Management of practical teaching in the teaching process
A quality teacher can control and make a realization of all the skills, knowledge and expertise in himself as a practical instrument for enhancing the effectiveness of teaching in the workshop. This research aims to identify the skills of teachers in school. Teachers need to show that they have skills in doing practical work, workshop management, teaching and conducting skills of the teaching aids. This means that teachers need to have high skills in the teaching practice. The problems faced by the teacher to teach life skills in school subjects to be dealt with, especially involving practical work in workshops. Study instrument used is Inquisition of which has 40 items. Sample studies that involved in this study consisted of 30 teachers of Muar Vocational High School. The data that is derived processed by using SPSS (Statistical package for Social Sciences) version 11.5 for Windows. The results of the analysis is stated in the form of statistics and the frequency, percent minimum value and show teachers Muar Vocational High School have the skills to do the works in the high skills, management skills workshop, teaching and also control teaching aids. This means that teachers need to have high skills in the teaching practice. From the data obtained as a whole found the teachers of Muar Vocational High School have high skills in practical teaching of Living Skills subject.
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Mathematical representation of high-resolution protein structures using graph theory
In this paper we developed new matrices (angle matrix ,connection matrix and connection angle matrix) in addition to a set of matrices (adjacent matrix, incidence matrix) that previously used to introduce the mathematical representation of high-resolution protein structures an accurate representatin that facilitate analysis of its structures.
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Medical image sequence compression using SPIHT, STW, ARPS
Our paper is divided into two parts compression technique and block matching algorithms. Set Partitioning in Hierarchal Trees (SPIHT) and Spatial orientation tree Wavelet (STW ) are Compression technique and Adaptive Rood Pattern Search is a block matching algorithm. Usually medical images are generated from different –different image diagnostic centers. For fast transmission, reception and to reduce the storage capacities we do compression with better picture quality. SPIHT and STW are compared in terms of Compression ratio (CR) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) .For better Compression Ratio and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio we used STW and SPIHT respectively. ARPS consumed less Time among all other existing algorithms.
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Morphological characters of stored groundnut as effected by ground nut seed beetle
Ground nut seed beetle is a serious pest of ground nut in stored condition. Thirteen ground nut cultivars were selected to study their resistance and susceptibility to Caryedon serratus in the laboratory at 70% RH and 28 ? 1°C. The physical characters of ground nut pod like length and breadth of pod, pod colour, pod size, pod weight, pod texture, shell thickness were directly influencing intensity of the attack of ground nut beetle. Pod circumference of g.nut were varied from 3.44 to 4.38 cm. Variety having thicker shell are resistant to the pest.
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New era in us prescription drug labeling
The overview of the paper is to give an idea of prescription drug labeling in United States. Prescription drug labeling helps in making labels more user friendly and which is an immediate and important source of medication information for patients. Although patients may obtain useful information from prescription drug labeling, its main purpose is to give healthcare professionals the information they need to prescribe drugs appropriately to the patients. FDA focused its effort on making labeling more informative and easy-to-read and minimize patient confusion and promote patient awareness on how to use a prescribed medicine safely and effectively, thereby reducing risk of medication error. The new drug labeling requirements was initially applied to recently approved prescription drugs and the drugs that received approval for new use, and later it was applied in gradually to other drugs. As per the new format, the prescription information for newly approved products must meet specific graphical requirements, including the reorganization of critical information so that physicians can find the information quickly. It may conclude in outlining the new format, which is helpful to understand exactly what a prescription drug labeling is in U.S.
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Nutraceuticals in Leaves of Eucalyptus Citriodora and Eucalyptus Camandulensis
Two essential oils bearing plants (Eucalyptus camadulensis and Eucalyptus citriodora leaves) were investigated for their nutraceutical properties. Results showed the percentage proximate composition of E.citriodora and E. camadulensis as ; moisture (4.32 and 4.11), ash (2.26 and 4.15), crude fibre (16.74 and 16.55), crude fat (3.87 and 3.96), crude protein (5.26 and 7.13), and carbohydrate (84.29 and 80.64), respectively while the level of the mineral elements are; potassium (1.42 % and 1.53 %), calcium (2.72 % and 2.5 %), manganese (0.24 ppm and 0.26 ppm), iron (0.81 ppm and 0.42 ppm) and copper (0.03 ppm and 0.034 ppm). Nickel and Zinc were not detected in E.citriodora but present in E.camadulensis (0.003 ppm, 0.05 ppm) respectively. The samples fixed oils were analyzed for fatty acid concentration by gas chromatography. The percentage saturation, monounsaturation and polyunsaturation of E. citriodora are; 40.85, 37.79, 21.36 while that of E.camadulensis are; 41.83, 36.35, 21.20 respectively. The fatty acid composition of the two species contains a healthy mixture of all the types of fatty acids.
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Occupational stress among technical teachers in technical schools in Johore, Malacca and negeri sembilan
This study investigated factors that contributed stress and the level of occupational stress among the technical teachers who are currently teaching in technical schools in Johore, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan. There were five teacher stress sources that included in this study: pupil misbehaviour, teacher workload, time and resources difficulties, interpersonal relationships, and recognition. A total of 92 teachers (N = 92) from nine technical schools in three states, which are Johore, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan were choosed randomly to represent the population by using the cluster over cluster method. The instrument for this study was adapted from the Teacher Stress Inventory constructed by Boyle, Borg, Falzon and Baglioni (1995) and had been modified by Mokhtar (1998) and Mazlan (2002). A pilot survey was done among 20 technical teachers in a technical school in Johore Bahru. The alpha croncbach for the instrument in this study was 0.982. The data were analyzed using both despcriptive (mean, frequency, and percentage) and inferency (Independent t-Test, Pearson Correlation, and One Way ANOVA) methods. Data analysis indicated that the overall stress level of respondent was moderate. Among the five stressors, pupil misbehaviour was the strongest determinant of teacher stress with a mean of 3.67. Other factors were teacher workload (mean = 3.00), time and resources difficulties (mean = 2.97), recognition (mean = 2.90), and interpersonal relationships (mean = 2.85) respectively. The workload and other factors had caused a moderate stress on the respondents. The results indicated that there was no significant difference of work stress among the respondent based on gender, marriage status, and highest academic qualification. Furthermore, the results were failed to indicate a significant correlation between teacher stress and demographic factors such as age, length of teaching experience, and the respondents’ monthly salary.
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Occupational Stress and Intervention Strategies: A review
Occupational stress according to the current World Health Organization's (WHO) definition "is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope”. While planning for stress intervention a combination of organizational change and client centered stress management is often the most useful approach for preventing stress at work. Both organizations and employees can employ strategies at organizational and individual levels. This article tries to provide conceptual understanding on occupational stress and effectiveness of occupational stress interventions with trying to provide evidence for the effectiveness of stress interventions.
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Optimizing Classification Error in Handwritten Devnagari Text Documents Using GA
Nowadays, there are innumerable innovative technologies are emerging in the era of image processing and pattern recognition field. One of the challenging and interesting fields of research in image processing and pattern recognition is the “Optical Character Recognition”. Genetic algorithm is class of evolutionary algorithm which is based on the ideas of natural selection and natural genetic system. Genetic algorithm is an impartial optimization algorithm which makes parameter selection in an optimized way so as to obtain the global optimum. Devnagari script is very popular script in India for Marathi, Hindi, Nepali, Sanskrit, Konkani etc. In past few years, the enormous amount of innovations in research work related to the character recognition of printed as well as handwritten documents is established for numerous types of scripts. But the accuracy of recognition will not provide the satisfactory results. The genetic algorithm is used for optimizing the classification error and also improving the recognition rates. So, this is an attempt of improving the accuracy and optimizing the classification error by introducing the genetic algorithm for feature extraction as well as the classification for the handwritten devnagari script.
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Performance Evaluation of OFDM System with Rayleigh, Rician and AWGN Channels
A Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) scheme offers high spectral efficiency and better resistance to fading environments. In OFDM the data is modulated using multiple number of sub-carriers that are orthogonal to each other because of which the problems associated with other modulation schemes such as Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and Inter Carrier Interference (ICI) are reduced. This paper deals with the analysis of OFDM System utilising different modulation techniques (QAM and BPSK) over Rayleigh, Rician and Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) fading environments with the use of pilot aided arrangement and finally the results are conveyed.
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