Characterization of dredged sediments for a reuse as sand in mortars
Dredged sediments cause serious problems for managers of the port of Oran due to lack of storage areas on land, so the solution chosen is a dumping at sea. The present study is based on the characterization of sediments collected from different docks of the port of Oran. Results obtained have allowed delineating two areas of contamination. Contaminated sediments are dangerous wastes. For sediments contaminated with organic and inorganic pollutants, the chemical treatment with a phosphate is proposed for a reuse as sand in mortars. The results led to the conclusion of the technical feasibility of this solution.
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Cognate Object Constructions in Pakistani and British English Fictions: A Corpus based analysis
This study provides a small scale survey of English verbs that can take cognate objects (CO) both in Pakistani and British fictions in English language. Frequencies of the verbs along with cognate object constructions occurring in Pakistani English fiction (PEF) and British English fiction (BEF) have been compared and analyzed using AntConc 3.2.2w (windows) 2008. Several syntactic properties of cognate objects have also been investigated: such as the ability to take modifier, possibility of the cognate objects to be used as pronouns (it – pronominalization) have also been verified in cognate object constructions (COC) in Pakistani as well as in British English varieties. Focus of the study is on the characteristics of English verbs. It has been found that cognate object constructions are used less in PEF as compared to their presence in BEF. Proving the fact that cognate object constructions as the complex sentence structure. As English is not the native language of Pakistan, so the writers usually avoid the usage of cognate object constructions in PEF. The study establishes Pakistani English as an independent variety using its own distinctive linguistic features.
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Comparative nutritional values of Bambara nut obtained from major markets in Minna Metropolis, Niger State, Nigeria
The comparative nutritional values of bambara nut obtained from major market in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria were determined using standard analytical methods. The parameters investigated in proximate composition include protein, fat, fibre, moisture, carbohydrate and ash contents, The moisture content values ranged from 2.86±0.22 – 3.43±0.31%; crude protein 29.83±0.11 – 31.20±0.52%; crude fat 7.21±0.03 - 8.09±0.34% and ash content 3.20±0.17 - 5.98±0.40%; crude fibre 3.76±0.03 – 4.70±0.09 and total carbohydrate 48.82±0.16 – 51.56±0.21 % for bambara nut from the three markets respectively. The three samples contain reasonable amount of essential minerals such as Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Copper, Manganese, Iron and Zinc while Lead content was below the detection limits. Base on the mineral contents obtained from this work, it shows that, these samples can be use to meet the daily recommended intake value for man and his animal. This study therefore suggested that bambara nut can serve as a reliable foodstuff which can provide the basic nutrient we need in our body.
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Concept of User Friendly Modified Folding Bicycle
Bicycle is recognized as a transportation solution helping to improve various environmental, economical and social aspects. A variety of bicycle design and setups for utility are used to carry personal belongings, groceries, children and much more. One particular utility bicycle is the folding bicycle. Its design allows users to easily transport the bicycle using less space when the bicycle is “folded” in to a compact size. When using a folding bicycle with a bicycle-transit journey, it allows individuals ability to board transit vehicles. The versatility of a folding bicycle is also appropriate for air travel and for when inadequate parking and bicycle theft is a significant concern.
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Density functional theory studies on the molecular structure, vibrational spectral analysis of 4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)aniline
Primarily, the vibrational spectroscopic signature of 4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)aniline has been studied experimentally by means of FT-IR and FT-Raman techniques. The electron donating and electron withdrawing effects on the structure of aniline and effects of substituent positions on the vibrational spectra of the title molecule in comparison with similar kind of molecules have also been illustrated. The details about hyperconjugative interactions, HOMO-LUMO energy gap, and molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surface analysis have been predicted with the help of theoretical density functional theory computations.
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Detection of Heavy Metal Contents in Meat and Milk of Buffaloes from Area of Ring Road and Kasur Lahore
The purpose of this study was to detect the concentrations of various heavy metals in meat, liver, milk and fodder of buffaloes by using atomic absorption spectroscopy. For this purpose samples were collected from areas of Kasur and Ring road each having three different sites where fields are irrigated with the industrial effluents. During present investigations the level of most heavy metals in meat of buffaloes ranges from Zn 13.9 to 22.5, Co 0.625 to 33.125, Cu 0.15 to 12.8, Cd 0.14 to 20.4, Ni 2.45 to 27.54, Cr 0.242 to 0.406.However the concentration of these metals in liver of buffaloes ranges from Zn 10.81 to 77.43, Co 3.958 to 20.625, Cu 1.52 to 12.88, Cd 11.85 to 26.1, and Ni 1.29 to 23.38, Cr 0.3122 to 0.4061. In milk of buffaloes it ranges from Zn 3.197 to 18.15, Co 3.958 to 166.458, Cu 0.22 to 6.06, Cd 20.4 to 209, Ni 2.54 to 65.04, Cr 0.2653 to 3.844. Similar levels were seen in fodder of buffaloes Zn 13.15 to 25.05, Co 0.208 to 53.125, Cu 0.38 to 10.61, Cd 0.05 to 9, Ni 0.45 to 47.54, and Cr 0.383 to 0.4765. Generally most values of heavy metals have been found higher in milk of buffaloes from areas of Kasur. Detoxication of industrial effluents being used for irrigation purpose is highly recommended.
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Determination of radial cutting forces during drilling
The main purpose of this paper explore a method for determining the radial cutting forces during drilling and power spent on cutting, analytical way. Inspect and acquire the skills to work with reference books.which improved the tools efficiency .where not balanced radial components of the cutting forces ?fy, was found to specified the analytical dependences components of cutting forces. Calculations show that the vibrations of unbalanced force ?fy commensurate with magnitude fy radial component of the cutting force, and sometimes exceed this force.
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Development of Corrosion Resistant Platings for BiPolar Plates of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells – A Review
Bipolar plates (BPs) are a key component of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells with multifunctional character. They uniformly distribute fuel gas and air, conduct electrical current from cell to cell, remove heat from the active area, and prevent leakage of gases and coolant. Bi-Polar Plates also significantly contributes to the volume, weight and cost of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell stacks. Hence, there are vigorous efforts worldwide to find suitable materials for Bi-Polar Plates. The materials include non-porous graphite, coated metallic sheets, polymer composites, etc. This paper reviews various types of materials, in use and proposed, for Bi-Polar Plates and critically examines their physical and chemical properties.
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Development of thermo-regulated and eco-friendly bricks for thermo-regulated houses using anthill clay
This study investigated the development of thermo-regulated and eco-friendly bricks for thermo-regulated houses using anthill clay. Anthill Clay samples obtained from two tropical climatic locations were crushed, properly mixed with adequate water and varied proportions of Cement (0 - 20%), and subjected to standard laboratory experiments. The anthill clay samples for chemical composition, particle size distribution using sieve analysis and Atterberg limits tests were drawn before the compounding of the mixture for other tests. Specimens prepared using anthill clay and anthill-cement mix were tested, for physical, mechanical and thermal properties. The results of chemical composition, particle size distribution, atterberg limits and natural moisture content, showed that the Anthill Clay is a fireclay composed of inorganic coarse silt materials with mild plasticity. The chemical composition revealed that the clay contained residual carbon on ignition of 1.2% which is from the organic matter used by the white ants (termites) in compounding the clay, it is also responsible in regulating the amount of heat that enters the anthill. The effects of Cement on the anthill clay were visible on the dry density with an optimum value of 1878 kgm-3 at 10% additive. The Linear shrinkage and water absorption showed an inversely proportional effect to increasing additive amounts with optimum values of 1.86% and 4.22% at 10% additive respectively. The compressive strength increased with a maximum value of 9.04 Nmm-2 at 20% additive and an optimum value of 3.75 Nmm-2 at 10% additive, while the abrasion index decreased with a minimum value of 0.162units at 20% additive. The thermal conductivity had a direct proportional increase with % cement increase in the bricks, with a minimum value of 0.621W/mK at 0% additive with acceptable values at the other additive percentages. Based on the need to develop a thermo-regulated-eco-friendly brick with improved functional properties and thermoregulatory ability, the optimum product was achieved at 10% admixture (Anthill Clay + Cement 10%) which adhered to all recommended standards of the selected properties for clay bricks. The anthill clay does not emit CO2 and hence the control was from the quantity of cement added. This percentage proportion of the additive is suitable for the production of Anthill Clay brick for building thermo-regulated houses and agricultural storage structures, in urban and most especially in rural areas that are capable of withstanding the recent global warming effects in Nigeria and the world.
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Devolution in Kenya, a Case of Decentralized Resources or Political Power
The devolved system of governance should not instill a change dilemma in the Kenyan people. It is evident that devolution is likely to be met with resistance from leaders and other members. It is also evident that devolution may intensify inequalities among communities in Kenya since some regions have more natural resources endowed than others Devolution may also be a transfer of the evils committed at the central system of government like corruption and misappropriation of funds to devolved systems. Ultimately, leadership should embrace reducing change resistance methodologies of building trust in the people involved in devolution, discuss upcoming changes, avoid threats in initiating change and involves all stakeholders in implementation devolution for successful implementation of the new structure of governance. The national and county levels should embrace optimum utilization of natural and human resource, focused strategy planning, aggressive resource mobilization and financial planning management. In addition each level of government should exercise integrity and respect constitutional, functional status and government institutions at various levels. Finally, different levels of the devolved structure have an obligation to build on their strengths and opportunities while seeking to eliminate weakness found and boldly face their threats.
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