Zoning Mashhad Watershed for Artificial Recharge of Underground Aquifers Using Topsis Model and GIS Technique
In recent years, coincide with population growth and industrial expansion, in many countries in the world, Extract water of underground sources expanded and annual withdrawal of ground water is higher than the annual feeding. This means extracting and using the water in layers that has been saved over thousands of years in the underground. Consequently groundwater levels in the area will be extracted every day and eventually drop where the water will not exist. While proper management and control of these resources will eliminate the problems of drop in water level. One way to managing groundwater resources is artificial recharge of groundwater and determine suitable locations for these purpose. growth and development trend of Mashhad city and excessive Extracting of ground water in recent years, has been essential groundwater resources management strategy in the region more than ever implied. The purpose of this study is Zoning Mashhad watershed for artificial recharge of underground aquifers using TOPSIS Model and GIS technique. TOPSIS algorithm is a Multi Criteria Decision Making, a type of compensatory model and an adaptable subgroup with strong ability to solve multi alternative problems because of having ability to overlap indicators in weak and power points . In this model, if quantitative criteria can change in to qualitative criteria, qualitative criteria can be used besides quantitative criteria. In aforementioned model, it is supposed that each indicator and criterion has steady increasing and decreasing utility in decision making matrix; it means if criteria gain more positive amount, they will be more appropriate, on the contrary the more negative amount, the less appropriate. The result and findings of different studies show that in TOPSIS method, zone 3 with (0/669) point promotes in first rank among 5 studied zones and thus it is the most appropriate zone to establish the proper area for artificial recharge of underground aquifers , in contrast zone 1 with (0/302) point goes down to the last rank and so it isn`t suitable for establishing damp and zones (4,2,5) with (0/650, 0/450, 0/325) points are located in next ranks.
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A Review of alternate fuel from synthetic plastics waste
Waste plastics are one of the most promising resources for fuel production because of its high heat of combustion and due to the increasing availability in local communities. Unlike paper and wood, plastics do not absorb much moisture and the water content of plastics is far lower than the water content of biomass such as crops and kitchen wastes. The conversion methods of waste plastics into fuel depend on the types of plastics to be targeted and the properties of other wastes that might be used in the process. Additionally the effective conversion requires appropriate technologies to be selected according to local economic, environmental, social and technical characteristics. In general, the conversion of waste plastic into fuel requires feedstocks which are non-hazardous and combustible. In particular each type of waste plastic conversion method has its own suitable feedstock. The composition of the plastics used as feedstock may be very different and some plastic articles might contain undesirable substances (e.g. additives such as flame-retardants containing bromine and antimony compounds or plastics containing nitrogen, halogens, sulfur or any other hazardous substances) which pose potential risks to humans and to the environment. Pyrolysis is the thermal disintegration of carbonaceous material in oxygen-starved atmosphere. When optimized, the most likely compounds formed are methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen carbon dioxide and water molecules.the yields of different products depend very much on the process variables. The pyrolytic oil can be blended with the conventional liquid fuels. The pyrolytic waste disposal will also mitigate the problems of environmental pollution.
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A Study on Women’s Involvement and their Training Needs in Rice Cultivation in Chatra District of Jharkhand India
A study on women’s involvement and their training needs in rice cultivation and in Chatra district of Jharkhand was studied in five selected villages one each from five selected blocks i.e. Kunda, Partappur, Simariya, Tandwa and Hunterganj covering 250 respondents. Results indicated that harvesting was the activity in which farm women were mostly involved followed by transplanting, weeding, seed selection and treatment, sowing and nursery raising and seed grain storage with weighted mean scores of 2.56, 2.57, 2.38, 2.25, 2.18, 1.96 and 1.37 respectively. Plant protection was rated first training need followed by seed and grain storage, land preparation, seed selection and treatment and sowing and nursery raising with weighted mean scores of 2.36, 2.24, 2.20, 2.08, 2.04, 2.01 respectively.
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Academic Performance Optimalization Model through Total Quality Development of Private University Management in Central Java to Face Global Competition
The same responsibility to educate Indonesian young generationlies on both private and public Universities. However, due to the rapid growth of both Universities,tighter and higher competition has been found. The lack of students entering private Universities (PTS) have made many of them collapsed.Therefore, to face the tight competition, PTS need to concern on some particular strategies to improve the number of students who enroll PTS. One of the strategies is by improving the academic performance.This study was to develop an optimalization model to improve academic performance in PTS through Total Quality Management (TQM) Development in many PTS at Central Java. The data were obtained from observation, questionnaire and in-depth formal and informal interviews to the lectures and the head of PTS. The data were gathered purposively using sequenced mixed methods. The study found thatthere was weak correlation between organizational culture, employee motivation, job satisfaction, academic performance and TQM in PTS at Central Java. Academic performance in PTS was stillworst with the index value of 3.94. Meanwhile, TQM indicated the index valueof 3.99 which was in medium to good category. As a matter of fact, it was necessary to build organizational culture, work motivation, job satisfaction to optimize academic performance also there was necessary to be develop TQM in PTS. This condition would be possibly happened along with the high commitment of the leaders, academic staffs, as well as continuous monitoring and evaluation program to achieve stakeholders’ satisfaction.
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Activated Charcoal Supported Cadmium Doped TIO2 for Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Applications
The photocatalytic activity was studied under UV light using AC-Cd/TiO2 prepared via precipitation method and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) , high resolution scanning electron micrographs (HR-SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), photoluminescence (PL) and Fourier transform Raman analysis (FT-RAMAN). The enhanced photo catalytic activity of the AC-Cd/TiO2 is demonstrated through photodegradation of methylene blue under UV light radiation at 365 nm. The mechanism of photocatalytic effect of AC-Cd/TiO2 Nano composite material has been discussed Further its antibacterial activity against two gram positive and two gram negative bacterial strain is studied.
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Aesthetics reviewed opacity, Arabic Rhetoric
Opacity, The most serious mystery and elegant poetic technique, which utilizes the mechanical poets, his poems have Most art, and to make a speech addressing Confidential, and Surprisingly violent and Brainstorming have used. Opacity, which is a trick of language in literature, rhetoric in Arabic and Persian, have been taken into consideration. In this research, based on the method of analysis - descriptive, and utilization of resources in this area to explore the aesthetic, opacity, Arabic Rhetoric deals. Results indicate that, as discussed in Arabic literature, opacity, and various types of attention, and in the lyrics of his rhetorical works, the various statements that have been, and in this context it is interesting to note the range of rhetorical opacity in Arabic literature, the less wide, had Persian literature, and the most important opacity can be single, fit, beverages, expression, and Well suited pointed out. The opacity of language arts and rhetoric that is more an art of ambiguity. In addition, an opacity which works of art, the poet and scholar and orator, to the extent that the meaning of words to create new horizons and new clothes to cover their height, and at the same time, the more A look at the valve, and also agreed meanings determination, relying on imagination to create new meaning and create the possibility of periphrastic interpretations, and multiple attempts at interpretation.
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An Efficient Intrusion Detection System for Routing Attacks in Manets: AN Analytical Report
Mobile Ad hoc Networks is a collection of wireless mobile nodes, which form temporary networks without relying on any existing infrastructure or centralized administration or standard support services regularly available in wide area networks to which the host may normally be connected. In this paper we review the security attacks on mobile adhoc networks like black hole, grey hole attacks etc. the study on security attacks and intrusion detection system has led us to illustrate some of the particular security issues.
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An empirical study on customer perception towards service quality in organized retail outlets (A Comparative Study of Organized Retail Outlets in Visakhapatnam District)
Retail outlet plays an important role in today’s context. Earlier, only some selected retail outlets were found with an exclusive range of products enjoying monopoly status. Now the trend has been changed and many sophisticated Retail shops and Mall with wide variety of products are seen everywhere. Maintaining Service quality is an inevitable tool for those retail outlets as it acts as a precursor for customer satisfaction and Loyalty. In India there have been a great successful brand both national as well as international brands and again it has been realize that brands are sustaining power to stay in the competitions. If we defined the customer satisfaction we can say “a qualitative measure of performance as defined by customer, which meet their basic requirements and standard.” Customer satisfaction is defined as “measure or determination that a product or services meet a customer’s expectation, considering requirement of both quality and service.” This paper attempts to analyze and compare the perceptions of customers towards service quality of reputed shopping Malls in Visakhapatnam District with a sample of 50 each from three retail outlets namely CMR shopping Mall, Big Bazar and Spencer Shopping Mall and totally of 150 respondents from the population selected randomly. Data from structured questionnaire was analyzed by using Percentage analysis, ANOVA and four point Likert scale.
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Antimicrobial effect of drugs, medicinal plant extracts and essential oils against Pathogenic Bacteria causing Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a term applied to a variety of clinical conditions ranging from asymptomatic presence of bacteria in the urine to severe infection of the kidney with resultant sepsis. UTI is defined also as the growth of a known bacterial pathogen more than 10000 cfu/ml in association with a positive dipstick or urinalysis. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a serious health problem affecting millions of people each year. Infections of the urinary tract are the second most common type of infection in the body. These are one of the most common bacterial infections affecting humans throughout their life span. Most of urinary tract infections are caused by gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter and Serratia. 90% of UTI cases are caused by gram-negative bacteria while only 10% of the cases are caused by gram-positive bacteria. Bacterial pathogens have evolved numerous defense mechanisms against antimicrobial agents; hence resistance to old and newly produced drugs is on the rise. The phenomenon of antibiotic resistance exhibited by the pathogenic microorganisms has led to the need for screening of several medicinal plants for their potential antimicrobial activity. The present study was conducted to identify the uropathogens based on morphological and biochemical characteristics and to study the antimicrobial effect of drugs, medicinal plant extracts and essential oils against uropathogens.
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Changes in leaf gas exchange, antioxidant enzymes and growth responses in Jatropha curcas L.: its relation to waterlogging and recovery
The responses of photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence along with changes in growth were observed in Jatropha curcas L. seedlings subjected to waterlogging. The growth characteristics, electrolyte leakage, photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were determined. The activities of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase in leaves increased with the increase duration of waterlogging, implying an integrated pathway involving catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase for protection against the detrimental effects of activated oxygen species under waterlogging, but decreased in the recovery period. A strong reduction in photosynthetic and growth characteristics was observed as a results of waterlogging. Decrease in leaf area expansion and stomatal conductance seemed to be the main cause for impairing photosynthesis-carbon assimilation, linked with biomass yield eventually. Further, the ratio between variable to initial chlorophyll fluorescence and the maximum quantum yield efficiency of photosystem II explored damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. Strong nonlinear correlation between physiological parameters and duration of waterlogging was observed.
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