Synthesis and the structural elucidation of 2-thio picolinamide(TPA)and 2-N-benzyl TPA
The present work is concerned with the synthesis and the structural elucidation of the two ligands, viz., 2-thio picolinamide (TPA) and 2-N-benzyl TPA. The isolated solid complexes are subjected to characterised by Wet chemical analysis (N, S, metal), Conductivity measurements, Infrared including far infrared spectral measurements and H1 NMR, and Mass spectral measurements.
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Synthesis on study of 2-methyl-5-nitro-n-(4-(3-(2-oxo-6-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-4-yl)phenoxy)phenyl)benzenesulfonamide and their antimicobial activity
4-chloroaniline reacts with 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethanone in presence of 1-napthonicacid and copper metal as a catalyst gives 1-(4-(4-aminophenoxy) phenyl)ethanone, which on further condensation with 4-nitrotoluene-2-sulfonyl chloride gives N-(4-(4-acetylphenoxy)phenyl)-2-methyl-5-nitrobenzenesulphonamide. This derivative react wit various substituted aldehydes to give corresponding substituted chalcone derivatives (N-1). Now these derivative (N-1) on condensation with NH2CONH2 in presence of dilute HCl gives2-methyl-5-nitro-N-(4-(3-(2-oxo-6-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-4yl) phenoxy)phenyl)benzenesulfonamide (N-2). Structure elucidation of synthesized compounds has been made on the basis of the elemental analysis, 1H NMR spectral studies. The antimicrobial activity of the synthesized compound has been studied against the species Bacillus subtillis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi.
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The challenges involved in in-vitro drug release testing for semi-solid formulations: advancements and rethinking on various diffusion systems
Fast strides are being taken by the pharmaceutical industries and the academics the world over, in research related to recent advances in designing of static diffusion cells to assure batch-to-batch drug release equivalence for semisolid dosage forms and to facilitate an easy performance of quality control tests for semisolids dosage forms. Till today, there are no pharmacopoeial methods recommended to carry out in vitro release tests for semisolid dosage forms and about selection of diffusion cells. Majority of published transport studies, particularly for skin permeation, involves the use of FDC (Franz diffusion cell). Franz diffusion cell is the only existing device recommended both by FDA (Food and drug administration) and OECD (Organization for economic co-operation and development). Unfortunately this device suffers from several limitations such as formation of air bubbles, limited receptor compartment volume, laborious and large variation among experiments. To overcome the above limitations of Franz diffusion cell, several novel diffusional cells were invented like modified Franz diffusion cells, Keshary-Hein cell, Enhancer cell, United States of Pharmacopeia (USP) - 5, 6, 7 apparatus, automatic sampling Kelder cell, Insertion cell and Plexiglas cells etc., but each invented novel diffusion cell encountered other limitations. So until date, there is no widely accepted static diffusion cell recommended by any Pharmacopeias. The primary focus of this review makes an effort to compile some of the related recent findings and highlight some of the major issues related to various diffusion cells developed till today, their comparative assets and limitations.
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The Relationship between willingness to communicate (WTC) in Persian and WTC in English, Perceived Communication Competence in Persian and Perceived Communication Competence in English
The present study investigated the correlation between willingness to communicate (WTC) in Persian and WTC in English, Perceived Communication Competence in Persian and Perceived Communication Competence in English to see whether students with high willingness to Communicate (WTC) and Perceived Communication Competence in Persian have high willingness to Communicate (WTC) and Perceived Communication Competence in English, too, or not. Correlation analysis in this study indicated that when perceived communication competence in Persian increases, perceived communication competence in English increases, too, and vice versa. In addition, by the increase in willingness to communicate in Persian the willingness to communicate in English will increase, too, and there is a direct relationship between them.
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The Role of Mass Media Advertising in Shaping Attitudes: A Pakistani Context
The research study attempts to focus on the general attitudes that consumers tend to form towards advertising based on its three primary determinants of product information, social integration and hedonism. The literature starts by defining what attitudes actually are and their role in inclining people towards the desired products and services. It then highlights the ABC model of attitudes by focusing on the interrelationships among feeling, knowing and doing. Moving on with the research study, attitude towards advertisements accompanied by optimum advertising has also been described. The optimal distribution of resources between the various elements of the marketing mix tools remains a significant issue relevant to both the practitioners and academics. In factual terms, the issues crowding advertising and sales promotion spending continue to attract considerable managerial attention. Giving an ending note to the literature review, the significance of mass media advertising comprising of its primary determinants have been comprehensively described. In this research study, Statistical Package for the Social Science 20.0 was applied. Being an effective tool for performing quantitative research, it is quite easy to use and serves as a good starting point to adapt to advanced statistical packages. The results clearly pin point, that the independent variables of product information, social affiliation and hedonism have a positive impact on the general attitude development of the consumer towards advertising. The strongest positive correlation was against hedonism indicating that the emotional and excitement appeals play a major role in influencing consumers to be exposed to mass media promotional tools. Regression analysis was also applied to evaluate the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables, which indicated that the predictors explained the dependent variable of attitude towards advertising by 73%. Overall the results of the study truly supported our three hypotheses which show that as time passes by, the role of mass media advertising will play a major role in influencing potential consumer’s attitudes towards the advertised product and services.
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The smart grid concept and the challenges in communication
The concept of smart grid is a promising issue in the field of energy management. There are lots of researches going on different aspect of this system. One of the major topics that is involved in this concept is the communication constraints. In this paper we have analyzed few aspects of smart grid system. The main focus is on the communication technologies and their threats along with solutions. We have considered different literatures to investigate the overall concept of smart grid and prepared a review on the topic.
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Thermal stability and fastness properties of wool fabric dyed with an eco-friendly natural dye "sambucus nigra" under the effect of different mordants
Wool fabric samples were dyed with the natural dye sambucus nigra, then post-mordanted with three different mordants individually: alum, chrome and ferrous. Thermal analysis of the undyed (blank), dyed and dyed mordanted samples is applied to study the thermal stability of the samples under investigation using thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. TG tested results indicate that the thermal stability of dyed wool mordanted with ferrous is enhanced than the blank (undyed) and other dyed mordanted samples. The relative TG results show that char residue of the wool samples after 600 °C is higher than the blank one, meaning lesser volatile hazardous components. DSC measurements show remarkable variation in the thermal behavior according to the type of mordant. Also, there is a change in the char yield and the temperature of decomposition. Fastness properties of the examined dyed wool fabrics were also examined and reported.
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Using Genetic Algorithm to Align Multiple Sequences
The problem of Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) is one of the most significant problems in bio-informatics world. Solving this problem helps to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree, predict protein structure and its function. Several algorithms are proposed to solve this problem. Genetic algorithm is one of them which has been proposed in different versions to solve the MSA problem. In this article we provide a specific type of genetic algorithm to solve the MSA problem and we will explain it in detail. Once the problem is described, it will also be explained how to formulate the problem and how to define crossover and mutation operators. Finally, using the BALiBASE 3.0 database the performance of the algorithm is evaluated and the results are reported.
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Utilization of Distillery Industry Wastewater as Liquid Biofertilizer: Seed Bioassay Test for Feasibility and Toxicity Measurement
The industrial effluents have been recommended as potential source of irrigation water and nutrient sources for commercial cropping system. However, the high nutrient loads and presence of some growth retarding substances in industrial effluent may cause severe impact on plant germination and gross productivity of a commercial crop. Prior to field application the industrial effluent should be tested for its ecotoxicity using seed bioassay test. The of this study was to investigate the toxicity of distillery effluent (DE) using seeds of moong (Vigna radiata), guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba), Makai (Zea mays) and gehu (Triticum aestivum). For lab trial, a total of a total of five different concentrations of distillery effluents (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%) were prepared by adding required quantity of distilled water. Seed germination, root length, shoot length, root weight, shoot weight and chlorophyll level etc. were measured in experimental set-ups. Result suggested 40% DE strength suitable for plants: C. Tetragonoloba (67.7%), T. aestivum (64%) and Z. Mays (92.3%) except in V.radiate (98% germination with 60% DE). The high DE indicates a toxic impact on seed germinations. The seedling growth and biomass also showed a close relationship with strength of DE in treatment set-up. In majority of set-ups, set-up with 20 – 60 % DE strength showed the better results of plant groths. The biochemical stress of high DE strength on seedling was also observed in this study. The study clearly support the utility of DE for plant production but after proper dilutions of the effluent.
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Viable intrusion detection on static and dynamic resource allocation on wireless adhoc network
Control architecture for resource allocation in satellite networks is proposed, along with the specification of performance indexes and control strategies. The latter, besides being based on information on traffic statistics and network status, rely upon some knowledge of the fading conditions over the satellite network channels. The resource allocation problem consists of the assignment, by a master station, of a total available bandwidth among traffic earth stations in the presence of different traffic types. Traffic stations are assumed to measure continuously their signal fade level, but this information may either be used only locally or also communicated to the master station. According to the information made available on-line to the master station on the level of the fading attenuation of the traffic stations, the assignment can be made static, based on the a priori knowledge of long-term fading statistics, or dynamic, based on the updated measurements. In any case, the decisions can be adapted to slowly time-varying traffic characteristics. At each earth station, two basic traffic types are assumed to be present, namely guaranteed bandwidth, real-time, synchronous data (stream traffic), and best effort traffic (datagram traffic). Numerical results are provided for a specific architecture in the dynamic case, in a real environment, based on the Italian satellite national coverage payload characteristics.
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