Application of Fuzzy Logic in Interior Daylight Evaluation
In the present day electricity consumption in indoor and outdoor lighting systems has continuously increased. Daylight as a primary source of illumination may be used as a sustainable development concept as the day lit area has very promising energy-saving opportunities. A Day lighting system is comprised of daylight apertures such as windows and skylights and different shading devices to control direct sunlight and glare.For getting the maximum benefit of daylight and to avoid obstructions, proper planning and layout of buildings is necessary. Artificial lighting may have to be provided when the level of illumination falls below the recommended value. Specifically, methods developed by the Indian standards have been used by Architects for years. The result is distributed in qualitative form for different distance from the location of windows. However in day lighting calculation it is very unsure to calculate that, whether a percentage of certain daylight factors are considered to be properly lighted, dark or dull? Traditionally there is a method to define a threshold over which an average daylight factor is considered a member of the bright set and under which it is not. Fuzzy Logic allows one to speak of a certain percentage of daylight factors is both a member of the bright set and the medium set, and possibly even the dark set. This paper addresses the Application of Fuzzy Logic in Interior Daylight Evaluation to control direct sunlight and glare. Besides, the design principles and strategies to obtain a window dimension for a given daylight factor has been discussed. For functional influence of the Building in warm humid climate of Coastal Odessa (Average latitude 210 North), a literature review about day lighting availability has been done. Then, the experimental set up has been described. For sufficient day lighting the calculation of solar radiation and position of windows have been worked out and graphically represented with classic and fuzzy models. Other possible design applications are suggested.
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Assessment of soil Contamination due to release of heavy metals from industries
This research work involves ten representative soil samples from the industrial area of Mysore city, Karnataka, to determine the total heavy metal content and general properties related to fertility of the soil. For digestion of heavy metals tri-acid mixture method was used. The results showed that, the iron content is higher at the range of 2.5gm/kg to 6.03gm/kg in rainy season and 3.3gm/kg to 6.0gm/kg in pre-monsoon season, for copper it ranges from 13.55mg/kg to 20.15mg/kg and 14.5mg/kg to 18.9mg/kg for rainy season and pre-monsoon season respectively. Chromium is also present in the concentration of 6.3mg/kg to 18.3mg/kg in rainy season and 6.9mg/kg to 22.5mg/kg in pre-monsoon season, zinc concentration varies from 61.9mg/kg to 109.4mg/kg and 64.3mg/kg to 112.3mg/kg for rainy season and pre-monsoon season respectively and presence of nickel varied from 9.1mg/kg to 16.05mg/kg in rainy season and 11.4mg/kg to 17.2mg/kg for and pre-monsoon season. From this study, finally we concluded that, the heavy metal concentration is little more in pre-monsoon season than that of rainy season and the heavy metal concentration is in the sequence of Fe>Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni. It reveals that presence of heavy metal has been observed from the different industries with different processes in which the industries have involved so many operations during production of materials and improper disposal of waste materials.
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Bi-Edge – graceful and global edge – graceful labeling of some graphs
Lo[14 ] introduced the notion of edge-graceful graphs. In this paper, we extend this to bi-edge and global edge-graceful graphs. Here, we completely characterized the global edge-graceful graphs.
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Content Analysis and the Challenges of Measuring Insurgencies in Nigeria: the Case of Boko Haram
This paper discusses the relevance of content analysis as a methodological tool in the study of conflict situation in Nigeria. It attempts to test the widely held assumption that poverty is the major reason for the growing number of insurgencies in the country in recent time. The central argument put forth here is that despite the weakness associated with content analysis in terms of validity and reliability, it can be used to effectively examine the content of communication, especially in conflict situations. Thus, this paper seeks to identify the link between quality research and effective policy process in Nigeria. The paper relies essentially on secondary sources of data. It recommend that government should adopt dialogue in resolving the problem of insurgency at its formative stage rather than the use of counter violence as is the case with the current Boko Haram insurgency.
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Density functional theory, comparative vibrational spectroscopic studies, NBO, HOMO–LUMO analyses and thermodynamic functions of 3, 5 dihydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxylicacid
Fourier transform infrared and Fourier transform Raman spectra of 3, 5 dihydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxylicacid were recorded in the regions 4000–450 cm?1 and 3500–100 cm?1, respectively in the solid phase. The vibrational frequencies were calculated by density functional B3LYP methods with ccPVDZ and 6-31+G(d) basis sets, using Gaussian 09W program package. A detailed interpretation of the infrared and Raman spectra of 3, 5 dihydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxylicacid is reported. The thermodynamic functions of the title compound were also studied by the above methods and the basis set. The stability of the molecule arising from hyper conjugative interactions and accompanying charge delocalization has been analyzed using natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. The HOMO and LUMO energy gap reflects the chemical activity of the molecule. The observed and calculated wave numbers are found to be in good agreement.
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Destructive impacts of explosion & estimating maximum weight of authorized explosive materials at constructive projects with case study of explosions at jamishan reservoir dam
Maximum velocity of particles and specifying pattern for energy radiation and nature of frequency as a result of explosions is regarded as most important criterion for evaluating dangers as a result of trembling earth. Based on researches it is indicated that these parameters may indicate possible damage. Until now different relations are offered for calculating these parameters by researchers but none of them has application in all of the fields and each of them in accordance with regional conditions including geology, tectonic and rock mechanics may have application at that special region. In these studies by registering and processing seismographs related to seismic data as a result of 20 explosion at Jamishan reservoir dam located at Sangher the status of vulnerability of diversion tunnel and cutoff wall of dam and also adjacent village was studied and the results are analyzed based on received data and comparing with available standards and the best method of boring and level of explosive materials for preventing from possible damages are offered.
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Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 28th July 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 28th July 2013, Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Immunohistochemistry, Molecular Biology. Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal is currently working as Asst. Professor, Department of Economics, S.N.College, Labpur, Birbhum. The appointment of Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Effect of a neurodevelopmental treatment based on physical therapy protocol for infant with Russel-Silver syndrome: A case report
The Russell-Silver syndrome is a rare genetic disease, with various clinical presentations. Little is known about its developmental delay and methods of treatment in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of physical therapy to treat a child with developmental delay caused by Russell-Silver syndrome. The intervention was performed over a period of one year, during 1-hour, twice a week, at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Motor performance and functional capacity were assessed by using the Inventory of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability (PEDI). Data were analyzed quantitatively, comparing pre-and post-treatment measures. After the intervention, there was a significant increase in scores for analysis in the areas of self-care and social function. In the area of mobility, the scores also increased, showing an improvement of the engine and consequently higher degree of functionality of the child, but the infant kept showing a lower level of development when compared with typically developing children at the same age. Physical therapy was an efficacious method of intervention, enhancing and acelerating the motor and functional development in a infant with Russell-Silver syndrome.
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Effect of black tea as eco-friendly inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of mild steel in different media
Effect of Black tea extract (BTE) as green inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of mild steel in 1.0M HCl, 1.0M H2SO4 and 35g/l NaCl was studied by potentiodynamic polarization techniques open–circuit potential, linear polarization resistance and Tafel plots polarization, its clear BTE gives inhibition in both anodic and cathodic slopes in Tafel polarization, that indicate this inhibitor used as mixed-type inhibitor, the thermodynamic adsorption isotherm was studied and falls into Langmiur isotherm, and it is physisorption isotherm. Also the surface morphology of MS samples without and with the inhibitor was examined using scanning electron microscopy.
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Effect of Vertical Integration on the Performance of Agricultural Commodity Business. Case Study of Export Trading Company Ltd
Vertical Integration remains a critical concept for organizational that seeks to own activities along the supply chain with an aim of gaining control of activities within their line of business. In most organizations vertical integration as a strategy once adopted along the supply chain, seeks to have an effect on value addition, cost reduction and control of the activities the organization has owned through vertical integration. The general objective of the project was to identify and evaluate the effects of vertical integration on the performance of agricultural commodity business. The theoretical review established the effects of vertical integration towards the performance of agricultural commodity business. The specific objectives of the study discussed the effects of ownership of warehouses; transport ownership, supplier relationship management and distribution ownership on the performance of agricultural commodity business in Export Trading Co Ltd. The study was conducted through a descriptive design to describe the effects of vertical integration on the performance of the agricultural commodity business. Stratified sampling technique ensured success of coming up with a sample size of 45 respondents from the target population of 148. Primary and secondary data was collected for the research, a semi structured questionnaires was used to collect primary data while press releases, journals, company website will provide secondary data. The primary data will be analyzed through Statistical Program of Social Studies SPSS (Version 20). The study conclusion gave percentage variations of warehousing, transport, distribution and food processing on the performance of agricultural commodity business. This provided a strong practical value from the results to assist future parties of interest within the subject of vertical integration with proper understanding of the subject.
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