The Comparison Between Task-based and Systematic Instruction in Productive Vocabulary Retention
This study compared the effect of task-based and systematic instruction on L2 learners’ productive vocabulary retention. The participants of the study were 73 Iranian female intermediate EFL learners who were divided into a split information task group (n=25), a shared information task group (n=25), and a systematic instruction group (n =23). Before treatment all the participants were given a fill in the blanks pretest to check their vocabulary production ability. Then the new words were taught to the three groups. Two weeks after the end of the treatment, the vocabulary productive delayed posttest was administrated. The results showed that task-based instruction improved the learners’ productive vocabulary retention significantly more than systematic instruction providing that the task type was taken into account. The participants under task-based instruction could follow some principles (Thornburg, 2002) essential for moving the new words from short-term store into permanent long-term memory such as repetition, retrieval, pacing, active Use, cognitive depth, personal organizing, and attention, and as a result, they could have more successful performance in the vocabulary productive delayed posttest than the systematic instruction group.
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The effect of social capital on youth life satisfaction (Case study: Hamedan Youth)
Sense of well-being or life satisfaction is one of the most important features that a qualified mental health should be enjoyed. Sustainable and inclusive concept of life satisfaction is the general feeling of the community towards a world in which people live reflect and Individual and social aspects of the case so as to find out. So in addition to individual factors influencing satisfaction, social factors are also examined, including the amount of social capital. This study examined the relationship between social capital and life satisfaction among young people, is in Hamedan. In this regard, this study seeks to answer this question are the various dimensions of social capital and life satisfaction, what relationship there? In the present research, surveys and data collection, Questionnaire is a multistage sampling, using a random sample of 380 young people has been studied in Hamadan. Such variables as independent variables were examined in this study including; social trust, social integration, social participation, The total amount of social capital, socio – economic, age. Thus the effect of each of these variables were assessed on Life satisfaction to show that is there any correlation between these variables and Life satisfaction of the citizens or not. The findings suggest that there is a significant relationship between independent and dependent variables investigated.
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The impact of employee empowerment on achievement motivation and contextual performance of employee: A Case Banking Sector in Pakistan
The rationale of study is to investigate the effects of employee empowerment on achievement motivation and contextual performance of employees. Responses of employees in Public and private banks have been analyzed by using regressions analysis. The results of study show the positive impact of employee empowerment of achievement motivation and contextual performance of employees. It implies that employee empowerment is important for achievement motivation and ultimate performance for employees working in dynamic corporate environment.
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The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Behavioral Patterns in Learner/ Teacher Centered Classes and the Proficiency Level of the Learners
The present study was carried on to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ behavioral patterns in learner/ teacher-centered classes and the proficiency level of the learners. It is believed that as one moves up from one level of proficiency to another, classroom interaction becomes less teacher-centered and learners have a bigger share in classroom discourse. The participants of the present study were 180 female students of nine EFL classes majoring in ‘Interchange 1’, ‘Interchange 3’, and ‘Passages 2’ books at Sadr English language institute. In each of the classes under study, a total of sixty minutes of classroom interaction was tape-recorded, thirty minutes of which was randomly chosen for the sake of the present study. The tape-recorded data were later analyzed based on Brown’s Interaction Analysis System (BIAS). A post hoc sheffe test was conducted to shed light on the differences. It was revealed that learners showed the most responding behavior at the advanced-level classes, and they showed less responding behavior at the intermediate classes, and they showed still less responding behavior at the elementary level classes. The results also showed that teachers had the most frequency of talking at the elementary level classes, and they had the least frequency of talking at the advanced level classes. Teacher talk at the intermediate classes was in between.
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The relationship between social capital &; knowledge Management Company in the Iranian national refining and distribution of oil
Aim of this present study is to investigate the relationship between social capital &; knowledge Management Company in the Iranian national refining and distribution of oil. Our model has four dimensions of knowledge management and a model for social capital. The statistical sample of this study was the manager and employees of the Iranian national oil refining and distribution company based in the proposed model of research, we examined the hypothesis of the research, which consisted of a main hypothesis and five hypotheses of submarines. At last, the research hypotheses were tested By Spearman Correlation Factor and four hypotheses were accepted and one of them weren't accepted And their significance factor was confirmed. Afterward, by the multi factor data analyzer, it was noticed That the independent variables of research has multi dimension correlation with km as a dependant variable
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The Role of Transport in Rural Development: A Case Study of Plateau State Nigeria
Although transportation is one of the basic means of measuring development, in a country, in most developing countries, rural transportation is inadequate. The study discusses the importance of the role of transportation in development with respect to rural settlement areas in rural areas of Plateau State in Nigeria. The approach was based on field observation and the interpretation of data collected to inform the role transportation plays in the transportation of agricultural produce. Roads conditions were assessed through respondents and how they ranked the conditions of roads in selected rural settlement areas in Plateau State. This was preceded by analysing sets of data from a desktop survey to put the study in context. The transportation problems faced by rural dwellers in Plateau State impacts negatively on their quality of life i.e. high cost, inadequate maintenance of roads. In spite of these challenges rural dwellers cannot do without transporting their produce to market centers. However, the challenges the challenge are the costs, the road conditions and inadequate provision for transportation of agricultural produce from rural areas to market centers.
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The study of Business Intelligence and Productivity and Prioritizing the Factors of Business Intelligence by AHP Approach
The main goal of this research is to study the relationship between Business Intelligence and productivity in the companies, manufacturer of pressure vessels, located in Amol – Mazandaran. The other goal of this research is to prioritize the factors of Business Intelligence using AHP approach. The population of the research consists of top, middle, and operating managers, that out of a group of 90 people, 76 of them have been selected, based on the Morgan Sample Capacity Estimating Table, as the sample of the study. For collecting data, two questionnaires of Business Intelligence and productivity have been used. At first, to analyze the research data, the efficiency of each unit has been measured by the help of DEA technique. Then by the help of descriptive and inferential statistics, the hypothesis of the research have been studied and finally the factors of Business Intelligence have been prioritized by the AHP approach. According to the results of DEA technique, units that have more resources will act in a weaker level in terms of efficiency. The result of testing the hypothesis showed that there was a positive and meaningful relationship between Individual (P=0.006), system quality (P=0.009), individual learning (P=0.043), competitive performance(P=0.01), and productivity. There is also a positive and meaningful relationship between Business Intelligence and productivity (P=0.02). Among the factors of Business Intelligence, the competitive performance is the most important factor in enhancing productivity, and the Mental Model Maintenance is the least one.
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Vector autoregressive model for monitoring carbondioxide (CO2) emission from the consumption of fossil fuels
The main source of the Nigerian energy generation is the non-renewable source (which includes the burning of Fossil fuels). Fossil fuels (Coal, Natural gas and Petroleum) are being consumed and certain chemical compounds such as CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere. The objective of this research is to examine the trend of CO2 emission from the consumption of Fossil fuels and fitting a model for monitoring the process. Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) was developed. The Portmanteau test for serial correlation and the Wald test for Granger-causality were carried out. VAR (1) fit the data. The Portmanteau test showed that error term are serially uncorrelated. The Wald test, showed that CO2 emission from Coal Granger-cause emission from Natural gas and Petroleum and vice-versa. The emission from Natural gas does not Granger-cause emission from Petroleum.
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“Contemporary better marketing approaches” – a study of micro firms
Businesses calculate the life time value of customers and extrapolate their future profits. Higher revenues are guaranteed only when the customer keeps a business relationship with the business for entire his or her life. Given the small sample population of micro businesses are keen to retain their customers for longevity of their profits as against a situation where a customer switches before his life time value ceases. This study indicates that micro businesses are keeping good customer relationship with its customers via word-of-mouth marketing which is considered as instrumental for success of majority of micro business as it serves as a credibility filter and is carried out independently by the customers. At the same time, this finding does not indicate any clear picture as to which form of marketing is doing better. Because our empirical analysis indicates that majority of micro business are dormant in the domain of social media marketing.
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A Comparative study of virtue and moral (Ethical) act criterion through Islamic and philosophers of ancient Greek view point
Indeed, elucidation of any ethical system depends on human cognition and untill the founder of moral system has no correct cognition about human it cannot distinguish value from its counter and cannot separate well-being propositions from the atrocious one,thus any act of moral is based on a particular ideology and any philosophical school, any heavenly and non- heavenly religion is based on its moral virtue and criterion and finally is to consolidate and defend it with its knowledge. The author of this paper attempts to examine the comparative study of the subject from the perspective of the ethitical realisms (Socratest, Plato, and Aristotle) and the Islam moral system through descriptive and analytical approach, and at the end after comparing these views, concludes that the virtue and Islamic moral criterion is a comprehensive criterion which includes objective good, subjective good and ultimate good which its infra-structure is "justice", but these criteria have been ethically and clearly explained and collected in none of moral schools.
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