Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship
This paper highlights the review of theoretical studies on the concepts of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship; underline the similarities and differences between them. Entrepreneurship continues to thrive in almost all corners of the world. Entrepreneurs are reshaping the business environment, creating a world in which their companies play an important role in the vitality of the global economy. But there is not always necessary to establish a company in order to implement new ideas. A great potential lies in applying business principles within existing organizations.
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Evaluation of toxic effect of plant extracts having insecticidal effect to Sand fly
The established vector for Kala-azar (VL) Phlebotomus argentipes is developing tolerance/resistance against the common insecticide (DDT). However, the insecticidal effect of wild plant i.e. Clerodendron infortunatum leaf (Hexane extract) was found effective in killing 63% sand flies that can be enhanced with formulation of lead molecules. Hence, its toxicity evaluation to humans is pre-requisite. Percentage Hemolytic Inhibition activity of the extract was observed with IC50 value of 25.80 mg/L, 18.68 mg/L & 15.90 mg/L at 450 nm, 490 nm & 655 nm wavelengths respectively. The extract was found non-toxic and safer to use as a new insecticide against Sand fly.
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Executive pay-performance relationship: evidence from Islamic republic of Pakistan
The purpose of the study is to empirically examine the impact of firm size and its performance on total cash compensation of executives. The study uses a sample of 32 companies from three different sectors listed at Karachi stock exchange for the period ranging from 2006 to 2010. Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to analyze the impact of firm performance and its size on total cash compensation of executives. We find the firm size and its performance have significant and positives impact on total cash compensation of executives. The firm size is the most significant determinant of total cash compensation of executives as compared to firm performance. Most of the executive pay and performance literature is published with reference to USA, UK and other developed economies but fewer studies are conducted in developing economies like Pakistan. This is the pioneer study of its kind with reference to Pakistan so it can be a useful source of reference.
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Facial Expression Recognition Using 2d-Dct and Self Organizing Feature Map (SOM)
The combined concept of image processing [9] and neural network [3] [4] can be used in many applications like security system, medical imaging system, forensic identification system, biometric identification system and human computer interaction system (HCI) etc. Face recognition [4] [6] [7] [8] is a common approach used in security system, forensic identification system and biometric identification system. In this paper we will show how the concept of face recognition can be used to recognize the facial expression of a person. Here we use some image processing techniques like 2D-DCT [2] to compress the digital images and some preprocessing techniques to enhance the performance and then we use the concept of neural network like SOM (Self Organizing Map)[3]-[8] to recognize the facial expression efficiently. Here we use an image database consisting a number of faces of each expression to make a face space. For example, we use 10 sets of smiley faces (same person or different persons) to make a smiley face space. Now if a given image has to be recognized, the SOM will detect in which class it belongs to. The accuracy of our approach is depends on the number of epochs used in the SOM and the number of training face images.
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Genetic Diversity analysis in five accessions of Trigonella based on Seed protein Electrophoresis and RAPD
Biochemical and molecular characterization of five Trigonella accessions were carried out based on seed storage protein electrophoresis and RAPD marker. The electrophoretic pattern of proteins produced 3 monomorphic bands and 23 polymorphic bands and 7 species specific bands. RAPD results revealed high level of polymorphism among the studied genotypes. The primer OPP-02 produced reproducible polymorphic bands. A total of 19 amplified bands were generated across the studied accessions. 16 bands out of total number were polymorphic and 7 were unique. UPGMA dendrogram based Jacquard’s similarity matrix grouped all the accessions into two clusters. Based upon similarity matrix accessions A4 and A2 were close. On the other hand UPGMA dendrogram generated on the basis of jaccard’s similarity matrix revealed that accessions A1 and A2 Were very close to each other. No significant correlation was observed among the two marker systems utilized. It is concluded that Seed protein profiles could be useful, but RAPD profiles are reliable tools in the genetic diversity studies and genotype classification which can be used to improve the efficiency of Trigonella breeding programme.
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Impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases: a review of 2011 dengue outbreak in Pakistan
Dengue (dengue hemorrhagic fever) has emerged as an epidemic in Pakistan, since 1994. The recent dengue outbreak in year-2011 has drawn serious attention, which has affected over 16,000 people, out of which 306 are reported to have died. By analyzing the available scientific research, this paper reviews the consequences, which have resulted in increased activity of vector, i.e. ‘Aedes aegypti’ during year-2011. The paper establishes a link of the 2011 dengue outbreak with hydro-meteorological events, which have occurred over the year- 2011, which are attributed to climate change. The paper concludes that suitable climatic conditions prevailed during the year, which promoted the the insect’s survival time and habitat but also its replication and maturation, leading to un-president epidemic outbreak of dengue. The paper also proposes appropriate policy planning and institutional, technical, operational/administrative and social and recommendations to manage and control any future dengue outbreaks in Pakistan.
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Investigating intertexual relations in translated version of Hafez
This article was an attempt to analyze Hafez Poetry and its translated version regarding some aspects which may have gone unnoticed and may still be subject to much misinterpretation. Each couplet is full of terms which are of many probable references according to scholars.
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Lipid and lipoprotein profile in liver diseases
The study was carried out on 55 subjects made up of 27 apparently healthy individuals and 28 subjects who had liver disease. Their lipid and lipoprotein profiles were estimated using standard methods. The result showed that total cholesterol was significantly reduced from 4.71+1.44mmol/l in control to 3.37+1.46 in hepatic disease (P<0.05). Also HDL and LDL cholesterol were significantly reduced (P<0.05) from 0.89+0.37mmol/l and 3.25+1.54mmol/l respectively to 0.31+0.11mmol/l and 2.00+1.30mmol/l while triglycerides significantly increased (P<0.05) from 1.29+0.80mmol/l in control to 2.50+0.89mmol/l in hepatic disease. The result of the study showed that liver diseases can cause lipid dysfunction.
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List of articles published in the month of June 2013
Table of contents for the month of June 2013
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List of articles published in the month of November 2011
Table of contents for the month of November 2011
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