Detection of similar pattern of chhattisgarhi dialects through speech recognition using wavelet transformation
This paper will presents a method of finding a relations between similar speeches signals which are speaker independent taken from common set of samples of Chhattisgarhi language and dialects commonly spoken at different regions of Chhattisgarh. The objective of this paper is to detect similar and dissimilar patterns of different Chhattisgarhi dialects through wavelet analysis methods which are useful for complex speech signal analysis. Through wavelet transforms parameters are extracted from speech corpus and then relations are established.
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Determinants of customer satisfaction in telecom industry: evidence from Pakistan
Telecom industry is rapidly growing in Pakistan; number of telecom users is increasing day by day. This study focused on exploring the factors which impact on satisfaction of telecom user. In order to meet the objective of the study, there were 550 individuals were selected by using simple random sampling techniques and structured questionnaire is used as data collection tool. Descriptive analysis, Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used for analysis purpose. Findings of the study revealed that customer expectation, perceived value and corporate image were the significant factors which impact on customers’ satisfaction. This study is very informative and helpful for managers and policy makers of telecom sector.
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Determination of the optimal tilt angle for solar photovoltaic panel in Ilorin, Nigeria
The optimal tilt angle of solar photovoltaic panel in Ilorin, Nigeria was determined. The solar panel was first mounted at 0o to the horizontal and after ten minutes, the voltage and current generated with the corresponding atmospheric temperature were recorded. The same procedure was repeated for 2o to 30o at a succession of 2o at ten minutes time interval over the entire measurement period. The result obtained shows that the average optimal tilt angle at which a solar panel will be mounted for maximum power performance at fixed position in Ilorin is 22o. This optimum angle of tilt of the solar panel and the orientation are dependent on the month of the year and the location of the site of study.
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Development and Sensory Evaluation of Therapuetic Chocolate Pound Cakes
Lot of attention has been given towards natural healthy therapeutic foods by health professional and the common population for improving overall well being, as well as in the prevention of diseases. In this connection, many grains and fruits have been regarded in functional foods. When such ingredients are added into food preparation with an objective of imparting health benefit is the need of the hour. With this aim, a venture was made to develop a bakery product and evaluate its organoleptic attributes. A chocolate pound cake was formulated and in which desired proportions of kavanai rice and Tribulus terrestris fruit powder were added and thus 5 varieties of cakes were prepared and its sensory attributes were compared with the standard cake. 9 point hedonic scale was used to assess sensory characteristics via colour, appearance, flavour, taste and overall acceptability. Garrets ranking tool was employed to assess the ranking of hedonic score. The overall acceptability of cake 2 (80% Refined Wheat Flour and 20% Tribulus terrestris fruit powder) and cake 3 (100% Refined Wheat Flour and 10% Tribulus terrestris fruit powder) had the highest score of 8.55 and was comparable with standard cake. It was imperative that addition of 10% Tribulus terrestris fruit powder into chocolate cake without addition of Kavanai rice scores highest for its sensory attributes. It is concluded that kavanai rice and Tribulus terrestris fruit powder could serve as potential functional ingredients in the development of therapeutic foods. Key Words: Tribulus terrestris fruit powder, Kavanai rice, functional foods, Chocolate Pound Cakes.
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Diversity of driftwood associated marine fungi of the Muthupet mangrove of Tamilnadu, India
Marine mycology is one of the major emerging areas or research in tropics. It is gaining importance not only due to taxonomic and ecological perspective, but also for unique metabolites biochemical and enzymes from the sea. Majority of the studies on marine fungi are confined to the temperate regions. Studies in tropics and subtropics gained importance only in last two decades. So in this present study addresses the marine fungi undertaken in tropical/subtropical habitats especially driftwoods in muthupet mangroves. Diversity of marine fungi colonizing the drift wood samples was assessed and the common and dominant driftwood inhabiting marine fungus were grown on seven different media. A total number of 23 species (11 genera) of fungi were recorded from the driftwood samples collected from five different stations of Muthupet mangrove (Chief corner, Koraiyar River, Saradi, Sethuguda, Xavier Munai). They were assignable to ascomycotina (3 species), basidiomycotina (1 species) and Deuteromycotina (19 species). The common and dominant marine fungus was showed fast growth in SWPDA.
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Dynamic modeling of direct drive axial flux PMLOM using FEM analysis
A general framework for the development of a new generation of PM Linear Oscillating Machine (PMLOM) using FE magnetic analysis suitable for short strokes is described in this paper. A microcontroller based IGBT inverter is developed for the control of thrust and oscillation frequency. The PMLOM can perform precision oscillation task with relatively low power dissipation. The use of powerful permanent magnet material such as Neodymium-Iron-Boron alloys has greatly improved the performance of the machine. The forces for aluminium mover embedded with rare earth permanent magnets are determined analytically and the results are validated extensively by comparison with finite element analyses.
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Early attrition: cause of concern for human resources
The BPO industry in India has become a growth engine for the economy. It has achieved staggering growth in the last 10 years of its operation, adding 5 million jobs and USD 15 billion in its revenue. 5 million jobs naturally imply that 5 million people are working in some capacity or the other for the industry. This makes the job of HR all the more demanding, and important. Human resource is responsible not just for procuring the right kind of people for the right jobs, it also makes sure that these people stay with the company, and, during their stay contribute optimally to the company’s development. Although, in a BPO, it is relatively simple to lay down the technical qualifications of the job, the channel through which people with such qualification can come to the company, and the manner in which these aspirants can be evaluated. The high attrition rate in the industry is primarily due to the restricted career options or growth opportunities for the youngsters. Fear of stagnation is a major factor that forces the employees to quit the industry. While some leave their career mid-way in pursuit of higher education, others are drawn in by the higher pay packages offered elsewhere. The new entrants into the BPO sector, who are consistently on the lookout for trained youngsters, offer higher remuneration. With the employees moving to other jobs in less than a year, the industry has to confront the gnawing problem of attrition.
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Effects of Neonicotinoid Insecticide Imidacloprid on Hematological Parameters in Chick Embryos
In order to meet the growing food demand, use of pesticides is a common feature in agriculture now a day but extensive use of pesticide has resulted in global contamination of the environment. Imidacloprid is one of the major representatives of the new generation of neonicotinoid insecticides. The objective of current study is to examine the hematological parameters and developmental defects after exposure of imidacloprid in chick embryos. Present study was carried out on 300 fertile eggs of white leghorn chicken. Imidacloprid exposure increases the risks of developmental defects and mild toxic effects on hematological parameters in chick embryos.
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Evaluation of antioxidant enzymes activity in canola under salt stress
Salinity is one of the major stresses in arid and semi-arid regions causing adverse effects at physiological, biochemical, and molecular levels, limiting crop productivity. In this research, three canola cultivars (Licord, Talayeh, Zarfam) were compared at 5 salinity levels (control, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM) for their catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, superoxide dismutase activity,proline and yield in a completely randomized design with 3 replications. In our study, we found that NaCl concentrations greater than 150 and 200 mM caused the irreversible disorders. Increased salt concentrations led to significant changes in the levels of antioxidative enzymes and proline in three canola cultivars. Also, yield rates in three varieties decreased in the presence of NaCl concentrations.
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Federal character principle as a pitfall for national development in Nigeria (A Historical perspective)
This paper focussed on Federal character principle which was introduced into the Nigeria political and administrative system because of the multi-ethnic nature of the Nigeria Federation, so as to promote fair-ness among different ethnic nationalities in the equitable distribution of resources like employment, appointment, and election to any public position to promote national loyalty and encourage national development. A review of the contributions of federal character to national development in Nigeria since its inception in 1979 till date entails that the desired objective have not been achieved. It then becomes clear that federal character is now more of a curse than a blessing to Nigeria and Nigerians because; it has damage the principle of excellence, it discourages determination and zeal for national development, it undermines standard and professionalism, it encouraged liquidation of many industries, it invaded the integrity and standard of public bureaucracy and its purely an elites policy. Based on the above findings, some recommendations were made as prerequisite to national development in Nigeria.
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