Interaction among, Malay, Chinese and Indian civilization
Interaction process could occur via various means for instance, trade, war, exploration, settlement, colonist, media or entertainment. It can be observed through assimilation process resulting from the clashes of religion, language, customs, food or clothing or other elements. Indirectly, we can witness huge and prominent civilizations dominateless prominent ones. Generally, there are four types of interaction switch can best describe the occurrence among civilization; physical interaction, theological or religious interaction, science and technology interaction and cultural interaction(Zulkifli Dahlan:2009).
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Investigation of the Sequence Stratigraphy of the Gurpi Formation in Abadan Plain (wells A, B and C)
Gurpi formation (Companian-Maestrichtian) is one of the importance formations that include as a Cap rock for reservoirs Sarvak in south west of Iran. Assessment of Gurpi formation facies in the wells A,B and C lead to know ten microfacies that related to facies belts of middle ramp and outer ramp. Outer ramp’s facies are allocate the maximum thickness in these wells. Field studies and assessment of vertical facies changes in sequence lead to know main surface of sequence in studied area. This formation have been formed of two sequences (3rd cycles). Sequences are separated by sequence boundaries type of 1 and 2 (SB1 and SB2).
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Job-employed fit and the effects on personnel's emotional intelligence
The job- employed fit is one of fundamental issues in human resource management. It has been improved that, this fit is an organizational necessity for the human source profitability. So, the main aim in this research is to investigate the job- employed fit and the effects on female personnel's emotional intelligence among governmental organizations in Kermanshah. This research is conducted based on descriptive and surveying method; the instruments to collect data include queries; the Salovey & Mayer standard emotional intelligence query is used to investigate the emotional intelligence; and the knowledge, skill and ability queries from international Occupational Information Network (O*NET) are implemented to investigate the job- employed fit, and each query includes, in average, 21 questions. The perpetuity was 0/79 for emotional intelligence query and 0/81 for job- employed fit query and because the Cronbach ? is more than 0/7 for both queries, therefore both queries has enough perpetuity. The considered statistical society includes 300 female personnel from governmental organizations in Kermanshah. Based on random sampling method, some category was selected as statistical sample, and 156 queries were collected, finally. We used Colmogrov- Smirnov test to determine the data normality and the results gained from the test supported it; the research theories were tested using absolute T-test and some positive and considerable effect was demonstrated. The results show that in considered society, the job- fit personnel gain higher emotional intelligence scores. Another result gained in this research indicated that just 40% of female personnel are completely job- fit and therefore these organizations have an unstable situation.
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Legitimacy of reasons Province of Jurisprudence
In this study, as Guides Islamic legitimacy of popular imagination and in particular, the Islamic State and the phrase literally, as well as the necessity of the Quran and hadith, the case is investigated, for example, the verse, "Thieves, thieves, then hand-cut" thieves should be cut off her hand, refers to the execution by the Muslim ruler is divine and rational reasons for the necessity of government, the Sunni and Shia Jurisprudence perspective, there is little doubt that, both the legitimacy of the Islamic government indicates. But the appointment of the Sunni caliph, consider installing a prophet of God and belief in community and selected by the previous caliph, and Shia believes the Caliph chose to install from God through revelation to the Prophet, and the constitution is the Jurist explained.
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Lithogeochemical and petrographic studies of the precambrian rocks around okemesi area, southwestern Nigeria
Twenty one (21) rock samples were systematically collected during geological mapping of the study area, while 10 representative samples were selected for geochemical and petrography studies. Six lithologies including Quartzite, Quartz-biotite schist, Banded gneiss, pegmatite, biotite gneiss and biotite schist with well defined boundaries were recognized and mapped in the study area. Thin sections were prepared from the rock, and were studied under the research Petrological Microscope. The results of the petrographic analysis of the thin sections revealed that minerals such as quartz, biotite, muscovite and feldspar (plagioclase, orthoclase and microcline) of variable composition were present in the slides. The presence of these minerals could be as a result of the type and nature of magma responsible for the emplacement of these rocks. However, quartz is the most resistant and dominant mineral in all the slides analyzed. Geochemical analysis was also carried out on the rock samples to determine the trace and rare earth elements in them. The results of the trace elements detected in (ppm) includes; Ba (338), Cd (0.054), Ce (42.19), Rb (129.99), S (0.036), Sr (42.7), Th (4.94), Y (4.97), Zn (29.39), Co (39.18), Cs (1.97), Cu (3.86), Li (5.02) Ni (18.05) and W (179.05). The rare earth elements include; Dy (1.68), Eu (0.58), Ga (9.89), Gd (2.70), Hf(1.07), La (20.69), Nd (18.05), Pr (4.92) and Sm (3.40). The results above revealed that Ba, W, Rb, Ce are extremely high in the rocks of the study area which indicate that the rocks are highly radioactive in nature. The concentration of radioactive elements such as Ba, Rb, Ce are useful in energy provision and modern warfare business. Nevertheless, radioactive elements may produce X-ray which can affect the skin and causes skin cancer and other related diseases. Therefore, detailed exploration program to discover hidden natural resources is hereby recommended for the study area.
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Mechanical properties of fibre reinforced concrete using different types of steel fibres
The Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is composed of cement, fine and coarse aggregates and discontinuous discrete steel fibers. In tension SFRC fails only after the steel fiber breaks or pulled out of the cement matrix. The composite nature of SFRC is responsible for its properties in freshly mixed and hardened state. The mechanical properties of SFRC are depending on type of fiber, aspect ratio, volume fraction of fibers and the size of the aggregates. SFRC transfer stresses across a cracked section which increases toughness of concrete in hardened state. This paper invistigate the behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete for compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength, using different types of steel fibers and different aspect ratio.
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Morphometric Analysis of Micro-Watersheds of Dal Lake Catchment (J&K) using Geospatial Techniques
Watershed prioritization has gained importance in natural resources management, especially in the context of watershed management. The prioritization process identifies the highest priority watershed(s) or erosion susceptibility zone in which to conduct management. Morphometric analysis has been applied to prioritization of micro-watersheds as watershed characteristics of a basin represent its physical and morphological attributes that are employed in synthesizing its hydrological response. The present study makes an attempt to prioritize thirty two micro-watersheds of Dal lake Catchment of Srinagar district, Jammu and Kashmir based on morphometric parameters using GIS techniques. Various morphometric parameters, namely linear parameters and shape parameters have been determined using Survey of India (SOI) toposheets at 1:50,000 scale for each micro-watershed and assigned ranks on the basis of value/relationship so as to arrive at a computed value for a final ranking of the micro-watersheds. The analysis has revealed that the total number as well as total length of stream segments is maximum in first order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. Horton’s law of stream numbers and stream lengths is also found to be in conformity with the catchment.
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Nutritional enhancement of whole cassava starch residue by biodegradation with fungi SPP
Treatment of crop residues with some species of fungi can enhance their digestibility. This study investigated changes in the nutrient composition of Cassava Starch Residue (CSR) biodegraded with two selected fungi: Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride. The experimental designed was a 3x4 factorial arrangement. Biodegradation of CSR for 21days at 300C recorded a significant biomass loss of 33.11% (A. niger), followed by 30.01% (combination of A. niger x T. viride) compared to 27.44% (T. viride). The crude protein increased significantly (P>0.05) from 4.05% to 7.16%, 6.84% and 6.88% within 14days for A. niger, T. viride and combination of A. niger x T. viride respectively. Similarly, the fibre in Cassava Starch Residue decreased from 17.07% to 10.31%, 12.83% and 11.89% for the A. niger, T. viride and combination A. niger x T. viride treatments respectively with a corresponding effect of 2897.1%kcal/kgDM, 2719.2kcal/kgDM and 2739.1kcal/kgDM in the level of metabolisable energy. Cellulose was extensively degraded in all the treatments (P>0.05) than the hemicellulose. Results of this study suggests that fungal biodegradation of whole cassava starch residue is regulated by a complex combination of various factors and consequently enhanced its nutritional profile.
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On double sampling approach for comparing estimates of students’ enrolment in Oyo state public secondary schools
Successive sampling is used repeatedly to survey a population over time. It allows the first sample to be taken (on the first occasion) and a second sample is then taken (on the second occasion). The scheme provides an opportunity of making use of the information obtained in the first sample in improving on the precision of future estimate. In this study, double sampling for regression estimation was used to determine the current estimate of the mean, minimum variance, maximum precision, estimate of change between the two successive occasions under consideration and estimate of average over the period of the two occasions. The data used were based on students’ enrolment in Oyo state public secondary schools and The data were collected from Planning, Research and Statistics Unit, Oyo State Ministry of Education.The current estimates for the student enrolments in Junior and Senior Secondary Schools were found to be 6,372 and 4,925 students respectively. The variances for the current estimate is more precise when ? approaches unity. Sensitivities increased for both the Junior and Senior secondary schools at 0.7 ? ? ? 1.0. The changes in current estimates between the first and second occasion were found to be -110 and -210 for Junior and Senior Secondary Schools respectively. The negative sign shows that there was decreased in number of the students enrolment in both Junior and Senior Secondary Schools in the current year compared with the previous year. Sensitivity was more in µ? for ? ? 0.32 and in ? for > 0.9225 and > 0.7385 for Junior and Senior Secondary Schools respectively. The estimate of average over time for the student’s enrolment in Junior and Senior Secondary were found to be 12, 823 students and 10,063 students respectively. The gain in information changing from one occasion to the next was 238.98% for junior category and 45.37% for Senior Category.
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Operation of quality circles in educational institutions of higher learning: a case study
By refusing to separate the management and workforce into water-tight compartments, the concept of Quality Circles made a radical departure from the western style of management. In the Quality Circle approach, the task performers at the grass-root level are given the privilege of participation in progress and to have a say in the work they do. Similarly, when we apply in academics, we suppose that people performing the tasks can rise to the occasion, solve their problems and recommend solutions provided the knowledge to analyze their problems is given. Ownership and responsibility towards the task are passed to the teachers and students doing the job. Quality Circles in academics do not segregate management, teachers and students into different blocks but treat them all as seekers of truth, together treading the path of knowledge. This in essence is the conceptual frame of the Quality Circles when we apply them in education.
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