Pathologic fractures on benign tumors (a retrospective analysis of 25 cases)
The Pathologic fractures usually occur during normal activity or minor trauma due to weakening of the bone by disease .The clinical features was minor injury force, spontaneous fracture, and functional fracture. These fractures occurred in giant cell tumors, chondroma, solitary fibrous tumor of bone, aneurismal cyst, fibroma desmoplastic, fibrous dysplasis, osteoid osteoma in patients with no story of trauma. The surgical treatment consisted to curette the tumor bone and the fixation was made by different materials (nails, pins, blade plates) followed by cancellous grafting or resection-reconstruction. Six months later, we noted only one case of recurrence in giant cell tumor of the knee and was amputed. All patients were consolidated and the functional long term prognosis was excellent after physiotherapy
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Physicochemical and sensory properties of MKP incorporated sponge cakes
The mango plays an important part in the diet and cuisine of many diverse cultures. During the processing of ripe mango, the waste (peel and seed) is a problem. As seed kernel is not currently utilized for any commercial purposes, it is discarded as a waste and becomes a source of pollution. This waste should be treated as a specialized residue due to the high levels of phenol compounds and stable fat rich in saturated fatty acids. Hence the investigator incorporated MKP in sponge cakes in order to utilize the health benefits from it. The physico chemical properties were comparatively favorable than the unincorporated sponge cakes, which may favour extension of shelf life in sponge cakes. The sensory scores for acceptability of incorporated sponge cake were found higher with MKP upto 20g than the other incorporations.
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Preliminary Checklist of fungal flora of Kas lateritic plateau and surroundings from the North Western Ghats of Maharashtra State
Kas area as a part of the “Sahydri Sub-cluster” has been declared as the World Natural Heritage Site list of the UNESCO-IUCN. Considering this it is essential to document the existing diversity of various life forms of this area. The present checklist of fungal flora of Kas is an attempt to unravel the unexplored and hidden fungal wealth. Kas is the high level ferricrete surrounded by dense stunted semi-evergreen forests which harbors myriad fungal diversity. The checklist gives the preliminary count of fungal diversity from Kas and surrounding areas. An intensive search of literature records is reported which shows 53 species of fungi and lichens belongs to 23 families and 31 genera. The present checklist of fungi from Kas and surrounding is a value addition in the floristic study of the world natural heritage sites.
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Prof. Feng Ping joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 6th August 2011
We are very happy to announce that from 6th August 2011, Prof. Feng Ping has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Infectious Disease. Prof. Feng Ping is currently working as Vice Director, at Department of Infectious Disease of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, P.R. China. The appointment of Prof. Feng Ping as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Purification and performance of emission characteristics on two stroke petrol engine using bio-gas as an alternate fuel
This project provides information about energy system by the use of bio gas... Biogas contains primarily CH4 with the balance being mostly CO2 and a small amount of trace components. Now a day’s alternate fuel appears during possessions, by better understanding its components, biogas can be processed and utilized in a more efficient, cost-effective way because of reducing fuel cost, demand of fuel, and emission influence in global warming. The most important of this work is, to produce bio gas from organic waste and reduce the usage of petrol fuel. The increase in population leads to depletion of diesel fuel. Another reason is instead of disposing the organic waste in landfill, this can be converted into a useful product (bio-gas). The bio gas can be stored in a cylinder and be placed in a luggage side box of a vehicle. A regulator is fixed on the top of the cylinder. A hose tube from a vacuum kit which is placed beneath the seat is fixed to the cylinder, so that the gas can be passed to the carburetor. The needle of the carburetor is taken out and the gas would pass on the engine directly. The air filter is partially closed in the vehicle. On kicking the bio gas from the cylinder easily pass on from vacuum gas kit to engine. A spark plug which is above the engine is used to burn the biogas. In this manner, bio gas can be used run the vehicle. The pickup and efficiency is more comparing the existing system of the vehicle has not been reduced by using bio gas. A two Stroke Petrol engine is used for this project, 2 Kg Cylinder is used. It gives 110 kilo meter for one liter of bio gas. So that it can be used in the presented vehicle without any modification. So, the compression ratio of the engine is also high 15:1 Due to high compression ratio power developed by the engine is also high. By less consumption of the fuel, the power produced is more. Petrol produces more toxic gases like HC, CO etc...But we find that methane is less toxic, and emission is very less eco-friendly compare to petrol. It makes “GREEN EVOLUTION”.
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Quantification of peat derived fulvic acids by spectrophotometric method
In the present study fulvic acids (FAs) were first isolated from fulvic water (FW) and fulvic urea (SU) and then their quantification was accomplished by spectrophotometric methods. Aqueous solutions of FAs, FW and SU were made at pH 7.0 in the visible wavelength region at 25 oC using calibration curve method. Plot of absorbance Vs concentration of FAs at fixed wavelength (424 nm) was linear up to 120 mg L-1. The calculated FAs concentrations were in reasonable agreement with the gravimetric estimation made by solvent extraction.
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Replica allocation in mobile adhoc network for improving data accessibility using SCF-Tree
In a mobile ad hoc network, the mobility and resource constraints of mobile nodes may lead to network partitioning or performance degradation. Several data replication techniques have been proposed to minimize performance degradation. Most of them assume that all mobile nodes collaborate fully in terms of sharing their memory space. In reality, however, some nodes may selfishly decide only to cooperate partially, or not at all, with other nodes. These selfish nodes could then reduce the overall data accessibility in the network. In this paper, the impact of selfish nodes in a mobile ad hoc network from the perspective of replica allocation is examined. A selfish node detection algorithm was developed that considers partial selfishness and novel replica allocation techniques to properly cope with selfish replica allocation. The conducted simulations demonstrate the proposed approach outperforms traditional cooperative replica allocation techniques in terms of data accessibility, communication cost and average query delay.
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Seasonality and size variation of fish species in Nwaniba, Ikpa River southeast Nigeria
Two thousand three hundred and seven fish specimens sampled from Nwaniba (Ikpa River) for 12 calendar months (March 2009 – February 2010) comprised 11 orders, 34 families, 59 genera and 136 species. There was temporal and seasonal significant differences (P<0.05) between number and species of fish caught. The mean annual Index of Preponderance (IP %) values ranged from 0.01 in Brienomyrus brachyistus and Periophthalmus barbarus to 4.24% in Oreochromis niloticus. Mean monthly occurrence shows highest in August (536; 23.23%) and lowest in June (47; 2.03%). The contributions of the fish orders in theirdescending order of abundance are as follow: Siluriformes (1072; 46.47%), Ophiocephaliformes (626; 27.13%), Characiformes (264; 11.44%), Mormyriformes (159; 6.89%), Clupeiformes (87; 3.77%), Cypriniformes (40; 1.73%), Gonorhynchiformes (33; 1.43%), Osteoglossiformes (13; 0.56%), Elopiformes (9; 0.39%), Pleuronectiformes (3; 0.13%) and Perciformes (1; 0.04%). The most abundant family and species in terms of number are Schilbeidae (646; 28.00%) and Parailia pellucida (577; 25.01%) while the least are Scaenidae, Soleidae and Sphyraenidae (1; 0.04%). The most abundant family in terms of species is Mormyridae (17) and the least are 9 families with only species. Relative abundance is higher during the wet season (105 species; 77.77%) than dry season (93 species; 68.88%). The largest fish size in terms of length is recorded in Chrysichthys aluuensis (45.60cmTLmax; 18.40±9.0cm) while the smallest individual is Parailia pellucida (1.10cmTLmin; 7.50±1.20cm). The overall weightiest fish is also Mugil cephalus with a total weight of 662.80gWTmax; 54.42±16.75 while the lightest individuals are Parailia pellucida and Eutropius buffei (1.00gTWmin). Previous results differ from these; which may be occasioned by the human anthropogenic perturbations which are on-going in the river system, thus leading to environmental degradation. Hence, recommendations are proffered.
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Simultaneous estimation of amlodipine, atenolol and hydrochlorothiazide in bulk and tablet dosage form by RP-HPLC Method
A simple, accurate, rapid and precise isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed and validated for simultaneous determination of Amlodipine, Atenolol and Hydrochlorothiazide in capsules. The chromatographic separation was carried out on an cosmosil packed column 5C18-MS-I I analytical column (250×4.6 mm; 5 ?m) with a mixture of Phosphate buffer:Acetonitrile:Methanol pH 6 adjusted with Ortho phosphoric acid (30:20:50, v/v) as mobile phase; at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. UV detection was performed at 240nm. The retention times were 2.637, 3.148 and 8.492min. for Hydrochlorothiazide, Atenolol and Amlodipine respectively. Calibration plots e linear (r2>0.998) over the concentration range 2-12µg/ml for Amlodipine , 10-60?g/ml Atenolol and 2-12µg/ml for Hydrochlorothiazide. The method was validated for accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity, and sensitivity. The proposed method was successfully used for quantitative analysis of capsules. No interference from any component of pharmaceutical dosage form was observed. Validation studies revealed that method is specific, rapid, reliable, and reproducible. The high recovery and low relative standard deviation confirm the suitability of the method for routine determination of Hydrochlorothiazide, Amlodipine and Atenolol in bulk drug and capsule dosage form.
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Synthesis and electrical properties of PbSxO1-x Nanocomposites
PbSxO1-x (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) nanocomposites were prepared by the microwave assisted solvothermal method using a domestic microwave oven for the first time. The yield percentage and the preparation time were noted. The samples were annealed at 200 oC for 1 hr to improve the ordering. Grain sizes and lattice parameters were determined by carrying out X-ray powder diffraction measurements. AC and DC electrical measurements were carried out on palletised samples at various temperatures ranging from 40-150 oC. Results of the present study reveal that the space charge contribution plays a significant role in the charge transport process and polarizability in all the seven nanocrystals studied. The electrical parameters increase with increasing temperature. Results of the present study reveal that the space charge contribution plays a significant role in the charge transport process and polarizability in all the seven nanocrystals studied.
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