The Contribution of Household Waste Management and Recycling in Kenya to Environmental Conservation; A case of Residents in Kisii town
Waste management process involves the collection, transportation, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. waste management relates to materials produced by human activity and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their upshot to the environment and the human health. Waste management is a distinct performance from recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. Recycling involves the gathering and reuse of waste materials, The materials from which the items are made can be reprocessed into new products. Recycling may be collected separately from general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles, or sorted directly from mixed waste streams. Solid wastes are a by-product of a broad spectrum of industrial, service and manufacturing processes. Primary products used by households that can be recycled include the metals, wood, paper, leather, textile among many also recoverable materials that are organic in nature, such as plant material, food scraps, and paper products, can be recovered through composting and digestion processes to decompose the organic matter. The resulting organic material is then recycled as mulch or compost as for agricultural or landscaping purposes. This study will explore boulevards which are used by resident of Kisii town to be able to recycle their refuse and sustain proper environmental conditions which in turn reduce the diseases associated with the environment.
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The Effect of Different Furrow Depths and Speeds of Machinary Units Using A Locally Assembled Combine Implement on Planting Maize
Using a combine implement for open furrows , seeds planting and fertilization is very important implement to conduct more than one process or operation in one field pass at the same time where the combine equipment open suitable furrow to grow any crop and also considered as special tillage implement. The combine implements save time, cost and potential, and decrease traffics and, labors and improve soil physicals properties and plant yields. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of deferent furrow depths and speeds of machinery unit using a locally assembled combine equipment on planting maize. The tractor which was used in this study is New Holland TD80. Two machinery speeds included 7.44 and 9.53 km?hr which represent main plot and two Furrow depths included 5-15 and 15-25 cm which represent sub plot were used in this study. Field efficiency, Leaf area, 300 seed weight, and maize yield were measured in this experiment. Split plot design under Randomized Complete block design with three replication was used in this stud . Least significant differences (L.S.D) under 0.05 level was used to compare the mean of treatment. The results can be summarized as Fallow; 9.53 km ? hr speed gave lower Field efficiency stood (63.45)% and higher maize yield stood (9.65) t ?h . 5 - 15 cm furrow depth gave higher Field efficiency stood (66.69)% and greater Leaf area stood (0.53) m2 while 15-25 cm furrow depth gave higher maize yield stood (5.53) t ?h. The interaction between the speed and furrow depth, has impacted significantly on all plant properties except 300 seed weight. Using the locally assembling combine implement for planting corn, fertilizing and open furrows is successfully done.
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The Impact of Instruction of Interpersonal Intelligence to Translation Students on Translation of Different Character’s Register in William Falkner's Novels
Register as one of the main issues in translation studies has been a topic of some discussions lately and most of the translation researchers have been in favor of it and used it to assess the translations quality or find ways to translate register. However, there is a sever lack of research on the impact of some factors on translation of register that that factor in current study is interpersonal intelligence. To this end, the researcher aimed at finding out the relationship between interpersonal intelligence and translation of register in different characters. The study contains a pool of 28 students participated as the source of data including two groups of experimental and control. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was administered where SPSS V18 was used for statistical analysis. Having separately assessed the students’ performances in two groups in two session of pre-test and post-test after two different terms on the tests based on Gardner’s and Kim’s assessment criteria, the researcher found a positive moderate correlation between the two variables of instruction of interpersonal intelligence and translation of register. according to comparison of relationship between two groups it is discovered that in experimental group that there was treatment (instruction of interpersonal intelligence), the amount of increase in scores was much more than that of control group that was not instructed interpersonal intelligence. Therefore, the study showed that having a high interpersonal intelligence and instructing of it could effect on knowing the verbal and non-verbal feeling of the characters and translating their register and variety of languages best.
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The impact of vocabulary level on EFL reading comprehension performance
The present study examined the prevalence of vocabulary level on reading comprehension performance among EFL language learners. The ultimate intention was to determine the association between levels of vocabulary knowledge as well as was to clarify the relationship among vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension performance of EFL Iranian students on subtest of VLT and IELTS. The quantitative data were collected from 220 EFL Iranian adult students at the beginning of second semester of 2011in BAHAR institute, Shiraz, Iran. The Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) and Reading Comprehension Test (IELTS) were performed in one session as research instruments. The findings indicated that there were positively relationship among different levels of vocabulary levels test and also test score on vocabulary size/breadth of vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension were positively correlated.
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8585. The radon factor: real or imaginary
Irene Nsiah-Akoto, Aba Bentil Andam, J.J. Fletcher, Paulina Amponsah, O.C. Oppon, E.K. Addison, Akwasi Bonsu Asumadu- Sakyi and Frank K. Quashie |
Abstract |
Category : Agricultural Sciences | Sub Category : Bio Diversity |
The radon factor: real or imaginary
Worldwide data clearly indicate that radon contributes a major proportion to background radiation. Interest in radon gas and its short-lived decay daughters is real because of the possible link between sustained exposure to radon gas and the development of lung cancer. In Ghana, research data on radon concentration in various parts of the country have been obtained for more than a decade. Our recent research includes indoor radon level measurements in the district of Dome in the Dome-Kwabenya constituency. In this District, radon concentrations varying from 278Bq/m3 to 749Bq/m3 have been measured. These values translate to annual effective dose range of 8.42 to 22.41mSv per year. Our calculations, using the BEIR III model, lead to the prediction of a lung cancer risk of 2.03 x 10-5 to 4.06 x 10-5 for various age groups. In this Paper, we compare our recent data with previous data from our laboratory. We conclude that the radon factor in calculations of background radiation in Ghana is real. Therefore, serious effort must be made to bring all results together for the establishment of a national data base and reference level for the country.
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The survey of correlation between social capital and knowledge management (the case study in national refining and distribution of oil company in Iran (shiraz))
The aim of current study is to investigate the relationship among social capital & the Knowledge management in the Iranian national Oil refining and distribution Company. our model has four dimensions of knowledge management and a model for social capital. The statistical sample of this study was the manager and Employees of Iranian national oil refining and distribution company, Based on the proposed research model, we have examined the research hypothesis, which Consisted of one main hypothesis and five subs hypotheses. At last, the research hypotheses were tested By Spearman Correlation Factor and four hypotheses were accepted and one of them weren't accepted And their significance factor was confirmed. Afterward, by the multi factor data analyzer, it was noticed That the independent variables of research has multi dimension correlation with km as a dependant variable
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TLC analyzer: an inexpensive tool for analysis of astronomical images
We herein discuss TLC analyzer software (freeware) as an inexpensive tool for the analysis of astronomical images. Interestingly, recently developed TLC analyzer software has been used by the chemist for the quantitative chromatographic analysis of organic compounds. The high accuracy measurement software utilities for analysis of astronomical images have been too expensive for most of the schools and the colleges. However, this is the beginner’s spectrophotometer of its kind which makes elaboration even at pixel level of high resolution astronomical JPEG images. The TLC analyzer even has found to be more proficient with other image processing software such as ImageJ (public domain software), Spectra.
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Ultra performance liquid chromatography: the new chromatographic technique
UPLC can be regarded as new direction for liquid chromatography. UPLC refers to ultra performance liquid chromatography, improves in three areas: “speed, resolution and sensitivity”. In this system uses fine particles (less than 2.5 ?m). So reduces length of column, saves time and reduces solvent consumption. UPLC chromatographic system is designed in a special way to withstand high system back-pressures. Special analytical columns UPLC BEH C18 packed with 1.7 ?m particles are used in connection with this system. The quality control analyses of various pharmaceutical formulations are transferred from HPLC to UPLC system. The UPLC system allows shortening analysis time up to nine times and three times comparing to the conventional system using 5 ?m and 3 ?m particle packed analytical columns respectively. The negative effect of particle size decrease is back-pressure increase about nine times (versus 5 ?m) or three times (versus 3 ?m), respectively. The separation on UPLC is performed under very high pressures (up to 100 MPa) but it has no negative influence on analytical column or other components of chromatographic system. Separation efficiency remains maintained or is even improved by UPLC.
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Utilizing Activity Based Costing Model for Cost Management in Iranian Gas Companies
This research explains the steps and the benefits of implementing Activity Based Costing (ABC) in Iranian Gas Company. Using ABC, cost of one cub meter of consuming gas in all regions of capital was determined and compared with the results of the Traditional Costing Systems (TCS). Implementing ABC strongly changed company managers’ prospective toward company cost of services, provided more effective system for company internal decision-making, improved the effectiveness of the costing system and cost management and helped the managers to correct company pricing of services and accomplishment of the strategic goals by giving correct cost information.
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Vibrational spectra and assignment of fundamental vibrational modes of O-Bromobenzoyl chloride based on DFT calulations
The molecular vibrations of O-Bromobenzoyl chloride (OBBC) were investigated in polycrystalline sample, at room temperature, by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and FT-Raman spectroscopies. In parallel, ab initio and various density functional (DFT) methods were used to determine the geometrical, energetic and vibrational characteristics of OBBC. On the basis of B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G** methods and basis set combinations, a normal mode analysis was performed to assign the various fundamental frequencies according to the total energy distribution (TED). Simulation of Infrared and Raman spectra, utilizing the results of these calculations led to excellent overall agreement with observed spectral patterns. The scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) approach applying selective scaling of the DFT force fields was shown to be superior to the scaling method in its ability to ensure correct band assignments and successful simulation of IR and Raman spectra including band polarizations and intensity patterns.
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