The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Perceive
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture are receiving an increased amount of attention in both academic research and practice. Entrepreneurship is linked with value creation and, as such, is thought to have a significant impact on economic growth, continuous business renewal, and employment (Tang and Koreas, 2004). Thus, it is apparent why there is also an increased interest in educational programmers designed to encourage entrepreneurship and to provide a better infrastructure for Business start-ups (Vesper and Gartner, 1997). However, despite the high level of activity, there is concern about the effectiveness of such policies (Gibb, 2002). It is quite possible that a better understanding of the factors that influence attitudes towards entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intent could facilitate the successful development of these initiatives, especially for university students who, in comparison to individuals without university education, are more likely to pursue self-employment that has significant impact on economic growth (Robinson and Sexton, 1994). In large organizations, supporting entrepreneurial behavior at all hierarchal levels for growth and increasing competitive advantages, is necessary. This study contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by introducing emotional intelligence as an additional factor that explains how entrepreneurs perceive their own success. Using survey data from 112 Iranian entrepreneurs, we find that emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs are more likely to judge their entrepreneurial success using the following criteria: employee satisfaction, social responsibility, personal satisfaction, customer satisfaction and business performance. Furthermore, not all EI dimensions are equally relevant to explain the phenomenon. We find that “regulation of emotion in others” seems to be the most important dimension, whereas “emotion in others” seems to be the less relevant one.
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Translation of Gender Stereotypes in Animated Films: A Case Study of Shrek 2 and Ice Age 2
Full time television viewing may contribute significantly to children's acquisition of stereotypic perceptions of behavior and psychological characteristics associated with males and females. There has been research interest in how children might be effected by the sex role stereotypes. The trend has always been such that female characters are attributed to certain feminine acts in contrast with males whose stereotypes portrayed in children media are expected to be major and masculine. Children in particular spend a great amount of time watching TV and are related to the content of what they watch which shapes their perception. Contrary to traditional portrayal of sex-roles in animated films in which male characters are more likely to demonstrate physical aggression and leadership roles whereas female characters are more apt to demonstrate affection, romance, and supportive roles than are male, it has recently been observed a change occurring in the way sex-roles are represented in animated movies. To realize if this change also appears in the Persian dubbed version of animated films, this study is an attempt to analyze popular television cartoons produces from 1990 to 2012, comparing the original with the dubbed version and the way their portrayals of gender stereotypes undergo change across the two languages. To this end, instances extracted of sex-role stereotypes were extracted and subjected to comparison. It must be mentioned that the present article is a small part of the researcher’s MA thesis in which over one hundred animated movies were reviewed and analyzed completely (see the Appendix ). Only two of the analyzed animated movies, Shrek 2 and Ice Age 2, are discussed here.The results indicated that differences in the way the two versions portray sex-role stereotypes could be clearly indexed and categorized. The Persian dubbed version tended to ignore the worldwide occurring changes in portraying sex-roles.
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Vermicomposting of textile and dye sludge with carbonaceous materials and its carbon and nitrogen status
Vermicomposting of textile and dye sludge is an economically viable and environmentally safer method of final disposal. The low level of carbon content is considered as a limiting factor for the decomposition of textile and dye sludge, but it contains higher amount of calcium and micronutrients. So, it could potentially be used as an alternate substrate for vermicomposting, if it is mixed with carbonaceous materials and animal wastes. In this study, textile and dye sludge had only four per cent organic carbon content. The C: N ratio is one among the important factors that affects manure quality. To adjust the C: N ratio of the initial materials, the carbonaceous material like sawdust and crop waste were added at different proportions. The saw dust appeared to be an ideal bulking agent for composting because of its ability to absorb moisture, and its structure that provides adequate porosity in the compost heap (Mahimairaja, 1996). The C: N ratio of compost in the present investigation ranged between 15.50: 1 and 20.1:1, which could be readily utilized for crop production as suggested by Gaur (1982). The finished vermicompost obtained by mixing 30 per cent sludge with 20 per cent poultry waste and 50 per cent crop waste contains higher nutrient status (NPK) with narrow C: N ratio (15.5).
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25-hydroxycholecalciferol and dyslipidemia in type 2 Diabetic subjects
Evaluating the 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and blood lipids and their relationship in type 2 Diabetic subjects. Observational study. Department of Medicine, Isra University Hospital and Consultant Clinics Hyderabad from January2014 to July 2014. A sample of 200 diagnosed type 2 DM were selected through non-probability purposive sampling. Blood lipids, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, fasting blood glucose, alkaline phosphatase, serum calcium and phosphate were detected. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol was detected by ARCHITECT I 1000 system. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 21.0. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 22.0 at 95% confidence interval. Low 25-hydroxycholecalciferol was noted in 94% and dyslipidemia in 66.5% of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol deficient type 2 diabetic subjects. Pearson’s correlation showed negative correlation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol with LDLc, VLDLc, serum triglycerides, and cholesterol and positive correlation with HDLc. The present study reports 25- hydroxycholecalciferol deficiency and dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetic subjects. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol deficiency showed positive association with high density lipoprotein (HDLc) and inverse association with LDLc, serum cholesterol and triglycerides.
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A Comparative Approach for Overlay Text Detection and Extraction from Complex Video Scene
Overlay text brings important semantic clues in video content analysis such as video information retrieval and summarization, since the content of the scene or the editor's intention can be well represented by using inserted text. Most of the previous approaches to extracting overlay text from videos are based on low-level features, such as edge, color, and texture information. However, existing methods experience difficulties in handling texts with various contrasts or inserted in a complex background. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to detect and extract the overlay text from the video scene. Based on our observation that there exist transient colors between inserted text and its adjacent background, a transition map is first generated. Then candidate regions are extracted by a reshaping method and the overlay text regions are determined based on the occurrence of overlay text in each candidate. In this paper represents comparative approach between edge and change in intensity models that are computationally fast and invariant to basic transformations like horizontal, Vertical and scaling. We demonstrate that change in intensity context can be used to detect overlay text regions. Intensity context describes all boundary points of the shape with respect to any single boundary point.
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A study on intuitionistic fuzzy subsemiring of a semiring
In this paper, we made an attempt to study the algebraic nature of intuitionistic fuzzy subsemiring of a semiring.
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A study to analyze the importance of experiential marketing in marketing communication
The research is an attempt to analyze the essence of experiential marketing in marketing communication through the consumers of shampoo, an FMCG with stiff competition where ‘experience’ of the consumer influences his loyalty towards the brand. From the study it was found that experiential marketing plays a vital role in marketing communications.
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A survey on topologies of multilevel inverters
Multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power system. They give low harmonics, smaller distortion even at low switching frequencies and has low commutation loss but they suffers from complexity problem requiring large number of power devices and complex control algorithm. This paper presents some important topologies like diode-clamped(neutral -point clamped), capacitor-clamped (flying capacitor), and cascaded multicell inverter with separate dc sources and comparison between these topologies is done on the basis of total loss and estimated cost of each topology .Other emerging topology and modulation schemes are also discussed along with their advantages.
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Accident detection system: survey and analysis
Now-a-days, the vehicles are becoming more sophisticated with features like GPS navigation and airbags for safety. In spite of this the victims of the accidents which occur at remote locations do not get prompt medical service. There are several cases where the accident victims lose their lives due to lack of medical assistance. In such situations the advancements in technology does not seem to be useful. This paper specifies the system that would automatically detects an accident and notifies the nearest rescue service which will enable the accident victim to receive instant medical help and assistance.
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Bokoharam saga; implication for Nigerian economic development
Terrorism in the 21st century globally, has taken a dangerous and alarming dimension which has a catastrophic consequences on the economy of the affected state if not contained. Boko Haram a terrorist Islamic group in Nigeria whose name translates to western education is sin or taboo has become a major security challenge to the Nigerian state. The terrorist activities of this group has negatively affected the Nigerian economic development, which has been stagnated before now by the presence of the military in seat of power coupled with a culture of corruption which has almost become synonymous to the Nigerian state. This research article was embarked on to ex-ray the Nigerian Boko Haram Saga and it’s implication on Nigerian economic development. the study was subcategorized into introduction which established an over view of the theme, origin and background of Boko Haram, some of the Boko Haram Haram’s record of attacks on Nigeria state and economy, Nigerian economic development (a review), sociol-economic cum political implication of Boko Haram terrorist activities in Nigeria, Nigerian government effort to curb Boko haram Menace, Recommendations and conclusion.
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