Effects of Salinity Stress on Proline, Phenolic Compounds and Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Dracocephalummoldavica L
Salinity is one of the increasing problems in the world including a wide area of our country. In response to salinity, multiple morphological, physiological and biochemical changes can be created in plants. In this study, Seedlings of Dracocephalum moldavica were subjected to 0, 20, 50, 70 and 100 mM NaCl. Changes in morphological traits, proline content, total phenol and activity of antioxidant enzymes such as peroxidase (POX) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in shoot were evaluated. As a result, POX and PPO activities in shoot significantly increased while shoot dry weight decreased progressively. The total amount of the phenolic and free proline also increased after the NaCl treatment. The increase was dose-dependent. The highest amount of free proline achived at 100 mM NaCl which was about 3-fold higher than control in shoot, respectively. higher than control. Our results support the idea that the activities of POX and PPO and accumulation of total phenol and proline is associated with salt tolerance as oxidative responses.
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Employee Retention -A Descriptive study in T.T.K Health care Ltd, Chennai
Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of problems in employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no dearth of opportunities for a talented person. There are many organizations which are looking for such employees. If a person is not satisfied the job he/ she is ding, he/she may switch over to some other more suitable job. In today’s environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain their employees. Employee retention has become a major concern for corporate in the current scenario. Individuals once being trained have a tendency to move to other organizations for better prospects. Attractive salary, comfortable timings, better ambience, growth prospects are some of the factors which prompt and employee to look for a change. Whenever talented employees express his willingness move on, it is the responsibility of the management and the human resource team to intervene immediately and find out the exact reason leading to the decision.
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Energy Auditing and development of economical model for greenhouse cucumber production in Lorestsn and Markazi provinces
The purposes of this study is analyzing energy consumption and investigational the influences of energy inputs and forms on yield of greenhouse cucumber production in Lorestan and Markazi provinces. Data used in this study were obtained from 64 greenhouses randomly during one period of plant cultivation season in 2011-2012. The total energy input of 1070966.3 MJ ha-1 was required for cucumber production. The portion of fuel by 78.4 % of the total input energy was the highest energy input. The energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy gain were found as 0.14, 5.67 MJ kg-1, 0.176 kg/MJ and -919867.9 MJ ha-1, respectively, that indicated inefficient use of energy. The economic model estimation revealed that the impact of, human labor, fertilizer and chemical energy inputs that significantly showed a positive effect on yield that mean increase in quality of these inputs causes yield increases significantly. The results of sensitivity analysis of the energy inputs showed that the highest the MPP value of human labour. Econometric analysis indication of the benefit–cost ratio was estimated as 1.86
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Evaluation of physiochemical properties, proximate composition and microbial load of some cookies products of Jammu & Kashmir
Cookies are one of the best known quick snack products. Cookies play important role in human diet since these contain naturally high amounts of valuable nutrients like soluble fibers, carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. In the present study, the cookies samples were analyzed for their physicochemical properties, proximate composition and microbial load and were compared with each other. The results revealed that there was significant difference in the proximate composition between the samples with respect to each other at p>0.05. No significant difference was observed in most of the determined physicochemical properties of the samples. Moreover, the microbial load of the samples was found to be in acceptable range. Hence the study ascertains that the sensory qualities may be similar as there was very slight change in the physicochemical characteristic and which are acceptable for everyone.
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Evaluation of Vocal Folds Speech Disorder with Special Focus on Normalized Pitch Variation Characteristics
In this work the speech disorder due to damaged Vocal Folds is discussed. The basics of the disorder are described here. The speech parameters are identified which characterize the disorder and correction system is designed to improve the speech quality. The speech signal samples of people of age between five to eighty years are considered for the present study. These speech signals are digitized and enhanced and analyzed for the Jitter, Shimmer, HNR, Pitch variations Tx graphs , Normalized Percentile fo characteristics and % Close Quotient EGG graphs using MATLAB, PRAAT, SFS and EXCEL platforms
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Expectation Identities of Left Truncated Logistic Distribution Based on Generalized Order Statistics
In this paper, we establish some expectation identities satisfied by single and product moments of Generalized Order Statistics from Left Truncated Logistic Distribution. These identities are independent of left truncation point and therefore also applicable to Logistic as well as for half Logistic distributions studied in Balakrishnan (1985) and Saran and Pandey (2012) . A particular case of these results verify the corresponding results of Saran and Pandey (2004).
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Experimental study on behaviour of beam-column joints with special confinements
This paper presents the seismic behavior of beam-column joints with special confinement in the joint region along with different reinforcement detailing for anchorage of beam bars, confinement in joint and additional reinforcement in beam and column. External confinement is carried out by glass fiber reinforced polymer(GFRP).The performance of the specimens are compared in terms of lateral load- versus displacement curves. The dimensions of the specimens were fixed to be 0.2m x 0.2m cross section and the height of the column was fixed as 1m and the cantilever length of the beam was fixed as 0.6m to carry out the experimental work. Five numbers of exterior beam-column joints were designed according to Bureau of Indian Standards were cast and tested under lateral loading. The specimen was designed as per IS 456:2000 and IS 13920-1993 and reinforced accordingly with that. Out of five specimens three specimens were designed with special confinement one was control specimen and the final one was control + GFRP. Results by experimental and analytical shows that special confinement specimen carries more load carrying capacity than the control specimen and almost close to control + GFRP.
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Exploring the data access control for multi-authority cloud storage with efficient revocation
Business record (BR) is an emerging patient-centric model of information exchange, which is outsourced to be stored at a third party, such as cloud providers. To assure business data control over access to their own BRs, it is promising method to encrypt the BRs before outsourcing. To achieve scalable data access control for BRs, we leverage attribute based encryption techniques to encrypt business file. In data owner, the users divide to the BR system into multiple security domains that reduces key management complexity for owner and users. A degree of privacy is guaranteed by exploiting multi-authority ABE.
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Face recognition using apperance based analysis
Face recognition technology has evolved as a popular identification technique to perform verification of human identity. By using the feature extraction methods and dimensionality reduction techniques in the pattern recognition applications, a number of facial recognition systems have been produced with distinct measure of success. Various face recognition algorithms and their extensions; have been proposed in the past two decades. However, face recognition faces challenging problems in real life applications because of the variation in the illumination of the face images, facial expression and background variation. This paper provides a classification of back ground variation includes uniform background and non-uniform background along with facial expression, orientation of the image and illumination invariant using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) face recognition system.
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Factors Affecting Classroom Management at school level From Teachers’ Perspective
Present study was designed to investigate the factors which affect class room management at school level. The major objectives of the study were to determine whether physical facilities of classroom affect classroom management, to know the role of students in classroom management and to know the role of teacher role in classroom management. A purposive sample of 50 respondents were collected from different institutions of district Karak among them 28 were male and 17 were female teachers. Teachers’ age ranged from 20 to 51 years, their qualification ranged from, F.A, to M.A. Teachers experience ranged from 1-25 years. Respondents having F.A (CT) qualification considers physical facilities are major factor of effective classroom management. Teachers having higher qualification have opinion that student behavior, physical facilities and teacher way of managing could affects classroom management.
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