8461. The Role of Economic Capital in Dearth of Entrepreneurship in Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir | ||
Saba Maroof, Iftikhar Hussain, Amber Qurashi, Shahid Hussain and Qurat-ul-Ain | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Finance |
The Role of Economic Capital in Dearth of Entrepreneurship in Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir
This study investigates the factor capital which leads towards the dearth of entrepreneurship. Micro and macro enterprises play an important role in the economy of any country, but in Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir these enterprises are rare. This research was conducted through a self adminstered questionnaire. The sample size for this study was 100 and these organizations were facing the problems of entrepreneurial dearth. Data collected through questionnaire were statistically analyzed, correlation was used to test the research hypotheses. This study provides valuable insights that, one of the main reason of dearth of entrepreneurship is lack of capital. Many entrepreneurs faced lot of problem in accessing the finance through financial institutions. The significance of this research study lies in the fact that it fills an important gap in the literature, offering a deeper understanding of how the access to capital affects the entrepreneurship in Kotli AJ&K. Future researchers can conduct similar studies on other sectors in Kotli AJ&K and findings of this research study can be incorporated in entrepreneurship policies and guidelines.
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8462. The structure and properties of polypyrrole/ titanium dioxide nanospheres of various dopant percentages by chemical oxidation method | ||
S. Deivanayaki, V. Ponnuswamy, P. Jayamurugan and S.Ashokan | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Materials Research | Sub Category : Materials Science |
The structure and properties of polypyrrole/ titanium dioxide nanospheres of various dopant percentages by chemical oxidation method
Polypyrrole-TiO2 nano composite samples with various dopant percentages of TiO2 were synthesized by chemical oxidative method at room temperature. The samples were characterized by Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR), SEM with EDAX, UV vis Spectrum, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Photoluminescence (PL) and Conductivity measurements. Electrical conductivity measurements indicate that the conductivity of nano composites increases with TiO2 content. The doped H2SO4 may interact with PPy by donating either hydrogen sulfate (HSO4) or sulfate (SO42-) ions as dopants. SEM images confirm that introduction of higher content of TiO2 leads to the formation of nano spheres.
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8463. The Study on Characterization and Adsorption and Oxidation Properties of m-Xylene over AC-5%Co Material | ||
Lan Thi Phung, Hung Van Hoang, Hao Hoang Nguyen, Phu Huu Nguyen | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Materials Research | Sub Category : Materials Science |
The Study on Characterization and Adsorption and Oxidation Properties of m-Xylene over AC-5%Co Material
AC-5%Co has been synthesized successfully by impregant method using Tra Bac activated carbon (AC) and cobalt chloride as precursors. The characterization of prepared materials showed that Co species which exists in oxide form (denoted as CoOx) distribute on surface of AC with the size ranging from 20 to 25 nm. The CoOx almost does not affect to the m-xylene adsorption of AC and m-xylene adsorption processes occurred mainly at micropores with two types of AC adsorption sites. The study on the catalytic activity revealed that the oxidation of m-xylene by oxygen in the air occurred mainly at cobalt oxide sites with the conversion degree ranging from 23.2 to 51.8% at the temperature range of 180-250oC with the WHSV of 1941.75 hour-1 and relatively low activation energy (21.16 kJ mol-1? 5 kcal mol-1).
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8464. The synthesis of the theory of relativity and quantum theory | ||
Kiyokazu Nakatomi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Physical Sciences | Sub Category : Condensed Matter |
The synthesis of the theory of relativity and quantum theory
It is said that the theory of relativity and quantum theory are independent of each other. Their relationship is like water and oil. Now, it is very important for modern physics to synthesize them. In Physics and mathematics, Super String theory is studied, but instead of it, the ten-dimensional world appears. Our world is a three-dimensional world . What is the ten-dimensional world? It is more difficult than the string which is of Plank length. In the ten dimensional world, physics is facing darkness and nothingness which man can not explain with the traditional physical words. The solution depends upon philosophy. I tried to synthesize them and succeeded. The following is an outline of my synthesis. Utility and relativity of mathematical truth Mathematical truth is not absolute but relative. In the universe ( outside the solar system ),there is no perfect line. Because , by the gravitation of large astronomical bodies , space and lines are curved. Mathematical figure and numeration depend upon the promise of mankind. These are not absolute. Physics, which is grounded upon mathematics in certainty, is also relative. It expresses not the whole of the universe but a part of the universe. Community and difference between the theory of relativity and quantum theory Community is the negation of absoluteness of physical attributes.?Difference is the assessment for mathematics. The theory of relativity relies on mathematics but quantum theory does not always rely on it. According to circumstances, Niels Bohr and quantum physicists abandoned a frame of reference. The origin of the theory of relativity. The origin of quantum theory. In short, the theory of relativity and quantum theory are not perfect, they only irradiate a part of the universe. Man can reach the whole of the universe only by the philosophical intuition of nothingness and infinite ( the principle of nothingness and love ).
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8465. Types of cotton and their significance | ||
Savanam Chandra Sekhar and V.K. Bhaskara Rao | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Agricultural Sciences | Sub Category : Agriculture |
Types of cotton and their significance
Cotton is the world’s most used fibre. Cotton is number one fibre used for apparel in United States. In 1994, a survey on cotton found that 63 percent of cotton was used for apparel, 29 percent for home furnishings and 8 percent for industrial type products and exportation. Cotton comes in several types, depending on the way it is grown or processed. There is no way to the consumer to know the true quality of Egyptian cotton used in manufacture of a product. It is possible to purchase a product labeled 100% Egyptian cotton with the expectation of it being made from the very finest cotton, when in fact it could be made from lesser quality, non-ELS Egyptian cotton. Therefore, a modest attempt is made to divulge the nature, characteristics and applications of various types of cotton grown in the world and their significance.
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8466. Utilization and perception towards primary health care services among mogera community: a study of Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka | ||
Prakash Marpady and Mohan S.Singhe | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Social Sciences |
Utilization and perception towards primary health care services among mogera community: a study of Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka
Discrimination between various group and ethnic groups has a great impact on health status of respective group. In Indian context dalits are most oppressed and neglected group and are being exploited by the so called upper caste and are denied by the state developmental activities. Even because of rapid urbanization and modernization has made discrimination in sophisticated especially in urban and cities. The health status doesn’t refer just to the physical status of an individual. It is over all well being of an individual. Health a “state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being and not just the absence of disease and infirmity. This research has made an attempt to capture the data on service utilization among the most disadvantaged caste among the dalit.
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8467. 2-methyl-6-nitroaniline: An organic crystal towards photo induced applications | ||
V.Krishnakumar, S.Sivakumar, R.Nagalakshmi and Ivan V.Kityk | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Physical Sciences | Sub Category : Crystal Research |
2-methyl-6-nitroaniline: An organic crystal towards photo induced applications
Single crystals of 2-methyl-6-nitroaniline of reasonable size and excellent quality were grown by the low-temperature solution growth method using methanol as a solvent. Supersaturation was established by lowering the temperature at a rate of 0.2°C/hr. The powder XRD of the samples suggested no significant change in the unit cell dimensions and the presence of any extra phase. The structural analysis and infrared spectroscopy can be useful in the clarification of the role of hydrogen bonds in crystals exhibiting non-linear optical properties. It has found that these crystals have transparency from UV to Far-IR wavelength region. Powder Kurtz-Perry measurements were performed for the investigated material. The efficiency of second order susceptibility was estimated relative to urea: deff = 8 urea. The dependence of the birefringence of the investigated crystal was studied with respect to the applied dc field and the results were discussed.
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8468. A Kinetics and Mechanistic study of Permanganatic Oxidation of Ranitidine in Acidic Medium | ||
Sandipsingh Gour, Bhagawasingh Dobhal and Mazahar Farooqui | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Chemical Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Chemistry |
A Kinetics and Mechanistic study of Permanganatic Oxidation of Ranitidine in Acidic Medium
The oxidation of pyrazinamide in acidic media is carried out using potassium permanganate as a oxiding agent. The reaction was monitored using UV-Visible spectrophotometer at 525 nm. It was found to be first order with respect to oxidant,, fractional order with respect to hydrogen ion concentration and first order with respect to substrate. The thermodynamic parameters (were determinied . The average (?G#) was found to be 87.91 KJ/mol. The values ?S# was found to be -0.1888 KJ/mole and energy of activation was found to be 31.36 KJ/mole. A suitable mechanism is proposed based on the experimental conditions.
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8469. A Study on Employee Retention Practices of Automobile Industries in India | ||
K.Balanaga Gurunathan and V.Vijayalakshmi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Organizational Behaviour |
A Study on Employee Retention Practices of Automobile Industries in India
This paper mainly focuses on Managing employee retention and the tools used for retention. Specifically this paper pictures about the general practices adopted like talent management, Organizational Development, Training, Rewards and Recognition and hiring process. Philosophically, employee retention is important; in almost all cases, it is senseless to allow good people to leave your organization. The success of an organization mainly relies on the efficiency & stability of its employees. During the past decade the automobile industry has been facing a drastic problem in retaining the top talents. The key to success relies on good leadership, good management, and potential team with, knowledge, skills, attitudes and aptitudes. The technical know-how of a company to retain its employee depends on the constant growth rate of it. In business market good refers to valuable and talented employees. This article presents about the research paper on employee retention in automobile industry.
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8470. A Survey Study on Indian IT Firms' Attitude towards Forex Exposure Management Practices | ||
Raghavendra R.H and Velmurugan P.S | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Finance |
A Survey Study on Indian IT Firms' Attitude towards Forex Exposure Management Practices
In the light of globalization and internationalization of world markets, foreign exchange risk has become one of the most difficult and persistent problems with which financial executives must cope. This risk cannot be avoided, but can be managed by hedging instruments. The need and approach for managing it depends on the size of exposure and fluctuations in exchange rate. Indian IT sector is known for development of software and it mainly depends on exports. They are required to measure and manage exchange rate risk. The survey study on IT firma attitude towards foreign exchange esposure management is virtually non-existent. Hence, an attempt is made in this paper to fill this gap, by documenting the Indian IT firms attitude towards forex exposure management practice.
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