most important quality factors of the images come from its resolution. Interpolation is a known method to increase the resolution of a digital image. A satellite image resolution enhancement technique based on the interpolation of the high-frequency sub bands obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the input image is a new proposed technology. The proposed resolution enhancement technique uses DWT to decompose the input image into different sub bands. Then, the high-frequency sub band images and the input low-resolution image have been interpolated by using quadratic interpolation, followed by combining all these images to generate a new resolution-enhanced image by using inverse DWT. By employing DWT with quadratic interpolation, it is possible to recover the high frequency components of the input image which provides with a good visual clarity on the edges of the images and thus enhanced high resolution images are obtained.
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Sensing and Electrical Variation of Nickel Oxide Synthesis by RF-Reactive Sputtering
In this paper we synthesis various thickness of nickel oxide (NiO) nanostructure films deposited on si substrate. by using RF. Reactive magnetron sputtering technique rotating by 5 cycle/min with both Argon and Oxygen mixture gases .argon and oxygen partial pressure was(7.0×10-3torr)and(1.89×10-2torr) respectively. The gas sensing application and electrical properties investigated as a function to the thickness variation the dramatic change in the electrical properties shows strong dependence on the thickness variation. Conductivity, resistivity, gas sensitivity of hydrogen and nitrogen dioxide gases was (95 %) and (90 %) for 50 nm respectively, gas sensitivity for NiO films increasing as film thickness increasing.
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Soil and foliar fertilization of mungbean (Vigna radlata (L) wilczek) under Egyptian conditions
Two sets of field experiments were performed in two successive summer seasons to study the effect of soil and foliar fertilization of mungbean. The first set included the effect of late foliar applied N or K under different levels of phosphatic fertilization on mungbean yield and chemical constituents. Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) var. Kawmy-l was fertilized with 0,19,38,57 and 76 Kg P205 ha-1 at sowing. Foliar applied N was sprayed as 1 % urea solution and K was applied as potassium sulphate 36% K20 solution; both N and K sprays were carried out at early pod formation stage. The second set of experiments aimed to study the effect of micronutrient application when combined with urea. The foliar applied treatments were urea (1%); and four key micronutrients; i.e. Fe (0.5%); Zn (0.1%); Mn (0.2%) and CuSO4 (0.05%). Micronutrient treatments were sprayed either alone or combined with urea at early pod formation. The obtained results showed that P fertilization significantly increased mungbean pod weight per plant, 100-seed weight, yield per plant and per hectare compared with the untreated control. Mungbean seed yield per hectare showed more response to foliar applied N than that with K. The best seed yield per hectare was reported from the combined effect of 76 Kg P205 ha-1 and foliar spraying with N. Protein percentage in mungbean seeds was not affected by either soil or foliar applications and ranged between 20.6 to 22.9%. However, protein yield kg ha-1 significantly increased when the plants were fertilized with 76 Kg P205 ha1 and foliar sprayed with N. In addition, soil application of P and foliar spray treatments showed significant effects on carbohydrate percentage and carbohydrate yield ha-1of mungbean seeds. Micronutrient application showed beneficial effects on yield and yield components from the association of urea with Zn on pod-number and with all micronutrients on pod-weight per plant. The highest seed yield per plant was recorded when the plants were foliar sprayed with Fe and Mn alone or Urea+Zn. Meanwhile, the highest seed yield per hectare was achieved by foliar spraying with Fe or Zn alone as well as by the combined application with urea Fe, Mn or Zn. Micronutrient concentrations in mungbean seeds were elevated more than in the control treatment due to foliar spray treatments but it did not reach the level of significance for Fe, Zn and Cu. It could be concluded from this study that mungbean productivity responds to combined soil application of P at 57 Kg P205 ha-1 and late foliar applied N at early pod formation stage. Foliar spray of urea combined with Fe or Zn may increase seed yield and improve the quality of seeds.
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Stability analysis of dynamic models of hepatitis B virus with treatment
An Hepatitis B epidemic model with treatment is investigated. The model allows for the some infected individuals to move from the symptomatic phase to the asymptomatic phase by all sorts of treatment methods. The model exhibits two equilibria, namely, the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) and the endemic equilibrium. The stability of these two equilibria is controlled by the basic reproduction number It is shown that if is less than one, the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable and is greater than one, the unique endemic equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable. By computer simulation it is found that if the growth rate of pharmacological effect of the lamivadine to the free virus increases, the symptomatic phase decreases. Numerical simulations are also carried out to investigate the influence of certain parameters on the spread of disease, to support the analytical results. Also, sensitivity analysis of the endemic equilibrium point is carried out.
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Statistic Analysis of English Newspaper Headlines in Azerbaijan Republic
To carry out this research, Baku Today news site was selected as the source of news. The number of headlines arrived at a total of 200. This research was directed toward studying the syntactic and lexical features of headlines. The investigation began with the description of the basic units of analysis in the English headline structures (categories, word classes, constructions). In doing so, for the analysis of the structure of English headlines, the grammatical framework provided by Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech and Savartvik (1985) was chosen. As mentioned before, this study pinpointed the cases of utilization of lexical and syntactic features in Azeri headlines in order to see in what ways they are organized. Below is a brief description of syntactic and lexical features.
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Study of cauvery river water quality and its improvement using biomass treatment
The present investigation was undertaken to study of Cauvery river water at ten different locations in Namakkal district, Tamilnadu, India. The water samples were collected from different places and analyzed for various water quality parameters like Appearance, Adour, Turbidity, pH, EC, TDS, Total alkalinity, Total hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Ammonia, Nitrite, Chloride, Fluoride, Sulphate, Phosphate, Tidy’s, Dissolved oxygen, Biological oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand. The water quality parameters are analyzed after biomass treatment using vetiveria Zizanoides. Water quality parameters were compared WHO, USPH, BIS
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Studying the Effect of Phosphorylated Sol-Gel on Polyester Fabric as Flame-Retardant Coating
This research was built to investigate the main role of phosphorylated sol-gel (PSG) to reduce the ignition problems of polyester fabric. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of the un-treated and treated samples were investigated. PSG material was played as protective shielding coat and improved the thermal behavior. FTIR analysis of the treated sample showed that there is a sort of interaction between the molecules of PSG and the fabric. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) for the lowest oxygen concentration needed to start the ignition showed also an improvement in the ignition retarding behavior due to this treatment. To increase the affinity of fibers towards PSG, the fabric surface was exposed to UV/Ozone for different periods. Exposuring samples for 90 min showed the best results comparing to other samples (irradiated for UV/Ozone for 0, 30 and 125 min). Ignition behavior (UL/94) was also applied on samples by using the flame chamber for determining the rate of burning. The results of UL/94 (according to ISO 3795) confirmed the ignition behavior results produced from the LOI
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Suppression of vehicle-induced bridge vibrations
The importance of bridge vibrations induced by moving vehicles, which act as oscillators on a bridge as well as time variant forces, has long been recognized. This vibration can amplify the propagation of existing cracks resulting in further damage to the bridge. It has become one of the causes of reduction in long-term serviceability of the bridge, although major bridge failures are not usually caused directly by moving vehicles. It is also a critical factor to bridge structure fatigue and rapid deterioration since, the vehicle-induced vibration is more critical to bridges with medium to small span; it is worthwhile to investigate the possibility of applying Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) on these bridges. A TMD is a passive type control device with variety of merits in that it has permanent service time and only requires easy management and maintenance efforts and no external power supply source. In order to achieve the above objective, a general formulation of the vehicle-induced bridge vibration controlled with a TMD system is developed here in this paper, which takes into account the road surface conditions. Then, a comprehensive investigation is made to investigate the efficiency of the TMD for suppressing vibrations of bridge under moving vehicles. Such a study is helpful in evaluating the control performance before real control devices are designed in practice. These analytical results will also be useful in carrying out further studies for control strategies suppressing the vehicle-induced bridge vibration
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The Impact of Urban Development on Food Security in Peri-Urban Areas of Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
One of the major problems confronting cities and towns of the third world countries today is that of population explosion leading to uncontrolled urban growth. This, aside the fact that it leads to the conversion of agricultural land into other uses (residential especially), also affects negatively, the general well-being of the urban dwellers as well as the environment as a result of rural-urban migration. It was on this basis that this paper set out to assess the impact of the expansion of Minna, along the Minna-Bida road on agricultural land. In order to effectively achieve this, both the primary and secondary sources of data collection were employed. The primary data was obtained through the administration of 60 questionnaires on the natives of the communities under study, while the secondary data was obtained from sources like internet materials and journals. The result of the study revealed that the quantity of farm produce being evacuated from the communities to Minna has been on steady decline owing to the selling of agricultural land by the natives. The result also confirmed that the development activities now taking place in the study areas are not guided by any policy guideline (as a result of the obsoleteness of the Minna master plan), thus the haphazard development of the communities. Owing to this therefore, the paper recommended that there should be a paradigm shift in physical planning, where all stakeholders would deliberate and find solutions to the problems confronting the communities in terms of their agricultural and socio-economic activities. It was also recommended that government should show more commitment to the economic, physical and social development of people through the review of the Minna.
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