Introduce a model for determining the critical supply routes and amount of optimum supply able demand in each supply activity and the rating of critical network paths by using of Topsis method
This article determined the critical supply routes with three approaches: cost, time and supply quality status and rating of supply critical routes in a network supply, finally. In this article, has tried that each three parameter: supply cost, supply time and supply quality status having an effective and efficient supply network and supply chain are very effective, considered in determine of supply critical paths in a supply network. It is important that the network be effective and efficient, cause to rapidly response to receive demands with higher quality and gain competitive advantage in competitive market and effective chain management.
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In–situ Synthesis and characterization of composite of polyaniline with cobaltmonoethanolamine complex
The present paper involves the synthesis of polyaniline (PANI) composite with cobaltmonoethanolamine [Co(mea)2(H2O)2Cl2] complex via in situ oxidative polymerization by ammonium persulphate. The complex has been synthesized by refluxing method. The composite has been subjected to elemental analysis, FTIR, and SEM characterization techniques. FTIR absorption peaks confirm the insertion of complex in the backbone of PANI. SEM of the composite also supports its successful synthesis.
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Limnological Studies of Thirupathisaram Temple Pond in Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu, India
Seasonal variations in the water qualities and algal diversity of Thirupathisaram temple pond in Kanyakumari district was studied for the period of one calendar year (2014). The physico-chemical parameters like water temperatures, transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, free CO2, carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides, Calcium, phosphates, nitrates, magnesium and sulphate were analysed and correlated with seasonal variation in the algal count of the pond water. Out of 105 microalgae recorded in the pond, 24 species belonged to Bacillariophyceae (22.85%), 42 species belonged to Chlorophyceae (40%), 32 species belonged to Cyanophyceae (30.47%) and 7 species belonged to Euglenophyceae (6.7%). Members of Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Euglenophyceae were found maximum during the summer and declined during the winter and monsoon seasons whereas the members of Bacillariophyceae were maximum during the rainy season and they declined during the summer. An increasing trend in Photosynthetic productivity of algae was found from the rainy season to summer. Algal bloom was observed during the summer months and microalgae such as Navicula cincta, Nitzschia amphibia, Pediastrum boryanum, Tetraedron trigonum, Microcystis aeruginosa f. flos-aqueae and Microcystis wesenbergii were found as dominant among the species studied. Water in the temple pond was slightly eutrophic in nature.
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Molecular dynamics simulation of polmitoyl–coa hydrolase interactions with fmn, clofibrate, 2,4- dichlorophenoxy acetic acid ligands
In enzymology, the palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase is the enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of acyl-CoA esters to free fatty acid and coenzyme A. This enzyme regulates the intracellular concentrations of acyl-CoAs, free fatty acids and CoASH. This enzyme show broad specificity towards its substrates, i.e. fatty acyl-CoAs with different chain length. Using different previously described inhibitors of palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase including Niacin, FMN, Ibuprofen, Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (DCFA) and Clofibrate in molecular dynamic experiments we simulated enzyme complexes with its inhibitors separately. The simulation media were aqueous solution, 37?C and 1 atmosphere of pressure. In order to construct reasonable complexes between enzyme and its inhibitors we made molecular docking using HEX and Argus Lab software. Our results indicate that the hypothesized mechanism responsible for enzyme inhibition is the structural changes in enzyme protein induced by inhibitors that leads to increased content of irregular random structures in enzyme secondary structure. The structural alteration in enzyme is not necessarily manifested as protein denaturation but instead it appears as increase in protein compactness that brings the protein to go far from its native relaxed structure with enough flexibility and minimum tension. Our results also show that the more effective inhibitor induce the more compactness in protein structure in concomitant with increase in random structures.
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Motivations for Beneficiaries’ Participation in Community-Based Agriculture and Rural Development Program in Nigeria
This paper explored the motivations for beneficiaries’ participation in community-based agriculture and rural development program among Guba farmers in Nigeria. Utilizing qualitative research approach, the data for the study was collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussion based on semi-structured questions from 8 key informants. The data collected was analyzed through open-coding system. Findings of the study indicates that though, several reasons have been identified by informants as their motivations to participate in the program, the desire by beneficiaries to meet tangible material benefits stood above all other considerations. However, Group leadership, Workshops and Seminars, the program’s approach, Officials / beneficiaries’ relationship and publicity given to the program were also found to have motivated beneficiaries’ participation. At the end, the paper made recommendations to practitioners and policy makers in designing future developmental programs that ensures popular participation. This will in the long run ensure the sustainability of the programs and effective poverty alleviation.
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Mr.Hussein Hakim Abad AL-Shammari joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 7th November 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 7th November 2013, Mr.Hussein Hakim Abad AL-Shammari has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Physics. Mr.Hussein Hakim Abad AL-Shammari is currently working as Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Babylon, Hilla, Iraq. The appointment of Mr.Hussein Hakim Abad AL-Shammari as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Occurrence of toxic heavy metals (Hg, Pb and Cd) in fish on Ghanaian markets
The monitoring of toxic heavy metals in fish is essential for protecting public health against the hazards of metal toxicity. The concentrations of metals (Hg, Pb and Cd), in different fish species were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic (AAS) procedures. The objective of this study was to look at the distribution of heavy metals in different species of fish on Ghanaian markets. Levels of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS). Mercury (Hg) content was analysed by the cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopic technique after Hg ions reduction with SnCl2 (CV-AAS). Amongst the metals analysed, Lead (Pb; 0.1-0.49, average 0.24 mg/kg) showed the highest concentration, followed Mercury (Hg; 0.01-0.37, average 0.073mg/kg) and Cadmium (Cd; 0.06-0.11, average 0.084 mg/kg). Amongst the species analysed, tuna had high lead concentrations with lobsters having the lowest concentration of lead. With respect to Hg contamination, shark specimen had the highest with cephalopods and octopus having the least Hg concentrations. Levels of cadmium in the examined species averaged from 0.06 mg/kg for octopus to 0.11 mg/kg for tuna. The study revealed that the studied metals concentrations were generally low in species of fish in the two study areas. Although the levels of these heavy metals are not high, a potential danger may emerge in the future depending on pollution sources and frequency of exposure.
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Optimization of Chicken Feather Fibre Reinforced Composite with Epoxy
Chicken feather disposal has contributed significantly in the galloping elephantiasis in our society; hence this research work was targeted on recycling chicken feathers into a more useful material that would find its applications in virtually all discipline. These natural Fibres are low-cost with low density and good mechanical properties. This study uses Taguchi’s robust design on the basis of the higher the better to investigate the effect of (A: Volume fraction, B: Fibre length and C: Fibre orientation) to determine the optimum Tensile strength, Flexural strength and Hardness strength of the chicken feather barbs (CFB) and chicken feather rachis (CFR) when reinforced with epoxy. The optimum tensile strength, flexural strength and hardness strength of the chicken feather barbs are (34.40MPa, 60.05MPa and 18.87MPa) while that of the chicken feather rachis are (34.00MPa, 70.30MPa and 19.1MPa), respectively. This study shows that the composite of the CFB are better in tensile, while the CFR are better both in flexural and hardness strength. The young’s Moduli of the CFB ranges from 0.81GPa to 1.63GPa, while that of the CFR ranges from 0.58GPa to 1.90GPa. Higher proportion of the chicken feather barbs, however, showed significant reduction in the density and void fraction of the composite material. It can therefore be concluded that a low cost composite material could be processed from the chicken feather thereby reducing the risk of pollution and disease associated with it.
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Optimization of MANET by Team Multicast Routing Protocol
Team multicast identifies clusters of nodes with same affinity as teams and manages the multicast membership information using the unit of team rather than dealing with individual node members. The source propagates a data packet to each subscribed team’s leader and each leader forwards the data to the entire team. But none of the existing work on team multicasting consider the QoS metrics of the team leader like power, bandwidth etc. In this paper, we propose a QoS-aware team multicast protocol for MANETs, which gives a better solution to the above said problems. In our proposed protocol, the team leaders are selected based on the QoS metrics like bandwidth, residual energy and stability. Thus, the problem of link breakage can be reduced proactively. In case of link breakage occurring at any place of the network, a new team leader is selected in reactive basis. This avoids the delay in route repair mechanism. By simulation results, we show that the proposed protocol achieves better packet delivery ratio with reduced delay and overhead.
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