Association Rule Mining using Firefly Algorithm
Data mining is the process of extracting previously unknown patterns from large amount of data. Association rule mining is one of very important data mining models. Swarm intelligence is a new subfield of artificial intelligence which studies the collective behavior of groups of simple agents. In this paper, a new efficient algorithm is proposed for exploring high-quality association rules by firefly algorithm. The proposed method mines interesting and understandable association rules without relying upon the minimum support and the minimum confidence thresholds in only single run. Experimental evaluation shows the efficiency of proposed algorithm in terms of computation time.
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Availability redundancy allocation of washing unit in a paper mill utilizing uncertain data
The Availability-Redundancy Allocation Problem (ARAP) is a kind of reliability optimization problems. It involves the selection of components with appropriate levels of redundancy or reliability/availability for maximizing the system availability under some predefined constraints. Identical redundant elements are included in order to achieve a desirable level of availability. Classical mathematical methods fail in handling non-convexities and non-smoothness in optimization problems. This drawback has been removed through meta-heuristics due to their ability of finding an almost global optimal solution in reliability–redundancy optimization problems. Artificial bee colony (ABC) is one of such meta-heuristic algorithm. This paper aims to present an ABC algorithm to search the optimal solution of ARAP with nonlinear resource constraints of a parallel-series system. A washing unit of a paper mill has been taken to illustrate the approach. The experimental results demonstrate that the evolutionary approach can provide more promising solutions in comparison with the widely used single-objective approaches by classical method on parallel-series systems which are frequently studied in the field of reliability optimization.
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Building a collaborative school culture using appreciative inquiry
This article reviews the benefits of a collaborative school culture, including reduced teacher isolation, social and emotional support, opportunities for professional development and learning, and closer ties with significant stakeholders, such as families and community organizations. While collaborative cultures may be powerful, they also may be either misguided or superficial. Further, cultural change is difficult and norms such as teacher isolation and autonomy are well entrenched. These concerns point to the need for a change process that has a positive focus, is essentially self-organizing, encourages deep reflection, and avoids the pitfalls of manipulation by school administrators. This analysis points to consideration of appreciative inquiry, a strengths-based process that builds on ‘the best of what is’ in an organization. The second portion of the article reports on the impact that an appreciative inquiry process had on building a collaborative culture in 22 schools located in British Columbia, Canada and reflects on its strengths and limitations.
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Channel maintenance in Push-To-Talk Service with high redundancy level
Push-to-Talk (PTT) is a useful capability for rapidly deployable wireless mesh networks used by first responders. PTT allows several users to speak with each other while using a single, half-duplex, communication channel, such that only one user speaks at a time while all other users listen. This paper presents the architecture and protocol of a fault tolerant PTT service for PTT in all IP Networks.
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Characterization of doped polyaniline by linear mode of MALDI-TOF MS method
Polymers, the synthetic materials have truly unique properties. The polymers are a very special kind of compounds, which do not behave like small molecules do, but the properties of polymers depend on molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (MMD). The molecular characterization of PANi base synthesized chemically by condensation method is attempted using MALDI-TOF MS technique. Further the study is extended on doped PANi with two different strengths (0.01N, 1 N) of dopant HClO4. The detailed descriptions of the method of TOF (Time of Flight) and the molecular weight determination of the PANi base and its doped form as conducting polymers have been studied quantitatively and strength of the dopant on the molecular characterization is also identified.
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Comparative Study of Adaptive Filtering Algorithms and the Equalization of Channel
This paper presented a study of four algorithms, the equalization algorithm to equalize the transmission channel with ZF and MMSE criteria, application of channel Bran A, and adaptive filtering algorithms LMS, NMLS and RLS to estimate the parameters of the equalizer filter, i.e. move to the channel estimation and therefore reflect the temporal variations of the channel, and reduce the error in the transmitted signal. So far the performance of the algorithm equalizer with ZF and MMSE criteria both in the case without noise, a comparison of performance of the LMS, NLMS and RLS algorithm.
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Comparison of Performance Measures of an Integrated H/w and S/w Systems under Priority and Preventive Maintenance
This paper deals with a cold standby redundant integrated h/w and s/w systems with priority, preventive maintenance, maximum operation time and maximum repair time. The system fails completely directly from normal mode. A single repair facility is provided who visits the system immediately. After, a maximum operation time system undergoes for preventive maintenance directly from normal mode. If repair of the h/w is not possible by the server up to a pre-specific time, it is replaced by new one with some replacement time. However, only up-gradation of the software by new one is made whenever s/w fails to execute the desired function properly. In model 1st, no priority is given whereas; in 2nd model, priority is given to s/w up-gradation over h/w repair. The failure time distribution of the h/w and s/w follows negative exponential while the distributions of preventive maintenance, repair, up-gradation and replacement time are taken as arbitrary with different probability density functions. The comparative study of mean time to system failure (MTSF) and profit function of both models have been made graphically with respect to preventive maintenance rate for fixed values of other parameters.
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Critical review of success factors of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on competency building of it based organization
This research paper is based on extensive research work on success factors and framework of knowledge management in competency building of business organization. In this research paper the researcher analyzed the success factors, which are enablers towards decision making process and explore the knowledge management in every phases of the organizational decision making process. The researcher is also tried to optimize the decision making capabilities in competency building on decision making platform towards business optimization. This paper is also emphasized the success factors which directly affected to decision making capabilities in competency building of business organization.
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Degree of imprortance of interaction between parents of students and teachers
The practice of interaction between parents and teachers is considered of utmost significance. No doubt, the present environment in the educational institutions of higher learning may not seem fit for such interaction. But if a small step is taken in this regard by involving the students and their parents through meetings of the parents and teachers, information to parents about the attendance of the students, information to parents about the performance of students, communication for disciplinary action against defaulters, feedback from the parents and suggestions of the parents, it will usher a new era in the qualitative aspects of an educational institutions of higher learning. The sample has been taken from 44 institutions of higher education in Haryana. 10 students from each institution were included in the sample. These 44 institutions include 19 urban aided institutions (13 co-ed. And 6 women colleges), 8 urban government institutions (5 co-ed. and 3 women colleges), 11 rural aided institutions (3 co-ed. and 8 women colleges) and 6 rural government institutions (3 co-ed. and 3 women colleges).
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Design of coding schemes with low peak to average power ratio for OFDM systems
A coding scheme for OFDM transmission is proposed, exploiting a connection between pairs of Golay complementary sequences and second-order Reed-Muller codes. Using a realization of 16-QAM or 64 QAM constellation as the vector sum or two or three QPSK constellation respectively we construct 16 QAM and 64 QAM sequences having low PAPR. In this paper, we further examine the squared Euclidean distance of these M-QAM sequences and their variations. Our aim here is to combine the block coded modulation (BCM) and Golay complementary sequences to trade off the PAPR, the code rate, and the squared Euclidean distance of M-QAM OFDM signals
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