Students’ Leadership Behavior: What’s Driving Them?
Leaders are backbone in an organization. They are the one that determine the direction of an organization whether to be further victorious or not. Leaders have an undeviating and massive impact on the followers as well. Past research indicated that when followers are selecting their leaders it is based on many indistinct characteristics. Thus this study is to identify the characteristics that develop into the factors to select a good leader among students. Findings from this present study indicated that from the five dimension of independent variables (responsibility, education, personality, skill and gender), three (education, personality and skill) were directly associated with selecting a good leader among the students. Among the three, education had the biggest impact on selection of a good leader among students. Education being the most imperative factor because a leader with first-class education will gain reverence without much difficulty, be trusted and their words are considered to be more significant and grant greater impact on the followers. It is highly hoped that information gleaned from this present study will shape and produce leaders with first-class qualities for the world of tomorrow.
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Studying the behavior of consumers Dairy products (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt) in Kermanshah and Kurdistan
Consumer behavior analysis is based on consumer’s buying behavior. It aims at improving business performance through an understanding of the customer’s preferences and desires. In today’s world of growing competition where there are numerous brands selling the same products, consumers have an abundant number of choices and many diverse factors influence their buying behavior. The purpose of present paper is to compare and analyze the behavior of Dairy products consumers in Kermanshah and Kurdistan which addresses to the relationship between the aspects of consumers' behavior, demographical variables and their importance in each studied city. 92 individuals in Kermanshah and 102 individuals in Kurdistan were randomly sampled and accepted to answer. By measuring each index by determining variables which could measure them, we studied and compared both communities by using Kolmogorov – Smironov as well as Cramers V and Freedman tests. Research findings show that mental and personal factors in Kurdistan have more impacts on the behavior of processed meats than Kermanshah so that there is a significant difference between such factors in studied cities. In the meantime, it became clear that the importance degree of each behavioral aspect of consumers in Kurdistan and Kermanshah is somehow in harmony: 1. Personal factors, 2. Mental and hidden stimulant factors, 3. Social factors.
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The Antecedent’s Factors that Advance the Employees Commitment in Organization
The corporate sector is vital mainstay that contributes towards the economic development of the country. This study examines the relationship of training opportunities, career opportunities, and work Motivation and satisfaction on employee commitment. The result of conceptual study shows that career training opportunities, career opportunities, and work Motivation and satisfaction have a positive relation with the commitment of employees in corporate sector of Pakistan. Organizations that provide career and learning opportunities have a committed workforce that has ultimately boosted the performance and productivity of the organization. Other factor of job related variables such as work motivation and job satisfaction has also a significant positive link with employee commitment. Conclusion, future research direction and recommendation are discussed in the end of paper which will help future researchers to better understand the phenomenon.
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The effect of deposit money banks credit on Nigerian economic growth
This study examined the effect of bank credit to the private sector on economic growth in Nigeria using data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and bank credit to private sector (BCPS). Inflation and interest rates were included in the study as control variables. All data were obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and span across 1981 to 2010. Data stationarity were ensured using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) statistic, while the OLS were applied to ascertain the impact of bank credit to the private sector on economic growth. Results of the analysis showed that bank credit to private sectors has a statistical strong positive relationship with GDP and that as expected, bank credit to the private sector has statistically significant effect on economic growth. The paper recommends that the CBN should lower its minimum rediscount rate to a moderate level that will enable banks fix low interest rates on their loanable funds while adopting direct credit control to favour preferred sectors like Agriculture and manufacturing. Finally, monetary authorities should through monetary policy reduce legal reserves requirement for banks to enable the banking sector to create more credit for the economy. This will enhance investment, job and employment opportunities which on the other hand will boast economic growth in the country.
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The Effect of Ideology on lexical and Syntactic Choices in Literary Translation: A Case Study of The Persian Translation of The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
As Simpson (1993) writes, ideology has been defined as the tacit assumptions, beliefs, and value systems which are shared collectively by social groups. These indications show the influence of translator’s mental frameworks through which he / she translates and interprets the texts. This study investigated ideological aspects of literary translation by specifically focusing on the analysis of the textual features of a literary source text, namely, Morier’s Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, a novel originally published in English in 1823, and its corresponding translated target text, namely, Sargozašt-e ??ji B?b?-ye E?fah?ni, rendered into Persian by Mirza ?abib I?fahani in the 1880s. Employing Halliday’s (1985) systemic functional linguistics (SFL) for the analysis and assessment of translated works, the researchers analyzed the TT by accounting for the sets of constraints within which the expression of ideology take place. In order to indicate the ideological aspects, the study concentrated on the analysis of a number of textual features, namely, “nominalizations”, “voice shifts”, “modality shifts”, “agency shifts”, and “thematic progressions”. The study finally comes up with the conclusion that the TT has been under the influence of ideological manipulation by the translator in order to conform to the target culture’s textual and social values.
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The Effect of Vertical and Horizontal Exposure of Beta-Radiation and Magnetic Field on Ni-Cr Alloy Properties
An experimental investigation of applying a magnetic field and a radiation source horizontally with the direction of alloy once and vertically in another, current range passing through alloy is (1-3) AMP. Alloy conductivity increase with magnetic field strength in the case of applying a magnetic field horizontally with the electrons movement direction once and vertically in another. Alloy electrical conductivity decreases with irradiation time when applying a magnetic field horizontally with the electrons movement direction once and vertically in another. Alloy conducutivity decreases with irradiation time by applying a magnetic field and a radiation source horizontally with the direction of alloy once and vertically in another. Magnetic field intensity increases with temperature when applying a magnetic field and a radiation source horizontally with the electrons direction in the alloy once and vertically in another.
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The Influence of Workplace Happiness Towards Teachers Innovative Behavior in Malaysia Education Organizations
This study aims to identify (1) the correlation between workplace happiness with teachers innovative behavior, and (2) the influence of workplace happiness on the teachers innovative behavior. A total of 835 teachers from 167 secondary schools were randomly selected daily from the three states in northern Peninsular Malaysia (Penang, Kedah and Perlis) as a sample. A questionnaire consisting of four parts have been used to obtain data from respondents. Translated questionnaire of Pryce-Jones (2010) was used to measure workplace happiness. Meanwhile, a questionnaire from Nik Azida (2007) was used to measure the behavior of teachers innovative. Findings indicate there are four dimensions of workplace happiness has a correlation with the behavior of teachers innovative. Furthermore, the results show several dimensions of workplace happiness has a significant influence on the contribution of teachers innovation behavior namely teacher contribution and teacher confidence. In conclusion, this study describes how the principal use of the workplace happiness to further strengthen the leadership and school culture in order to enhance school improvement such as the behavior of teachers innovative.
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The split majority domatic number of a graph
Let G = (V,E) be any simple finite graph. A subset D of V (G) is said to be Split Majority Dominating set of G if and the induced subgraph is disconnected. A split majority dominating set D is said to be minimal if there exists a vertex v of V such that D-{v} is not a split majority dominating set of G. The Split Majority Domatic Number denoted by is the maximum number of disjoint minimal split majority dominating sets obtained for a graph G. In this article, we have initiated the study of this concept.
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Thermo Economic Evaluation for Co-Firing Power Generation Station
The main objective of the current proposed work is to study the technical, environmental and economical feasibility of the implantation of co firing technology in a Biomass power plant with pulverised low rank coal. Co-firing biomass and coal increases the use of sustainable fuels without large capital investments, and takes advantage of the high efficiencies obtainable in coal-fired power plants. Fuel diversity is another advantage of biomass/coal co-firing. Co-firing reduces the need for a constant supply of biomass required as in a biomass power plant, and is a viable way to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants from power-generating facilities. As a result, using renewable and sustainable energy resources, such as biomass co-firing, for electricity production exhibits great potential in the near future. The use of dedicated biomass feed stocks for electricity generation could help to reduce the accumulation of greenhouse gases. This work focuses on minimization of overall unit cost of electricity with a maximum performance.
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Undergraduate students’ perception of the final year project supervisory process: a case study at a private university in Malaysia
The purpose of this paper is to understand undergraduate students’ perception of the Final Year Project’s supervisory process. A survey was carried out to elicit the students’ views to gain an insight into their experience during the supervision process. The sample consisted of 91 students in a private university in Malaysia. The participants’ responses were analyzed according to the research questions and recurring themes. Only these factors are affected by gender of students: area of expertise of supervisors, timely feedback, duration of the research project and the number of meetings with supervisors. The implications of these findings are discussed. A number of implications were derived for theory, practice, and further research.
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