Serological and Molecular characterization of Bacterial isolates using 16S Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis from soil sediments of Kotumsar Cave Ecosystem, Chhattisgarh, India
Bacterial communities exist everywhere in the universe so in the caves. The ever increasing human activities inside any cave, in the form of ecotourism exert a major impact on its native microbial communities, which often stops its growth and pollutes the whole ecosystem. The situation is often found to be responsible for producing some human pathogenic bacteria inside it, which might pose a threat of infection to the other tourist. Kotumsar cave is a well known tourist pulling limestone cave of central India. In the present study the soil bacterial communities earlier isolated and characterized from different microhabitats of Kotumsar cave have been further confirmed by molecular identifications by applying 16S rDNA analysis and serotyping. All bacterial strains were also assayed for antibiotic resistance. Among the tested strains, support the PIB-win results and also shows the maximum resistance (about 69.23%) to Vancomycin and Polymyxin B.
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Significance of quality attributes in teaching fraternity as viewed by students
A single factor that enables the teachers to discharge their responsibilities is commitment. This commitment is towards their profession, excellence, students, society and basic human values. A teacher is supposed to possess various quality attributes like updating of knowledge, teaching skills, providing course material from various sources to the students, outside class-room assistance to the students, use of modern teaching aids, communicating the teaching plans and revising and upgrading the syllabus. The degree of importance in various quality attributes of faculty members is examined by the students. The sample has been taken from 44 institutions of higher education in Haryana. 10 students from each institution were included in the sample. These 44 institutions include 19 urban aided institutions (13 co-ed. And 6 women colleges), 8 urban government institutions (5 co-ed. and 3 women colleges), 11 rural aided institutions (3 co-ed. and 8 women colleges) and 6 rural government institutions (3 co-ed. and 3 women colleges).
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Some Physical and Engineering Properties of Persian Shallot (Allium hirtifolium Boiss.)
Persian shallot grows as a wild plant in some mountains of Iran. Persian shallot, a bulb producing plant from Alliaceae, is a wildly growing plant collected for its bulbs. Bulbs of Persian shallot, called “Mooseer” in Farsi, are oval, white skinned, usually of one and rarely of two main bulbs and are completely different from common shallot (Allium ascalonicum). In this study, various physical properties of Persian shallot were determined at a moisture content of 68.62% w.b. The equatorial diameters, polar diameters, shape index, volume and density were 36.647 ±3.30 mm, 33.242 ± 3.47 mm, 1.0898 ± 0.07, 3.5106 ± 0.961 cm3 and 5211.292 ± 1108.463 Kg.m-3, respectively. The static coefficient of friction was obtained on the plywood surface followed by the glass and the galvanized iron sheet surfaces. The shear strength increased with an increase in loading rate. Linear model for describing the mass of Persian shallot, by applying dimensional characteristics and volume was investigated. The results showed that mass modeling of Persian shallot based on oblate spheroid shaped volume (Vosp) and geometric mean diameter (Dgm) are the most appropriate models, respectively.
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Statistical Analysis of Research Stattions Effect on the Yeild of Varieties of Cowpea
A design of experiment is a plan to collect measurement or observation according to a pre arrange plan in such a way as to provide the basic for valid inference. This work was carried out to examine the research station effect on the yield of Cowpea varieties. The station are four locations in Nigeria (Kaduna, Shika, Mokwa and Kano). Eight different varieties of Cowpea were considered (Tg 1910-8F, Tg 1844 – 1E, Tg1019 – 2E, Tg1904 – 6F, Tg1910 – 2F, Tg1448 – 2E, Tg1908 – 1F, and Tg1740 – 2F). The data are secondary data, collected from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan, Oyo State. The result showed that research locations has no significant effect on the yields of cowpea varieties. The use of Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) design in Kaduna station, Shika station, Mokwa station and Kano station had 27.2%, 109.9%, 63.04% and 53.7% gain in experimental precision respectively.
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Study on behaviour of HSC square column with GFRP wrapping
An experimental study has been carried out on axially loaded short and slender high strength concrete columns confined with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets. A total of 10 specimens were loaded to failure in axial. The column specimens are square in shape with 150 mm length,150 mm width and 1000 mm height. Concrete compressive strength was 58 MPa. All columns were reinforced with steel and wrapped with different layers of GFRP. Results of testing was increasing the compressive strength of concrete column with GFRP wrapping, the columns wrapping with glass FRP is most effective in control column. Four layers of FRP wrapping of column was gave the highest result of compressive strength test. A modified analytical model was presented to predict the strength of FRP-confined square column.
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Study on changing trend of technology transfer in pharmaceutical biotechnology in Iran in order to identify the model
Biotechnology is one of the new and strategic technologies which have been regarded as a suitable and powerful tool for access to sustainable development. For this reason, some countries have made long-term investments and planning for utilization of its potential. In Iran, many efforts have been made to progress biotechnology and pharmaceutical biotechnological projects have been transferred to the country. But requirement of a suitable technology transfer to the country is transfer of this technology based on a compiled and conscious plan. In this article, three objectives have been considered: The first objective is views of the experts about essential questions including barriers to technology transfer in pharmaceutical biotechnology, methods of technology transfer and the used models for transfer. The second objective is study of technology transfer process in projects transferred to the country. In this regard, different phases of technology transfer were specified and the specialists were asked to answer this question to specify weak and strong points in technology transfer. The third objective is study of factors effective on technology transfer in pharmaceutical biotechnology. In this regard, important elements in technology transfer process which can cause to progress this industry in the country were specified by coordination with specialists and experts and such indices were studied with use of DEMATEL technique to specify what elements are effective on technology transfer process and which elements are affected in technology transfer process which can play important role in decision of the authorities.
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Synthesis, growth and characterization of nonlinear optical crystal: L-arginine monohydrate
Single crystals of L-arginine monohydrate of reasonable size and excellent quality were grown by the solution growth method. The powder XRD of the samples suggested no significant change in the unit cell dimensions and the presence of any extra phase. The structural analysis can be useful in the clarification of the role of hydrogen bonds in crystals exhibiting non-linear optical properties. The dielectric studies shows the the governance of various polarization mechanisms. The mechanical response of the crystal has been studied using Vickers microhardness technique.
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The analysis of stress around tunnel in shear stress domain
One of the important models in tunnel design and underground structures are determining the stresses and stress concentrations around them. The method of analysis is usually based the theory of elasticity. Therefore; it has the advantages of accuracy and uniqueness respect to the numerical models. The stress conditions in subsurface or underground domains are usually in the form of both normal and shear stresses. Those are because of the geological features such as bedding, jointing, folding and nonuniformity of petrology. Therefore; the directions of principal stresses are not parallel to the original Cartesian coordinates and they make specific angles to the x and y-axis. The analysis is two-dimensional for circular tunnel and it is applied for plane stress and plane strain conditions. The analysis can be applied for the case of supporting pressure pi. The radial and tangential deformations could also be determined at the roof and walls of tunnel.
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The Relationship between IPA and Correct Pronunciation
English is a vehicle for international communication. In order to meet the demands of modern society, English teachers need to pay more attention to the development of learners’ competence and focus on a more effective and successful method. This paper aims at stressing current perspectives on pronunciation learning and teaching. It summarizes the background of pronunciation teaching, emphasizes the need for incorporating pronunciation into foreign language classes owing to regarding pronunciation as a key to gaining full communicative competence, The present study investigated the possible relationship between IPA, stress and pronunciation skill of Iranian EFL learners. Seventy Iranian intermediate EFL students were selected as the main sample based on their performance on Oxford placement test. All participants were given a test of IPA and word stress. There was also a pronunciation test which was performed orally to evaluate their total pronunciation proficiency. Two EFL teachers participated in the scoring procedure. Pearson correlation test was run to the results of different sections of the pronunciation test using SPSS 22 to answer the research questions and to investigate the possible relationship between IPA, stress, and pronunciation skill of Iranian EFL learners. The relationships between Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ total pronunciation skill and two components of pronunciation skill of including IPA competence and knowledge of word stress, were examined through running Pearson correlation test. The results indicated that there was a significant correlation between IPA competence and total pronunciation test scores of Iranian EFL students. It was found that there was also significant relationship between students’ English pronunciation test scores and their performance in word stress.
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Theoretical prediction of elastic properties of garnets
The elastic properties of mantle minerals are important for the interpretation of the structure and composition of the lower mantle and also in seismic studies. The elastic properties of minerals depend on its composition, crystal structure, temperature and the level of defect. In the present work we have calculated the elastic parameters such as bulk modulus, shear modulus, seismic velocities, and Debye temperatures of some garnets such as Pyrope garnet (Mg3Al2Si3O12) and Grossular garnet (Ca3Al2Si3O12) at different temperature ranges by using Hill's averaging method and other methods of thermodynamics.
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