Status of teacher education in Pakistan- A problem centered approach
The present paper is an attempt to explore the status of teacher education in Pakistan with reference to challenges in the field of teacher education curriculum and teacher education institutions. The objectives of this study were to find out the challenges faced by the teacher education institutions and to highlight the factors responsible for the low performance of the teacher education institutions. It was a theoretical study in which available related literature was explored. Major findings inferred from review were that teachers educators are reluctant to change in curriculum or in teaching methods, the entry criteria into teacher education programmes is low, usually whoever does not get any other opportunity, his/her last choice becomes teaching, no national standards for entry qualification of teachers, lack of professionalism in teacher educators, isolated curriculum which has no connection with realities of classroom and school environment, lack of planning for teaching practice, political interference, lack of infrastructure and lack of research and innovations in the area of teacher education, lack of promotion structure of in-service teachers and lack of Incentives for teachers for appearing in continuous professional development programmes. The quality education is strongly related to the quality of teacher education in any education system. Today, teacher education institutions are facing multiple problems and confronted with number of challenges. In order to face these challenges we need complete renovation of our teacher education programmes. The status of teacher education in Pakistan can be raised by certain measures in order to meet the challenges in teacher education field offering incentives for educators for successful implementation of any innovative programmes of teacher education, raising the entry criteria /standards of into teaching profession, making teaching profession attractive , teachers’ training for developing professionalism in teachers, course on professional ethics, courses may be redesigned to make it correlated with real practices and problems of classroom and school, teacher education curriculum may be made more practice-oriented rather merely theory- oriented, raising, budget for education, stopping political interference in teachers’ selection and transfer, introducing separate teacher education cadre and a national commission for teacher education, conducting research for resolving teacher education problems and bringing innovations in teacher education programmes, relating in-service teacher education programmes to teachers’ concern.
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Structural and Vibrational Analysis of Hybrid Composite Marine Propeller
The conventional propellers for marine application are the standard Propulsion System for surface ships & underwater vehicles. These propellers are metallic alloy type like NAB (nickel aluminum bronze), NMnB, and MnAlb etc. Because of their high strength and stiffness, But they create more vibrations & noise, expensive machining process ,poor acoustic damping properties ,low corrosion & fatigue performance. The present proposed study on the composite marine propeller which is contrary to metallic propeller properties & has advantages like high strength to weight ratio, stiffness to weight ratio &has most unique characteristic shape adaptability. The propeller design is to be carried by The standard KCD-series model propeller with 5 require high end modeling to get a required hydrofoil shape is carried in CATIA .The structural &vibration analysis will be done in ALTAIR OPTISTRUCT FEA to compare the metallic & composite to evaluate the suitability of composite material for marine propeller. Than analysis is carried for different layup materials of composite propeller to get an optimum stresses, deflections and normal modes of frequencies.
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Studies of Global and Reactivity descriptors of Cyanuric acid tautomers in different solvents by using Chemometric Methods
Chemometrics is the application of statistical and mathematical methods, in particular multivariate methods, to handle chemical or process data. In this study, the global and reactivity descriptors with multivariate methods have been utilized as a potential tool for grouping of cyanuric acid. The global and reactivity descriptors of cyanuric acid tautomers were analyzed using Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) in different solvents. The tautomers constitute groups are similar in three solvents namely THF, DMF and water, but in ethanol solvent show different groups. In three solvents (THF,DMF and water), five tautomers, CA2, CA4, CA5, CA6 and CA7 constitute one group, but CA4, CA5, CA6 and CA7 unique well distinguished from the rest. The CA8, CA9 and CA1 tautomers constitute second group and CA10, CA11 and CA3 constitute a cluster of three tautomer types. In ethanol solvent , three tautomers, CA5, CA6 and CA7 constitute one group, the CA8, CA9 and CA1 tautomers constitute second group and CA10 and CA11 constitute a third group and CA2,CA3 and CA4 constitute a fourth group. The HCA results are very similar to those obtained with the PCA results.
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Studying the Designed Parameters of Carbonic Gas Production Unit's Solvents in the Way of Diesel Combustion
Carbonic gas by chemical formula CO2 and having acidic property (weak) has many uses as a primal material or intermediate. The first step in produce CO2 gas is diesel combustion. Basically, the conventional methods of fuel combustion, the burning of excess air for complete combustion is used but the CO2 gas production unit must be careful that the air was completely theoretical and no excess air is consider. Because of the separation of CO2 from combustion gases, Mono Ethanol Amine (MEA) solvent is used. This solvent is an amine alcohol with the chemical formula , that because of having alcohol structure is highly sensitive to oxygen And in contact with free oxygen, the alcohol agent becomes to aldehyde and acid That eventually led to the deterioration of the solvent can cause several side effects such as decrease in production rate, the loss of solvent, the phenomenon of corrosion, foam and …This article examines the designed parameters of carbonic gas production unit's solvents in the way of diesel combustion.
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Studying the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior
The purpose of writing the current paper is to survey the relationship between managers’ emotional intelligence with their employees’ citizenship behavior in Saderat Bank in Alborz province. The research methodology was descriptive one in which 2 questionnaires foe gathering data were applied. The results of Chi Square test show that there are positive and meaningful correlations between emotional intelligence and its dimensions with OCB. Also the impact of empathy and motivating oneself were more than other dimensions. After that the positive correlation between educational level and OCB in employees was proved. Finally applying Binomial text shows that all variables apart from social skills and OCB were placed in low levels.
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Synthesis and evaluation of oil sorbent based on natural modified cellulose derivatives for treatment of oil spill
Hydroxypropylcellulose acrylate (HPCA) macromonomer was prepared by esterification of hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) with acryloyl chloride in homogenous solution of dimethyl formamaide (DMF). Then the produced HPCA macromonomer was copolymerized with ethylhexyl acrylate (EHA) using two types of crosslinkers and azobisisobutyronitrile(AIBN) as initiator. Several parameters were considered namely, monomers feed ratio, type and concentration of the applied crosslinkers. The synthesized macromonomer was characterized by fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1HNMR) spectroscopic analyses. Also, the thermal properties of the crosslinked copolymers were investigated by using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Furthermore, morphological properties of these crosslinked copolymers were studied through scan electron microscope (SEM) and their swelling efficiency was thoroughly investigated in heavy and light oil.
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Synthesis, growth and Characterizations of Cesium Sulfamate single crystal by solution growth technique.
An organic nonlinear optical crystal of Cesium Sulfamate crystal has been synthesised and grown by the slow evaporation solution growth method. Single crystals of optical quality were obtained by slow evaporation technique. The grown crystals were characterised by powder XRD, UV-visible spectroscopy, DTA analysis and SHG measurement test. The SHG efficiency of crystal is greater than urea and transmittance cut off wavelength is 424nm. Hyperpolarizability analysis of Cesium Sulfamate were performed with the help of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations using Gaussian 03 software.
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Testing Random Walk and Weak Form Efficiency Hypotheses: Empirical Evidence from SAARC Region
This empirical study attempts to examine Random walk and Weak Form Efficiency of capital markets of Pakistan , India , Srilanka and Bangladesh constituted as SAARC countries . The Daily , Weekly and Monthly observations of period Jan 2005 to Dec 2010 were examined by using broadly used tests; Autocorrelation, Ljung-Box Q-Statistic, Run test, Unit root test and Variance Ratio tests were used. All daily returns of indices found to be follow non-normal distribution and all monthly returns of all indices were negatively skewed. To sum all, we conclude that none of capital markets is characterized by Random walk and hence are not Weak form Efficient for the examined period. This indicates that there exists utility for technical analysis, availability of arbitrage profit and opportunities for investment management by diversification of portfolios across the markets.
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The administration of FADAMA and agricultural sector performance in Nigeria
Agriculture was the mainstay of the Nigerian economy before the discovery of oil in commercial quantity in the late 1960s to early 1970s. The sector provides employment opportunity for a larger portion of the nation’s population. So also is the provision of raw materials for most industries and provision of food for the nation. With the discovery of oil in the country, the sector has been witnessing decline in terms of performance. This has prompted the government in the early 1990s to establish fadama among many other measures aim at alleviating the problem facing agriculture. This study therefore examines the impact of fadama administration on the performance of agricultural sector in Nigeria. The study adopted qualitative analysis by comparing agricultural sector’s performance pre and post fadama establishment. The findings show mixed fortune in the performance of the sector. Whereas the total agricultural production has been on the increase, it has not been enough to meet the domestic consumption as the nation still import some agricultural products especially food items. Also the contribution of the sector to GDP is declining much as labour mobility from the sector to more lucrative sector is becoming rampant. The study therefore concludes that more funding be allocated to fadama in particular and the entire sector in general so as to address the problems detected by the findings.
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The effect of workplace deviance behaviour on employee performance
The study investigated the effect of workplace deviance on employee performance with reference to Unilever Manufacturing. Nigeria Plc. Lagos, Nigeria. The objective of the study is to determine whether organizational deviance and interpersonal deviance jointly affect employee performance and also to ascertain the association between workplace deviance behavior variable and employee performance. The study employed survey research. Primary data was used for the study with questionnaire as research instrument. The subjects were two hundred and twenty employees of Unilever Manufacturing, Nigeria Plc. The six hypotheses formulated for this study were tested using multiple regression and Pearson’s Correlation. The finding revealed that organizational deviance and interpersonal deviance jointly and individually predict employee performance, the result also indicated association between workplace deviance behavior variables adopted and business performance.
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