Game theory as a marketing tool: uses and limitations
The growth of complexity of the business environment in which firms operate, calls for more effective tools, able to consider the effect of the strategic choices of the actors of the market and to supply information useful for managerial decision process. Game theory seems to be an ideal candidate for this scope. Nevertheless, because of its axiomatic approach, its validity to highlight and define marketing issues has many critics. This paper analyses the main literature about the use of game theory for marketing management decisions and highlights its limits in this field in order to answer to the question: Can game theory be an effective marketing tool?
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Genetic Algorithm Based Hybrid PID Fuzzy Speed Controller in FOCIM
ABSTRACT In this paper induction motor speed controlling using FOC with genetic algorithm tuned hybrid PID plus fuzzy controller is discussed. Tuning of PID plus fuzzy speed controller by GA improves static and dynamic performance of FOCIM. Nonlinear induction motor modeling is modeled as linear model for optimization of controller gains. Matlab/Simulink based simulations are carried out with different cases to check efficiency of proposed controller. These results are compared with conventional trial and error method to check improvement in peak overshoot and response time. Keywords: FOCIM (Field Oriented Control Induction Motor), Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy, mutation, crossover.
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Green Banking in India – Necessity and Significance in the current scenario
Green Banking means combination of operational improvements, technology and changing client habits in banking business. Adopting green banking is not only useful for environment but also benefits in greater operational efficiency. This paper analyzes the evolution of green banking concepts in India, its necessity and significance. It also highlights the major benefits and challenges of Green Banking. Banks should go green and play a pro-active role in India’s emerging economy. This paper has also presented the status of Indian Banks as far as Green banking adoption is concerned. It also highlights the green banking initiatives been taken by the Indian Banking Industry. It gives a detailed study on the findings that there have not been many initiatives in this regard by banks and financial institutions in India though they play an active role in India’s emerging economy. The objective of this study is to find out what initiative has been taken by the Indian Banking Industry to adopt Green Banking. This article also presents the to find out different ways to overcome such hindrances. Observational method and descriptive research design has been adopted for this research and secondary data has been chosen for the research.
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Growth and optical properties of diglycine hydrobromide
Diglycine hydrobromide an intriguing material for frequency conversion has been grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique at room temperature. Their structural, optical and physicochemical properties were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and UV-Vis spectra. The title crystal has found to crystallize into noncentrosymmetric orthorhombic P212121 space group. The material has a wide transparency in the entire visible region. It is found that the cutoff wavelength lies in the UV region. The dielectric studies were carried out using the instrument, N4L LCR meter. The compound is a prospective crystalline material for second order nonlinear optical application.
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Higher education in Asian and European countries; comparative study
Although it is loudly pronounced that the world has become global village but there can be seen a huge gulf among the poor and rich countries particularly in education, The tertiary average enrolment, percentage of GDP for education, literacy rate of youth, pupil teacher ratio and number of universities were selected as criterion to analyse the ratio among these factors which painted a gloomy picture. The data has been collected by various official web sites of the relevant countries and from the World Bank Reports, UNESCO Institute of Statistics. The findings show that there is a big gap in all of the indicators. Particularly tertiary regional average enrolment, GDP spent on education ,literacy rate among youth, research publication per year, number of PhDs produced yearly, teachers students ratio and number of universities public and private both are included. It is recommended that the technology and skills should be transferred to these comparatively less developed countries along with financial assistance. The regional conflicts and tension and the factors that cause hindrance in development of education must be removed by joint efforts of both of these countries. They have already contributed reasonably in the development process but it needs to be precise and education oriented.
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Higher Education in India– New Insights for Innovations in Learning Process
The Indian higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China and the United States. There has been an exceptional growth in number of universities, colleges as well as enrolment in higher education system particularly during last 15 years. The ratio of professional to non-professional enrolment has been almost 1:3. Key challenge before higher education system in India is to make it relevant and purposive, so that it responds to societal needs and enables students to get meaningful employment opportunities. The areas in which there is a need to come out with policy perspective at macro level and innovations at institutional level are - Quality and Excellence, Equity and Access & Inclusion. There is a dire need for the teaching community to keep coming out with innovations in teaching-learning process, in particular in the areas of curricula, pedagogy, and assessment which should make learning an enjoyable experience and more and more purposive to the societal needs. This paper attempts to identify specific areas of innovations in higher education system to improve the quality of higher education, so as to make it relevant and purposive to societal needs. The strategy to innovate has to take care of local and global dimensions of multiple sources of learning such as – networked learning, life-long learning, world class learning with local and international perspective. Above all, higher learning has to imbibe a framework of flexibility by introducing a modular structure which can be taken as per the desired pace of understanding of the student, implying a possibility of completing the degree programme in shorter or longer duration and a choice-based learning that allows the student to opt for interdisciplinary courses of his liking and interest as a part and parcel of curricula to complete his degree programme.
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Hydatic cyst of kidney: about 20 cases experience of urology service and review of the literature
The hydatid cyst is a Antropo-zoonosis caused development in humans of the larval form of Echinococcusgranulosistaenia. It is endemic status in some countries where it is a real public health problem and spares no organ. Hydatid cyst of the kidney (HCK) is rare, indeed it is 2 to 3% of all visceral locations. His clinical semiology is rich but rarely specific. The diagnosis is based on arguments of strong epidemiological suspicion, clinical, biological and radiological. This condition poses therapeutic problems making it difficult to conservative surgery. The aim of this work is to remind this disease has become rare in some countries through the exposure of our results, while insisting on the importance of conservative treatment whenever it is possible. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 20 cases of HCK collected between 2006 and 2013 at the urology department "A" of the University Hospital of Rabat. These 6 men and 14 women whose average age was 37 years (18-56 years). The clinical symptomatology was dominated by low back pain (100%), with 6 cases of hydaturia.Ultrasound, performed in all patients confirmed the diagnosis in 12 patients . Abdominal CT, performed in 8 patients, was necessary whenever the diagnosis remains uncertain. The treatment consisted of 12 resection of the protruding dome, 3pericystectomy, and 5 total nephrectomies. An additional procedure was performed in the same operation (hydatid cyst in the liver in 2 cases. Postoperative course was uneventful. Regular monitoring was done for 12 patients. In light of these twentyHCK , we must insist on the importance of imaging in the diagnosis of and conservative surgical treatment.
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Impact of Macro economic forces on Nonperforming loans an empirical study of commercial banks in Pakistan
The study assesses long and short run dynamics between nonperforming loans and macro economic variables covering the period from January 2002 till December 2011 belongs to commercial banks in Pakistan. Macroeconomic variables include inflation, exchange rate, interest rate, gross domestic product and money supply. A long run relationship is found among the time series of variables under studied by employing Johansen and Juselius multivariate co integration while pair wise bivariate co integration reveals pair wise long run relationship between nonperforming loans with Money supply and interest rate. Granger causality test is used to evaluate the cause and effect relationship within the sample and is found that inflation and exchange rate granger cause Nonperforming loans. Short run dynamics is explored by vector error correction model provides that weak short run relationship exist between Nonperforming loans with inflation and exchange rate. Macro economic indicators are the sizeable determinates of non performing loans is a contribution of this research also assists policy makers to keep in attention the impact of aggravating economy on non performing loans consequently hurts profitability and overall health of financial system while formulating fiscal and monetary measures.
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Influence of bedrock weathering on the shallow ground water system around felsic metasediment and amphibolites of the Ilesha schist belt
This study attempts the evaluation of the geogenic release metals due to weathering of basement rock on the shallow groundwater system around Ilesha and environs. The study involves collection of twelve (12) soil samples over four (4) soils profiles. In addition to a total of nineteen (19) groundwater samples obtained from shallow dug wells <25m in areas surrounding the sampled soil profiles. Geochemical analysis revealed the presence of SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, MnO, P2O5 and Cr2O3 as the major oxides. Ruxton Ratio depicts weathering intensity decreasing from Muscovite schist (MS) > Amphibolite (AS) > Talc schist (TS) > Quartzite quartz schist (QS). Physico-Chemical results of water samples revealed a slightly acidic to basic water with electric conductivity values of 443µS/cm, 94µS/cm and 267µS/cm for the AM, QS and MS respectively. Hydro-geochemical analysis of the groundwater samples indicate the presence of major cations and trace elements and further analysis revealed the order of mean cations abundance for the mafic unit to be Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+>K+, and Ca2+>Na+>K+>Mg2+ for the felsic. Groundwater around the mafic bedrocks shows high concentration of the major cations, except for Potassium (K), thereby revealing a relationship that correspond to the mineralogy of the bedrock and weathered profile.
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Intelligent Query Manipulation and Retrieval in Temporal Database
More and more organizations each day are now storing achieves of data to help them make essential business resolutions. The Commercial Database Management Systems (DBMS) that are available in the I.T. market do not afford any considerable and practical methods of storing and manipulate such data. Time is ubiquitous in information systems. Almost every enterprise faces the trouble of its data becoming out of date. However, such data is frequently valuable, so it should be archived and some means of accessing it should be afforded. Also, some data may be naturally historical, e.g., medical, cadastral, or judicial records. Whilst there has been research into the subject of Temporal Databases, there is a lack of marketable tools. The Paper aims to design and develop a Temporal Database Management System (TDBMS) that provides means to manipulate temporal data. The TDBMS will provide a Temporal Relational Algebra (TRA) structured query language that is based on and is an extension to Relational Algebra (RA) for extracting data from the Temporal Database. The TRA is to contain most the common operators that are associated with RA such as Cartesian Product, Natural Join, Union and many more. The TRA will introduce new temporal operators, which are useful for querying Temporal Databases.
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