Efficacy of Instructional Supervision in Public Primary Schools in Nyeri Central Sub County, Kenya
The study examined the efficacy of instructional supervision in primary schools. Specifically, the study sought to determine the teacher’s perception on the efficacy of supervisory roles carried out by primary school head teachers and to establish the supervisory skills and aptitudes possessed by the head teachers in discharging their supervisory duties in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Nyeri County, Kenya. The study employed descriptive research design. The sample was 16 head teachers and 125 teachers. Data was collected by use of questionnaires which were administered to the teachers and head teachers. Data collected was edited, coded and entered in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v.21) computer software. Quantitative methods were used in analyzing the data while results were presented in form of tables. Findings on the efficacy of head teachers in instructional supervision revealed that the head teachers demonstrated efficacy in providing instructional materials and facilities, motivating teachers for improved performance and in enforcing discipline. However, efficacy of the head teachers was found to be low in; making class visitations, defining of goals for academic achievement, monitoring classroom instruction, building capacity for teachers and in providing feedback on pupil’s performance. Most head teachers possessed and used managerial skills such as evaluation skills, discipline skills; reportorial skills and interactive skills in carrying out instructional supervision and that most head teachers lacked and did not use pedagogical and analytical skills. Most head teachers had no training in instructional supervision. Most head teachers delegated supervisory duties to deputy head teachers and senior teachers. The study recommended that head teachers be trained on instructional supervision so as to make them more effective, that instructional supervision be incorporated in the training curriculum, and that head teachers are appointed on the basis of the skills and aptitudes.
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Evaluation of Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD) Speech Disorder with Special Focus on Normalized Pitch Variation Characteristics
Resonance disorders are observed in patients with a history of cleft palate or cleft lips. Evaluation of speech pathology helps for the proper treatment of a resonance disorder. The speech parameters are identified here which characterizes the disorder and correction system is designed to improve the speech quality. The speech signal samples of people of age between five to eighty years are considered for the present study. These speech signals are digitized and enhanced and analyzed for the Jitter, Shimmer, HNR, Pitch variations Tx graphs , Normalized Percentile fo characteristics and % Close Quotient EGG graphs using MATLAB, PRAAT, SFS and EXCEL platforms.
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Examine the Effects of Greenhouse Gases on Climate Change
Greenhouse gases have an important role in understanding earth climate history. Based on these studies greenhouse effect which produces heat due to trapping of heat by greenhouse gases in adjusting earth temperature, Climate change refers to the oscillations in earth global or regional climate in time interval and defines those changes that fluctuate with mean atmospheric conditions or average weather (common) in timescale intervals which fluctuate between decades to million years. Researches and specialists believed that with using of pure energies like solar, windy and heat ground energy and etc, instead of energies cause by fossil fuels will impede of environmental protection implication. So the average volume of light shining at a day is 4 kilowatt H/m2 and the average volume of sunny hour is more than 2800 hour at a year. These changes may have been resulted from earth internal processes or forces beyond it or in recent times due to activities related to the man-made climatically changes. Especially in recent application in the subject of environment policy, the expression of; climate change; often refers to the current changes in new climate.
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Exploring the Iinflunce of situational factors (money?time avialable) on impulse buying behaviour among different Etthics
One of most important discussion in consumer behavior and marketing sciences is choice of product and buying behavior. Most behavioral researchers make an effort to make in behavior models. In this research, the effect of situational variables (time available, money available) on impulse buying investigated among different ethnics in Malaysia. These variables influenced to urge to buy impulsivity & at last this variable influenced to impulse buying. Data were collected in Malaysia (Chinese, Indians, Malay people). In this study, Path Analysis used to measure effect of variables. A descriptive statistics (Frequencies, Means, and Standard deviations) is used to describe the quantitative data. For measuring the validity and reliability of items, we used CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and Alpha Cronbach Coefficient respectively. Results revealed that the situational variables (money available and Time available) were influence to the felt urge to buy impulsively and impulse buying. Beside that positive effect has mediating role between situation variables and impulse buying.
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Formula for Counting Similar Rectangles
The present paper is an attempt to illustrate the direct formula for calculating total number of similar rectangles present, when any rectangle is sub divided into congruent rectangles. Subdivision of any rectangle into congruent rectangles means sides of the rectangle divided into n equal parts and points are joined in a sense that it forms number of congruent rectangles.
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Fuzzy CETD matrix to estimate the maximum age group victims of pesticide endosulfan problems faced in Kerala
This article is a comprehensive study to find out the maximum age group victims of Endosulfan people in South Indian State of Kerala (Palakkad and Kasargod) using CETD matrix. In the year 2003 W.B.Vasantha used to study migrant labours who were affected by HIV/AIDS.For this paper the data have been collected from Palakkad and Kasargod Dt. Of Kerala covering 101 victims. A detailed report on the harmful effect faced by the people with the usage of the pesticide in India was telecasted in Star T.V. dated June 24, 2012 “Satyameva Jayathe” anchored by filim star Amir Khan.
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Growth and characterization of glycine sodium nitrate crystals
Good quality single crystals of glycine sodium nitrate a new semiorganic nonlinear optical (NLO) crystal has been successfully grown from aqueous solution by slow evaporation method. The structural characterization of the grown crystals was carried out by X-ray diffraction. The grown crystals were subjected to FTIR for vibrational assignments. The optical properties were studied for the SHG efficiency. It is found that the cutoff wavelength lies in the UV region. The mechanical response of the crystal has been studied using Vickers microhardness technique.
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Hypoglycemic activity of Caralluma attenuata extract on alloxan induced diabetic rat
Caralluma atteunata extract have been reported to have antihyperglycemic effect. White albino rats were rendered diabetic by intraperitoneal administration of alloxan (120 mg/kg body weight). Oral administration of ethanolic extract of Caralluma atteunata 500 mg/kg body wt was given orally for 30 days. Experimental results showed that, alloxan significantly elevated the blood sugar level whereas treatment with ethanolic extract of Caralluma atteunata (500 mg/kg body wt.) depressed the alloxan induced high blood sugar level and also it shows the marked changes in the level of Insulin, Hemoglobin, Glycosylated hemoglobin, urea, protein, Hexokinase, Pyruvate kinase, Glucose-6-phophatase, Fructose 1, 6 biphosphatase and glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase. This study strongly suggests that the ethanolic extract of Caralluma atteunata attributed its prominent hypoglycemic activity on experimental diabetic rats through suppression of gluconeogenesis and stimulation of glucose oxidation using the pentose phosphate pathway.
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Impact of brand attributes on consumers purchase intention
This study investigates the impact of brand attributes on consumer. The objective of the study were to determine whether brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand awareness will jointly and independently predict purchase intention. The study employed survey research. Primary data was used for the study and questionnaire as research instrument. The sample surveys were 550 students of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo. The 5 hypotheses formulated for the study were tested with Pearson’s regression, multiple regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings from the study showed that independent variables i.e. Brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand awareness are significant and will jointly and independently predict purchase intention. The findings indicated significant relationship between brand loyalty and purchase intention. The study also reveals that there is main and interactive effect of brand loyalty and perceived quality on purchase intention.
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In vitro regulation of rotenoid biosynthesis from lablab purpureus L.
Rotenoids are group of natural insecticidal compounds. Six rotenoids (deguelin, dehydrodeguelin, rotenol, rotenone, tephrosin and sumatrol) were isolated and identified from callus cultures of Lablab purpureus L using chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. Growth Index (GI) of in vitro grown cultures showed a sigmoid pattern of growth curve with maximum GI at 4 weeks and minimum at 2 weeks old culture after fresh subculturings. Gradual decrease in rotenoid content with age and passage of subculturings of the tissues was observed on maintaining the callus for a period of 12 months. Use of various treatment doses of amino acid precursors (phenylalanine and methionine) and immobilization of cell cultures significantly increased the rotenoid content in callus culture. Immobilization of in vitro grown cells released the rotenoids in the medium, which was ideally found useful in maintaining the cell culture and harvesting the insecticides from the nutrient medium.
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