A comparative Analysis of Factors Effecting Infant mortality in Urban and Rural regions: A Case Study of Pakistan
This research study examined the effect of economic and demographic factors associated with infant mortality in Pakistan .For this the data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) 2006-07 was utilized consisting of all Urban and rural areas of four provinces in Pakistan. The Binary Logistic Regression Model was employed for estimation. It was found that survival status of child depends directly or indirectly on parental education and health acquiring attitude. Parents with improved social status, protected source of water and access towards health services had better status of their child survival. Research study recommended that higher Literacy rate is useful to develop understanding about reproductive health and to optimise the use of available health resources. We find that Parental education, mother’s age at child birth, birth interval, birth order, use of prenatal care and access towards health professional by mother when pregnant have statistically significant effects on the survival status of children.
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A Comparative study of corrosion inhibition efficiency of some newly synthesidsed Mannich bases with naturally occurring Commiphora wightii for aluminium in HCl solution
Weight loss and thermometric methods have been used to study the corrosion inhibition efficiency of aluminium in HCl solution by naturally occurring Commiphora wightii and four newly synthesised Mannich bases. Result of inhibition efficiencies obtained from both methods are in good agreement with each other. Efficiencies of inhibitors increase with increasing concentration of inhibitor.The efficiencies of mannich bases have been compared with naturally occurring Commphora wightii.The efficiency of Commiphora wightii has been found much more than Mannich bases.
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A review and comparative study of hybrid multilevel inverter configuration
This paper presents comparative study of Hybrid Multilevel Inverter in continuation to previous paper. Different distinct topologies of multilevel inverters for power circuits used in Hybrid Multilevel Inverter are discussed. The comparison is done with respect to different performance index like switching devices, power applications and modulation techniques used. Different topologies are discussed and reviewed in brief.
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Acute Toxicity and Anti-Diabetic Studies of the Aqueous and Alcoholic Extracts of Phyllanthus amarus in Albino Rats
This study was carried out on the acute toxicity and anti-diabetic effect of the extracts of Phyllanthus amarus on blood glucose concentration (BGC) of normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The study was done in the extracts alone and in combination of the extracts with glibenclamide drug. The acute toxicity test of the plant extracts gave a lethal dose of 3400mg/kg in mice. The anti-diabetic effect of the plant extracts was dose-dependent. Ethanolic extract alone (300mg/kg and 600mg/kg) caused a reduction in BGC of 18% and 23-5% (p<0.05) respectively in non-diabetic rats. Aqueous extract (300mg/kg) gave 23.6% and (600mg/kg) 25.8% (p<0.02). Glibenclamide alone gave 37.5% reduction (p<0.01). The simultaneous administration of the plant extracts 300mg/kg with 5mg/kg glibenclamide gave 34.4% reduction (ethanolic) and 36.5% (aqueous), 600mg/kg extracts caused reduction of 37.6% and 38.4% ethanolic and aqueous respectively on non-diabetic rats (p< 0.01).The percentage reductions in BGC in alloxan induced diabetic rats were 15.8% and 27.7% (p<0.01) for 300mg/kg ethanolic and aqueous extracts alone respectively. The extracts alone 600mg/kg gave 26.7% (p<0.05) ethanolic and 29.9% (p<0.01) aqueous. The extracts 300mg/kg in combination with 5mg/kg glibenclamide gave a percentage reduction of 35.5% (p<0.01) ethanolic, 37.4% (p<0.001) aqueous while 600mg/kg gave 39.2% and 58.1% reduction for ethanolic and aqueous extracts respectively (p<0.001). Glibenclamide administered alone on diabetic rats gave 43.8% reduction (p< 0.01). However, the higher percentage reduction were obtained with the dose of 600mg/kg, also aqueous extract in combination with 5mg/kg glibenclamide gave higher percentage reduction in BGC in alloxan induced diabetic rat.
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Adaptive Equalizer for Compensation of Tx And Rx IQ Imbalance in the Presence of CFO
The OFDM based architectures severely suffers with the Impairments like IQ imbalance and Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO). These impairments lead to Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). It causes reduction in the performance of the systems in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER). In this paper we propose an adaptive equalizer to compensate for these impairments caused at Tx and Rx while considering Inter Block Interference (IBI) due to mismatch between Cyclic Prefix (CP) and Channel Impulse Response. If the cyclic prefix is sufficient an LMS based adaption with 2 tap is proposed which converges easily. In case of lesser length of CP a Frequency domain Per Tone Equalizer (PTEQ) is proposed which uses separate T-taps for each tone unlike Time domain Equalizer (TEQ) which equalizes all tones jointly and limits the system performance. This proposed equalizer thus increases the delay of channel response and hence reduces the IBI. The frequency domain equalizer after FFT will perform well and the simulation results shows that both the equalizers BER values are very near to the curves for ideal case.
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Addiction of youth towards gadgets
Today’s young generation are considered to be the centre and the basis for future generations because of several reasons. Jean McDougall and David Chantrey (2004) are of the opinion that this generation between the ages of 8 and 14 years are the controlling entities of the future. From business point of view this segment of market is considered to be the most profitable segment because they have ample of money to spend on. They are growing fast; know their own minds and growing with distinctive attitude. For these individuals older values no longer hold true and they are greatly influenced by urbanization, 24/7 and the new online media. Most of their decisions are not based on logic but are influenced by the social environment in which they exist. They are keener on clothes, image, tastes, sports, technology and electronic gadgets. Gifts, leisure goods and mobile phones are quite essential for keeping them connected with their friends. They have obsession towards advanced gadgets and they even can’t think of their life without cell-phones in their pockets, laptop bags on their shoulders and their day doesn’t start without chatting on ‘facebook’ or ‘orkut’. Although advance technologies are quite essential in this fast moving era but addiction to such gadgets can cause health hazards as well as social imbalances.
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Air Asia Berhad: Strategic analysis of a leading low cost carrier in the Asian region
This study examines the extensive strategic analysis of AirAsia Berhad that has enabled it to sustain its competitive advantage as Asia’s leading low cost carrier (LCC). The study demonstrates the diverse business-level, corporate level and competitive strategies of AirAsia Berhad, played crucial roles in the LCC to successfully penetrate the under-served market segment of the airline industry within the ASEAN region. An in-depth analysis using a wide array of academic resources, relevant financial, legal and management resources and authorized websites, including face-to-face interviews were used to provide a more consequential comprehension on the varied business and international strategies that were implemented by AirAsia Berhad. This research exhibits critical analysis pertaining to the current macro environment of the aviation industry which includes the PESTEL framework and Porter’s Industry Analysis. The competitive environment analysis for AirAsia Berhad is thoroughly scrutinised to examine the driving determinants that attributed to the organisation’s competitive advantage in the industry. Further analysis using the Ansoff Matrix, lends evidence to the successful growth of the organization. Additionally, the international strategies that were implemented exhibit the foresight of the airline. The study concludes by adopting the balance scorecard framework to evaluate the organization from four pertinent perspectives of an organization which includes financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business process and learning and growth.
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Analysing skills, education and wages in Faisalabad: implications for labour market
This study discusses skills of workers, especially educational attainment and technical and vocational training capacity and its relationship with wages in district Faisalabad. The analysis highlights the need to promote technical and vocational skills and education of labour force through greater investment on training programs so that male and female productivity could be increased. Education and vocational training of female needs to be increased in order to increase labour force participation rate of women in the district. Furthermore, education reforms especially in technical and vocational education are necessary which needs to be closely linked to the requirements of the domestic industry, service and agriculture sector in the district.
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Application of an empirical expression for full energy peak efficiency for the estimation of volumetric efficiency in large sample neutron activation analysis
An estimation of volumetric efficiency in large sample neutron activation analysis through the application of an empirical expression for the full energy peak efficiency was done. The gamma-ray self-attenuation correction factor and the geometric correction factor based on which the volumetric efficiency is finally estimated were experimentally and theoretically determined respectively. Within the limits of mass range of the sample investigated, there was no significant difference between the photo-peak efficiency and the volumetric efficiency. The result of the study therefore establishes that the mass (volume) of the test portions does not have significant effect on the efficiency of elemental detection when geometrical correction is considered.
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Application of Two-Level Half Factorial Design Technique for Developing Mathematical Models of Bead Width and Bead Hardness in SAW Process
The quality of weld is depicted by weld bead geometry. In submerged arc welding (SAW) bead geometry closely related to the process parameters namely welding current, open circuit voltage, welding speed and nozzle to plate distance. So it is necessary to develop the mathematical models for bead geometry in automatic SAW machine. In the present work mathematical models are developed for bead width and bead hardness by making bead on plate (12 mm thick ASTM SA 516 Grade 60). Experiments were conducted according to the two level half factorial technique and analysis of direct and interactive effect of parameters on responses are presented with the help of Design expert software. Results were clearly illustrated that bead width increases with welding current and voltage, but decreases with welding speed and nozzle to plate distance. Bead hardness increases with Welding current, welding speed and nozzle to plate distance, but decreases with voltage.
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