Effects of N and K fertilization of sugarcane (Saccharum oficinarum) on acrisols in western Kenya
Sugarcane fertilization in Kenyan plantations is largely concentrated on Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Use of Potassium, secondary nutrients and micronutrients is altogether missing. Recent soil analysis results indicate that soils in the Mumias Sugar zone of western Kenya that accounts for 50-60 % of national production are K- deficient. In examining the quality factor in sugarcane payment systems as envisaged in recent legislation, adoption of balanced nutrition by inclusion of K would help improve sugar cane productivity and enhance sugar recovery. This paper reports the effect of K, N and their interaction on sugarcane yield and juice quality on acrisols. Four experiments were established in several locations from 2009-2011. The treatments included a factorial combination of four rates of K at 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg/ha K2O and four rates of N at 0, 46, 92 and 138 kg/ha N. Recommended basal phosphate was included in every plot at 92 kg/ha P2O5. Each experiment was harvested after 18 months of growth. Results showed significant responses to K and N. Agronomic efficiency was higher in plots supplied with K along with N. Nitrogen and K2O application rates that produced optimum cane yields were: N = 46kg/ha and K2O = 60 kg/ha; however, economically profitable rates were N = 46-92 kg/ha and K2O at 60 kg/ha. Productivity gains did not offset costs when rates were higher than 120 kg/ha of K2O and 138 kg/ha of N. The results imply that the inclusion of K in the sugar cane fertilization regime at Mumias will be beneficial. An initial rate of 60kg/ha K2O (2 bags of 50 kg muriate of potash is recommended on soils with K-deficiency. There were strong indications that with K fertilization the current N recommendation of 120 – 150 kg N/ha could be reduced to only 78-92 kg/ha due to better N utilization from the interaction with K.
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Effects of wavelength on the thermal performance of a plate heat exchanger
The Plate Heat Exchanger(PHE) consists of a series of parallel plates that are corrugated both to increase turbulence and to give mechanical rigidity . They normally have flow ports in all four corners and are clamped together in a frame that carries bushes and nuzzles lined up with the plate ports and connected to the external pipework that carries the two liquid streams .The plates themselves are fitted with gaskets, which are shaped and located both to prevent external leakage and to direct the two liquids normally counter currently through the relatively narrow passage between alternate pairs of heat transfer plates. One of the important feature of corrugated plate heat exchangers is their wavy surfaces. This feature has many advantages and of courses some disadvantages. For example, it enhances total heat transfer coefficient, but increases pressure drops and naturally running costs. The effects of wavelength on thermal performance of the heat exchanger was investigated in this study. This paper also presents a study on calculating wavelength, which can be useful in optimization process in order to find optimum value of the wavelength.
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Enhancing particle swarm optimization using chaotic operators for association rule mining
Association Rule (AR) mining is a data mining task that discovers interesting relations between variables in databases. The main focus of research in association rule mining is on improving the computational efficiency of mining the rules. The conventional methods available for mining association rules depend on the threshold values of minimum support and minimum confidence. The setting up of these values needs great care and knowledge about the application domain. This paper deals with mining association rules using chaotic Particle swarm optimization (cPSO). Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is simple but powerful population based search technique for solving optimization problems. Chaotic PSO modifies the velocity updation function by introducing chaotic operators derived from chaotic maps. Both PSO and chaotic PSO generate AR with consistency and better computational accuracy when tested on three datasets. The range of attribute values in the dataset is found to affect the performance of the system.
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Explanation the Philosophy of Bohemian Mechanics
Although quantum mechanics, as one of the most advanced physical theory was successful in explaining many of the physical and natural phenomena and this theory has numerous achievements in diverse areas of human gifted, but parallel to this subject, much confusion has been made in understanding the philosophical principles. The most obvious approach to the challenges of understanding the nature and will cause disagreement and confusion in describing the physical world and reality. The question "how quantum mechanics describes physical reality and describe what results there?" Many researchers have attempted to address the meeting. Among the researchers, David Bohm has a special place. By providing an alternative to quantum mechanics, "Bohemian Mechanics" offers.In this brief article will attempt to introduce "quantum mechanics" and its description of physical reality, the "Bohemian Mechanics" and its own definition of physical reality too.
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Green Criminology at a Glance
Talking about green criminology essentially means looking at the position of man in relation to his natural environment. Man by virtue of his position is the epitome of creation. Hence been referred to as the inheritor, conquer and vice glance of the earth. In search of better life, man was able to manipulate his natural environment by any means available to him; this has cause a lot of havoc to him, his environment and other living and non-living beings. The methods and means used to explore the environment are seen by many as necessary tools for advancement, this has dated back from the very beginning of man existence on earth surface. However as man continue to advance in his quest and achievements there comes the alarms as to the consequence of this adventure called ‘development”. The price to pay for this development includes the very sacrifice of man’s life, health and that of other living and non-living beings of the natural environment. The critical question here is does this achievements really worth the price? Who are those paying the price? Who benefit from this high price? And could this falls under acts that calls for legal attention and what are the legal remedies put in place to control these acts? Is there other alternative ways to explore nature thereby inflicting less harm? These and many other questions is what this research work seeks to answer.
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Impact of desertification on agricultural land
Desertification is the degradation of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. It is caused primarily by human activities and climatic variations, It occurs because dry land ecosystems are extremely vulnerable to over exploitation and inappropriate use. Land degradation is a major obstacle militating sustainable use of land resources for agriculture. The relative role of climate, drought and human impact was discussed. This menace which manifested in the forms of soil erosion, desertification, salting of river and ponds, acidification and Stalinization, loss of soil fauna and flora e.t.c. is seriously militating productive parts of the soil, Poverty, political instability, deforestation over grazing and bad irrigation practices also undermine the land's fertility, thus, resulted in a negative effect on the socio-economic status of the inhabitants. These consequences can be properly addressed through the establishment of shelterbelts and woodlots, improvement of agricultural productivity, creation of awareness of the drought-hazard through provision of necessary resources for meteorological services in the area as well as legislation against indiscriminate felling of trees.
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Impact of kinesics on students’ learning satisfaction
Students’ satisfaction has become an essence of success in today’s highly competitive world. In service industry specifically the education industry, communication is vital to determine students’ satisfaction. Past researches indicated that, most meaning of conversational messages comes from non-verbal communication. Evaluation on students’ perception on lecturers’ kinesics that would lead to their satisfaction to the services provided was examined. The results of the study illustrate that kinesics that is also known as body movements was shown to have the most impact on students’ satisfaction. Therefore, from this study, it can be inferred that students’ in Malaysian universities are mostly observant on the body movements used, facial expression and postures and gestures of the body of their lecturers when lectures are delivered to them. The present study caters for a wide spectrum of students and development professionals, especially those who are interested in non-verbal communication specifically kinesics-related issues. It is highly hoped that the information gleaned from the present study may assist all service employees specifically in understanding better, the importance of kinesics and its effects on students’ satisfaction.
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Importance of stereotaxic biopsy in definitive diagnosis of brain granulomatosis: Case of neurosarcoidosis an literature review
The neurosarcoïdosis, is a rare granulomatosis, which causes serious neurological troubles. Until today, there is no consensus about its diagnosis. The stereotaxic biopsy appears to be the gold standard, for histological and definitivel diagnostic of this pathology. Our goal is to show through a case report the importance of the STB, in definitive diagnostic of cerebral granulomatosis; The case is about a young adult, who had clinical neurological disorders, going through an experimental therapeutic, and shows complications, and the STB corrects the diagnosis, so that without this gesture, the patient should have died.
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Intelligent human face recognition using wavelet transform
Face recognition recently plays an important role in many application areas such as: commercel, politic, and security. That’s why recognition and high recognition rates of them is very important. features extraction ,decrease of extracted features dimentions and classify are three major and important in the face recognition systems, in the project, we apply third level of gabor wavelet transform for compress and features extraction, also, we apply principle component analyse(PCA)for dimention decrease of extracted features at extremity, we use radial basis function network(RBFN)for classify and recognition this proposal system performs on the ORL face database. This system results average correct recognition percent 97.75% on ORL database.
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Investigation of drought effects on vegetation cover of sistan, iran
In recent decades, drought events caused many adverse effects on humans and environment, notably in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. This many worsen the desertification process and throw away many opportunities. Several droughts have been occurred in Sistan plain south eastern Iran, and the most recent one (1999-2006) said to be the worst drought in the past 600 years and has much negative environmental, economical and social effects. In this study, changes of vegetation cover was assessed using the pre and past drought data. After interpreting the results, it was found that quantity and quality of plants reduced by 100% and that much of changes occurred in abandoned lands. Moreover, it was discovered that the main causes of plant cover desertification are natural factors and human factor of mismanagement.
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